Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 135 - The Adventure of the Great Departure:Trial, Part 1-1

Chapter 135 - The Adventure of the Great Departure:Trial, Part 1-1

(Jared's POV)

22nd November, 8:43 a.m.

Supreme Court of Judicature, Defendants' Antechamber 5…

"Meiji Era Japan." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this. 'I still can't believe it. I still can't believe this is happening. How can it be that just beyond the doors to this quiet little chamber... the highest court in Japan, waiting to decide my fate?'

"What's wrong?"

"Oh! No, nothing…" Ryunosuke said.

"Save your glares... murderer!" The bailiff yelled.

"... Sorry…" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this. 'My name is Ryunosuke Naruhodo. I'm a second-year student at the Imperial Yumei University. Three days ago, I somehow found myself in the middle of a horrifying incident. And now here I am, awaiting my trial.'

"That's enough! He's not obliged to listen to such abuse, Officer." Kazuma said, entering the room.

"And who are YOU?!" The bailiff exclaimed.

"I'm this man's lawyer. I'll be defending him today with Jared here as my judicial assistant."


"Yup. Kazuma will be his lawyer." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"And until the judge has given his verdict on the case... one has the right to treat him as a criminal. So you will hold your tongue!" Kazuma said,angrily.

"Tsk! Technicalities! Look at you, you haven't even graduated yet!" The bailiff said, looking at Kazuma.

"And yet, I still seem to know better than the both of you how a court officer should behave. Right, Ryunosuke, Jared?"

"Oh! Y-Yes, of course! Sorry!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"... What are you apologising to me for?"

"Oh, I... No, I suppose that wasn't my fault. ... But really, Kazuma, I never meant to drag you into this. I'm sorry…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"Ha ha ha hah! There you go again, apologising! Just like always."

"Ah…" Ryunosuke said, frowning.

"Though I must say, you've been all over the newspapers these past few days. 'Yumei University Professor Murdered in Cold Blood by Student!' But didn't actually do it, did you?" Kazuma asked.

"Of course not! You have to believe me! I didn't do it! I... I could never murder someone…"

"Then there's nothing to worry about. Straighten yourself up. Hold your head high." Kazuma said, happily.

"Kazuma's right, Ryunosuke." I said, smiling. "Stay cool. 'Remain calm' is what it means."

"You mean...?" Ryunosuke asked, looking between Kazuma and I.

"We believe you. We know you're innocent, Ryunosuke." Kazuma said.

"Kazuma Asogi, my best friend. Also in his second year at Yumei University. But he's far more clever than Jared and I. A star student, in fact. He's even a qualified lawyer. Impressive, considering he's still an undergraduate." Ryunosuke said.

"It's not that impressive. The very concept of lawyers is only a few years old. Here in Japan, anyway. My qualifications don't mean much. Yet."

"You said exactly the same thing three days ago. But I'm proud to have a friend like you, Kazuma. Truly." Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'Three days ago... Yes, that's when all this started…'


"Congrats, Kazuma!" I chirped, while I thought this to myself. 'The start of the Great Ace Attorney. God, this is crazy to think about. A complete 180 from RWBY Chibi."

"Congratulations, Kazuma! It looks like you're going to get to study abroad at last!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.

"I know! I've been forever dreaming of this day. Finally, those government elites have acknowledged my academic achievements and successes in court." Kazuma said.

"So you'll be representing Japan as you immerse yourself in the most sophisticated legal system in the world! We're really happy for you. And proud, as your friends." Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'There's not a soul in the university who doesn't know Kazuma's name. He's a living legend! It's like there's some mysterious aura billowing around his temple.'

"Ryunosuke, I want to bring about change in our own legal system. That's why I have to cross the ocean to see the real thing with my own eyes." 

"The heart of the British Empire... I wish I could see it, too."

"Then come with me! I know Jared is coming with me! We'd have a wild time tearing up the streets of Her Majesty's City of London together!" Kazuma cheered.

"If only it were that simple…" Ryunosuke said, letting out a sigh.

"Going to Victorian London, the last time I was there, a dinosaur was combusted in the Thames." I said, looking down at the floor. "It's a long story."

"Oh dear, look at the time. I'd better be going." Kazuma said, looking down at his watch.

"Alright, I'll see you later. I think I'll stay and enjoy this place a while longer." 

