(Open POV)
An artificial, golden planet, made of interlocking orbs, revolves around a blue sun. Thunderous interdimensional cracks are on one small patch of planet. It is at the Sovereign M49 5IOL339P21+H9LNI31.
(Jared's POV)
A dimensional crack snaps in the sky overhead. Peter Quilllooks from it to an old Mattel Electronics Football Game converted into a tracker. A red dot approaches.
"Showtime, a-holes! It'll be here any minute!" Quill yelled.
"Which will be its loss." Gamora said, sadly.
Quill turns toward Gamora, loading a rifle. Drax, Rocket, Baby Groot, and I also ready ourselves for battle in this grand, open-air power station. Dozens of batteries are couched in conductor towers encircling them. Quill, Gamora, Rocket, and I wear flying rigs.
"Is that a rifle?" Quill asked.
"You don't know what a rifle is?" Gamora asked.
"I thought your thing was a sword."
"We've been hired to stop an interdimensional beast from feeding on those batteries' energy, and I'm going to stop it with a sword?" Gamora asked.
"And you, Jared. Why aren't you using your ghost powers?" Quill asked, looking at me. "Why are you using dual pistols?"
"I'm with Gamora. Why would I stop an interdimensional being from feeding on those batteries' energy with ghost powers? It would charge up those batteries too much to the point of exploding." I said, holding the dual pistols. "That would make our mission a fail, Peter."
"Don't look at me like I'm stupid. You two are the ones being all inconsistent." Quill said, mumbling to himself.
There is a a louder, larger crack: something seems to be fighting its way through the sky.
"Drax, why aren't you wearing one of Rocket's aero-rigs?" Gamora asked.
"It hurts." Drax said, sadly.
"I have sensitive nipples." Drax said, muttering to himself.
Rocket, who is working on a pair of speakers wired to Quill's Walkman, laughs hard at this.
Drax points at Rocket, "What about him?! What's he doing?!"
"If I finish this, we can listen to tunes while we work." Rocket said, happily.
"How is that a priority?"
"Blame Quill and Jared! They're the ones who love music so much!"
"I agree with Drax. It's hardly important right now." Quill said, frowning.
"I also agree with Drax. It really is hardly important, Rocket." I said, letting out a sigh.
"Oh, sure, okayyyy, Quill, Jared." Rocket said, winking at Quill and I.
"No, we really agree with him." Quill said, looking at Rocket.
"We really do, Rocket." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Sure, I know." Rocket said, winking some more.
"I can clearly see you winking." Drax said.
"Damn. I'm using my left eye?" Rocket asked, hearing a small growl.
Rocket looks down and sees Baby Groot - newly unpotted, only nine inches tall or so - angrily throwing aside some foraging Orloni.
Groot looks up at Rocket, explaining what happened, "I am Groot."
"They were not looking at you funny." Rocket said, as there is an even larger crack.
Rocket swirls as a gigantic beast - a hundred-foot-long Lovecraftian monstrosity - breaks through the interdimensional rift. The Abilisk is the color of a pinkie mouse with kaleidoscopic and deadly splatter matter pulsing from its maw.
"Well. That's intense." Rocket said.
"Yeah. I can't believe I went from the Boneless to this." I said, and Rocket, Quill, Gamora, and I jet-pack out of the way, while we blast at the creature. "These have been a crazy couple months."
Drax hollers, charging at it with his twin blades. Quill turns on his mask. Baby Groot trots up to the stereo speakers and Walkman. He fiddles with two wires. They spark, the stereo powers up, and 'Mr. Blue Sky' by Electric Light Orchestra plays.
"Ooo. Things are playing out the same." I said, happily. "That's good."
Baby Groot dance as the Guardians and I get pummeled by the beast. His dancing is arrhythmic and many of his 'dance moves' are nonsensical mixtures of trembling, swaying, and making weird faces. But it is joyous. As Groot struts, I come rolling behind him. As I stand up, I see Groot dancing and look at him, worried.
"Groot, look out!" I cried, while a tentacle flies in nearby, knocking me into the sky, as Groot dances on, blissfully unaware.
Groot, smiling, dances onward, as Drax, in the clutches of a giant tentacle, is slammed numerous times behind him. He arrives at Gamora, who is blasting at the beast.
"Get out of the way, Groot! You're going to get hurt!" Gamora yelled, as Groot stops dancing and he waves at her. "Hi."
