Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 89 - Thor:The Dark World

Chapter 89 - Thor:The Dark World

(Open POV)

Nine Realms…

"Long before the birth of light there was darkness, and from that darkness, came the Dark Elves. Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith, sought to transform our universe back into one of eternal night." Odin said, as a voiceover.

Malekith is looking up at the Convergence.

"Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction." Odin said, as a voiceover.

There is the Aether.

"The noble armies of Asgard, led by my father, King Bor, waged a mighty war against these creatures." Odin said, as a voiceover.

The Dark Elves and Asgardians are fighting.

Kurse walks up to Malekith.

"Malekith! Asgard's forces are upon us." Kurse said.

The Bifrost opens, and Bor steps out with Asgardian reinforcements.

"Send the Kursed." Malekith said.

Some soldiers crush objects in their hands and become giant Hulk-like creatures. Malekith looks up at the Convergence again.

"As the Nine Worlds converged above him, Malekith could at last unleash the Aether…" Odin said, as a voiceover.

Malekith and Kurse walk up to the Aether. However, the Bifrost opens and Asgardian warriors attack Malekith, whom he kills. The Bifrost disappears, just as Malekith tries to get the Aether, but it is no longer there.

"But Asgard ripped the weapon from his grasp. Without it, the Dark Elves fell. With the battle all but lost, Malekith sacrificed his own people in a desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard's army." Odin said, as a voiceover.

Malekith watches as his forces are slaughtered.

"Their deaths will mean our survival. This war is far from over." Malekith said.

Malekith and Kurse get onto his ship and escape without notice, while destroying the other ships in the process. The ships kill some of the Asgardians.

"Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more. Or so we were led to believe." Odin said, as a voiceover.

"Sire, the Aether. Shall we destroy it?" An Asgardian Einherjar asked.

"If only we could. But its power is too great. Bury it deep. Somewhere no one will ever find it." Bor said.

Asgard – Throne Room…

Loki, in chains, is brought to Odin.

"Loki." Frigga said, sadly.

"Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?" Loki asked.

"Please, don't make this worse."

"Define worse."

"Enough! I will speak to the prisoner alone." Odin said, looking at Loki.

Frigga leaves.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about." Loki said, laughing.

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death." Odin said.

"I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you."

"We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do."

"Give or take 5000 years." Loki said, smirking.

"All this because Loki desires a throne." Odin said.

"It is my birthright."

"Your birthright was to die as a child. Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in you would not be here now to hate me."

"If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake, just swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just ... I don't love them."

"Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons."

"And what of Thor? You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?" Loki asked.

"Thor must strife to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the Nine Realms and then, yes. He will be king." Odin said.


Sif, the Warriors Three and Thor are fighting in a battle.

"I've got this completely under control!" Sif said, angrily.

"Is that why everything is on fire?" Thor asked.

Sif catches an arrow that was aimed at Thor with her shield.

"You're welcome." Sif said, while a Kronan arrives. "All yours."

"Hello." Thor said, as the Kronan growls. "I accept your surrender."

The soldiers laugh. Thor swings his hammer and crushes the Kronan.

"Anyone else?" Thor asked.

The soldiers surrender.

"Perhaps next time we should start with the big one." Fandral said.

"Keep moving. Come on! Keep moving. Go ahead of me. Don't you turn around!" A guard yelled.

"Where do we go next?" Hogun asked, looking at Thor.

"Hogun, the peace is nearly won across the Nine Realms. You should stay here. Be with your people, where your heart is. Asgard can wait." Thor said, happily.

"You have my thanks."

"As you have mine. Heimdall, when you're ready."


"Is Vanaheim secure?" Odin asked, looking at Thor.

"As are Nornheim and Ria. Though our work would have gone more quickly with you at the fore." Thor said.

"You must think I'm a piece of bread that needs to be buttered so heavily."

"That was not my intent."

"For the first time since the Bifrost was destroyed, the Nine Realms are at peace. They're well reminded of our strength and you have earned their respect and my gratitude."

"Thank you."

"Nothing out of order except your confused and distracted heart."

"This isn't about Jane Foster, Father." Thor said, letting out a sigh.

"Human lives are fleeting, they are nothing. You'd be better served by what lies in front of you…" Odin said, looking over at Sif. "I'm telling you this not as the all-father but as your father. You are ready. The time has come for you to take the throne. Embrace and celebrate what you've won. Join your warriors. Eat and drink, revel in their celebration. At least pretend to enjoy yourself."

And as they celebrate, as Thor watches the others enjoying themselves it's obvious his heart is not in it, he walks over to the balcony to join Sif.

"There was a time you would celebrate for weeks." Sif said, sadly.

"I remember you celebrated the battle of Haragon so much that you nearly started a second." Thor said, happily.

"Well, the first was so much fun."

They both smile.

"Take a drink with me. Surely the All-Father could have no further task for you tonight." Sif said, looking at Thor.

"No, this is one I set myself." Thor said.

"It has not gone unnoticed that you disappear each night. There are Nine Realms. Future king of Asgard must focus on more than one."

"I thank you for your sword and for your counsel, good Lady Sif." Thor said, turning and walking off.

(Jared's POV)


Jane is on a date with a man named Richard, Jane is looking at her menu feeling awkward when Richard slides a napkin in front of her with the word 'Hi' written on it.

"Hi." Richard said, happily.

"Hi." Jane said, smiling.

"So what's the story with you?"

"Why does there have to be a story? There's no story."

"You've spent the first ten minutes of our date hiding behind a menu that has three choices on it. It's either chicken, vegetarian or fish, Jane. I think there's a story and I'm thinking the story involves a guy?"

"It's complicated." Jane said.

"Is he still around?" Richard asked.

"No, he...went away."

"I've been there. The going away, it's hard. I'd been seeing a woman and uh...she took a job in New York, eventually the distance killed it. And...and the fact that she uh...she kept sleeping with other dudes."

"No!" Jane said, horrified.

"Oh, so many." Richard said, laughing a lot.

"Darcy! They're over there!" I said, dragging Darcy to Jane and Richard's table. "Hey."

"Hi. Um...could we get some wine please?" Richard asked, at a loss for words.

"Sure, I'd love some." Darcy said, happily.

"Same. A rosé is nice. Thank you." I said, smiling.

"Richard, this is Darcy and Jared." Jane said, looking between Darcy and I. "What are you two doing here?"

Darcy and I grabbed a chair from the opposite table and we dragged them across to our table.

"Oh, hello." Richard said, sadly.

Darcy sits next to Jane as I sat next to Richard. The two of us help ourselves to pieces of bread and we start buttering them.

"So, Jared and I show up to work at the lab-slash-your mom's house, fully expecting you to be moping around in your pajamas eating ice cream obsessing about you know who…" Darcy said.

"That being my fellow Avenger. Jane was dating Thor, the God of Thunder, for a while." I said, tossing a piece of bread into my mouth. "It's been two years since they saw each other. Jane was mopey for a while."

"Ah." Richard said, at a loss for words.

"But you're not! You're wearing lady clothes, you even showered, didn't you? You smell good." Darcy said, and I passed her another bread for the intern to eat.

"Is there a point to all this, cause there really has to be a point to all this." Jane said, at a loss for words.

"Okay. You know the scientific equipment you don't look at anymore. Due to being heartbroken over Thor. You might have to start looking at it now." I said, passing Jane the gadget. "Sorry, Richard, this is the reason why we came all the way to London."

"It's malfunctioning." Jane said, her eyes widening.

"That's what we said." Darcy said, and Jane starts hitting the gadget on the table. "That's what I did! But you just hit a little more scientific."

"I'm sure it's nothing."

"Yeah." Richard said, happily.

Jane hands the gadget back to Darcy, instead of me.

"It didn't look like nothing. Kind of looks like the readings that Erik was rambling about." Darcy said, looking over at Richard. "Our friend, Erik, kind of went banana-balls."

"And that's after the God of Mischief hypnotized him for a bit." I said, looking down at the floor. "I know. Because I was there."

"He's not interested. I'm not interested." Jane said, looking between Darcy and I. "Time for you both to go now."

"Okay." Darcy said, smiling.

Jane rises and drags Darcy's chair and my chair back to where we got it from.

"Let's go to the car, Darce." I said, turning and walked away with Darcy. "Man, after spending time with the Guardians of the Galaxy for a few years. It's nice to be back on Earth."

"I still can't believe you went to space." Darcy said, walking in front of me.

"She's short but sweet. And he's a bit childish." Richard said, sadly.

"They need help." Jane said, frowning.

They start looking at their menus again, but Jane looks distracted by what Darcy and I told her.

"I think I'm gonna have the sea bass." Richard said.

"Sea bass. Yeah, sea bass is good." Jane said, talking to herself, as she thinks about what Darcy and I showed her. "Sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass, sea bass...sea bass. Sea bass…"

"Jane, maybe you should stop saying sea bass and go out to your friends."

Jane looks at Richard awkwardly, "This was so fun."

"You know, I'll just stay here and say sea bass alone." Richard said, happily.