"Good idea. After all, it's not every day you get to visit a high-class Western restaurant like this! See you in English class tomorrow, then...partner!" Kazuma said, excitedly.

"We'll see you later, Ryunosuke." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'It was straight after that. That's when it happened…'

Supreme Court of Judicature, Defendants' Antechamber 5…

"Asogi. Shay. May I have a word?" Mikotoba asked, nearby.

"Professor! I didn't know you were coming." Kazuma said, sadly.

"Well, this case has personal significance to me. But never mind that for now. Asogi...Shay… You should go immediately to the judge's chambers."

"To His Excellency's chambers? Why?" Kazuma asked.

"He was looking for you before. Asogi, you advocating for the defence with Shay as your judicial assistant in this trial was a sudden decision. It seems there may be some confusion about procedures today as a result."

"Right." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Who is this man? I feel as though I've seen him at university before…'

"I see. We'll go at once then." Kazuma said, grabbing my hand.

"Yup." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"I shall accompany the two of you." Mikotoba said, looking between Kazuma and I.

"Alright then, Ryunosuke. We'll see you in the courtroom." Kazuma said, entering the courtroom with me.

"Enjoy your talk with him, Ryunosuke." I said, happily.

"Yes. Thanks, Kazuma, Jared. ..." Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"..." Mikotoba said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"..." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'Ugh, this is awkward…'

"If I may...?"

"Yes, sorry?"

"You must be the defendant. Ryunosuke Naruhodo, I believe?"

"Yes! Yes, that's right!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"My name is Yujin Mikotoba. I'm a professor of forensic medicine at Yumei University." Mikotoba said, smiling.

"Ah, Professor Mikotoba…" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'I've heard that name from Kazuma before. As I recall, he's been pushing to get the government to agree to Kazuma studying abroad.'

"Asogi has told me about you. You and he are best friends, I understand." 


"As such, I feel you should know…" Mikotoba said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"Know what?"

"Well, as you've no doubt heard, Asogi has been granted permission to go and study in Great Britain with Shay. However... If he should fail to defend you in today's trial... ...I'm afraid that that permission will be revoked...and never granted again."


"Ah, as I suspected... You were unaware of this. I had a feeling Asogi and Shay may have chosen not to tell you."

"...!" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'He's agreed to defend me, with Jared there as his support, knowing that if he fails, his dreams will be shattered?' He looked at Mikotoba. "But I don't understand! Why would the government do such a thing?"

"The administration has to choose from a large number of applicants for overseas study. It's very difficult to persuade them to grant permission, even in the most favourable of circumstances."

"I don't believe it... ... But I... I didn't do it! I swear it! I'm not a murderer…"

"I'm sure that's true. Nevertheless... I can assure you that proving your innocence will be no easy task. You see, there are certain...'peculiarities' about today's trial."

"Sorry? What do you mean?" Ryunosuke asked.

"You'll soon understand, once proceedings get underway." Mikotoba said.

"...! But... Then what should I do?"

"Well... Naturally I'm not going to suggest doing anything that could lead to a conviction."

"Right, so…"

"As soon as the trial starts... ...the judge will pose a certain question to the defence. When that happens, you must answer before anyone else. You must say, 'I do'."

"'I do'...? But, what will the question be? Surely...not...? 'Do you accept the accusations brought before you?'..."

"Of course not."

"Defendant! Court is about to begin. Proceed to the courtroom at once!" Bailiff yelled.

"Ah, it would seem our surreptitious discussions are to be cut short. So allow me to summarise... Kazuma Asogi must not be the defence lawyer and Jared Shay must be the judicial assistant in this trial. Of course, as the defendant, the final decision is yours." Mikotoba said, determined.

"What are you waiting for? Do you want to be found guilty for failing to appear?! Get moving! There's no point in anyone advocating for the likes of you anyway!"

"This is it... If this trial goes badly... ...Kazuma's dreams of studying abroad are over. And what's more... ...I'll be found guilty...of murder." Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'And so... ...with absolutely no idea of what lay ahead, I embarked on that unforgettable trial. My one and only chance of proving my innocence, the trial that would decide my destiny!'

22nd November, 9:00 a.m.

Supreme Court of Judicature, Courtroom 2…

"So this... is a courtroom…" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"The Supreme Court of Judicature. No court in the land has more power." Kazuma said.

