(Jared's POV)
Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, and I walk through the streets together.
"So what exactly is this big surprise all about?" Ruby asked.
"I wouldn't call it big exactly." Yang said, holding her arm behind her head.
"It's not really that big." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"Wh-what? You two have been hyping it up since…" Ruby said, looking between Yang and I.
"Jared's right. It's actually kind of small?" Yang asked.
"So, a small surprise?"
"It's more exciting than a surprise." Yang said, happily.
"It's more personal than a surprise." I said, smiling.
"So I should be excited since it's personal?" Ruby asked.
"But not too excited?" Yang asked, looking away. "Ugh. I don't know. Maybe it's dumb."
"It's not dumb, Goldilocks. Little Red likes it." I said, walking between Ruby and Yang.
"Got it. Setting expectations moderate for a surprise that may or may not be cool because I like it." Ruby said.
"Perfect." Yang said, looking around awkwardly.
"Why are you and Jared being weird?" Ruby asked, suspiciously.
"We're not weird, you're the weird one! It's just... been a while since we got to do the sisterly thing and it's been a while since we got to hang out with Jared." Yang said, sadly.
"Yup. We haven't done this since the Ponds." I said, frowning.
"You both have a point. And if the two of you make this no fun." Ruby said, turning chibi. "Yang, I probably just won't ever wanna be sisters again. And Jared, I probably just won't ever wanna be best friends again." She laughs. "See how dumb that sounds?" Yang lightly hits Ruby. "Oww."
"Uh, excuse me, are you Ruby?" Vacuan 1 asked.
Ruby, Yang, and I notice that a crowd has started to gather around Ruby.
"Yep, that's me. I'm a Ruby." Ruby said, nervously.
"You're the girl who sent the message! The one who brought the world together!" Vacuan 1 cheered.
"Oh my goodness, can we take a picture?" Vacuan 2 asked.
Yang winks as Ruby as she walks over to the Vacuans.
"Oh- uh, yeah, happily!" Ruby said, stuttering. "Okay, um, uh, where do you want to take it? Am I taking the photo?"
Yang and I smile as Ruby talks to the Vacuans.
"Is this how it is for you on Earth nowadays?" Yang asked.
"You mean since I helped save the Earth with Danny Phantom and being an Avenger." I said, letting out a sigh. "Yeah. I hate the crowds and the photo taking. I lost my normal life long ago."
Later, the three of us continued walking towards Yang's and my surprise.
"I am never getting used to that." Ruby said, looking over at me. "Jared? How do you handle it?"
"The crowds or the photo taking?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"Still wanting those normal knees, huh?" Yang asked, shrugging. "Personally, I think it's about time everybody knew how cool my sister is."
"I never imagined all this. Here in Vacuo, they need more than a mascot." Ruby said.
"It's not... too much?" Yang asked, looking down.
"I was chatting with Yang over this when the Earth had an overgrown forest for a day." I said, looking down at the ground.
"Oh. My. Gosh." Ruby said, unaware of what Yang and I said. "Seriously, Yang?! Jared?!" She's now excited. "You both brought me to Bubba Bubba Boba?!" Ruby points to the Bubba Bubba Boba building excitedly. "Oh, the flavors, the milk teas, the smoothies, the…" I watched Ruby act dramatically. "…boba."
A chibi Ruby looks excitedly as we look at the posters that show different flavors the establishment offers, sparkles shining around her.
"You've been drinking boba more and more lately." Yang said, with me looking at the posters of the realistic images of smoothies and boba. "Have you been thinking of me and Ruby?"
Ruby's chibi appearance remains as Yang and I are smiling at her.
"Ever since Trenzalore. Yeah." I said, looking at Ruby still in her chibi appearance.
"So, sis, is it the right amount of exciting?" Yang asked.
"Are you kidding? Why did you and Jared even downplay this!?" Ruby exclaimed.
Bubba Bubba Boba…
Ruby, Yang, and I are now sitting at a patio seat, enjoying our boba.
"Ugh, that brought back so many memories." Ruby said, annoyed.
"Apparently they closed up shop in Patch and relocated here with the rest of the refugees from Vale." Yang said.
"Yang? Remember how we used to come here with Dad after school?" Ruby asked.
"It used to be a once-a-month treat, but by the time we were done at Signal, it was almost twice a week, and then it became four times a week with us traveling with Jared in the TARDIS." Yang said, laughing.
"The TARDIS stopped by boba places around all of time and space because she knew we liked it." I said, laughing with Yang. "Especially after all the running, stopping the monsters, and saving the day with the Doctor. So the TARDIS made us stop by boba places around the Doctor's universe."
I went back to sipping my coconut taro milk tea, knowing how good it is in the humidity.
"Jared does have a point, sis. He never stopped thinking about us one bit. Even when he was defending a planet for nine hundred years." Yang said, looking at Ruby. "Do you... wonder why Dad's not here, with everybody else? I know Qrow said he's on assignment, but what's more important than here?"
"Maybe we don't have the full picture." Ruby said, as she stops drinking her boba.
"I don't know. Some things you just need to be there for. Ruby, about what happened in the Ever After…" Yang said.
"Uhh, which part?"
"I don't need an explanation, I think I get it." Yang said, looking down. "It doesn't even matter if I do, completely."
"Yang, I…" Ruby said, sadly.
"Ruby, I understand my part in you feeling like you couldn't talk to anybody about what you were going through, and I know it's hard to even know what you're going through when you're in the middle of it. And Jared, I know you've been in this position longer with your foreknowledge, knowing who lives and who dies. You always felt like you couldn't talk to anyone what you were going through. I just need you both to know…" Yang said, and she starts smiling at Ruby and I. "...you both are not alone. You two can't be alone, not with the world the way that it is, and not with what we and our team have all been through."
Ruby, Yang, and I smile at each other, as the blonde continues talking.
"We're not going back to the version of Team RWBY where you put everything on your shoulders, where we put everything on your shoulders, Ruby. And Jared, we're not going back to the version of being your friends where you put everything on your shoulders, where we put everything on your shoulders." Yang said, looking between Ruby and I. "From now on, we do it together."
Yang puts her left arm on Ruby's shoulder and she puts her right arm on my shoulder.
"As it turns out, the hardest thing about being a leader is asking for help. I thought I wasn't allowed." Ruby said, frowning.
"Honestly. Same. I thought I wasn't allowed to ask for help due to me knowing everything. I don't know what will happen to us in Remnant." I said, letting out a lot of tears. "Just knowing what will happen. It's so much. And it's so heavy."
"Jared, you can tell us what happens in the world of Doctor Who." Yang said, happily. "I bet a lot has changed over there."
"It has." I said, still crying. "Danny Phantom and the Powerpuff Girls. That gave me more burden of knowing."
Yang pulls Ruby and I into a group hug.
"Thank you, Yang." Ruby said, letting go of the group hug.
"Seriously, thanks." I said, also pulling away from Yang. "I really appreciate it."
"Bad news, though. I still don't know how to do it." Ruby said, sadly.
"Ditto. Ruby and I don't know how to tell you. We've gone for so long without doing it."
"Well, maybe we need a code word so we know when we're feeling overwhelmed, but don't know how to ask?" Yang asked, laughing.
"How about...boba?" Ruby asked, thinking.
"Yeah, boba." Yang said, smirking.
"Boba works." I said, happily.
The three of us go back to sipping our boba happily, as I look at Shade Academy in the distance.
"By the way, Yang, you promised we would go shopping, like, weeks ago, when's that happening?!" Ruby exclaimed.
"That's your priority right now?" Yang asked.
"And can we go shopping for some video games and window shopping for some weapons?" I asked, sipping on my coconut taro bubble tea.
"And of course that's your priority right now." Yang said, annoyed.
Harry's bedroom…
Petunia and Dudley watch as Vernon drills bars into Harry's bedroom window.
"You're never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!" Vernon yelled.
After tightening the bars, Vernon glares at Harry, who glares back at him through the window.