Darcy's car…

Jane enters Darcy's car parked outside the restaurant.

"And I hate you." Jane said, looking between Darcy and I. "I hate both of you."

"What?! I thought he was cute." Darcy said, in the driver's seat.

"Just shut up and drive." Jane said, annoyed. "Jared, you didn't bother stopping Darcy?"

"Because she's awesome." I said, while Darcy pulls out and drives off, as we are driving through London. "And I love her."

Suddenly, Jane's is shocked to see a guy sat in the back seat.

"Who's he?" Jane asked, looking at Ian.

"He is Darce's intern." I said, taking out a box of Pocky out of my sling bag.

"You have an intern?"

"Oh, yeah." Darcy said, while I took out a Pocky and tossed it into my mouth to snack on it.

"Hello, Dr. Foster." Ian said, looking at Jane. "It's's a great honor to be working with you."

"Right. I have to call Erik." Jane said, looking between Darcy and I.

"Okay." I said, taking out my iPhone 15 Pro Max with Google Maps open. "Turn right, Darce!"

Darcy quickly makes a sharp turn.

"Now turn right!" I yelled, tossing another Pocky into my mouth, munching on it.

Darcy turns the car quickly left.

"I have totally mastered driving in London." Darcy said, happily.

Jane calls Erik and leaves a message, "Hi, Erik, it's me again. Where are you? I came here because you said you were onto something and then vanished."

I changed the app on my phone to YouTube and loaded up a news report where Selvig is naked and running around Stonehenge while the police try to catch him.

"Oh, Erik." I said, letting out a sigh. "You didn't have to go through that."

"I'm here at Stonehenge, for what has been an interesting unfolding of events today. The police reported the scene shortly after 11 a.m. this morning. After a seemingly harmless rambler approached the area, then started to strip naked, and effectively terrorize tourists there with scientific equipment while shouting that he was trying to save them. The man later identified as noted Astrophysicist Dr. Erik Selvig has been called in for questioning by police." The Stonehenge TV News Reporter said, on my phone.

Abandoned factory…

Darcy pulls up outside and we all get out of the car.

"Come on, this is exciting! Look, the intern is excited." Darcy said, happily.

"Ian." Ian said, annoyed.

"Do you want the phase meter?" Darcy asked.

"No." Jane said.

"Bring the phase meter." Darcy said, looking over at Ian.

Darcy throws the car keys at Ian and starts walking off.

"The phase meter is the toaster looking thing." I said, taking out chocolate chip cookies to snack on them.

"I know what the phase meter is." Ian said, letting out a sigh.

As Jane and I walk towards the factory, Darcy calls the brunette on her cell phone which starts playing an annoying music tone.

"How do I change the ring tone on this thing?" Jane asked.

"An Astrophysicist with three degrees should be able to change her own ring tone." Darcy said, smiling.

Jane turns to look at Darcy, "Why are you calling me?"

"I didn't want to shout." Darcy said, looking over at Ian, who's following behind her. "Intern, the entrance is this way."

"Ian. My name's Ian." Ian said, sadly.

As we enter the old factory, we hear a noise.

"I am not getting stabbed in the name of science." Darcy said, holding up her hands and shouts. "It's okay, we're Americans!"

"Seriously, Darce?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Is that supposed to make the people here like us?"

Suddenly, we hear some kids' voices.

"Make it go away…" Maddie said.

"Ssh!" Navid said, worried.

Three kids come out of their hiding place.

"Oh, they're kids." Jane said, looking down at the kids.

"Are you the police?" Maddie asked.

"No, we're scientists. Well, I am."

"Thanks." Darcy said, annoyed.

"We just found it." Navid said, happily.

"Hey. Can you show us the portal?" I asked, kneeling down towards the kids. "Pretty please?"

The three kids lead Jane, Darcy, Ian, and I to a truck. One of the boys touches the truck and pushes it up with two fingers. We watch in amazement as the truck floats in mid-air.

"That doesn't seem rigged." Darcy said, sarcastically.

The kids then take us to a stairwell in the factory, one of them drops a bottle down and they watch as the bottle disappears into thin air.

"Where did it go?" Darcy asked.

The girl points her finger up, we look up to see the bottle reappear above us and continuously fall and disappear in the same spots in the air.

"Darcy, it's Portal in real life!" I cheered.

"Portal in real life." Darcy said, in awe. "That's...that's incredible."

Jane picks up an empty can and drops it down and it does the same thing, it disappears into thin air, but when we look up to watch, it reappears, nothing happens.

"What happened?" Darcy asked.

"Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't." Maddie said, frowning.

"I want to throw something. Jane, give me your shoe." Darcy said, smirking.

Jane picks up her gadget to look at the readings, "I haven't seen readings like this since…"

"New Mexico?" Darcy asked.

"Wasn't New Mexico where you met Thor?" I asked, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

Jane give Darcy and I a meaningful look before rushing off, "Don't touch anything!"

"Give me your shoe." Darcy said, looking over at Ian.

Jane walks away from us and watches us on the stairwell dropping objects down and watching them disappear and reappear, she looks at her gadget and sees the anomaly is nearby and starts walking off.

The stairwell…

Ian drops the car keys down and we watch it disappear but when they look up it doesn't reappear.

"Where those the car keys?" Darcy asked.

"I don't know." I said, looking down at the floor.

Abandoned factory…

Jane follows the readings on her gadget which takes her to another part of the factory, as the readings get stronger a gust of wind pushes her forward and she finds herself teleported in another realm.

"Darcy! Jared!" Jane cried, looking around and finds the column holding the Aether.

Jane reaches her hand out and suddenly the Aether enters her body and she passes out.

(Open POV)

Nine Realms…

Malekith is being awakened in his ship, knowing that the Aether has been found.

"The Aether awakens us. The Convergence returns." Malekith said.


Thor walks up the bridge towards Heimdall.

"You're late." Heimdall said, looking at Thor.

"Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle." Thor said.

"Then you're doing one of them incorrectly."

Thor chuckles, "Perhaps. How fare the stars?"

"Still shining. From here, I can see Nine Realms and ten trillion souls." Heimdall said, looking at Thor for a moment. "You recall what I told you of the Convergence?"

"Yes, the alignment of the worlds. It approaches, doesn't it?" Thor asked.

"The universe hasn't seen this marvel since before my watch began. Few can sense, even fewer can see it. A world that's infected can be dangerous. It is truly beautiful." Heimdall said, smiling.

They look out into the stars.

"I see nothing." Thor said, sadly.

"Or perhaps that is not the beauty you seek." Heimdall said.

Thor laughs, "How is she?"

"She's quite clever, your mortal. She doesn't know it yet, but she studies the Convergence as well. Your fanboy has been helping her study it. Even…" Heimdall said, and he stops as he senses something.

"What?" Thor asked.

"I can't see her." Heimdall said, while Jane is being infected by the Aether.

(Jared's POV)

Abandoned factory…

After Jane is infected with the Aether, she reawakens in the factory.

"What happened?" Jane asked.

"Darce called the police." I said, looking down at Jane.

"Oh no…" Jane said, running out with me to find Darcy has actually called the police.

"Jane! Where the hell were you?" Darcy asked.

"Tell me you didn't call the police!" Jane said, worried.

"What was I supposed to do? Jared was too busy waiting for you to come back!"

"Not call the police!"

"I was freaking out."

"You call the cops, they tell the Feds, the next thing you know, we have SHIELD or UNIT crawling all over Area 51-ing the place."

"Jane!" Darcy said, angrily.

"We had a stable gratification anomaly, we had unheeded access. Our only competition was ten years old!" Jane yelled.

"Jane, you were gone for five hours." I said, sadly. "Now I know how Rose felt at SS Madame de Pompadour."

"What?" Jane asked.

Suddenly the weather turns, it starts raining and we hear the sound of thunder, Jane looks around her and puts her hand out.

"That's weird." Darcy said, sadly.

We see it's raining but it's not raining on Jane, Darcy, and I. There's an invisible barrier protecting us, and Jane sees Thor standing a few feet away from us. Jane hands her gadget to Darcy and walks towards Thor, as she walks away the invisible barrier follows her and the rain starts falling on Darcy and I.

"Typical." Darcy said, annoyed.

"And here comes the slap." I said, as Jane walked towards Thor.

"Jane." Thor said, and Jane reached him.

"You're right." Darcy said, while Jane slaps Thor hard in the face. "She did slap him!"

"Sorry. I just needed to make sure you were real, it's been a very strange day." Jane said, sadly.

"Well, I am. Jane…" Thor said, as Jane slaps him again.

"Where were you?!" Jane exclaimed.

"Where were you? Heimdall could not see you." Thor said, looking at Jane.

"I was right here where you left me. I was waiting, and then I was crying, and then I went out looking for you. You said you were coming back"

"I know, I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed. The Nine Realms erupted into chaos, wars were raging, marauding hordes were pillaging. I had to put an end to the slaughter."

"As excuses go, that's not terrible. But I saw you on TV, you were with Jared in New York!" Jane said, angrily.