"I don't much like the look of those people sitting in the public gallery." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'Lots of military and other uniforms in there…'

"The powers that be have demanded that this be a secret trial."

"A secret trial?"

"A trial that's closed to ordinary members of the public. Only military and government officials may attend."

"What? But why?"

"It'll become clear in time. But for now... need to concentrate, Ryunosuke. It's about to begin."

"Stay cool, Ryunosuke." I said, placing my arm on the table.

"The court will now hear the trial of Ryunosuke Naruhodo." The Judge said.

"The prosecution is ready, Your Excellency." Auchi said.

"As is the defence." Kazuma said.

"Before we begin, there is one point of order I would like to confirm. Yesterday evening, the defence made a last-minute request for a change of advocate." The Judge said.

"That's correct, Your Excellency. I made the request myself." 

"Normal procedure is for the defendant's advocacy to be decided two days prior to trial. As this is an unusual circumstance, I am obliged to ask for final confirmation now. Who advocates for the defendant in this trial?" The Judge asked.

"Crap." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'This is it! This must be the question! Who's going to defend me? That's the question the professor meant. But then, if I say, 'I do'... ... I need to answer quickly! What should I do?'

"Ryunosuke, think about what Professor Mikotoba told you." I said, my elbow on the table.

"Your Excellency, no confirmation is needed. As I'm standing here beside the defendant, I hope it's clear who will advocate for his defence." Kazuma said.

"Yes!" Ryunosuke said, angrily.

"What is the meaning of this unruly outburst?" The Judge asked.

"I, I would like to inform the court that, that... ...I, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, will be defending myself with Jared Shay as my judicial assistant!" 

"You'll be... WHAAAT?!"

"What are you playing at, Ryunosuke!" Kazuma said, terrified.

"Professor Mikotoba told me everything. Just now, before the trial." Ryunosuke said, frowning. "And Jared knew what he would tell me."

"He did what?"

"He said that your dreams of studying abroad would be dashed if you were to lose."

"... How sad. It means you don't have faith in me. You think I won't be able to get you off." Kazuma said, frowning.

"No! It's not that, really! It's just that... Well, on the off-chance that things don't go well for me, I couldn't bear to be the reason that you…"

"... Yes. I knew that's how you'd feel. Which is exactly why Jared and I decided not to tell you. Tsk! Professor Mikotoba shouldn't have stuck his nose in."

"Very well. The court hereby recognises the defendant's desire to advocate for himself in today's trial and having Jared as his judicial assistant." The Judge said.

"Well, well... Does the accused admit defeat already? Renouncing his own counsel! Really!" Auchi said, worried.

"Make no mistake, Counsel…" Kazuma said, doing the Objection pose. "This merely shows that the defendant's innocence is so apparent, he's confident he can speak for himself. Isn't that so, Naruhodo-san?"

"Hm? ...Oh! Yes, exactly!" Ryunosuke cheered, as he thought this to himself. 'Exactly what I WASN'T thinking! I'm not confident at all. In fact, my mind's a complete blank…'

"I realize you're in charge now, but still... Try not to look so bewildered." Kazuma said, frowning.

"Hmph. Well, for a mere university student to be brought before the Supreme Court... must have perpetrated a most heinous crime indeed." Auchi said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"As you are no doubt aware, this is the Supreme Court of Judicature of Japan. Accordingly, the very highest standards of conduct are expected of all present. Do I make myself clear, Defendant Naruhodo?" The Judge asked.

"Yes! ...Your Excellency!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"It is therefore my duty to assess your competence for the task you have undertaken."

"My competence?" Ryunosuke asked, and he thought this to himself. 'What does that mean?'

"He wants to know if you can do your job. Being a defense attorney. Well, defending yourself." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Well, he can't be questioning it more than I am!'

"So, let's start with the very simplest of questions." The Judge said.

"Oh, um... Yes!" Ryuno said, terrified.

"Kindly state before the court the name of the victim in this case."

"It's okay, Ryunosuke." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Well that's easy enough. I've heard his name more times than I'd care to remember. But... Wait. Ugh, I'm so nervous, I can't even remember that! What was it again?'

"Ryunosuke... Let me guess. Your mind's gone blank?" Kazuma asked.

"Erm…" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'You know me so well.'