Later that evening, as Harry is asleep in bed, he hears what sounds like a car engine outside. Waking up and putting on his glasses, he gets out of bed and walks to the window. Looking out the window, he sees a strange object moving through the sky. As he looks, the object appears to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light. A turquoise Ford Anglia car flies to Harry's bedroom window, then turns to the right as Harry and Hedwig silently watch. In the Ford Anglia is Ron, accompanied by his older twins, Fred and George, and they are accompanied by me.
"Hiya, Harry." Ron said, looking at Harry through the bars on his window.
"Hey. Harry. What's up?" I asked, sipping on some match boba.
"Ron, Fred, George, Jared, what are you all doing here?" Harry asked, surprised to see us.
"We're rescuing you, Harry. Now come on! Get your luggage!"
Eventually, Harry has gotten dressed, packed his Hogwarts trunk with some clothes, his books, pajamas, uniforms, and all other necessities, shuts it closed, and locks it.
"You'd better stand back." Ron said, putting a hook at the bars on Harry's window.
Harry steps back as Ron turns to the twin in the drivers' seat.
"Let's go!" Ron said, worried.
The car pulls the bars on Harry's window off.
(Open POV)
SMASH! Petunia and Vernon wake up.
"Oh!" Petunia cried.
"Now, what the hell's he doing?" Vernon asked.
Harry's bedroom…
Harry picks up his trunk and makes for the window, where the car's trunk is open for it.
"Potter!" Vernon said, nearby.
"Dad! What's going on!?" Dudley exclaimed, also awake and on the landing.
Harry puts his trunk in the car.
"Go, go, go, go!" George said, worried.
"Dad, hurry up!" Dudley said, angrily.
Vernon is unlocking the locks on the door on Harry's bedroom.
Harry picks up Hedwig's cage.
"Come on." Ron said.
"Come on." I said, sipping on my bubble tea.
"Come on, Harry! Hurry up!" Ron said, terrified.
Vernon unlocks Harry's door and opens it as Harry is about to climb out and into the car.
"Petunia, he's escaping!" Vernon said, grabbing Harry's ankle.
"Aah!" Harry said, worried.
"Get him, Dad!" Dudley said, excitedly.
"I've got you, Harry!" Ron said, seizing Harry's waist.
"Come here!" Veron yelled.
"Let go of me!" Harry said, struggling to get out of Vernon's grip.
"Oh no, boy! You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere!"
"Get off!"
"Drive!" Ron said, angrily.
"Right." Fred said.
"Right!" George said.
"No! No! No! No! Aaaah!" Vernon said, falling from the window and lands in the garden.
"Dad!" Dudley cried.
"Oh... Damn." Vernon said, stumbling out of the garden.
"Yes!" I cheered, sipping on my bubble tea.
The car flies away.
"By the way, Harry, Happy Birthday!" Ron said, excitedly.
We fly off, away from Little Whinging.
Outside the Burrow…
It is morning when we arrive at the Burrow, the Weasley family's residence; landing on the ground, we drive straight towards a pig pen, with two pigs relaxing inside, before coming to a complete stop.
The Burrow…
Fred walks to the window and opens it to unlock the door.
"Come on. Okay, come on. Shhh! Shhh!" Fred said, checking that the coast is clear then beckons the rest of us inside. "Okay, come on."
"Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?" Ron asked.
George is half smiling, "Yeah, Mum would never know…"
"It's not much, but it's home…" Ron said, sadly.
"I think it's...brilliant…" Harry said, in awe.
Ron looks up. Sees Harry's mesmerized face. Ron slowly smiles.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Mrs Weasley exclaimed.
We nearly jumped out of our skin. Mrs. Weasley stands in the doorway, furious. We all hide the breakfast rolls behind their backs. She smiles sweetly at Harry and I.
"Harry, Jared, how wonderful to see you, dears." Mrs Weasley said, and she turns back to Fred, George and Ron. "Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!" She turns back to Harry and I. "Of course, I don't blame you, Harry, Jared, dears."
"They were starving Harry, Mum! There were bars on his window!" Ron cried. "And we picked up Jared from a village called Leadworth along the way to pick up Harry!"
"Well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!" Mrs Weasley yelled, while she started softening instantly. "Come on, Harry, Jared. Time for a spot of breakfast." Ginny is running down the stairs. "Here we are, Harry, Jared. Now tuck in. That's it. There we go."
"Mum. Mummy, have you seen my jumper?" Ginny asked.
"Yes dear. It was on the cat…" Mrs. Weasley said, as Ginny looked wide eyed at Harry.
"Hello." Harry said, and Ginny runs off. "W-what did I do?"
"Ginny. She's been talking about you all summer. Bit annoying, really." Ron said, sadly.
Mr. Weasley comes in, "Morning, Weasleys."
"Morning, Dad." Fred, George, and Ron said, at the same time.
"Morning Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley said, excitedly.
"What a night. Nine raids. Nine!" Mr. Weasley said, angrily.
"Raids?" Harry asked, looking over at Ron.
"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating." Ron said.
"Well now." Mr. Weasley said, sitting down. "Ah." He glances at Harry and I. "And who are you?"
"Oh, sorry sir. I'm Harry, sir, Harry Potter." Harry said, smiling.
"And I'm Jared Shay." I said, sipping on some Butterbeer.
"Good Lord, are you really? Ron's told us all about both of you, of course. When did they get here?" Mr. Weasley asked.
"This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Leadworth, then to Surrey, and back last night." Mrs. Weasley said, darkly.
"Did you really! How'd it go?!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed, catching Mrs. Weasley's eye.
Fred, George, Ron, Harry, and I are hiding our laughter, "Oh, it…"
"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley yelled.
Everyone, including me, except Molly, is trying very hard to stop laughing.
"I mean...that was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you. Now, Harry, Jared, one of you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" Mr. Weasley asked.
"Oh, umm…" Harry said, frowning.
"It can be seen as the symbol of bravery." I said, while an owl screeches in the distance.
"Well, that'll be Errol with the post." Mrs. Weasley said, as Errol flies right towards the house, but slams into the window and falls. "Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?"
"Errol…" Percy said, getting up and walking to the window.
Percy rises up.
"He's always doing that." Ron said, scoffing.
"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us Harry's as well." Percy said, taking the letters from Errol and examining them.
"Dumbledore must know you're here, Harry. Doesn't miss a trick, that man." Mr. Weasley said.
I felt my pocket get a bit warm and I took out my psychic paper to see that I got a message on there. It said 'Protect the Trio. Dumbledore.'
"I got a message on my psychic paper. Dumbledore also knows that I'm here." I said, placing my psychic paper back inside my pocket.
"Oh, no." Mrs. Weasley said, her eyes widening.
"This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spell books alone are very expensive." Fred said.
"We'll manage. Right then. There's only one place we're going to get all of this: Diagon Alley." Mrs. Weasley said, picking up a pot of the mantel. "You first, Harry dear."
Mrs Weasley offers Harry a flowerpot. At the bottom is a layer of very soft dust. Harry frowns in confusion.
"But Harry and Jared have never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum." Ron said, letting out a sigh.
"Floo Powder?" Harry asked.
"Oh, well, you go first, Ron. Then Jared. So that Harry can see how it's done. Yes. In you go. That's it." Mrs. Weasley said.
"Diagon Alley!" Ron said, throwing down the Floo Powder and disappearing in a burst of green flames.
"Diagon Alley!" I yelled, throwing down the Floo Powder and disappearing in a burst of green flames.
"You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. In you go. That's it. Mind your head. That's right. Now, take your Floo powder. That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly." Mrs. Weasley said, smiling.
"Diagonally." Harry said, disappearing.
"What did Harry say, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
"'Diagonally'." Mr. Weasley said.
"I thought he did."