Gamora aero-jets back into the fray. As Groot dances, Drax falls directly behind him. Groot freezes. Drax stares at him a moment, suspicious. Groot stays frozen. Drax leaves, and Groot commences the dance where he left off. Groot sees an insect flying by. Suddenly dancing is forgotten and getting this bug is all-important. Groot chases it. He hops up and grabs it from the air…and starts eating it.
Rocket spots this and flies down beside Groot, worried. He pries open Groot's mouth with his fingers, frantically trying to get it out.
"Spit it out! Spit it out!" Rocket said, angrily.
Groot coughs it out. The bug flies crookedly away, one wing mulched.
Rocket jets off back toward the battle, muttering, "Disgusting."
Groot sees something else and becomes furious. His line of sight is to a grazing Orloni. Groot screams a war cry and attacks it. He grows his branches around it, and the terrified Orloni darts away, dragging Groot with it. Groot's anger becomes panic as he is dragged around by the Orloni and can't let go. The Orloni darts around the power station and underneath the raging battle, a crying Groot bouncing along behind it. Finally, he lets go and goes tumbling, rolling directly onto the ground. And then Groot stands up and, as if none of it happened at all, starts dancing again. The speakers and Walkman beside him, Baby Groot has traveled around the entire Power Station and has arrived back where he started…when Drax is flung by the beast into the stereo system, smashing it. Groot stops dancing. Angry that Drax has ruined his fun, he picks up a piece of the stereo and beats him with it.
"Aww." I said, sadly. "We were about to reach the best part of the song."
Drax stands and glares at the ferocious beast as Rocket, Quill, Gamora, and I blast at it without effect.
"The beast's hide is too thick to be pierced from the outside. I must cut through it from the inside." Drax said.
"Huh?" Gamora asked.
"Say what?" I asked, and Drax hollers, charging at the creature.
"Drax, no! Jared's right. That doesn't make…" Gamora said, while the creature opens its enormous mouth, screeching.
Drax leaps inside the creature, instantly swallowed up.
"What is he doing?!" Quill exclaimed.
"Drax said that the skin is too thick to be pierced from the outside. So he decided to cut through it from the inside." I said, rolling my eyes.
"That doesn't make sense!"
"Jared and I tried to tell…!" Gamora yelled.
"Its skin is the same thickness from the inside as from the out!" Quill said, looking between Gamora and I.
"WE REALIZE THAT." Gamora said, scoffing.
(Open POV)
Drax hollers as he slashes away inside the goo of the beast's stomach. To no avail.
(Jared's POV)
Quill reloads his pistol, thinking, "Gamora, there's a cut on its neck - Rocket, Jared, get it to look up."
Quill, Rocket, and I jet up high up over the creature as we blast repeatedly at it.
"Hey, you giant Sea Monkey, up here!" Quill said, angrily.
Gamora's rifle is jammed. She tosses it down, pulls out her sword, and snaps it open. The beast screeches at Quill, Rocket, and I, flying above us. The colorful splatter matter flies from its mouth, battering Rocket, burning his clothes. But its neck is exposed, where the skin is thinner, and there is a small wound.
Gamora dashes, leaping high into the air, and she plunges her sword directly into the wound. She holds tight to the hilt as she falls, slicing an incision down the length of the creature's neck. The beast wobbles, topples, and dies. As it collapses, Drax spills out of the wound.
Drax raises his arms in victory, "Ha ha! I have single-handedly vanquished the beast!"
Quill scoffs. Rocket snorts. Gamora stares at Drax, dead-eyed. I rolled my eyes. Baby Groot throws a rock at Drax.
"What?" Drax asked, looking at us.
The Guardians and I de-rig by the Anulax batteries.
"What are they called again?" Drax asked.
"They're anulax batteries." I said, happily.
"Harbulary batteries."
"Hey. That's nothing what I said, Drax."
"They're worth thousands of units a piece. Which is why the Sovereign hired us to protect them." Quill said, looking at Drax.
Rocket pulls out one of the anulax batteries, checking it out. Gamora, Drax, Quill, and I walk on. Rocket stays back a moment.
Quill nods down the walkway, where golden Sovereign citizens stand at the edge of the station, gawking, "Just be careful what you say around these folks. They're easily offended and the cost of transgression is death."
"Sounds judgmental for a bunch of golden morons." Drax said.
"Drax…" I said, letting out a sigh. "Not in front of them."
"Jared's right." Quill said, looking at Drax. "That's the kind of thing you might want to keep to yourself."
"I'll hold my tongue, as long as they deliver what was promised." Gamora said.