"Jane, Jared and I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world, but I was wrong, I was a fool." Thor said, placing his hand on Jane's face. "I believe that fate brought us together. Jane, I don't know where you were or what happened, but I do know this."


"I know…"

"You do?"

"Do what?" Thor asked, as he leaned in close to Jane to try and kiss her.

"Um…" I said, walking up to Thor and Jane. "Rain. Still going."

"Hey! Is that you?" Jane asked, and Thor looked up and the rain stopped. "Uh...we're kind of in the middle of something."

"Um...I'm pretty sure we are getting arrested." Darcy said, sadly.

"Hold that thought." Jane said, looking over at Thor, and she turns and runs towards the police.

"Look at you, still all muscly and everything. How's space?" Darcy asked.

"Space is fine." Thor said, happily. "Jared. You look older."

"900 years of defending a planet." I said, smiling. "I also have been all around time and space recently."

Jane walks over to the police, "Excuse me?"

"Are you Jane Foster?" Police officer #1 asked.

"Yes." Jane said, sadly.

"Do you know this man?" Police officer #1 asked, looking at Ian.

"He's my intern. My intern's intern." Jane said, letting out a sigh.

"This is private property and you're trespassing, the lot of you. You'll have to come with me." Police officer #1 said, going to grab Jane's arm.

"No! Don't!" I cried, and the force from the Aether creates a powerful force which pushes the officer and everything else away. "

Thor and I run towards Jane who's lying on the ground.

"Jane! Jane?" Thor asked, as he helped Jane stand. "You alright?"

"What just happened?" Jane asked. "Jared? Do you know?"

"Yeah." I said, looking down at Jane "You'll find out on Asgard."

The other police officer approaches Jane apprehensively.

"Place your hands on your head, step back!" Police officer #2 yelled.

"The woman is unwell." Thor said, looking down at Jane.

"She's dangerous." Police officer #2 said.

"So am I." Thor said, smirking.

The other police officer is talking into his radio, "Requesting armed response officers to the scene."

Thor grabs Jane and he also approached me and pulled us closer to him.

"Hold on to me." Thor said, smirking.

"What are you doing?" Jane asked.

"He's taking us to Asgard!" I said, excitedly. "I'm falling back on my own timeline. But it'll be easy to avoid myself."

The Bifrost opens and Thor takes Jane and I to Asgard; Darcy looks up as we disappear.

"Holy shit!" Darcy cheered.


Thor, Jane, and I travel through the Bifrost.


Heimdall is guarding as always, Jane looks around her in amazement.

"We have to do that again." Jane said, noticing Heimdall for the first time. "Hi."

"Welcome to Asgard." Heimdall said, looking over at me. "You're falling back on your own timeline. You're having a picnic here with the Doctor, River Song, and the Puella Magi Holy Quintet."

"I know. It'll be easy to avoid them, Heimdall." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "I fell back on my timeline before."

(Open POV)


Malekith kneels and grabs a handful of dust from the ground, "Look at my legacy, Algrim. I barely remember the time before light."

Algrim places his hand on Malekith's shoulder, "Our survival will be your legacy."

"The Asgardians will suffer as we have suffered. I will reclaim the Aether. I will restore our world and I'll put an end to this poisonous world. "

(Jared's POV)


The Asgardian physicians study Jane and the force within her.

"What's that?" Jane asked.

"Be still." Eir said.

Thor and I watch with one of the nurses as they examine Jane.

"This is not of Earth, what is it?" Thor asked.

"We do not know, but she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her." The Asgardian nurse said, turning and walking away.

"You're worried about her too." Thor said, sadly.

Thor and I look at Jane with worry.

"She's my friend. And your girlfriend." I said, looking down at the floor.

"That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?" Jane asked.

"It's a Soul Forge." Eir said.

"Does a Soul Forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?"

Eir looks impressed, "Yes."

Jane looks at Thor and I and whispers, "It's a quantum field generator."

Thor smiles at Jane.

Odin enters the room as Thor looks on to Jane as she is being examined.

"My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?" Odin asked.

"She's ill." Thor said.

"She and her friend here are mortal. Illness is their defining trait." Odin said, looking between Jane and I.

"I brought here because we can help her."

"They do not belong here in Asgard anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table."

Jane sits up and looks at Thor and I, "Did he just...?"

"Yup. He did." I said, rolling my eyes. "At least it is easy to avoid myself here."

"Fair point." Jane said, walking over to Odin. "Who do you think you are?"

"I'm Odin. King of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms." Odin said.

"Oh. Well, I'm…"

"I know very well who you are, Jane Foster."

Jane turns to look at Thor, "You told your Dad about me?"

"Something is within her, father, something I have not seen before." Thor said.

"Their world has its healers, they're called doctors, let them deal with it. Guards, take them back to Midgard. " Odin said.

"They can't deal with something like that." I said, as two guards approach Jane and go to grab her, the energy force within Jane sets off again, throwing the two guards aside. "It's something you know well, Odin."

"Don't touch her." Thor said, leaning down and tenderly touching Jane. "Jane, are you alright?"

Jane nods her head.

Odin inspects the energy force running through Jane's body and realizes it's the Aether, "You're right. That's impossible."

"The infection, it's defending her." Eir said.

"Nope. It's defending itself." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Come with me." Odin said, leading us down a hallway. "There are relics that predate the universe itself. What lies within her appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn as they will have a dusk." Odin shows Thor, Jane, and I an ancient book. "But before that dawn, the dark forces, the Dark Elves, reigned absolute and unchallenged."

'Born of eternal night, the Dark Elves comes to steal away your light'." Thor said, reading from the book. "They were these stories mother told us as children."

"Their leader, Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness, it was called the Aether. While the other relics often appeared as stones, the Aether is fluid and ever changing. It changes matter into dark matter and seeks out to host bodies, drawing strength from their life force. Malekith sought to use the Aether's power to return the universe to one of darkness. But after eternities of blood shed, my father, Bor, finally triumphed, ushering in the peace that lasted thousands of years." Odin said.

"What happened?" Jane asked.

"He killed them all."

"Are you certain? The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them and yet here it is."

"The Dark Elves are dead."

"Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of me?" Jane asked, looking at Odin.

"No, it does not." Odin said, sadly.

(Open POV)


In his ship, Malekith plots his vengeance against the Asgardians.

"The Realms will be aligned soon." Malekith said, taking out a knife and turns to Algrim. "You'll be the last of the Kursed."

Malekith stabs Algrim in the stomach with his knife.

"Let my life be sacrificed. The same as our people." Algrim said.

"You will become darkness, doomed to this existence until it consumes you." Malekith said, and one of the dark elves places a molten rock in his hand and he places it inside Algrim's stomach. "And then no power of our enemies will stop me."

"I'll destroy their defenses and resurrect the universe."

Malekith looks to one of his dark elves as he carries a mask.


Fandral and Volstagg with several prisoners, including the masked Algrim.

Loki's cell…

Loki watches Fandral and Volstagg from his cell as they come in.

"Odin continues to bring me new friends. How thoughtful." Loki said, happily.

"The books I sent, do they not interest you?" Frigga asked.

Loki turns and Frigga is in his cell, "Is that how I'm to, while away eternity, reading?"

"I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki."

"Have you? Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night."

"You know full well it was your actions that brought you here." Frigga said.

"My actions. I was merely giving truth to the lie that I had been fed my entire life, that I was born to be a king." Loki said.

"A king? A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?"

"A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself."

"Your father…"

"He's not my father!" Loki shouted.

"Then am I not your mother?" Frigga asked.

Loki hesitates for a moment, "You're not."

Frigga smiles at Loki with tears in her eyes.

"Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself." Frigga said, taking a step towards Loki and extending her hands.

Loki goes to touch Frigga's hand but his hand goes through hers and he sees that she's a hologram. He looks at Frigga with sadness and her hologram disappears.

(Jared's POV)


Jane, Thor, and I walk around the streets.

"When you came for me, you knew I was in trouble." Jane said, happily.

"Well, Jane, Heimdall had lost sight of you, you were no longer on Earth." Thor said. "He was able to still have sight of Jared, because he frequented Earth."

"Well, how's that possible?"

"I believe you were in between worlds. The Nine Realms travel within Yggdrasil, orbiting Midgard in much the way your planet orbits the sun. Every five thousand years the worlds align perfectly, we call this the Convergence." Thor said, taking Jane's hand and he shows her by touching his palm to hers. "During this time the borders between worlds become blurred. It's possible you found one of these points. We are lucky that it remained open. Once the worlds pass out of alignment, the connection is lost."

Thor leans closer to Jane and they kiss.

"I liked the way you explained that. What's gonna happen to me?" Jane asked.

"I'll find a way to save you, Jane." Thor said.

"Your father said there was…"

"My father doesn't know everything."

"Thor…" I said, doing a face palm.

We are interrupted by Frigga.

"Don't let him hear you say that." Frigga said, disgusted.

"Jane Foster, please meet Frigga, the Queen of Asgard, my mother." Thor said, smiling.