"All the relevant information for this case can be found in the Court Record."

"But, but I can't even find that…"

"It's simple. You can access the Court Record with a press of [R / E]. If you ever find you've forgotten something, just consult that. It's all in there."

"Right, that's the dialogue for the PC port." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I just have to press [R / E] for the Court Record? Alright, there's no time to lose!'

"This is the list of evidence you've collected. Now try switching to 'People' instead with [R / RB / E]. You'll find details about the victim in here. When you're done, just press [B / Z] to go back. So remember, everything to do with the current case can be found in the Court Record. Now, you'd better not keep His Excellency waiting any longer. Go on. Find the victim in the 'People' section of the Court Record, then press [X / Y / R] to 'Present'. Try it now." Kazuma said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"Here you go." I said, passing Ryunosuke the file of John H. Watson's profile.

"The victim's name was Dr John H. Watson." Ryunosuke said, presenting the file of John H. Watson.

"Tsh huh huh... Well, at least you can remember the name of an esteemed member of your own university." Auchi said.

"Dr Watson was a visiting professor from England, invited to Yumei University three years ago." Kazuma said.

"In another time, Dr Watson and I are friends." I said, sadly. "We were pretty close for years. Can't believe that he's dead in this time period."

"Indeed. Which is the reason why this case has such profound implications. The British Empire... at present, our country's most valuable foreign ally. And as most of you will be aware, we have just signed a new treaty together, after lengthy negotiations." The Judge said.

"There can't be anyone who hasn't heard of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Friendship and Navigation." Kazuma said.

"And yet despite these delicate circumstances, the blood of an Englishman has been spilt on our soil! You two are both undergraduates at the Imperial Yumei University, are you not? Murdering a professor from the very institution that provides your education... Have you no honour?!" Auchi exclaimed, looking between Kazuma and Ryunosuke.

"Ugh…" Ryunosuke said, frowning.

"Ryunosuke, I know you didn't do it." I said, taking out some Pocky to snack on them. "There's no need to worry. Everything's fine."

"This case is coming under great scrutiny from our allies on the other side of the world. The court therefore wishes for a speedy resolution to this matter." The Judge said.

"Hmph. In other words, our feeble government is scared of upsetting England's policy makers. And you're a convenient and expendable scapegoat to blame for this crime." Kazuma said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"So that's why this trial has these unusual peculiarities, is it?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Exactly. Our government needs to convict someone as quickly as possible. All because the victim was an Englishman."

"I had to ask a friend of mine, Captain Jack Harkness, if I could come here. We both know the implications this would cause." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself.  'Yes, Dr Watson was an Englishman... But nationalities and treaties won't make any difference for me here. The fact is, I was there at the scene of the crime…'


"Oh dear, look at the time. I'd better be going." Kazuma said, looking down at his watch.

"Alright, I'll see you later. I think I'll stay and enjoy this place a while longer." Ryunosuke said.

"Good idea. After all, it's not every day you get to visit a high-class Western restaurant like this! See you in English class tomorrow, then...partner!" Kazuma said, excitedly.

"We'll see you later, Ryunosuke." I said, walking away with Kazuma.

'The British Empire... Wow, it's incredible to think- ... Wait. I've seen that man at university. I'm sure he's a visiting professor from Great Britain. I don't know his name, but still... I should go and say hello.' Ryunosuke said, thinking this to himself.

Supreme Court of Judicature, Courtroom 2…

"So I went over to the professor's table... ...and introduced myself to Dr Watson." Ryunosuke said, looking over at me.

"I know." I said, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm letting it sink in."

"Now, then...let me pose my next question to you, Defendant Naruhodo." The Judge said.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"How did this professor of medicine, Dr John H. Watson, lose his life? State before the court the cause of death."

'The cause of death... Well, obviously, that…' Ryunosuke said, thinking this to himself.

"Ryunosuke." I said, tossing a Pocky into my mouth. "In court, every statement you make must be backed up by evidence."

"By evidence? But, how?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Ugh. Find the piece of evidence that shows the professor's cause of death."

"Jared's right, select 'Present'. Do it now!" Kazuma said, worried.

"In other words, here." I said, passing Ryunosuke the Post-Mortem Report, file open. "All the information is inside."