(Open POV)
Borgin and Burkes…
Harry lands violently in Borgin and Burkes, breaking his glasses. He is surrounded by strange and sinister objects, and he looks at them curiously. When he touches a disembodied hand, it suddenly grabs him, but he manages to free himself. The Malfoys are arriving, so Harry quickly goes to hide in a cabinet. As Draco steps inside, he reaches forward to touch a weird statue, but Lucius swats his hand away from it with a snake-headed walking stick.
"Don't touch anything, Draco." Lucius said.
"Yes, Father." Draco said.
The shop's owner, Mr. Borgin, steps out.
"Uh, Mr. Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again. And young Master Malfoy, too. Delighted. I must show you, just in today and very reasonably…" Mr. Borgin said.
"I'm not buying today, Borgin. I'm selling." Lucius said.
"Draco." Lucius said, while Draco puts a box on the counter. "You are aware no doubt that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids on private houses. There's even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act."
"Pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere, I'm afraid." Mr. Borgin said, sadly.
"Not with me. Anyway, I brought a few items from home that might prove, uh...embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Just poisons and the like."
As Borgin looks through the objects, his eyes suddenly go wide.
"Look at that!" Mr. Borgin said, excitedly.
"That particular item is not for sale." Lucius said.
"I don't understand. It has unique qualities. One wouldn't want to see it falling into the wrong hands."
Draco is examining the cabinet where Harry is hiding. Meanwhile, Lucius accepts a pile of coins from Borgin.
"You can keep the box." Lucius said.
Borgin smiles sinisterly.
Lucius then turns to see Draco examining the cabinet, "What did I say?!"
While Lucius is distracted, Borgin takes back one of the coins, cheating him.
"Touch nothing." Draco said, frowning.
"Exactly." Lucius said.
"Sorry, Father."
"Come on, we're going." Lucius said, taking the coins and leaves with Draco following him.
"It's a pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Malfoy." Mr. Borgin said, bowing. "Always a pleasure."
Borgin returns to the back of the shop. With the coast apparently clear, Harry leaves the cabinet and heads for the exit. But just as he reaches the door, Borgin comes out and grabs him.
"Looking for something?" Mr. Borgin asked.
"No, I - I'm just in the wrong place. Sorry." Harry said, as Borgin lets him go. "Thank you."
Harry leaves the shop.
Knockturn Alley….
Leaving Borgin and Burkes, Harry steps out into Knockturn Alley. He looks around nervously at the dark and dreary place. Suddenly, a creepy witch jumps out at him.
"Not lost, are you, my dear?" A creepy witched asked.
"I'm fine, thank you. I was just…" Harry said, trying to back away.
Several equally creepy people are walking up to surround Harry.
"Come with us. We'll help you find your way back." The creepy witch said.
"No, please!" Harry said, terrified.
"Harry?" Hagrid asked.
The crowd parts, revealing Hagrid.
"Hagrid!" Harry cheered.
"What d'you think you're doing down here? Come on!" Hagrid yelled, and Harry runs to him, and they left the area together. "You're a mess, Harry. Skulking around Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place. Don't want no one to see you there. People'll think you up to no good."
(Jared's POV)
Diagon Alley…
By now, Hagrid has led Harry into Diagon Alley, which is located nearby.
"I was lost, I - hang on, what were you doing down there then?" Harry asked.
"Me? Oh, I was, um, I was looking for a Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent. They're ruining all the school cabbages." Hagrid said.
Up ahead of them, Hermione comes out of a shop with me.
"Harry! Hagrid!" Hermione said, excitedly. "I was shopping with Jared. He wanted to stock up on some sweets."
"That I did." I said, placing the Wizard World candy inside my sling bag. "It's hard to find this kind of candy."
"Hello, Hermione, Jared." Hagrid said, looking between Hermione and I.
"Oh, it's so good to see you." Hermione said.
"Well, it's great to see you too." Harry said, happily.
"What did you do to your glasses?" Hermione asked, raising her wand. "Oculus Reparo."
Harry's glasses are repaired.
"I definitely need to remember that one." Harry said, sadly.
"You'll be all right now then, Harry? Right, I'll leave you to it." Hagrid said, leaving.
"Okay, bye!" Hermione said, excitedly.
"Thank you, bye!" Harry cheered.
"Come on, everyone's been so worried!" Hermione said, leading Harry away with me.
Flourish and Blotts…
A copy of Gilderoy Lockhart's autobiography, Magical Me, is on display as Harry, Hermione, and I enter the store. We join the Weasleys, who are waiting in a line.
"Oh Harry, thank goodness!" Mrs. Weasley cried, dusting Harry off. "We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate too far!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!" A man yelled.
"Oh, here he is!"
The mostly female crowd applauds as the flamboyantly-dressed Gilderoy Lockhart steps into view.
"Mum fancies him." Ron said, and Mrs. Weasley playfully shoves him.
"Make way there, please! Let me by, madam, thank you. Excuse me, little girl, this is for The Daily Prophet." A photographer said, snapping a photograph of Lockhart.
"It can't be Harry Potter!" Lockhart said, noticing Harry's scar.
"Harry Potter!" The photographer said, grabbing Harry. "Excuse me, madam."
"Thank goodness this isn't the early twenty-first century." I said, as the photographer pushed Harry up to the front. "Otherwise I'd get noticed."
"Nice big smile, Harry, together you and I rate the front page!" Lockhart said, pulling Harry to his side. Harry doesn't smile, but the photographer snaps a picture anyway. "Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography Magical Me…" Hermione and most of the crowd excitedly applaud, but Ron just looks bewildered. "...which, incidentally, is currently celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list…" Draco is watching from above. "...he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works…" He presents Harry with a stack of books. "...free of charge." Lockhart sits down at a desk as Harry walks back to the Weasleys. "Now, ladies."
"Harry, now you give me those, and I'll get them signed. All of you wait outside. That's it, Ron." Mrs. Weasley said, as Harry passed her the Lockhart books.
The Golden Trio and I go into the front area of the store. Draco, now standing on a staircase, tears a page out of a book.
"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page." Draco said, coming down the stairs.
"Leave him alone." Ginny said, stepping forward.
"Harry Potter... you've got yourself a girlfriend!" Draco said, at a loss for words.
"Now, now, Draco, play nicely." Lucius said, pushing Draco aside with his walking stick, before turning to Harry. "Mr. Potter…" As he and Harry shake hands. "...Lucius Malfoy... we meet at last. Forgive me…" He leans in to examine Harry's scar. "...your scar is legend, as, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."
"Voldemort killed my parents." Harry said, stepping away from Lucius. "He was nothing more than a murderer."
"You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish." Lucius said.
"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione said.
"And you must be... Miss Granger. Yes, Draco's told me all about you... and your parents." Lucius said, and the Malfoys glance at her parents, who are talking to Mr. Weasley. "Muggles, aren't they?" He turns to the Weasley children. "Let me see, red hair, vacant expressions... " Lucius takes a book from Ginny's cauldron. "...tatty, secondhand book, you must be the Weasleys." He looked over at me. "And you, I've seen you in the Muggle history books. You look at us as if you know us."
"And what if I do?" I asked, grabbing the strap of my sling bag.
As I talk, Mr. Weasley walks over to the front area of the store.
"Children, it's mad in here. Let's go outside." Mr. Weasley said.
"Well, well, well, Weasley senior." Lucius said.
"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids. I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this…" Lucius said, holding up Ginny's book. "...I'd say not. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?"
"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy."
"Clearly. Associating with Muggles…" Lucius said, and Harry watches as the blonde places two books into Ginny's cauldron. "...and I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work."
Lucius leaves the shop.
"I'll see you at school." Draco said, following his father out the door.
(Open POV)
Outside King's Cross Station…
The Ford Anglia is parked at King's Cross Station as numerous people walk past it.
(Jared's POV)
King's Cross Station…
Harry, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Fred, George, Mr., Mrs. Weasley, and I are desperate to catch the Hogwarts Express before it leaves.
"10:58. Come on, come on!" Mr. Weasley said, angrily.