An enormous golden palace in the shape of a globe, dappled by morning sunlight.
"We thank you, Guardians, for putting your life on the line. We could not risk the lives of our own Sovereign citizens." Ayesha said, nearby.
High Priestess Ayesha is stunningly beautiful with golden skin. Her chambermaids and other denizens flutter throughout her luxurious lair, all of whom are equally perfect.
"Every citizen is born exactly as designed by the community, impeccable, both physically and mentally. We control the DNA of our progeny, germinating them in birthing pods." Ayesha said.
"I guess I prefer making people the old-fashioned way." Quill said.
"Well...perhaps someday you could give me a history lesson in the archaic ways of our ancestors...for academic purposes." Ayesha said, happily.
"Yeah, I mean, if it's for research that could be pretty…" Quill said, seeing Gamora staring at him. "Pretty repulsive. I'm not into that kind of casual…"
"Ahem." I said, coughing loudly. "Not in front of Groot."
"Oh, please." Gamora said, looking at Ayesha. "Your people promised something in trade for our services. Bring it and we shall gladly be on our way."
"Bring the Blue Bell." I said, crossing my arms. "We know you have her."
Ayesha nods. Two soldiers emerge with a woman in a hood and cloak, her wrists bound by shackles. They shove her to her knees and yank back her hood, revealing…Nebula. Her clothes are tattered. Her hand is now just a low-tech metal claw. Nebula glares at Gamora. Gamora glares at her. Quill looks from one to the other, feeling the tension.
"Family reunion. Yaaaay." Quill said, quietly. "Jared, how did you know Nebula was here?"
"TARDIS scanner." I said, looking down at the floor. "I get notifications sent to my phone. Nebula being here popped up as one."
"I understand she is your sister?" Ayesha asked, looking at Gamora.
Gamora roughly picks Nebula up, and she starts to leave, "She's worth no more to me than the bounty due for her on Xandar."
"Our soldiers apprehended her attempting to steal the batteries. Do with her as you please." Ayesha said.
"Thank you, High Priestess Ayesha." Quill said, starting to leave.
"What is your heritage, Mr. Quill?"
Quill turns back towards Ayesha, uncomfortable with the question, "My mother is from earth."
"And your father?"
"He's... not from Missouri, that's all I know." Quill said, letting out a sigh.
Ayesha stares at Quill as if she's eaten something foul, "I see it within you, an unorthodox genealogy. A hybrid that seems particularly... reckless."
Quill tries not to let this affect him, but it does.
Rocket grins a huge, fake grin at Ayesha, "You know, they told me you people were conceited douchebags. But that isn't true at all."
Rocket turns to Quill and I and winks. The Guardians and I shift uncomfortably.
"Oh, shit, I'm using my wrong eye again, aren't I?" Rocket asked.
"Rocket." I said, doing a facepalm. "Ugh."
"I'm sorry. That was meant to be behind your back." Rocket said, looking at Ayesha.
Drax yanks Rocket away. Gamora, Quill, and I head out of the lair. Drax and Rocket are a few paces behind.
"Count yourself blessed they didn't kill you." Drax said.
"You're telling me. You wanna buy some batteries?" Rocket asked, grinning and shows Drax something hidden in his bag - two anulax batteries.
'Lake Shore Drive' by Aliotta, Haynes, and Jeremiah plays.
Drax laughs. Rocket shushes him so Quill, Gamora, and I don't hear.
The Milano rises into the blue sunset over the Sovereign Space Dock filled with golden, capsule-shaped ships. Rocket works the controls as our ship rise up.
Rocket speaks into the comm, "Let's get baldy back to Xandar and retrieve that bounty!"
Groot lies on the rear window peering out the back as we pass overhead.
On the cassette player, AWESOME MIX VOL. 2 is playing; I looked away from it and over at Quill, who is looking perturbed as he takes off his jacket. Gamora is nearby, putting shackles on Nebula.
"You all right?" Gamora asked.
"That stuff about my father. Who does she think she is?" Quill asked.
"I know you're sensitive about that."
"I'm not sensitive about it. I just don't know who he is. Jared here won't give any hints about him because of spoilers." Quill said, and Gamora nodded. "Sorry if it looked like I was flirting with her. I wasn't."
"I don't care if you were." Gamora said, pushing Nebula to the rear of the craft.
"I think you do care. That's why I'm apologizing." Quill said, watching Gamora go, somewhat longingly.