Jane, looking embarrassed, quickly removes her hand from Thor's mother, Frigga, "Hi."

"Frigga. Did my past self leave Asgard?" I asked, looking at Frigga.

"He did." Frigga said, walking up to me for a hug. "You have been through so much since the day at the picnic, haven't you?"

"I have."

(Open POV)


In his cell, Algrim pulls out the rock that Malekith had placed in his stomach, he crushes it in his hand, transforming himself into a Kursed, he breaks free and releases the other prisoners. Loki watches all this from his cell, then Algrim walks up to Loki's cell and he looks at Loki for a moment before turning and walking away.

"You might want to take the stairs to the left." Loki said.

Algrim turns and looks at Loki before walking away again.


"Shit." I said, while we heard the prison alarm going off.

"The prisons." Frigga said, her eyes widening.

"Loki." Thor said.

"Go. Jared and I will look after her." Frigga said, looking at Jane.

"She'll be safe. I promise." I said, grabbing the strap of my sling bag.

Thor takes off with his hammer.


Volstagg and Fandral enter the fight with the prisoners.

"It's as if they resent being imprisoned." Fandral said.

"There's no pleasing some creatures." Volstragg said.

As they continue to fight, Loki is sat calmly in his cell reading. Thor enters and everyone turns to look at him.

"Return to your cells and further harm will come to you. You have my word." Thor said, as one of the prisoners punches him in the face. "Very well, you don't have my word."

Thor punches one of the prisoners back and starts fighting with the other prisoners.

"Send a squadron to the weapons vault, defend it at all costs. Seal the dungeon." Odin said, looking at his guards.

"Odin." Frigga said, scoffing.

"Frigga." Odin said, looking at the Asgardian guards. "Go!" He is looking between Frigga, Jane, and I. "It's a skirmish, nothing to fear."

"You've never been a very good liar." Frigga said.

"Not as bad as the Doctor" I said, while Jane and I noticed Sif as she walked past us. "He's terrible at it."

"Take them to your chambers, I'll come for you when it's safe." Odin said.

"You take care." Frigga said.

"Despite all I have survived, my queen still worries over me." Odin said.

"It's only because I worry over you, that you have survived."

Odin goes off. Frigga leads Jane and I away, as the redhead takes a sword from one of the guards.

"Listen to me now, I need you to do everything I ask and no questions." Frigga said, looking between Jane and I.

"Yes, ma'am." Jane said.

"Right." I said, grabbing Jane's hand. "This shouldn't take too long at all."


As Heimdall is standing in his usual guarding post, he hears something turn and runs out onto the Bifrost Bridge. He jumps onto one of Malekith's ships cloaked in invisibility, making it visible and manages to send it crashing into the sea, but he soon finds that a giant ship is behind him releasing smaller ships to attack Asgard. Heimdall activates a shield to protect Asgard but Algrim manages to deactivate it, sending a ship to crash into the palace.

Malekith's ship has crashed into the palace, the Dark Elves start attacking the Asgardian soldiers killing them all. He leaves the ship and goes to look for Frigga, Jane, and I after which Odin arrives to find all the soldiers killed.

"Frigga." Odin said.

Malekith finds the tower where Frigga is hiding Jane and I and enters the room.

"Stand down, creature. You may still survive this." Frigga said.

"I have survived worse, woman." Malekith said, looking at Frigga.

"Who are you?"

"I am Malekith, and I would have what is mine." Malekith said, walking closer to Frigga.

Frigga strikes Malekith in the face with her sword. Malekith takes out his blade and starts fighting with Frigga. Frigga puts up a good fight but Algrim comes to his aid and subdues her. Malekith walks towards Jane.

"You have taken something, child. Give it back." Malekith said, standing in front of Jane and as he goes to grab her she disappears and he realizes that she's a hologram. He turns to Frigga. "Witch! Where is the Aether?"

"I'll never tell." Frigga said, smirking.

"I believe you." Malekith said.

Algrim stabs Frigga in the back, at the same time, Thor rushes in and shoots a lightning bolt at Malekith's face, severely scarring it. Malekith and Algrim escape and jump onto their ship before Thor can catch them. After Malekith and Algrim escapes, Odin arrives to find Frigga dead.

Odin holds Frigga's body in his arms as Thor, Jane, and I look on.

"Jared, did you know this would happen?" Thor asked.

"I did." I said, squeezing Jane's hand. "I'm sorry I couldn't save her."

"There was nothing you could do. Right?" Jane asked.

"I couldn't. This was a fixed point in time." I said, looking down at the floor. "Plus if Thor had the chance to see his mother again. He definitely would."

A funeral is held for Frigga where all the Asgardians mourn her as her body is pushed out to the sea on a boat and the boat burnt by a flaming arrow. At the same time, Loki expresses his grief in his cell.

(Open POV)


Erik has been institutionalized and is trying to explain the Convergence to the patients in his ward.

"The universe rotates on a five thousand year cycle, and once its cycled all the worlds align." Erik said, picking up a shoe and holds it up. "Imagine...imagine that this is our world, and...and…" One of the patients hands him another shoe. "Oh, thank you. And this is another world. Normally they're separate, but during the alignment everything is connected. All Nine Realms, all Nine Realms are passing through each other and gravity, light, and even matter, is crunching from one world to the other." Erik demonstrates with the shoes by smacking one on top of the other repeatedly. "But if this happens to us now, the result would be cataclysmic." He then puts the shoes down and picks up two pencils and holds them up. "My gravimetric spikes can stabilize the focal point of the Convergence." Erik puts the pencil down and picks up the shoes again. "This time the alignment, and all the other worlds, would just pass up by. It's beautiful. It's simple. Any questions?"

Erik see the patients in the ward just carrying on with their activity, no one has really taken any notice of him, then one of the patients (Stan Lee) interrupts.

"Yeah. Can I have my shoe back?" The patient asked.

Malekith's ship…

"I need your strength to reclaim the Aether. And when you wake up, you will kill them all." Algrim said, looking at Malekith.

(Jared's POV)


"Jared. Why can't you go intangible and get us out of here?" Jane asked.

Jane and I are sitting in her room when the power of the Aether surrounds us.

"Because the Aether could hurt me." I said, when everything around us turns red for a moment. "I don't know if it would affect my ghost powers or not."

Volstagg enters the room with two guards.

"Jane Foster. You and Jared Shay need to come with us." Einherjar Lieutenant said.

Fandral and Odin inspect the damage to the palace where Malekith had crashed his ship.

"We are still unable to restore the palace shields. Our artillery cannot detect them, even Heimdall cannot see them. My King, we are all but defenseless." Fandral said.

Thor approaches them.

"They're your prisoners now?" Thor asked, looking at Fandral, Volstagg and the guards. "Leave us."

They all start walking off and leave Thor with Odin.

"I do not wish to fight with you." Odin said, looking at Thor.

"Nor I with you, but I intend to pursue Malekith." Thor said.

"We possess the Aether, Malekith will come to us."

"Yes, and you will destroy us."

"You overestimate the power of these creatures."

"No, I value our peoples lives. I'll take Jane and Jared to the Dark World and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane, it will be exposed vulnerable. Jared and I will destroy it and I will destroy him."

"If you and Jared fail, you risk this weapon falling into the hands of our enemies."

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing. His ship could be over our heads right now and we'd never even know it."

"If and when he comes, his men will fall by ten thousand Asgardian blades." Odin said.

"And how of our men shall fall on theirs?" Thor asked.

"As many as are needed!" Odin said, while there's a moment pause. "We will fight! Until the last Asgardian breath, the last drop of Asgardian blood."

"And how are you different from Malekith?"

Odin chuckles, "The difference, my son, is that I will win."

Odin turns and walks off.

(Open POV)


Darcy paces around her apartment as Ian is sat watching the news on TV.

"Jane hasn't called me back. Jared hasn't called me back. Erik isn't calling me back. Stupid SHIELD isn't calling me back! And stupid UNIT isn't calling me back either!" Darcy said, worried.

"What's SHIELD? And what's UNIT?" Ian asked.

"It's a secret." Darcy said, leaving a voice message for Erik. "Uh...hey, Erik. It's Darcy again. Uh...Thor came back, he took Jane and Jared to Asgard and um...I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do."

As Ian is watching the news, they start reporting about Erik being arrested at Stonehenge.

"Something else went missing this week when Astrophysicist, Dr. Erik Selvig, notable for his involvement in the Alien invasion in New York streaked nude across Stonehenge." The news reporter said, on TV.

"Darcy, you really need to look at this. Your friend Erik, what was his last name again?" Ian asked.

Darcy looks at the news report on TV.

"...disrobed and began shouting at visitors at the historic site. He was later taken into police custody for psychiatric evaluation. The police are still refusing to confirm…" the news reporter said, on TV..

Ian presses the pause button on Erik's face from footage taken at Stonehenge, Darcy sits in dismay as she looks at Erik's face on the TV.


Thor is sat alone when Heimdall walks up to him.