"Train will be leaving any moment!" Mrs. Weasley said, worried.
"Fred, George, Percy, you first!"
Fred pushes his cart through the barrier to Platform 9¾, followed by Percy and George
"Okay." Mrs. Weasley said, patting Ginny on the back.
Ginny pushes her cart and runs through the wall; Mr. and Mrs. Weasley follows.
"After you, dear." Mr. Weasley said.
Mrs. Weasley disappears through the wall; Mr. Weasley goes in immediately after her.
"Come on, Ginny. We'll get you a seat. Hurry!" Mrs. Weasley said, meeting up with Ginny as she stands by the Hogwarts Express, which is just about ready to go.
The three run for the train; outside, only Harry, Ron, and I are left.
"Let's go." Harry said, turning to Ron and I.
Ron nods; then the three of us push our carts directly for the wall. However, instead of going through the wall, Harry inexplicably crashes into it and falls over; Ron loses control of his cart, and falls over as well. A station agent, the same man Harry saw a year ago, notices while speaking to a woman, and approaches Harry, Ron, and I as the two of the Golden Trio get to their feet, groaning from their slight injuries.
"Oi! What do you three think you're doing?" The station agent asked.
"Sorry. Lo-lost control of the trolley." Harry said, while the agent shakes his head at us and walks away; He glances at Ron and I. "Why can't we get through?"
"I don't know." Ron said, touching the wall with his hand, discovering the bricks have become solid. "The gateway's sealed itself for some reason."
Harry touches the wall to see that it's completely solid.
"Crap." I said, hearing a clock chime.
Harry, Ron, and I look up at a nearby clock displaying the time 11:00.
"The train leaves at exactly 11:00. We've missed it!" Harry said, worried.
"Harry... Jared… if we can't get through, maybe mum and dad can't get back." Ron said, glancing at the clock in horror, then turned to Harry and I.
"Maybe we should just go and wait by the car." Harry said, trying to decide what to do about our dilemma.
"The car…" Ron said, the sound of these words gives him an idea.
"Well, flying cars are common in Back to the Future Part II." I said, as Harry glances at Ron and I, wondering what we've got in mind.
Ford Anglia…
The Ford Anglia lifts off into the sky, with Ron driving, Harry in the front passenger seat, and I in the back passenger seat.
"There we go. Now, all we need to do is find the Hogwarts Express." Ron said, happily.
"Ron, are you sure you know how to fly this?" Harry asked.
"No problem."
Down below, a Muggle looks up at the curious sight of this flying car. The car is careening towards the train station's clock tower.
"Look out!" I said, placing my hands on the back of the seats.
Ron turns the steering wheel, and we just barely manage to avoid crashing into the clock tower.
"Ron, we should tell you, most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." Harry said, sadly.
"Uh, right." Ron said, pressing a button, and the car turns invisible. "So, Jared. What was that drink you were having earlier?"
"Boba?" I asked, taking out a bottle of Mountain Dew earlier. "Right. You Brits won't get that until 2011."
"That drink looked pretty good." Harry said, happily. "What were those ball things at the bottom?"
"Oh. Those were called tapioca balls. It's so good."
Later, while we're flying over the mountains, the car reappears.
"Oh, no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty." Ron said, sadly.
"Well, come on then, let's go lower. We need to find the train." Harry said.
"Okay." Ron said, bringing the car down, so that we are flying right above the train tracks on a viaduct.
"Now, all we need to do is catch up with the train."
"We can't be far behind." Ron said, smiling.
"Shit." I said, when a train whistle sounds. "Choo! Choo!"
"Do you hear that?" Harry asked.
"We must be getting close." Ron said, sadly.
"Hold on…"
Harry, Ron, and I slowly turn around. Hedwig's eyes go wide. We scream when we see the train is right behind us. Ron gets the car out of the train's path, sending us into an uncontrollable flight around the viaduct. While we're above the train, Harry falls out of the car, but he manages to grab on to his door.
"Harry! Hold on!" Ron yelled, reaching towards Harry. "Take my hand!" Harry tries to grasp Ron's hand, but he can't hold it for long. "Hold on!"
"I'm trying! Your hand's all sweaty!" Harry said, while he finally manages to grasp Ron's hand, and the ginger pulls him back into the car. "I think we found the train."
"Yeah." Ron said, letting out a sigh.
As the Ford Anglia flies alongside the Hogwarts Express, it puts on its headlights and flies off. Soon enough, Harry, Ron, and I are flying over the lake, and have arrived at Hogwarts.
"Welcome home." Ron said, [glancing at the castle with a smile as he turned to face Harry.
Harry smiles, happy to be back at Hogwarts after such an unpleasant summer. Suddenly, the Anglia experiences a major turbulence as it steers on the left side of the castle, then right. Ron holds the wheel while panicking. The car drives down, still going forward.
"Up! UP!" Harry said, terrified.
"It's not working!" Ron said, stepping the pedals which had no effect of braking.
Harry does his best to grab the gear shift to keep the car down. Unfortunately, it's headed for a tree and Ron is screaming while turning.
"Mind that tree!" Harry said, worried.
"Stop! Stop! STOP!" Ron said, grabbing his wand from the top compartment followed by tapping to the steering wheel.
"Should have taken the Hogwarts Express." I said, and Ron's wand breaks in half.
"So you wanted to be with Hermione." Ron said, scoffing.
The car crashes into the giant tree, landing in the middle of it.
"Well, yeah. I forgot how much hell this was." I said, frowning.
Ron stares at his broken wand, "My wand. Look at my wand."
"Be thankful it's not your neck." Harry said.
Something suddenly hits the car.
"What's happening?" Ron asked.
"I don't know." Harry said.
"The Whomping Willow!" I said, while Harry, Ron, and I scream as the tree comes to life, beating up the car with its branches. "It's alive!"
Eventually, the car falls out of the tree and lands on the ground.
"Come on, go! Fast!" Harry yelled.
Before the tree can grab us again, Ron quickly drives the car out of the tree's range. A moment later, the car throws out Harry, Ron, and I, and our luggage. It ends by throwing Hedwig's cage to Harry and Scabbers' cage to Ron.
"Scabbers, are you okay?" Ron asked, as the car drives off on its own. "The car!" Harry, Ron, and I chase after the car, only to see it drive off into the forest. "Dad's gonna kill me."
Entrance Hall…
Harry, Ron, and I walk into the Entrance Hall. The two members of the Golden Trio have their belongings and pets as I have my belongings. We leave them with the rest of the students' luggage.
"See you, Hedwig!" Harry said, as he, Ron, and I then ran up the steps. "So a house-elf shows up in my bedroom, we can't get through the barrier to Platform 9¾, we almost get killed by a tree... clearly someone doesn't want me here this year."
Reaching the top of the stairs, we come face-to-face with the caretaker, Argus Filch and his pet cat, Mrs. Norris.
"Well, take a good look, lads. This night might well be the last you spend in this castle." Filch said, glaring at us with a malicious smile. Harry, Ron, and I glance at each other nervously. "Oh, dear, we are in trouble."
Filch smiles more devilishly.
Severus Snape's classroom…
Harry, Ron, and I are standing in Severus Snape's classroom.
"You were seen by no less than seven Muggles!" Snape yelled, holding up a newspaper article about our flying car at King's Cross Station, before furiously throwing the newspaper aside and glares at us. "Do you have any idea how serious this is?! You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that's been on these grounds since before you were born!"
"Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us." Ron said, sadly.
"Silence!" Snape said, walking around his desk towards us. "I assure you... that were you in Slytherin and your fate rested with me, the three of you would be on the train home tonight! As it is."
"They are not." PRofessor Dumbledore said.
Harry, Ron, Snape, Filch, and I turn towards the doorway to see Dumbledore standing there, accompanied by his associate, Professor McGonagall. Both of them are looking stern.
"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall." Harry said, glancing at Dumbledore and McGonagall.
"Headmaster, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such…" Snape said.