"Gamora is not the one for you, Quill." Drax said, while Quill is startled to see him directly beside him. "There are two types of beings in the universe. Those who dance, and those who do not."
"Uh huh." Quill said.
"I first met my beloved at a war Rally." Drax said, looking at Quill. "Everyone in the village flailed about, dancing. Except one woman. My Ovette. I knew immediately she was the one." Quill nods, trying to be polite. "The most melodic song in the world could be playing, and she wouldn't even tap her foot. She wouldn't move a muscle. One might assume she was dead."
"Well, that is pretty hot, but…"
"It would make my nether regions engorge…"
"All right, okay, fascinating, don't need to hear it." Quill said, interrupting Drax. "I get your point, I'm a dancer and Gamora is not."
Drax smiles kindly, clutches Quill's shoulder, "You just need to find a woman who is pathetic, like you."
"Actually, Peter." I said, happily. "I think you and Gamora are made for each other."
"Thank you, Jared." Peter said, smiling. "At least you said something normal that makes sense."
At the rear of the ship, Gamora roughly restrains Nebula.
Nebula notices a bowl of fruit, "I am hungry. Hand me some of that yaro root."
"No. It's not ripe yet. And I hate you." Gamora said.
"You hate me?! You left me there while you stole that stone for yourself. Yet here you stand, a hero, a Garden of the Galaxy!" Nebula said, angrily.
"A what?" Gamora asked, and Nebula stares at her, confused. "`Guardians of the Galaxy.'"
"Why would we be `the Gardens of the Galaxy'?"
"I don't know. I thought it was stupid." Nebula said, scoffing.
"Yeah, it would be." Gamora said, sadly.
"It's still wordy."
"I wasn't the one who thought of it."
"Your name doesn't matter. I'll be free of these shackles soon enough, and I'll kill you, I swear." Nebula said.
"No. You'll live out your days in a prison on Xandar, wishing you could." Gamora said.
Warning lights flash.
Gamora moves up from the stairs. Rocket and Quill are in the pilot seats. Drax and I are moving up from the back.
"We got an armed Sovereign fleet, approaching from the rear." Quill said, frowning.
Gamora takes the center seat, sees a rearview scan: There is a golden, capsule-shaped, Sovereign omnicraft, with a video screen on front and a blaster on each side - getting closer.
"Why would they do that?!" Gamora exclaimed.
"Because Rocket stole some of their batteries." I said, letting out a sigh.
"Jared's right. Rocket did do that." Drax said.
Quill and Gamora look at Rocket, astounded.
Rocket gawks at Drax and I, betrayed, "Dudes."
"Oh, right. He didn't steal one of those. I don't know why they're after us. What a mystery this is." Drax said, looking between Quill and Gamora.
The Sovereign fires upon the Milano.
Quill does his best to evade their blasts, "What were you thinking?!"
"Dude, it was really easy to steal." Rocket said, smiling.
"That's your defense?" Gamora asked.
"Of all the defenses you could have come up with, Rocket. You chose that?!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms. "I was right. You are worse than River Song and Captain Jack Harkness."
"Come on. River was an assassin and Jack was a con man. They can do worse than me. Stealing batteries is nothing. You saw how that high-priestess talked down to us! I'm teaching her a lesson!" Rocket said, excitedly.
"Oh! I didn't realize your motivation was altruism. A shame the Sovereign have mistaken your intentions and are trying to kill us." Quill said, sarcastically.
"Exactly." Rocket said, smirking.
"Oh no! You tricked me! You're supposed to use a sarcastic voice! Now I look foolish!" Rocket said, angrily.
Drax points at Rocket and laughs at him.
"SHUT UP, DRAX! You knew! You should have told us!" Quill yelled.
Drax is aghast. He looks at Rocket.
"Did you tell him it was easy to steal?" Drax asked, looking at Rocket.
"Are you kidding me?" Rocket asked.
"You never listen to anything!"
"None of you listens! The only person that listens is Jared, because he knew what to expect. Can we please just put the bickering on hold until after we survive the massive space battle?!" Gamora exclaimed.
Rocket glances at Quill and I, nodding back at Gamora.
"Whoa. People woke up on the wrong side of their beds this morning." Rocket said, annoyed.
"Do not try to bro down with me right now, dude. I will fricking punch you in your fricking face." Quill said, looking at Rocket.
"And I don't mind shocking you to death." I said, crossing my arms. "You deserve it for stealing the batteries."
"Real nice! The two Terrans resorting to violence." Rocket said, rolling his eyes.
"We have more incoming!" I said, while more ships fly at us from the front.