"You're not in Odin's war council?" Thor asked.

"The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go." Heimdall said, taking off his helmet and places it on the table. "That explains why an earlier version of Jared had a picnic with his friends before your mother's passing. We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. Of what use is a guardian such as that?"

Heimdall sits down, looking defeated.

"Malekith will return, you know this. I'll need your help." Thor said, sadly.

"I cannot overrule my King's wishes, not even for you." Heimdall said, looking at Thor.

"I'm not asking you to. The Realms need their All-Father strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall, by hatred and by grief."

"As are we all."

"Well I see clearly enough."

"The risks are too great."

"Everything that we do from here on is a risk, there is no other way."

Heimdall hesitates before replying, "What do you require of me?"

"What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard." Thor said.

War council room…

Thor is holding a meeting with Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Heimdall.

"We must move Jane and Jared off world." Thor said.

"The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract locked away in a vault." Sif said.

"There are other paths off Asgard, ways known only to a few." Heimdall said.

"One, actually." Thor said, smirking.

The others suddenly realize Thor means Loki.

"No." Volstagg said, his eyes widening.

Loki's cell…

Thor walks up to Loki's cell where Loki is standing looking well kept and clean.

"Thor, after all this time and now you come to visit me. Why? Have you come to gloat? To mock?" Loki asked.

"Loki, enough. No more illusions." Thor said, scoffing.

Loki's cell is transformed, the illusion is lifted and Thor sees that Loki's cell is a mess. Everything has been thrown around and Loki's sat on the floor, looking unkempt and messy, in the other corner of the cell.

"Now you see me, brother." Loki said, while Thor walks up to the other side of the cell to be closer to him. "Did she suffer?"

"I did not come here to share our grief. Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament." Thor said.

"Go on."

"I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help me escape Asgard and I will grant it to you, vengeance. And afterward, this cell."

Loki chuckles, "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?"

"I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you."

Loki smiles, "Hmm. When do we start?"

War council room…

Thor is having the meeting with his comrades.

"He will betray you." Fandral said, sadly.

"He will try. " Thor said, happily.


Loki and Thor walk out of the Asgardian prison.

"This is so unlike you, brother. So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?" Loki asked.

"If you keep speaking, I just might." Thor said, annoyed.

"Fine. As you wish. I'm not even here." Loki said, using his diversion tactics, turns himself into an Asgardian guard. "Is this better?"

"It's better company at least."

"Still, we could be less conspicuous." Loki said, turning back into himself, but turns Thor into Sif. "Hm, brother. You look ravishing."

Thor looks down at his body, then replies in his own voice, "It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form."

"Very well. Perhaps you prefer one of your new companions, given that you seem to like them so much." Loki said, turning himself into Captain America in his full Captain America costume. "Oh, this is much better. Woah. The costume's a bit much. So tight. But the confidence, I can feel the righteousness surging. Hey, you wanna have a rousing discussion about truth, honor, patriotism? God bless Amer…" Thor grabs hold of Loki puts his hand over his mouth and pushes him against the wall making the God of Mischief turn back into himself. "What?" Thor looks to the side and they see two Asgardian guards walking away. "You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My dagger, something!" Thor looks at him and they hear a noise like a sword being drawn. "At last, a little common sense."

Loki then looks down then holds up his hands which now have iron handcuffs on them.

"And I thought you liked tricks." Thor said, laughing and turns to walk off.

War council room…

Thor was holding the meeting with his comrades.

"Well, what then? Your lovely mortal and your friend is being guarded by a legion of our Einherjar who will see you coming from miles away." Fandral said.

"I won't be the one who comes for them." Thor said, looking at Sif.

(Jared's POV)

Jane's room…

Jane is sitting in her guarded room with me when one of the guards enters.

"I'm not hungry." Jane said, sadly.

Suddenly Sif comes up behind the guard and knocks him out, she looks over to Jane and Jared.

"Good, let's go." Sif said, happily.


Jane, Sif, and I meet up with Thor with Loki standing beside him.

Jane points to Loki, "You're…"

"I'm Loki. You may have heard of…" Loki said, smiling.

Jane slaps Loki hard in the face, "That was for New York."

Loki smiles and looks at Thor, "I like her."

"And that's for making that day hell!" I yelled, walking towards Loki and kicking him in the sensitive part of the God of Mischief's body. "Don't think I haven't forgotten about you throwing me out a window in Avengers Tower with Iron Man."

"Ow." Loki said, clutching his leg. "You've gotten feisty since then."

(Open POV)

War council room…

Meanwhile, at Thor's meeting with his comrades.

"And what of the All-Father?" Sif asked.

"It is my sworn duty to notify him of crimes against the throne." Heimdall said.

(Jared's POV)

Heimdall's chamber…

Odin visits Heimdall accompanied by some of his guards.

"You called me here on an urgent matter. What is it?" Odin asked.

"Treason, my lord." Heimdall said, letting out a sigh.


"Mine." Heimdall said, drawing his sword as more guards interrupted them.

"My King, the mortals have been taken." Einherjar Lieutenant said.

Odin looks at Heimdall as he commands his guards.

"Stop Thor, by any means necessary." Odin said, as they heard the guards approaching.

"There they are! Take them. On my command." The guards said.

"I'll hold them off. Take them." Sif said.

"Thank you." Thor said, happily.

Thor, Jane, and I go off.

"Thank you, Sif." I said, and Loki goes to follow him, Thor, and me. "I really appreciate it. I'll repay you someday."

"I know." Sif said, drawing her sword and places it under Loki's throat. "Betray Thor and I'll kill you."

Loki chuckles, "It's good to see you too, Sif."

Loki leaves to join Thor, Jane, and I as the guards get closer to Sif.

(Open POV)

War council room…

During the original meeting with Thor and his comrades.

"Assuming you can get Loki's help, and you can free those mortals, what good would it do? We'd all be dead the minute we step one foot outside the palace." Volstagg said.

"That, my friend, is where we won't be leaving by foot." Thor said, smirking.

(Jared's POV)


Thor, Loki, Jane, and I meet Volstagg where Malekith's ship had crashed into the palace.

"I will give you as much time as I can." Volstagg said, happily.

Thor and Volstagg do a forearm shake.

"Thank you, my friend." Thor said, smiling.

As we walk towards Malekith's crashed ship, Jane smiles and nods at Volstagg.

"Thank you, Volstagg." I said, giving Volstagg a thumbs up. "I'll repay the favor someday."

Loki is about to follow Thor, Jane, and I, Volstagg stops him.

"If you even think about betraying Thor…" Volstagg said, looking at Loki.

"You'll kill me? Evidently there will be a line." Loki said, rolling his eyes.

Volstagg then lets Loki pass.

Malekith's ship…

Thor, Jane, Loki, and I board Malekith's crashed ship. Thor looks at the controls and starts pressing some button, looking unsure of what he's doing. "

"I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing." Loki said, annoyed.

"I said, 'how hard could it be?'" Thor asked.

Meanwhile, the Asgardian guards rush towards the ship with Volstagg standing guard in front of it.

"They're on the ship!" A guard said, terrified.

"They're on the ship!" I cried, as I looked out the window to see the guards approach the ship, Volstagg started attacking them. "Thank you for pointing out the obvious. We can hear you from out there."

"Is now the time for sarcasm?" Loki asked. "Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster."

"Shut up, Loki." Thor said, annoyed.

"Thor, I don't know how much longer Volstagg can keep this up." I said, looking out the window to see Volstagg continue to battle with the Asgardian guards.

Thor continues to frantically press every button to start the ship.

"You must have missed something." Loki said.

"No, I didn't, I'm pressing every button on this thing." Thor said.

"No, don't hit it, just press it gently." Loki said, hitting the buttons.

"I am pressing it gently. It's not working!" Thor yelled.

Suddenly, the ship comes to life, Thor laughs.

"If we want to leave. It has to be now." I said, looking out the window to see Volstagg overrun by the guards.

"Get him! Get him!" The guards said, at the same time.

Volstagg starts laughing as they watch the ship start to rise, hitting the columns of the palace.

"I think you missed a column." Loki said, scoffing.

"Shut up!" Thor said, angrily.

Finally, the ship breaks through the palace walls and takes off.

"Are they going to be like this the entire time?" Jane asked.

"Yeah." I said, and we are flying through Asgard. "Unfortunately."

"Look, why don't you let me take over, I'm clearly the better pilot." Loki said, looking at Thor.

"Is that right? Well, out of the two of us, which one can actually fly?" Thor asked.

"Thor, Jane's in trouble!" I said, as we are flying over Asgard, Jane collapses. "Stop fighting with Loki!"

"Oh, dear. Is she dead?" Loki asked.

"Jane." Thor said, frowning.

Jane raises her head, looking weak, "I'm okay."

As we continue to fly, the ship hits and breaks off a part of a massive building.

"It's going to be okay, Jane." I said, happily. "Thor and I will fix this. I promise."

"Not a word." Thor said, looking over at Loki.

"Son of a bitch." I said, and several smaller Asgardian ships started following us. "This is just great."