"I'm well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written more than a few myself. However, as Head of Gryffindor House, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action." Professor Dumbledore said.
"We'll go and get our stuff, then." Ron said, frowning.
"What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?" Professor McGonagall asked.
"You're going to expel us, aren't you?"
"Not today, Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall said, as Harry and Ron are both relieved by this. "But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight. And you will both receive detention."
Harry, Ron, and I turn back to Snape who casts a glare of pure venom at us.
"And now I suggest that we all return to the feast. There is a delicious-looking custard tart that I am most anxious to sample." Professor Dumbledore said, looking over at me. "With the Whomping Willow. Were they safe?"
"As safe as they could be." I said, happily. "Harry almost lost his life though. And Ron was a terrible driver."
Dumbledore and McGonagall exit the office and Snape follows behind with a disapproving facial expression. Harry, Ron, and I pass Filch. Harry notices a envelope on the ground and picks it up. It's addressed to Filch and is about the basics of magic.
"Uh, Mr. Filch, you dropped this." Harry said.
Filch eyes the envelope before he grabs it and stuffs it in his pocket fast while looking flabbergasted. Harry, Ron, and I walk on.
(Open POV)
Herbology greenhouses…
The next day, the second year students are in the Herbology greenhouses as Professor Sprout enters.
"Morning, everyone." Professor Sprout said, tapping the stand to get everyone's attention. "Good morning, everyone."
"Good morning, Professor Sprout." The students said, at the same time.
"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Now, gather around, everyone. Today, we're going to re-pot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" Professor Sprout asked, and Hermione raises her hand. "Yes, Miss Granger."
"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." Hermione said.
"Excellent, ten points to Gryffindor! Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours, which is why I've given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection, so if you could please put them on right away." Professor Sprout said, while the students start putting them on. "Quickly, flaps tight down." They all have their earmuffs on. "Now, watch me closely. You grasp your Mandrake firmly, you pull it sharply up out of the pot." She pulls up a plant, revealing a root that resembles a monstrous screaming baby. The students look alarmed. "Got it? And now you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." Neville falls to the floor. "Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs."
"No, ma'am, he's just fainted." Seamus said.
"Yes, well... just leave him there. Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around. Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up." Professor Sprout said
The students all do so. Draco plays with his Mandrake, causing it to bite his finger.
Nearly Headless Nick is floating down a Hogwarts corridor.
"There's Nearly Headless Nick." A student said, happily.
Nick floats past Percy, who is walking next to a girl.
"Hello, Percy, Miss Clearwater." Nearly Headless Nick said, doffing his head like a hat.
"Hello, Sir Nicholas." Percy said.
Nearly Headless Nick turns into the Great Hall.
(Jared's POV)
Great Hall…
At the Gryffindor table, Ron is trying to tape his broken wand back together.
"Say it, I'm doomed." Ron said.
"You're doomed!" Harry said, angrily.
Just then, an eager young boy called Colin Creevey shows up.
"Hi, Harry!" Colin Creevey said, snapping a photograph of Harry. "I'm Colin Creevey! I'm in Gryffindor too!"
"Hi, Colin, nice to meet you." Harry said, happily.
"Say, do you think your friend here could take a photo of me and you standing together? You know, to prove I've met you. It's for my dad, he's a milkman, you know, a Muggle, like all our family's been until me. No one knew all the odd stuff I could do was magic 'til we got that letter from Hogwarts! Everyone just thought I was mental." Colin Creevey said.
"Imagine that." Ron said, smirking.
"Ron. Errol's here." I said, looking up at the roof to see Ron's owl flying down. "Prepare for a scolding by your mom."
Errol flies into the Great Hall and crashes in front of Ron. The Slytherins all laugh.
"Bloody bird's a menace." Ron said, taking a red envelope from Errol. As the owl flies away, Ron looks at the envelope. "Oh, no!"
"Look, everyone, Weasley's got himself a Howler." Seamus said.
"Go on, Ron. I ignored one from my Gran once. It was horrible." Neville said.
Ron tentatively opens the envelope.
"RONALD WEASLEY!" The Howler yelled, in Mrs. Weasley's tone, and it rearranges itself into a floating mouth. "HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK, AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" It turns to Ginny, also sitting at the table. "Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud."
The Howler sticks out its tongue at Ron and then tears itself up.
(Open POV)
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom…
The students are seated in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, decorated with portraits of its owner: Gilderoy Lockhart; the door to the office opens and Lockhart walks out.
"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher: me, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner... of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award." Lockhart said, smiling. "But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him."
He laughs at his own joke, but no one else does. The girls in the class all seem starstruck by Lockhart while the boys just seem to be confused.
"I see you've all bought a complete set of my books, well done. Now, I thought we'd start today with…" Lockhart said, gathering pieces of paper. "...a little quiz." The students look worried as he steps forward to start passing them out. "Nothing to worry about, just to... check how well you've read them."
""Thank you." Hermione said, as she takes a quiz from Lockhart.
"How much you've, uh, taken in." Lockhart said, and he passed quizzes to Harry and Ron.
Harry and Ron look at their quizzes.
"Look at these questions! They'll all about him!" Ron cried.
"'What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?'" Harry asked.
"'What is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?'" Ron asked.
Having finished passing out the quizzes, Lockhart returns to the front of the classroom.
"You have thirty minutes. Start... now!" Lockhart said, angrily.
Later, Lockhart is now looking over their finished quizzes.
"Tut, tut, hardly any of you remembered that my favorite color is lilac. But Miss Hermione Granger knew that my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and market my own range of hair care potions. Good girl." Lockhart said, winking, before pulling out his wand. "Now, be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind." He taps a covered-up cage, causing it to shake. "You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream, it might...PROVOKE THEM!"
Lockhart pulls the cover off the cage, revealing small blue creatures with wings.
"Cornish Pixies?" Seamus asked.
"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies." Lockhart said, while Seamus laughed. "Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnigan, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them, now!" He lets the pixies out of their cage, and they immediately start swarming around the classroom, wreaking havoc. "Come on now, round them up, round them up! They're only pixies!"
Two pixies grab Neville by his ears, hoist him up into the air, and then hang him on the chandelier.
"Please, get me down!" Neville said, worried.
Most of the students are now fleeing the classroom. One pixie is pulling on Hermione's hair.
"Get off me!" Hermione cried.
"Stop, hold still!" Harry said, smacking the pixie with a book.
"Peskipiksi Pesternomi!" Lockhart said, raising his wand.
No spell happens, and a pixie grabs Lockhart's wand from him. The pixie then uses the wand to break the chain holding up a dragon skeleton, causing it to crash to the floor. One pixie rides the skeleton as it falls.
"Yee-ha!" The pixie cheered.
Lockhart runs back towards his office. He tries and fails to prevent the pixies from carrying off one of his pictures of himself. He then turns to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who are the only students left at this point.
"I'll ask you three to just nip the rest of them back into their cage." Lockhart said, ducking into his office.
"What do we do now?" Ron asked.
"Jared told me the spell I should use to stop them before he went to Hagrid's." Hermione said, raising her wand. "Immobulus!"
The pixies all freeze in midair.
"Why is it always me?" Neville asked, still hanging from the chandelier.
Harry is walking down the corridor wearing his Quidditch outfit, accompanied by the rest of the team: Oliver Wood, Fred, George, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Katie Bell.
"I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program. We are going to train earlier, harder, and longer." Oliver said, glancing to his left, the rest of the team follows his gaze. "What...? I don't believe it."
Stepping out into the courtyard, they come across the Slytherin Quidditch team, also dressed for Quidditch, as Ron and Hermione are sitting nearby; Oliver directs his attention to the team's captain, Marcus Flint.
"Where do you think you're going, Flint?" Oliver asked.
"Quidditch practice." Marcus said.
"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today."
"Easy, Wood. I've got a note." Marcus said, holding out a rolled up scroll; Wood takes it and opens it.