"GOOD! I WANT TO KILL SOME GUYS!" Rocket said, angrily.
We twist and turn between the oncoming ships as Rocket fires at them, screaming. They explode. On the front of the Sovereign ships is the video image of a pilot.
"Bloody hell!" The sovereign pilot said, on the ship.
(Open POV)
The same sovereign pilot sits in a remote pod. On a screen in front of her, she sees Rocket firing. The ship is hit and the screen goes static. The Pilot shouts in anger, like a kid who lost at a video game. High Priestess Ayesha surveys from a walkway above; rows of pods containing pilots, all flying their Omnicraft remotely.
(Jared's POV)
"You're not killing anyone. Those ships are all remotely piloted." Gamora said, sadly.
"They really are. They're playing video games back home." I said, frowning.
(Open POV)
A sovereign admiral is beside Ayesha.
"What is the delay, Admiral?" Ayesha asked.
"High Priestess, if we destroy their craft, we risk destroying the batteries. They're extraordinarily combustible and could, in turn, destroy the entire fleet." The admiral said.
"We have thousands of batteries and thousands of ships. Our concern is their slight against our people. We hired them and they steal from us? It is heresy of the highest order." Ayesha said.
The Admiral speaks into his comm, "All command modules…"
A frightened sovereign pilot, on the outskirts of the battle, hears the Admiral in his headset.
"Fire with the intent to kill." The admiral said, over the comms.
A mean sovereign pilot, firing at the Milano, smirks.
(Jared's POV)
The Milano's wing is struck. The emergency systems flash on.
"What's the closest habitable planet?" Quill asked.
Gamora dances her fingers over the Universal Neural Teleportation Network, clicking through 'jump points' until she finds one, "It's called Berhert."
"How many jumps?" Quill asked.
"Only one. But the access point is 47 clicks away. And it's through that Quantum Asteroid Field over there." Gamora said.
Quill spots, to his side, a huge field of small, glowing asteroids, swirling in random patterns, disappearing out of space, and emerging again a few feet or a few yards away. He zooms sideways toward the field.
"Quill, to make it through that, you'd have to be the greatest pilot in the universe." Drax said, sadly.
"You have to fly like Han Solo flying the Millennium Falcon." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
Quill smirks, "Lucky for us…"
"I am." Rocket said, flipping the pilot controls between him and Quill so that he's the one piloting the ship.
Quill gapes at Rocket. The Milano dives into the quantum asteroid field, swooping in and around the swirling atomized stones, barely missing them. The Sovereign ships follow. They are not pilots on par with Rocket, so most of the ships are immediately pelted with stones and destroyed.
(Open POV)
One after another the Sovereign pilots' screens go blank, and they fall back, angry and upset. Ayesha is barely containing her fury.
(Jared's POV)
Quill flips the controls back, so he's piloting again.
"What are you doing?!" Rocket exclaimed.
"I've been flying this rig since I was ten years old." Quill said.
"I was cybernetically engineered to pilot a spacecraft!" Rocket said, flipping the controls back to him.
"You were cybernetically engineered to be a douchebag." Quill said, flipping the controls back to him.
"Stop it! Stop fighting you two!" I said, worried.
"Quill, later on tonight you're gonna lay down in your bed and there's gonna be something squishy in your pillowcase and you're gonna be, like, `what's this?' and it's gonna be because I put a turd in there." Rocket said, flipping the switch back.
"You put your turd in my bed, I shave you." Quill said.
"Oh it won't be my turd, it will be Drax's." Rocket said, happily.
Drax laughs cheerfully. Gamora glances at him.
"I have famously huge turds." Drax said, smiling.
"We're about to die, and this is what we're discussing?" Gamora asked.
"They raise havoc with the pipes. That's why I do all the plumbing. I take responsibility for my actions. Unlike some people…" Drax said, eyeing baby Groot.
"Groot, unfortunately, Drax is right." I said, looking down at Groot. "You have to start aiming inside the box. Maybe I should give you a copy of 'Defender' at some point."
Groot looks ashamed. Quill flips the controls back.
"Stop it." Gamora said, looking between Quill and Rocket.
Rocket switches it back. Quill switches it back. We're nearing the end of the Asteroid Field when both go to switch it at the same time and…wham! A large asteroid smashes through the stern of the Milano.
A chunk of the rear of the craft disappears. Nebula is sucked toward the hole - but, fortunately, her arms are shackled to a post, so she doesn't fly out. Her face and body cover with frost.