"Now they're following us." Loki said, while the smaller ships start firing at us. "Now they're firing at us!"

"Yeah, thank you for the commentary, Loki! It's not at all distracting!" Thor said, worried.

The ship then hits a massive stone monument of King Bor, breaking the head off.

"Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather." Loki said, as the smaller ships continue to follow and fire at us as we fly over Asgard. "You know this is wonderful. This is a tremendous idea. Let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that. Flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us. It's brilliant, Thor! It's truly brilliant!"

"I've had enough of this." I said, pushing Loki off the ship.

Thor then picks up Jane and jumps off the flying ship. I also jumped off the flying ship.

Fandral's ship…

Thor, Jane, and I landed onto a smaller ship being flown by Fandral. Loki has also fallen onto the ship.

"I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki." Fandral said, laughing. "Hey, Jared."

"Hey, Fandral." I said, and the Asgardian ships above us continue to follow and fire at Malekith's ship as they think that Thor is still on there. "Loki was being a bitch."

"I was not." Loki said, while Thor lays Jane down. "You lied to me. I'm impressed."

"I'm glad you're pleased. Now, do as you promised. Take us to your secret pathway." Thor said, as Loki smiles and takes over the ship's control, at the same time the Asgardian ships spot us and start firing at us. "Fandral."

"Right." Fandral said, picking up a rope and steps on to the edge of the ship. "For Asgard." He jumps off the ship and uses the rope to swing onto the Asgardian ship following us. "Nothing personal, boys!"

Fandral knocks out the three guards on the ship then looks over to Thor and salutes him. On Fandral's ship, Loki flies us towards the mountains.

"Loki!" Thor said, worried.

"If it were easy everyone would do it." Loki said, annoyed.

"Are you mad?"

"Possibly." Loki said, sadly.

Thor holds on to Jane, as Loki heads straight for the wall of the mountain, suddenly we enter right through the mountain and then enter through a portal to Svartalfheim.

"Ta-da!" Loki said, excitedly.

(Open POV)

Malekith's ship….

Algrim approaches Malekith.

"We must attack now." Algrim said.

"No. Asgard is not important anymore. The Aether has returned home." Malekith said.

(Jared's POV)

Fandral's ship…

As we fly over Svartalfheim, Jane continues to lie down and Thor puts a cover over her.

"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins." Loki said, letting out a sigh.

"It would consume you." Thor said, looking over at Loki.

"She's holding up alright, for now."

"She's strong in ways you'd never even know." Thor said, smiling.

"Jane Foster is like Clara Oswald, my Impossible Girl, in so many ways." I said, happily. "I guess that's why I stuck around Jane while Clara's teaching."

"Say goodbye." Loki said, looking between Thor and I.

"Not this day." Thor said, frowning.

"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heart beat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you've prized will be snatched from you."

"Don't you dare talk about her heart beat around me." I said, punching the side of Loki's jaw, hard.

"Ow!" Loki yelled, clutching the side of his face. "Did that actually happen? Did your love's heart beat run out Jared?"

"Yes! She'll be snatched from me someday. And I've been trying my best to run away from it. To try and not think about it, Loki. Because you would never understand the love I have for Clara."

"Loki, you've made Jared upset." Thor said, letting out a sigh. "And will that satisfy you?"

"Satisfaction is not in my nature." Loki said, looking away from me and over at Thor.

"Surrender not in mine."

"The son of Odin."

"No, not just of Odin! You think you alone were loved of mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust!" Thor said, angrily.

"Trust. Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die!" Loki yelled.

"What help were you in your cell?"

"Who put me there? Who put me there?!"

"You deserved that punch Jared just gave you." Thor said, grabbing hold of Loki. "You know damn well! You know damn well who!" He raises his fist to also punch Loki but stops himself. "She wouldn't want us to fight."

"Well, she wouldn't exactly be shocked." Loki said, sadly.

Thor and Loki smiled.

"I wish I could trust you." Thor said, turning his back to Loki.

"Trust my rage." Loki said, smirking.

(Open POV)


Darcy and Ian go to free Erik from the mental institution.

"You'll have to sign for your father's belongings, Mr. Selvig." The desk officer said.

Ian looks distracted and Darcy nudges him to bring him to attention.

"What? Oh, yeah. My father, Dr. Erik Selvig." Ian said, going to sign the form.

"One; a man's leather wallet, brown. One key ring with three keys. Prescription medicine." The desk officer said, placing the wallet, key ring with the keys and a plastic bag containing medicine bottles on the counter. "Various."

The officer then bends to pick up another item from behind the counter, at the same time Darcy notices Erik being escorted towards them.

"Erik." Darcy said.

"And…" The desk officer said, placing Erik's gadgets on the counter. "These."

"Yeah, those. Thank goodness." Ian said, as Erik comes towards Darcy.

"Erik." Darcy said.

"Yes?" Erik asked.

"It's uh...Darcy."


Darcy holds up her hands and smiles.

Erik hugs Darcy, "It's so good to see you."

"Uh...I missed you too." Darcy said, looking awkward as Erik continues to hold her tightly.

"How did you find me?" Erik asked.

"You were naked on TV." Ian said, happily.

"Okay, time to go. Lots to do." Darcy said, as Erik continues to hold her. "Getting weird now." They walk down the corridor of the mental institution with Ian holding Erik's gadgets. "I should not be left in charge of stuff like this, I don't get paid enough. I don't get paid, period."

Erik takes his bag of medicine from Ian.

"I'm uh...Ian by the way. Uh..Darcy's intern. I don't get paid either." Ian said, watching as Erik takes out a bottle of pills. "Are you alright?"

"I have had a God in my brain. I don't recommend it." Erik said, sadly.

Outside psychiatric hospital…

As they step out of the building, the gadget in Ian's arms starts to beep.

"Dr. Selvig, your gear is beeping at me." Ian said.

"It's happening, sooner than I calculated." Erik said, his eyes widening.

"Wait, what's happening?" Darcy asked, and they look up to see a flock of birds flying above them. "Birds? Birds are happening?"

"They're starlings, it's called a murmuration. My dad used to take me bird watching as a kid." Ian said, smiling.


"Look." Erik said, while the birds all fly in the same direction and they all suddenly disappear.

"Where did they go?" Darcy asked, as all the birds appear behind, them flying away frantically making her scream in terror. "What the hell was that?!" Erik smiles."Why are you smiling?"

"There's nothing more reassuring than realizing that the world is crazier than you are." Erik said, walking ahead and throwing his bag of medicine into the garbage bin nearby. "Take me to Jane's lab!"

(Jared's POV)


We continue flying on our ship, Jane's eyes open.

"Thor, Jane's awake." I said, while it's clear that the Aether has taken Jane over causing the brunette to rise and look ahead. "We're reaching the endgame of this adventure, Thor."

"Jane." Thor said, happily.

"Malekith." Jane said.

After landing our ship, we walk over to watch Malekith and his men in the distance.

"Alright, are you ready?" Thor asked.

Jane nods her head.

"Yup." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag. "I am."

"I am." Loki said, as we rose from our hiding spot and Malekith spots us standing on a hill in the distance. "You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed."

"Yeah, possibly." Thor said.

Loki holds up his shackled hands for Thor to uncuff him.

"You still don't trust me, brother?" Loki asked.

"Would you?" Thor asked, taking off Loki's cuffs.

"No, I wouldn't." Loki said, and he takes out a dagger, stabs Thor, and throws him down the hill.

"Thor! No!" Jane said, worried.

Malekith sees this and starts walking towards us. After stabbing Thor and throwing him down the hill, Loki walks over to Thor.

"You really think I cared about Frigga, about any of you?" Loki asked, kicking Thor in the stomach. "All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet!"

Thor raises his hand, attempting to summon Mjolnir, but Loki cuts off his hand making the God of Thunder scream out in pain.

Jane rushes over to Thor but Loki grabs her and turns to face Malekith and his dark elves.

"Malekith, I am Loki of Jotunheim and I bring you a gift!" Loki yelled, throwing Jane at Malekith's feet. "I ask only one thing in return, a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."

"He is an enemy of Asgard, he was locked in a cell." Algrim said, looking over at Malekith.

Malekith walks over to Thor squirming in pain on the ground.

"Look at me." Malekith said, using his foot to turn Thor, he then lifts Jane in the air and extracts the Aether from her.

At that moment, Jane has a vision of Earth.

"She's good." I said, while the Aether leaves Jane's body, and the brunette falls to the ground. "She's down."

"Loki, now!" Thor said, angrily.

Loki uses his diversion tactics and he had never amputated Thor's hand. Thor quickly summons Mjolnir and shoots lightning at the Aether attempting to destroy it, but he fails as Malekith is still able to absorb it and turns to leave on his ship.

Two of the dark elves start attacking Thor, but the God of Thunder quickly takes them down.

"Jane!" I said, as Algrim then throws one of his vortex weapons in the air, I pushed Jane away and I am nearly sucked in when Thor pulls me out. "Thanks."