"Uh-oh. I smell trouble." Ron said, as he and Hermione get up and walk towards the two teams.
"'I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.'" Oliver said, reading the parchment, and he looked up from it. "You've got a new Seeker, who?"
Marcus steps aside, and Draco steps out towards the Gryffindor team members.
"Malfoy?" Harry asked, amazed that his nemesis is now a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team.
"That's right. And that's not all that's new this year." Draco said, putting his broom at his side.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team examine the brooms Draco and the rest of the Slytherin team are holding.
"Those are Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?" Ron asked, at a loss for words.
"A gift from Draco's father." Marcus said, smirking.
"You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." Draco said.
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione said.
Draco glares at Hermione in annoyance as he takes a few steps and stops only at arms length in front of her, "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood."
Hermione glares at him, offended by the remark, as Draco sneers.
"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" Ron said, taking out his wand and aims it at Draco. "Eat slugs!"
Unfortunately, Ron's spell backfires, blasting him off backwards and onto the ground. Harry and Hermione immediately rush to his side.
"You okay, Ron? Say something!" Hermione said, worried.
Ron opens his mouth as if to say something, but instead he spits out a slug.
"Wow! Can you turn him around, Harry?" Colin Creevey asked, as he started taking pictures of Ron.
"No, Colin! Get out of the way." Harry said, and he and Hermione help Ron to his feet. "Let's take him to Hagrid and Jared." Ron regurgitates another slug. "They'll know what to do."
The three of them rush off to Hagrid's while the Slytherins laugh at them.
(Jared's POV)
Hagrid's house….
I walked up to Ron with a bucket as Harry and Hermione sat on either side of Hagrid.
"This calls for a specialist's equipment." Hagrid said, while Ron took the bucket as I sat down. "Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid." Ron throws up another slug. "Better out than in. Who was Ron trying to curse, anyway?"
"Ron was trying to curse Draco." I said, taking out some coconut taro bubble tea to drink. "It failed miserably."
"Jared's right." Harry said, as he, Ron, and I glanced at Hermione; she is still very hurt. "Well, I don't... I don't know exactly what it means."
"He called me a Mudblood." Hermione said, still upset, she gets up and folds her arms as she walks away from us.
"He did not!" Hagrid said, gasping in shock.
"What's a Mudblood?" Harry asked.
"It means 'dirty blood'." Hermione said, spinning around to face Harry. "Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is muggle-born, someone with non-magic parents, someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation."
Hermione sits on the edge of the bench.
"See, the thing is, Harry, there's some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they're better than everyone else, because they're what people call pure-blood." Hagrid said.
"That's horrible." Harry said, appalled by this.
Ron coughs up another slug; Hermione glances at him.
"It's disgusting." Ron said, disgusted.
"Hermione, it's bullshit. 'Dirty blood'." I said, sipping on my bubble tea. "There isn't a wizard alive today that isn't half magical and half no magic. I'm half human and half ghost. And that hasn't stopped me. Even so, there isn't a spell that our Hermione here can't do. Come here, Hermione." Hermione smiles and walks to me for a hug. "Now, don't think about what Draco said. Not in your life. Okay? And you have us here to make you feel better whenever he hurts you."
Hermione, despite the tears in her eyes, dons a smile.
(Open POV)
Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom…
Later that evening, Harry is doing his detention with Lockhart.
"Harry, Harry, Harry. Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me to answer my fan mail?" Lockhart asked.
"Not really." Harry said, sadly.
"Fame is a fickle friend, Harry. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that." Lockhart said, picking up another fan letter.
Harry begins to hear an ominous, inhuman voice.
"Come…" The ominous voice said, as Harry looked up. "come... come to me... come to me…"
"What?" Harry asked.
"Sorry?" Lockhart asked, looking up.
Lockhart glances at Harry.
"That voice." Harry said.
"Voice?" Lockhart asked.
"Did you hear it?"
"What are you talking about, Harry? I think you're getting a bit... uh, drowsy. And great scot! No wonder. Look at the time, we've been here nearly four hours. Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun." Lockhart said, chuckling.
"Spooky." Harry said, glancing up, still thinking about the creepy voice he just heard.
(Jared's POV)
Harry is walking into the corridor when he suddenly hears the ominous voice again.
"Blood. I smell blood. Let me rip you... Let me kill you. Kill... kill... kill!" The ominous voice yelled.
"Harry…" Hermione said, and she, Ron, and I walked towards Harry.
"Did you hear it?" Harry asked.
"Hear what?" Ron asked, concerned and confused.
"That voice."
"Voice? What voice?" Hermione asked, getting concerned as well.
"I don't hear anything." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "When did you first hear it?"
"I heard it first in Lockhart's office, and then, again, just…" Harry said, while he hears the voice once more.
"It's time." The ominous voice said.
"It's moving. I think it's going to kill." Harry said, getting tense.
"'Kill'?" Ron asked, as Harry ran past us down the corridor.
"Harry, wait! Not so fast!" Hermione cried, and she, Ron, and I ran after Harry.
Harry stops in the middle of the corridor, then looks down to see the floor is wet before walking to the right. Ron, Hermione, and I run to catch up with him; we stop abruptly as we see numerous spiders scurrying away through a crack in the window.
"Strange... I've never seen spiders act like that." Harry said, at a loss for words.
"I don't like spiders." Ron said, sadly.
"Same. I hate them." I said, frowning.
We then glance at something else on the floor.
"What's that?" Ron asked.
We gaze at a puddle of water, where we can see what appears to be bloody writing, then look up at the wall to see foreboding words written in blood which Hermione reads.
"'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware'. It's written in blood." Hermione said.
"Oh, no." Harry said, looking to the left.
Hermione follows Harry's gaze and gasps when she sees what he is seeing; he walks toward a torch on the wall, tied to the torch is Mrs. Norris, frozen and seemingly scared by something.
"It's Filch's cat. It's Mrs. Norris." Harry said, his eyes widening.
Behind us, Percy walks into the corridor, leading the other Gryffindor house students. Soon enough, the corridor fills with students, who gaze at the bloody writing and Mrs. Norris, Madame Pomfrey expresses horror and shock; Colin gets his camera ready, but Percy stops him.
"'Enemies of the Heir, beware'." Draco said, glancing at the Gryffindor house students. "You'll be next, Mudbloods."
Ron scowls and glares at Draco.
"What's going on here?" Filch asked, pushing his way through the crowd. "Go on, make way, make way." He glares at Harry. "Potter... what are you...?" Filch gazes past Harry at the frozen form of his cat and trembles. "Mrs. Norris?" He glares at Harry again. "You murdered my cat."
"No. No." Harry said.
"I'll kill you." Filch said, as Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle grin. He smiles wickedly at Harry then grabs him by the shirt. "I'll kill you!"
"Argus?" Dumbledore asked, and Filch lets go of Harry. The students step aside as Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape arrive on the scene. "Argus, I…" He glances at the writing on the wall. "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." The students turn to leave; Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I follow. "Everyone except…" Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I stop. "…you four."
We turn to face Dumbledore.
"Ravenclaws, follow me." The Ravenclaw Prefect said, while the other students all depart.
"She's not dead." I said, as Filch trembles, presumably from relief and confusion. "She's been petrified. It's like being a Weeping Angel. But worse."
"Ah. Thought so. So unlucky I wasn't there. I know exactly the countercurse that could've spared her." Lockhart said.
"But how she has been petrified I cannot say." Dumbledore said, smiling and nodding.
"Ask him. It's him that done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall." Filch said, gesturing towards Harry.
"It's not true, sir. I swear. I never touched Mrs. Norris." Harry said.
"If I might, headmaster. Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, the circumstances are suspicious. I for one don't recall seeing Potter at dinner." Snape said.
"I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see, Harry was helping me answer my fanmail." Lockhart said, sadly.
"That's why Ron, Jared, I went looking for him, Professor. We just found him when he said…" Hermione said, looking at Harry.
"Yes, Ms. Granger?" Snape asked.