"Yes!" Ryunosuke said, raising his hand, and looking down at the report. "Um, well... According to this document, the victim suffered a 'he-morr-hagic death due to gunshot trauma'."

"Learn to read, you imbecile! That's the post-mortem report, I take it?" Auchi asked.

"Sorry, yes! That's right. The, um, post-mortem report." Ryunosuke said.

"In the West, my home, a doctor dissects corpses to identify the cause of death in an autopsy report." I said, clutching the strap of my slang. "The autopsy report has the information on how the person died and such. Thank you, Molly Hooper, for teaching me about them."

"Jared does have a point there, since the West is his home. But here in Japan, a police officer merely inspects the body, and draws conclusions that way." Kazuma said.

"Oh, I see!" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'As long as I'm not going to be tested on any of this later…'

"This is a so-called photographic print of the scene of the crime. You can clearly discern scorch marks around the bullet hole produced by the powder explosion. In other words, we should assume that the victim was shot at close range." Auchi said.

"Thank you, Counsel. The court will accept this modern scientific evidence into the record." The Judge said.

The photographic print of the victim has been entered into the Court Record.

"I forgot there were Polaroid photos. God, those really take me back." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'So that's a photographic print. Well, that's something I've never seen before... It's clearly superior to a drawing. The detail is incredible…'

"Very well. I am satisfied with your answers. Let us start the trial." The Judge said.

"Certainly, Your Excellency. So, without further ado, in order to better apprise the court with the facts of the case... ...the prosecution hereby calls its first witness, who was there at the scene of the crime when it happened!" Auchi yelled.

"He is so the Winston Payne in this time." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Ugh... This is it, then…'

"Hmph.. I think I may have worked out what the professor had in mind." Kazuma said, his eyes widening.

"The professor? You mean, Dr Mikotoba?" Ryunosuke asked.

"Yes. Clearly, you're the defence lawyer today, not me. But that doesn't mean... Well, Jared and I can still act as your assistants."

"Oh!" Ryunosuke said, as he thought this to himself. 'Of course!' He then spoke this aloud. "When he was speaking with me before, he simply said: 'Kazuma Asogi must not be the defence lawyer and Jared Shay must be the judicial assistant  in this trial.'"

"Hm, he really has been sticking his oar in, hasn't he?" Kazuma asked.

"Maybe, but...any help you and Jared can give me would be greatly appreciated, Kazuma!" Ryunosuke said, excitedly.

"Well, my first piece of advice is: Rein in that crazy look of bewilderment and control the cold sweats!" Kazuma chirped.

"There's no need to worry." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Only if you rein in that crazy headband and control the cold stares first…'

"Witness. State your name and occupation for the court, please." Auchi said.

"Of course. My name is Satoru Hosonaga. I am the head waiter at a Western-style restaurant called 'La Carneval'. Ahem! ...Ahem!" Hosonaga said, coughing out some blood.

"Um...are you alright? You seem to be coughing up some, er…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"It's a regular occurrence. It really doesn't bother me."

"It really should bother you." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Well, it really, really should…'

"As everyone knows, the capital's south-eastern quarter was developed for foreign visitors some years ago. It's become a very fashionable district now, full of hotels to accommodate overseas guests. This grim crime occurred in one of the district's so-called 'restaurants' - an occidental eatery - three days ago." Auchi said.

"Understood. Hosonaga-san, you will kindly tell the court everything you can about the incident." The Judge said, looking at Hosonaga.

"At once, sir." Hosonaga said.

"And no petty interjections from the aspiring lawyer boy, please." Auchi said.

"Oh, um.." Ryunosuke said, while he thought this to himself. 'Perspiring, maybe, but aspiring...?'

"It was just after 2 p.m. on the day in question. We have few diners at that time of day. The lunchtime rush was over, and there were only three tables still occupied." Hosonaga said.

"Okay." I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'That fits in with my memory of it, too. There was hardly anyone else in the place.'

"Ahem! ...Ahem!" Hosonaga said, coughing again. "It was when I was in the kitchen, putting away crockery and cutlery... A gunshot rang out, so I hurried out to the dining area to see what had happened. I found the victim - an English gentleman - slumped in his chair. And standing immediately beside him, gun in hand, was the accused university student."

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "Hold on! Let me just clarify something here! While I did pick up a gun that I found lying on the floor beside the professor, I... I didn't shoot him!"