"It's not a problem." Thor said, attacking Algrim.

Algrim beats Thor down. Loki goes over to them and impales Algrim from behind. Algrim slowly turns and suddenly pulls Loki into the blade that is sticking out from him.

"No!" Thor cried, when Algrim took a step towards Loki.

"See you in hell, monster!" Loki yelled, and Algrim then realizes that attached to the blade in him is his own vortex weapon, it explodes before he can do anything destroying him.

Thor rushes over to Loki, "No. No, no, no! Oh, you fool, you didn't listen!"

"I know. I'm a fool. I'm a fool!" Loki said, squirming in pain.

"Stay with me, okay?" Thor asked.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Loki said, sadly.

"Shh." Thor said, frowning.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Thor said, nodding his head. "It's alright. I'll tell father what you did here today."

"I didn't do it for him." Loki said, closing his eyes and as he dies his skin turns to it's blue Frost Giant form.

"Loki." I said, letting out a lot of tears. "Now I see why he's everyone's favorite back home. He's such a loveable idiot."

Thor and I cried out in anguish.

"No!" Thor said, looking at Jane and I as we weep for Loki. "Jared, please tell me that Loki comes back."

"Spoilers." I said, letting out a sigh. "I can't say if he does or doesn't."

After Loki's death, Thor, Jane, and I enter a cave as we see a storm approaching.

"He's gonna unleash it, not just on Asgard or on a star, Malekith is gonna destroy everything." Jane said, looking between Thor and I.

"How? Jane, how?" Thor asked.

"I saw him on Earth. Why would he go to Earth?"

"He's going there for the Convergence." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Oh, God. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether." Jane said, her eyes widening.

"No. Jane. You had to find the Aether. It's a fixed point in time. If you haven't found it. Malekith would have got it way sooner."

"Thor, I only found it because I was looking for you." Jane said, looking at Thor.

"Jane." Thor said, placing his hand on Jane's face.

"Now we're trapped here." Jane said.

"It's not coming from me." I said, while we heard music playing. "My phone isn't ringing."

"Jared, your phone rings in space?" Jane asked.

Jane, Thor, and I look at each other in confusion.

"Yeah. Super phone. Mine picks up calls all over time and space." I said, taking out my iPhone 15 Pro Max out of my pocket. "But it isn't ringing. And Thor doesn't carry a phone."

Jane realizes it's her cell phone, she takes it out of her pocket and answers it, "Hello?"

Cave / Office…

"Hi, Jane, it's Richard." Richard said.

"Richard?! Where are you?" Jane asked.

"I'm still in the office. It's...It's been a crazy day here today." Richard said.

Jane puts him on speaker and holds up her phone, "Oh, my God! This is amazing. That's how you called me from the 80s, Jared."

"Yup. Super phone." I said, smiling. "It's amazing how your phone got that temporary upgrade, Jane."

"Yeah. It is."

"Is it? I quite enjoyed our lunch despite never actually ordering anything." Richard said.

"Jared? How am I getting service here?" Jane asked, looking over at me.

"Maybe you're calling the time vortex. I don't know." I said, sadly. "That is a possibility."

"Is this a bad time? Do you want me to try you there?" Richard asked.

"No, no, no, no! Please, whatever you do, do not hang up the phone." Jane said, frowning.

"Okay then. I was just wondering if you want to try again? Uh...maybe dinner next time."

"Uh...yeah, yeah, yeah. Um...just stay on the phone, okay?"

"Yeah, I will." Richard said.

Jane looks down and notices a can and keys that were thrown through from the abandoned factory.

"Oh, my God." Jane said, picking up the keys from the floor of the cave.

"Am I interrupting something?" Richard asked.

"No, no, no, nothing at all." Jane said, as she realized how we can return to Earth, she turns to Thor and I. "Come on."

"I'm losing you there, are you in a tunnel?" Richard asked.

Thor and I start following Jane.

"Where are we going?" Thor asked.

"Planet Earth!" I said, excitedly.

"Hello?" Richard asked, waiting for an answer back from Jane.

Thor, Jane, and I start walking further into the cave.

Thor notices the discarded shoes that were thrown through from the abandoned factory, "Why are there so many shoes in here?"

"Darcy." I said, happily.

As Thor, Jane, and I walk further in, we disappear.

Richard loses Jane on the phone, "I'll just text her."

Abandoned factory…

Jane, Thor, and I appear back on Earth outside the factory. We get into Ian's abandoned car still parked outside the factory and Jane tries to start the car.

"Jane! Jared!" Darcy said, worried.

"Hey." Jane said, happily.

"Hi." I said, smiling.

"You two can't just leave like that, the whole world is going crazy!" Darcy said, while Thor hangs his hammer on the coat hanger next to the door. "All the stuff we saw is spreading." She looks at Jane's Asgardian clothes and my Asgardian clothes and our disheveled states. "Did the both of you go to a party?"

Jane notices Erik for the first time, "Erik?!"

"Jane, Jared, how wonderful!" Erik said, rising and going to Jane and I.

"Hey." I said, while Erik embraced Jane and I, I looked down to see that Erik wasn't wearing any pants. "It's been a long day."

"It has." Erik said, looking between Jane and I. "The two of you have been to Asgard."

"Where are your pants?" Jane asked.

"Oh, uh...he uh...he says it helps him think." Ian said, sadly.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna need everything you got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomalies, everything." Jane said, frowning.

"Okay." Erik said, happily.

"Are you okay, Erik?" I asked, grabbing the handle of my sling bag. "After the whole hypnotism thing with Loki in New York."

Erik chuckles, then his smile fades quickly, "Thor? Your brother is not coming, is he?"

"Loki is dead." Thor said.

"Oh, thank God." Erik said, and Thor looks at him in confusion. "I...I'm so sorry."

"Thank you."

Erik then embraces Thor.

(Open POV)


An Einherjar Guard uses the ship that brought Thor, Loki, Jane, and Jared onto the planet to return to Asgard; he goes to see Odin at the palace.

"Forgive me, my liege. I've returned from the Dark World with news." The Einherjar guard said.

"Thor?" Odin asked.

"There's no sign of Thor, or the weapon, but…" The Einherjar said, while he takes a step closer to Odin.


"We found a body." The Einherjar warrior said, with a moment's pause.


The warrior doesn't reply but just looks at Odin.

(Jared's POV)

Jane's apartment…

"Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected." Jane said.

"Amplifying the weapon's impact. With each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal." Erik said.

"Yes, well the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly at the right place at the right time." Thor said.

"Well, how do we know where that is?" Darcy asked.

"We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and The Ancients were there to see it." Erik said, placing a map of the British Isles on the coffee table. "All the great constructions: the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map." He starts drawing on the map. "Stonehenge. Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking"

"That's Greenwich." I said, when Erik points to Greenwich on the map. "Why Greenwich?"

"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistic. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart." Jane said.

Thor summons Mjolnir and it shoots over to his hand from where it was hanging on the coat hanger.

"I better get my pants." Erik said.

(Open POV)

Outside the library…

They are at the location. Darcy and Ian grab Erik's gadget.

"Focus, this is important. We have to hammer them in, all around the site, and then Jane, Erik, and Jared will activate them from the tower." Darcy said, looking at Ian.

"They're taped together!" Ian said, terrified.

"Do you even know what these things do?"


"Neither do I." Darcy said, and she and Ian start placing Erik's gadgets around the library grounds. "Come on, come on!"

"Fine!" Ian said, worried.

Malekith's giant ship appears on the River Thames near the library grounds.

"Holy shit!" Darcy said, at a loss for words.

The ship starts moving forward and crashing through the library grounds causing pandemonium until it finally stops in the middle of the grounds. Malekith and his dark elves step off the ship. Thor flies in and lands in front of Malekith.

"You needn't have come so far, Asgardian! Death would have come to you soon enough." Malekith said.

"Not by your hand!" Thor said, angrily.

"Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished." Malekith said, using the power of the Aether to attack Thor.

Thor manages to narrowly miss getting hit by it.

(Jared's POV)


Jane, Erik, and I are setting up the gravimetric device.

"We're running out of time." I said, sadly.

"Almost there." Jane said.

"Are you sure this is going to work? These devices were made to detect anomalies, not cause them." Erik said.

"Oh, come on." Jane said, looking out the window and seeing Thor and Malekith battling it out. "Come on, Darcy."

Jane rushes off to find Darcy.

"Come on, Thor." I said.

(Open POV)


Thor manages to deflect the Aether that Malekith is using to fight him off, "You know with all that power, I thought you would hit harder."

Malekith is using the Aether to shield himself. Thor throws his hammer at him which throws Malekith across the ground and smashes him against the library building.

Jane sees Darcy and Ian placing the last of Erik's device in the ground.

"Done." Ian said.

Darcy gives the OK sign to Jane.

(Jared's POV)


Jane rushes back to Erik and I.

The Convergence will be in full effect in seven minutes." Erik said.

"We only have to distract Malekith busy for eight." I said, smirking.