"When I said I wasn't hungry." Harry said, and Snape turns towards him. "We were heading back to the common room when we found Mrs. Norris."
Ron and I nodded. Snape turns towards Professor Dumbledore.
"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus." Dumbledore said.
"My cat has been petrified. I want to see some punishment!" Filch yelled, as Snape smiles slightly.
"We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madame Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When matured, a potion will be made, which will revive Mrs. Norris." Dumbledore said, and Filch trembles. "And in the meantime, I strongly recommend caution... to all."
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I nod. Moments later, we are walking along the Grand Staircase, as the numerous staircases change.
"It's a bit strange isn't it?" Hermione asked, while we ascended the stairs.
"'Strange'?" Harry asked.
"You hear this voice, a voice only you can hear, and then Mrs. Norris turns up petrified. It's just…" Hermione said, turning to face Harry. "…strange."
"You think I should've told them, Dumbledore and the others, I mean?" Harry asked.
"Are you mad?" Ron asked.
"No, Harry. Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign." Hermione said, turning and walking along with me. "Jared, do you have any hints for me?"
"Transfiguration." I said, my hand moving along the staircase railing.
"How is Transfiguration a hint?"
"She's right, you know." A Man in Painting said.
Harry and Ron glance at him, then walk along.
(Open POV)
Transfiguration classroom…
It is now the next day.
"Could I have your attention, please? Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets." Professor McGonagall said, while Draco shrugs. "Like so." She turns to a bird resting on a post to her right, tapping it with her wand as she speaks. "One, two, three, Vera Verto." A stream of magic emits from her wand, and the bird becomes a goblet; the other students express amazement. "Now it's your turn. Who would like to go first?" Professor McGonagall approaches Ron. "Ah! Mr. Weasley. One, two, three, Vera Verto."
"Ahem!" Ron said, silently tapping his wand towards Scabbers three times. "Vera Verto."
Ron's wand causes Scabbers to turn into a furry goblet with his tail moving around while squeaking; Harry and some of the other students grin and laugh.
"That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall said, as Ron picked up the Scabbers-goblet and Hermione raises her hand. "Yes, Ms. Granger?"
"Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione said.
Draco gives Hermione a surprised look.
"Very well." Professor McGonagall said, glancing around the room and seeing that the students look somewhat interested. "Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not."
"Three guesses who." Ron said, turning to Harry.
"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, pure-bloods." Professor McGonagall said, as Hermione and Draco glare at each other. "Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Well, shortly before departing, he sealed it, until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The Heir alone would be able to open the Chamber, and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic."
"Muggle-borns." Hermione said.
Professor McGonagall points her wand at Hermione in an affirmative gesture.
"Well, naturally the school has been searched many times. No such Chamber has been found." Professor McGonagall said, turning and walks back to her desk.
"Professor…" Hermione said, and Professor McGonagall turns around. "…what exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?"
"Well, the Chamber is said to be home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster." Professor McGonagall said.
Hermione feels a sense of dread at these words; a horrified Ron turns around to look at Draco, who grins smugly at him.
(Jared's POV)
"The Chamber of Secrets." I said, as Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I walked down the corridor.
"Do you think it's true? Do you really think there is a Chamber of Secrets?" Ron asked.
"Yes. Couldn't you tell? McGonagall's worried. All the teachers are." Hermione said, looking over at me for a moment. "Jared, you're very worried that you've been distancing yourself from us."
"I can't help it." I said, as Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle walked down the corridor behind us. "I know what's in the Chamber of Secrets. I can't tell you at the risk of someone knowing."
"At the risk of someone knowing." Harry said, sadly. "But if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, and it really has been opened, then that means…"
"The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. The question is, who is it?" Hermione asked, as Draco and Goyle walk past us, with Crabbe running to keep up.
"Let's think…" Ron said, glancing at our adversaries as they pass. "…who do we know who thinks all Muggle-borns are scum?"
"Well, if you're talking about Draco..." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"Of course! You heard him: 'You'll be next, Mudbloods'." Ron said, annoyed.
"I heard him. But Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin?" Hermione asked.
"Well, maybe Ron's right, Hermione, Jared. I mean, look at his family, the whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries." Harry said.
"Crabbe and Goyle must know. Maybe we could trick them into telling." Ron said.
"Even they aren't that thick. But there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult, not to mention, we'd be breaking fifty school rules, and it'll be dangerous, very dangerous." Hermione said.
"Jared, your hint about the Transfiguration class helped get some answers from Professor McGonagall." Hermione said, pulling a book titled 'Most Potente Potions' off the shelf, then walks a few rows to where Harry, Ron, and I are. "Here it is, the Polyjuice Potion." She reads from the book. "'Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform himself temporarily into the physical form of another'."
"You mean, if Harry and I drink that stuff, we'll turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron asked.
"Yes." Hermione said, frowning.
"Wicked. Malfoy will tell us anything." Ron said, as he and Harry exchanged grins.
"Exactly, but it's tricky." Hermione said, smiling slightly at Harry and Ron's motivation, before glancing at the book again. "I've never seen a more complicated potion."
"Well, how long will it take to make?" Harry asked.
"It'll take a month." I said, looking down at the floor.
"Jared's right." Hermione said, looking up at Harry. "It's a month."
"A month?! But, Hermione... if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin, he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then!" Harry said, worried.
"We know, but it's the only plan we've got." Hermione said.
Quidditch Stadium…
There is a Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. The Slytherins are zooming around at high speed, dominating on their superior brooms. They score a goal.
"Another goal for Slytherin!" Lee yelled, updating the scoreboard. "They lead Gryffindor ninety to thirty!"
"Yes! Yeah!" A Slytherin player cheered.
The Slytherins fly around the stadium in a victory formation. In the stands, Snape and Lucius are seated next to each other..
"All right there, Scarhead?" Draco asked, looking over at Harry.
A Bludger nearly hits Harry.
"Watch yourself, Harry!" Oliver said, and the Bludger turns back on Harry.
"Wood, look out!" Harry said, while the Bludger strikes Oliver's broom as it takes off after him, chasing him around the stadium.
While trying to escape the Bludger, Harry flies through a crowd of screaming students.
In the stands, Hagrid is watching through his binoculars.
"Blimey, Harry's got himself a rogue Bludger! That's been tampered with, that has!" Hagrid said, lowering the binoculars.
"I'll stop it!" Ron said, raising his wand.
"No!" I said, pushing Ron's wand down. "Your wand is still messed up, Ron."
"Even with a proper wand, it's too risky. You could hit Harry." Hermione said, sadly.
Harry flies around wildly as the Bludger continues to pursue him around the stadium.
"Training for the ballet, Potter?" Draco asked.
The Golden Snitch flies up next to Draco, but he doesn't notice it. After ducking the Bludger coming at him again, Harry takes off after the Snitch. Realizing what's happening, Draco shoves Harry aside and pulls ahead of him. The Snitch leads the two Seekers into the trench around the pitch.
"You'll never catch me, Potter!" Draco said, excitedly.
Up ahead of them, Colin Creevey snaps a photograph of Harry and Draco as they fly over him. Colin then ducks just in time to avoid being hit by the Bludger. Back inside the trench, the Bludger begins bouncing uncontrollably off the walls. Eventually, Draco loses control of his broom, flying out of the trench and crashing into the grass. Much of the crowd is alarmed, but Lucius just seems to be coldly disappointed by his son's performance. Outside the trench now, Harry reaches for the Snitch, but the Bludger hits him in the arm. Clutching his right arm to his chest, he grabs the Snitch with his left hand as he comes in for a crash landing.
"Come on. Harry already won it for Gryffindor." I said, happily.
Ron, Hermione, Hagrid,and I begin leaving the stands. Harry holds up the Snitch.
"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch. Gryffindor wins!" Lee yelled.
The Bludger continues trying to pound Harry, but he manages to keep dodging it. Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, and I make it onto the field.
"Finite Incantatem!" Hermione said, taking out her wand.