"I believe I asked you to refrain from petty interjections." Auchi said, doing the objection pose. "The court wishes to listen to the witness's report of what he saw, you amateur!"

"But…" Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"The next time you interrupt at an inappropriate time, you will be penalised, Defendant Naruhodo." The Judge said.

"Don't worry, Ryunosuke. You'll have your chance to fight back. For now, we must just quietly listen to the witness." Kazuma said, happily.

"Ugh…" Ryunosuke said, annoyed.

"If I may confirm one point, waiter... Standing beside the victim with a gun in his hand was the same man we see here in court today?" Auchi asked.

"Yes. Without question." Hosonaga said.

"I see. And apart from the accused, was there anyone else standing beside the victim?"

"No. There was no one else around that table but the deceased Englishman and the university student."

"Huh?" Ryunosuke asked, as he thought this to himself. 'Wait, what did he just say? 'There was no one else around that table'?'

"What's wrong?" I asked, and I tossed a Pocky into my mouth.

"That's... That's just not right! When I went over to Dr Watson to say hello... ...there was a woman sitting opposite him at his table!" Ryunosuke said, worried.

"Really? You sure?" 

"And that's not something the waiter could have missed!" Ryunosuke said, and he thought this to himself. 'I've been warned about interjecting, but still... What should I do?'

"Tell them what you saw." I said, smiling. "They should know."

"Yes." Ryunosuke said, raising his hand. "Just a moment, please! Dr Watson wasn't alone that day! I'm sure of it. There was a lady sitting with him at the same table!"

"Objection." Auchi said, doing the Objection pose. "Dear me, dear me. What are we going to do with you? With your blatant disregard for court proceedings, I'm beginning to wonder if you're not a fraud. Could it be that the accused - this mere student - is not a real lawyer after all?"

"But...I'm sure of what I saw!" Ryunosuke yelled.

"Hosonaga-san, is there any chance you're mistaken? Perhaps your memory of events is hazy?" Kazuma asked.

"... No. The deceased gentleman came to dine alone." Hosonaga said.

"I, I don't believe it…" Ryunosuke said, at a loss for words.

"Ahem! ...Ahem! I actually have a rough plan of the restaurant as it was that day. Please, have a look if you'd like to." Hosonaga said, handing the Judge the floor plan of the map.

"Let me see…" The Judge said, looking at the plan of the restaurant. "Ah, a sketch of the establishment's layout drawn by yourself, I presume?"

"That's right. I'm afraid I used the back of my business card. It was a...turbulent situation. However, as you can see, the gentleman in question was seated alone."

"Well, you're clearly a very conscientious waiter."

"Thank you, sir."

"The court will take this plan and add it to the Court Record as evidence."

"Oh, um... Well…" Hosonaga said, frowning.

"Is there a problem? Hand the plan to the court officer at once!" The Judge said, angrily.

"Um...of course. Here you are." Hosonaga said, handing the floor plan to the court officer.

"What was that about? He's been completely calm and collected until now." Kazuma said, in awe.

"Don't know." I said, while Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'Something certainly seems to have shaken him…'

The waiter's business card has been entered into the Court Record.

"So...the court has now heard a precis of the case." Auchi said.

"Yes, at the moment the gunshot was heard in the restaurant... ...the only person in close proximity to the victim was the defendant on trial today. It would seem we are looking at a black-and-white case here." The Judge said.

"...!" Kazuma said, at a loss for words.

"Defendant Naruhodo…" 

"Yes, Your Excellency?" Ryunosuke asked.

"If you admit your guilt at this stage, the court is willing to look mercifully upon you." The Judge said, looking at Ryunosuke.

"In other words, you may have some small reprieve in terms of your inevitable punishment. I called this waiter as an unsworn witness in order to explain the details of the case to the court. But I must warn the defence, if you are determined to pursue matters further in this trial... ...the prosecution has decisive evidence from sworn witnesses who were present at the scene of the crime." Auchi said.

"... What do you think I should do, Kazuma, Jared?" Ryunosuke asked, looking between Kazuma and I.

"What do you mean?" Kazuma asked.

"What's up?" I asked, snacking on my Pocky.

"Well, I'm going to be found guilty one way or another, it seems. Wouldn't it be sensible to plead guilty at this stage and hope for a more lenient sentence?" Ryunosuke asked.