Jane gets the device ready, "Okay, you might wanna hold on to something."

"It worked." I said, as Jane turned on the device and suddenly some of the dark elves suddenly disappear. "Thank goodness."

Darcy and Ian watch this nearby.

Library / Greenwich…

Darcy talks to Jane on her phone, "That is awesome! How did you do that?"

"Well, gravitational fields interact with the weak spot between worlds creating…" Jane said.

"Oh, there's a guy with a sword!" Darcy cheered.

Jane uses the device again to make the dark elf disappear but instead she accidentally makes Darcy and Ian disappear.

"Oops." Jane said, sadly.

"Let's go." Erik said.

Darcy and Ian appear in another part of London.

"What the hell just happened?" Darcy asked, and the Dark Elves that had also disappeared appeared and fell onto a parked car. "Move!"

Darcy grabs hold of Ian's hand and they run off as the dark elves start chasing after them.


Thor and Malekith continue their battle and everyone inside the library rushes to the windows to watch.

"Hey!" I yelled, running up to the fire alarm to activate it. "What are you all doing watching them fight? You need to get the hell out of here! Now!"

"You're joking, right? That's Thor out there waving his hammer around and everything!" A student said, using his phone to record the battle outside.

(Open POV)

Svartalfheim / London…

In their ensuing fight, Thor and Malekith are transported through the realms to Svartalfheim and London continuously

Fighter jet…

A fighter jet flies towards Malekith's ship.

"Confirming ship is hostile." Air traffic control said, over the speaker.

"Confirm, the ship is hostile. You have permission to engage." the Pilot said.

"Roger. The missile's locked. The missile's on its way." Air traffic control said, and the pilot released the missile. "Missile off target! I repeat…"

"Mayday! I'm losing control. Mayday! Mayday! I'm losing control!" The pilot yelled.


The jet is transported to Valaheim.

(Jared's POV)


Jane, Erik, and I run through the library ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking at Jane.

"My signal's lost connection." Jane said, annoyed.

Some of the dark elves are behind them chasing after us.

"Jane! Come on!" Erik said, angrily.

(Open POV)

Nine Realms…

As Thor and Malekith continue their battle through the realms they land in Jotunheim and are confronted by a giant beast which is transported to London.


Darcy and Ian are being ambushed by the dark elves when Ian, with the help of the anti-gravitational energy force, grabs a car and throws it at them. Darcy looks at Ian in shock.

"Are you alright?" Ian asked.

"You saved my life." Darcy said, in awe.

"Yeah. Yes, I did." Ian said, happily.

Jane manages to make the device work again and as she uses it suddenly makes Darcy and Ian appear behind her in each other's arms kissing.

"Darcy?" Jane asked.

"Ooo!" I cooed, clutching the strap of my sling bag.

"Jane! Jared!" Darcy said, letting go of Ian and falling to the ground.

"Ian?" Erik asked.

"Selvig!" Ian said, excitedly.

Mjolnir appears and flies past us.

"Meowmeow!" Darcy cheered.

(Open POV)

Nine Realms…

Thor and Malekith are then transported through the realms again.


Malekith lands back in Greenwich.

Charing Cross Underground Station…

Thor ends up in Charing Cross Underground Station.

"Mind the gap." A man said, over the speakers.

Thor turns to one of the passengers on the underground train that's just arrived, "How do I get to Greenwich?"

"Take this train, three stops." The woman on the train said.

Thor steps onto the train and places his hand on the bar above him.

"Mind the gap." The man said, over the speakers.

As the train starts to move, the movement causes the woman to fall against Thor, and she stops herself by placing her hand on his chest.

"Sorry. Sorry." The woman on the train said, sadly.

Thor smiles politely at her.

(Jared's POV)


The realms come closer to converging, Malekith readies the Aether within him to bring forth the darkness.

"We're out of time." I said, sadly.

Jane rushes off ahead.

"Jane. Jane!" Erik said, worried,

Thor rushes out of the station to watch the Aether taking over.

"Thor! We're too late." Jane said, frowning.

"The Convergence is at its peak." Erik said.

Thor looks at the gadget spears in Erik's hand, "Can those things stop him?"

"Not from here." Erik said.

"We can't get close enough." Jane said, and Thor looked at her.

"I can." Thor said, taking the spears from Erik and rushes off towards Malekith. He pushes through the Aether and reaches Malekith. "Malekith!"

Malekith turns to face Thor, "Darkness returns, Asgardian. Have you come to witness the end of your universe?"

"I've come to accept your surrender." Thor said, throwing one of Erik's gadget spears at Malekith and he catches it.

Jane uses the gavemetric which makes his arm disappear and I know it was transported to Svartalfheim. Thor throws the other spear at Malekith and he catches it and his other arm disappears.

"You think you can stop this? The Aether cannot be destroyed." Malekith said.

"But you can." Thor said, summoning Mjolnir at the same time he rushes towards Malekith and as he grabs his hammer he uses it to throw Malekith into his ship and Jane is able to use her device to transport him to Svartalfheim.

After Thor kills Malekith, Jane goes to find Thor and finds him lying on the ground. Malekith's ship starts to crumble, Jane rushes towards the unconscious Thor.

"Thor! No!" Jane yelled, turning Thor over, grabs his arm, and starts to pull him out of the way but he is too heavy.

Erik, Darcy, Ian, and I arrive on the scene.

"Jane!' Erik said, while the ship started to fall.

"Look out!" I said, as Jane is not able to move Thor, she throws herself on top of him and holds on to him with her eyes closed. "Jane!"

Just as the ship is about to land on us, it disappears.

(Open POV)


The ship appears on Svartalfheim landing on Malekith and crushing him to death.

(Jared's POV)


"Everybody okay?" Erik asked.

Thor becomes conscious and opens his eyes, Darcy smiles and throws her arms around Ian and kisses him passionately.

"Aww." I said, looking between the two couples.

Jane's apartment…

A couple of days later, Jane, Erik, Darcy, Ian, and I are sitting down, having breakfast quietly.

"He's gonna come back. Except, you know, last time, he was gone for, like, two years." Darcy said, looking at Jane.

"Well, it's only been two days, so…" Jane said, sadly.

"Did Thor say anything before he left?" I asked, drinking my cup of coffee. "He didn't last time."

"Yeah, he had to figure some stuff out with his father. He kind of committed treason... on our way out." Jane said, looking away and carries on eating her breakfast.

"Oh." Erik said, frowning.

(Open POV)


Thor meets with Odin at the palace.

"You once said there would never be a wiser King than me. You were wrong. The alignment has brought all the realms together. Every one of them saw you offer your life to save them. What can Asgard offer its new King in return?" Odin asked.

"My life. Father, I cannot be King of Asgard. I will protect Asgard and all the realms with my last and every breath, but I cannot do so from that chair. Loki, for all his grave imbalance, understood rule as I know I never will. The brutality, the sacrifice, it changes you. I'd rather be a good man than a great King." Thor said.

"Is this my son I hear, or the woman he loves?"

"When you speak, do I never hear Mother's voice?" Thor asked, and Odin sighs. "This is not for Jane, Father. She does not know what I came here to say. Now forbid me to see her or say she can rule at my side, it changes nothing."

"One son who wanted the throne too much, another who will not take it. Is this my legacy?"

"Loki died with honor, I shall try to live the same. Is that not legacy enough?"

Odin nods his head, Thor then holds up Mjolnir to offer it back to Odin.

"It belongs to you, if you are worthy of it." Odin said.

"I shall try to be." Thor said, smiling.

"I cannot give you my blessing, nor can I wish you good fortune."

"I know." Thor said, turning to leave.

"If I were proud of the man my son had become, even that I could not say. It would speak only from my heart. Go, my son." Odin said, while Thor smiles.

"Thank you, father." Thor said, turning and starts walking off.

As Odin watches Thor walk off, Odin's form transforms to reveal Loki.

"No. Thank you." Loki said, smiling devilishly.

The Collector's room…

Sif and Volstagg are taken to meet The Collector, Taneleer Tivan.

"I present to you, Taneleer Tivan, The Collector." The Collector's assistant said.

"Woah, Oh. Asgardians, it's an honor." The Collector said, bowing theatrically.

"You know why we're here." Sif said.

"Of course. But if I may ask, why not keep it secure in your own vault?"

"The Tesseract is already on Asgard. It's not wise to keep two Infinity Stones so close together." Volstagg said.

"That's very wise. And at one point, the President of Earth kept all six Infinity Stones so close together in the Torchwood Hub." The Collector said, as Sif hands the Aether over to him. "I can assure you it will be absolutely safe my collection."

"See that it is." Sif said.

The Collector bows his head, Sif and Volstagg turn and leave.

"One down, five to go." The Collector said.

Jane's apartment…

Jane, Erik, Darcy, Ian and Jared hear the sounds of thunder. Jane looks out and smiles as she sees lightning. The brunette walks out onto her balcony as Thor appears, they embrace and start kissing passionately.

Abandoned factory…

The beast transported from Jotunheim is running amok outside the abandoned factory.

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