The rogue Bludger blows up. Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, and I run to Harry as Lockhart runs to him followed by another group of students.
"Thank you." Harry said, as we reached him.
"Are you okay?" Hermione asked.
"No. I think my... I think my arm's broken." Harry said, frowning.
"Not to worry, Harry. I will fix that arm of yours straight away." Lockhart said, kneeling down beside Harry.
"No. Not you."
"Poor boy. Doesn't know what he's saying. Now, this…" Lockhard said, pulling back Harry's sleeve. "…won't hurt a bit." Ron and Hermione glance at Hagrid and I worriedly; Hagrid and I give them a reassuring look as Lockhart pulls out his wand and points it at Harry's arm. "Brackium Emendo." Lockhart's wand emits a blue light, which then recedes; Lockhart drops his wand and lifts Harry's arm, which is now limp and slushy; Ron, the other students, and I groan in disgust; even Hermione is repulsed. "Yes, well, that can sometimes happen. But, uh... the point is…" He moves Harry's limp right hand back. "...you can no longer feel any pain. And, very clearly, the bones are not broken."
"'Broken'? There's no bones left!" Hagrid said, worried.
"You literally took the cheap way out!" I said, and Harry's right hand fell back. "Harry's arm won't recover that way!"
"Much more flexible, though." Lockhart said, smirking.
Hospital wing…
Draco Malfoy lays in a hospital bed, moaning, with Crabbe, Goyle, and one of his teammates at his bedside as Madame Pomfrey comes in carrying a bottle of Skele-Gro.
"Oh, Mr. Malfoy. Stop making such a fuss. You can go." Madame Pomfrey said, moving to Harry's bed, where the Gryffindor Quidditch team, as well as Colin, Ron, Hermione, and I are all gathered. "Out of my way. Out of my way. Should've been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back…"
"You will be able to, won't you?" Hermione asked.
"Oh, I'll be able to, certainly. But it'll be painful." Madame Pomfrey said, pouring Skele-Gro into a glass. "You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business." She hands the glass of Skele-Gro to Harry; he drinks it, then, disgusted by the taste of it, spits it out and winces. "Well, what do you expect, pumpkin juice?"
Madame Pomfrey puts the glass on the bedside table.
(Open POV)
It is nighttime; Harry is sound asleep when he suddenly hears the foreboding voice again.
"Kill." The ominous voice said, while Harry awakens. "Kill." Harry looks around. "Time to kill."
Harry puts on his glasses and looks up at the ceiling, listening to the chilling, monstrous sounds, then comes face-to-face with Dobby, who is sitting on the edge of his bed, smiling at him.
"Hello." Dobby said, smiling.
"Dobby?" Harry asked, somewhat surprised to see Dobby again.
"Harry Potter should've listened to Dobby." Dobby said, pointing at Harry. "Harry Potter should've gone back home when he missed the train."
"It was you." Harry said, as the realization came to him. "You stopped the barrier from letting Ron, Jared, and me through."
"Indeed, yes, sir." Dobby said.
Harry looks away for a second, then looks back at Dobby with anger in his eyes, "You nearly got Ron and me expelled."
"At least you would be away from here." Dobby said, getting to his feet and approaches Harry. "Harry Potter must go home! Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make Harry Potter see that…"
"Your Bludger? You made that Bludger chase after me?" Harry asked, his anger rising slightly.
"Dobby feels most aggrieved, sir. Dobby had to iron his hands." Dobby said, showing Harry his bandaged fingers.
"You better clear off before my bones come back, Dobby, or I might strangle you." Harry said, shrugging.
"Dobby is used to death threats, sir." Dobby said, frightened by these words, he jumps off the bed. Harry gets up and out of bed then approaches Dobby. "Dobby gets them five times a day at home."
"I don't suppose you could tell me why you're trying to kill me."
"Not kill you, sir." Dobby said, backing away from Harry slowly around the bed. "Never kill you. Dobby remembers how it was before Harry Potter triumphed over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." He backs up to the other side of the bed. "We house elves were treated like vermin, sir. Of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin."
Dobby sobs uncontrollably as Harry looks on, then blows his nose on his grimy pillowcase.
"Why do you wear that thing, Dobby?" Harry asked.
"This, sir?" Dobby asked, obviously sensing that Harry is referring to his pillowcase. "It is a mark of a house elf's enslavement. Dobby could only be freed if his master presents him with clothes." He gasps as he hears a banging sound coming from outside and glances at the door to the infirmary; Harry also glances at the door; Dobby jumps up onto the bed. "Listen. Listen." Dobby beckons Harry closer. "Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts. Harry Potter must not stay here now that history is to repeat itself."
"'Repeat itself'? You mean this has happened before?" Harry asked, in surprise.
Dobby gasps and covers his mouth with his hands.
"I shouldn't have said that!" Dobby yelled, gasping, then grabs the bottle of Skele-Gro and starts beating himself with it. "Bad Dobby!"
"Dobby, stop. Stop it. Stop it, Dobby!" Harry cried, grabbing the bottle from him and sets it aside, then holds Dobby aloft by the pillowcase. "Tell me, Dobby. When did this happen before? Who's doing it now?"
"Dobby cannot say, sir. Dobby only wants Harry Potter to be safe." Dobby said, rubbing Harry's hand.
"No, Dobby. Tell me." Harry said, while a door opens in the background, getting Dobby's attention. "Who is it?"
Dobby turns toward Harry and snaps his fingers, disappearing into thin air; Harry looks at the doorway and sees the shadows of people coming; he immediately gets back into bed, facing the opposite direction so whoever's coming won't see he's awake; Madame Pomfrey and Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall enter.
"Put him here." Madame Pomfrey said, gesturing towards another hospital bed. Two other staff members enter, carrying a petrified Colin Creevey on a stretcher. "What happened?"
"There's been another attack." Professor Dumbledore said, as the two men who brought Colin in depart.
"I think…" Professor McGonagall said, as she and Dumbledore pick Colin up and place him in the bed. "You know that I think he's been Petrified, Madame Pomfrey." Harry listens intently, unbeknownst to any of them. "Perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker?"
Dumbledore carefully takes Colin's camera out of his hands, showing a somewhat frightened look on his face, then opens the film compartment; it discharges a burst of smoke; the staff react in shock.
"What can this mean, Albus?" Professor McGonagall asked.
"It means... that our students are in great danger." Professor Dumbledore said, sadly.
"What should I tell the staff?"
"The truth. Tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe. It is as we feared, Minerva. The Chamber of Secrets has indeed been opened again."
Harry lays in bed, shocked by what he just heard.
(Jared's POV)
Girls' bathroom…
A few days later, Harry tells Ron, Hermione, and I what he overheard. As we talk, Hermione works on the Polyjuice Potion.
"'Again'? You mean, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asked. "Jared, do you know who opened it?"
"Yeah." I said, looking down at the floor. "I just…"
"Do you know who did it?"
"Yeah." I said, still looking down at the floor.
"Of course. Jared knows because he does." Ron siad, happily. "Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here. And now he's taught Draco how to do it."
"Maybe. We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure." Hermione said.
"Enlighten me. Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight in the middle of a girls' lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?" Ron asked.
"Nope. No one ever comes into the girls' bathroom." I said, looking up and over at Ron.
"I just do. And the reason why no one goes into the girls' bathroom. It's because of Moaning Myrtle."
"Who?" Ron asked.
Just then, Moaning Myrtle, a ghostly girl in a Hogwarts uniform, appears behind Ron.
"That's Moaning Myrtle." I said, looking at Moaning Myrtle.
"Who's Moaning Myrtle?" Ron asked, and Moaning Myrtle floated up to him.
"I'M MOANING MYRTLE!" Myrtle cried, flying into the center of the room. "I wouldn't expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, Moaning Myrtle?"
With a piercing cry, Moaning Myrtle flies into a toilet.
"She's a little sensitive." Hermione said, letting out a sigh.