"..." Kazuma said, at a loss for words.

"Everyone keeps telling me that this trial is unusual - about these...'peculiarities'. You two have said it, Professor Mikotoba's said it...and so has the judge and the prosecution. I'm... I'm scared of what lies ahead if I push this." Ryunosuke said.

"... As I said from the outset, Jared and I believe you're innocent. We trust you. And yet, despite knowing that...'re willing now to throw that trust back in our faces? Is that it?" Kazuma asked.

"What?" Ryunosuke asked.

"If the accused is in fact innocent... ...then a defence lawyer is duty-bound to prove that innocence by whatever means necessary. Are you just going to abandon that duty? Are you going to give up on yourself? The battle hasn't even begun yet, Ryunosuke." Kazuma said, smirking.

"It really hasn't." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "You've got this, Ryunosuke. We know you do."

"...!" Ryunosuke said, looking between Kazuma and I.

"The defence pleads not guilty, Your Excellency! We invite the prosecution to stop making empty threats and bring out its witnesses. Then we'll see just how decisive this evidence really is!" Kazuma said, angrily.

"Indeed. Prosecutor Auchi, please continue with proceedings." The Judge said.

"Tsk, well, you were warned. The young can be so reckless. You know, many call me a saint. But I can be a devil when I want to be." Auchi said.

"Ugh…" Ryunosuke said, annoyed.

"In a few short moments from now... ...that dumbstruck young mouth of yours will be silenced, forever! The prosecution calls its next witnesses!" Auchi said, determined.

"Very well. Officer! Bring forth the witnesses at once!" The Judge said, angrily.

"This is going to take a while." I said, looking down at the ground.

Korekuta and Nosa entered the courtroom.

"Witnesses, kindly state your names and occupations for the court." Auchi said.

"Yessir! The great Nippon Imperial Army's Sergeant Iyesa Nosa reporting for duty, sir!" Nosa said, terrified.

"Myself, I find employ as a purveyor of fine articles of antiquity from the efflorescence of our nation, Nippon... ...and conduct my trade from Rasu-tei, a humble premises in the second district. Kyurio Korekuta, at your service." Korekuta said.

"An antique dealer and a soldier... What an unusual pairing!" The Judge said.

"Both of these gentlemen were present at the restaurant on the day in question." Auchi said.

"They must be the diners at the other table that the waiter mentioned." Kazuma said.

"They are." I said, taking out some chocolate chip cookies to snack on them.

"Myself, I habitually take tea of the most exquisite aroma at the establishment in question. Always post noon. And, not infrequently, converse with interested parties regarding the curios with which I make my business." Korekuta said.

"Um…" I said, as Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'I can't understand a word that old man is saying…'

"He's an antique dealer, Ryunosuke." I said, tossing a chocolate chip cookie into my mouth. "And he's a regular at La Carneval."

"Jared's right. He seeks out potential customers who may have an interest in antiques and tries to sell his wares to them. He obviously targets La Carneval because it's a high-class restaurant with rich clientele." Kazuma said.

"Right, I see. Although, to be honest... ...that sergeant looks more like he'd be a seller rather than a buyer." Ryunosuke said, sadly.

"Now, you both witnessed the precise moment of this most atrocious incident. Is that correct?" Auchi asked, looking between Nosa and Korekuta.

"Affirmative! The enemy unit was seen attacking the foreigner in what can only be described as an act of war! Sir! It was that black-uniformed rogue infantryman over there who unloaded his firearm, sir!" Nosa yelled.

"It's a bit childish. That's all I can say on this." I said, and Ryunosuke thought this to himself. 'This man's as impossible to understand as the other... But I'm almost sure I heard a strange noise during that last thing he said…'

"So, this is the decisive evidence the prosecution was threatening. The soldier is claiming that he actually saw the precise moment you shot the victim dead." Kazuma said.

"Yes…" Ryunosuke said, letting out a sigh.

"Well? Are you starting to feel uncomfortable?"

"If I'm honest...I was feeling uncomfortable from the start."

"Now, the court will hear your formal testimony, please. You will state everything you saw at the precise moment that the incident occurred." The Judge said.

"Sir, yessir! Standing by ready to report, sir!" Nosa said, saluting.

"Hm... Unsavoury memories of a most acerbic afternoon…" Korekuta said.

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