Everything flies around the spacecraft, rushing through the hole. Groot goes flying.
"I got you." I said, catching Groot, and casually tosses him back to Drax…so that Quill can punch in a code. "You're too precious to lose, Groot."
Quill causes a protective energy shield to slide up in front of the hole. Nebula collapses to the floor.
Nebula yells upstairs, "Idiots!"
We all catch our breath, relieved.
"Well, that's what you get when Quill flies." Rocket said, scoffing.
I walked over to Rocket and shocked the back of his head with my hand.
"Ow!" Rocket yelled, feeling the electrical shock.
"There's still a fucking Sovereign craft behind us!" I said, angrily.
The electronics flicker.
"Our weapons are down!" Quill said, worried.
"Twenty clicks to the jump." Gamora said.
The Mean Pilot blasts at us from the sole Sovereign Craft, taking out another part of a wing. The Milano is trembling. Drax starts climbing down into the living area.
"Where's he going?" Quill asked.
(Open POV)
A group of pilots have gathered around the Mean Pilot, rooting him on, like kids at a video arcade.
"Come on, Zylak, you can do this." The frightened pilot said, happily.
(Jared's POV)
Nebula sees the bowl of yaro root has spilled in front of her. She reaches for a piece, but it's kicked out of her way. She looks up to see Drax, grabbing a cable on a spool attached to the wall.
"It's not ripe." Drax said, hooking the cable to his belt.
A folder on the wall reads SPACESUITS FOR EMERGENCY and, below that, in Rocket's scrawl: OR FOR FUN. Drax pulls a small disk from the folder. He slaps it between his shoulder blades and a shimmery sheath covers his entire body - a thin force-field spacesuit.
Gamora watches the map leading to the jump point, "Fifteen clicks."
"Shit." I said, while another blast from the Sovereign craft hits us.
(Open POV)
The pilots rooting on the Mean Pilot erupt into cheers.
(Jared's POV)
I'm watching Drax grabbing a huge rifle. Drax punches buttons on the wall. A second protective shield opens up between him and Nebula, and the first protective sheath, exposing him to space.
(Open POV)
The Mean Pilot watches in awe as Drax jumps out the back of the Milano.
(Jared's POV)
Drax smiles. The cable unspools and snaps taut when it reaches its end. Drax is dragged haphazardly by the Milano like a water sled on a boat.
On the map, the jump point gets closer.
"Ten clicks." Gamora said.
The Mean Pilot blasts wildly at Drax, missing him by mere inches. Drax brings the sight to his eye. He aims at the ship.
"Die, spaceship." Drax said, shooting, blasting the Sovereign ship.
"Yes!" I said, excitedly. "It's gone!"
(Open POV)
The Mean Pilot screams as his lights go out.
The Frightened Pilot shakes his head in disgust, "You suck, Zylak."
Zylak is really sad.
(Jared's POV)
"I still can't wait to be in the Falcon someday." I said, as Quill and Rocket leave the asteroid field, it seems for a moment we're scot-free. "That's my second favorite ship ever."
"Five clicks!" Gamora yelled.
Then dozens of omnicraft pull around us on both sides.
"Son-of-a-! They went around the field!" Quill said, worried.
(Open POV)
Ayesha smiles.
(Jared's POV)
"Now that fight is over." I said, letting out a sigh. "If I am remembering correctly."
It looks like the end of the road for the Guardians and I when…there is a blinding burst of light and all of the omnicraft explode.
(Open POV)
Ayesha watches in shock as the screens in the pods go dead.
"Someone destroyed all the ships." The admiral said.
"What?! Who?!" Ayesha exclaimed.
But the Admiral doesn't know.
(Jared's POV)
Rocket sees the bright white light emanating from an oval-shaped spacecraft, "What is that?!"
Quill sees the flickering framework of a jump point, "Doesn't matter! That's the jump point! Go! Go!"
As we're about to reach the jump point, Rocket sees a man standing casually atop the oval ship, light bursts through his body and into the craft - the source of the explosion.
"It's a guy." Rocket said, in awe.
Quill doesn't see as the Milano disappears into the jump point.
The ship pops in here, teleporting directly above the earth-like planet. Because the ship is in such bad shape, parts of it tear off and spiral away as it enters this new atmosphere.
Gamora and I see Drax being dragged in the rearview monitor.
"Oh my God." Gamora said, at a loss for words.
"This is as crazy as Jack clinging on the outside of the TARDIS as it travels through the time vortex to the end of the universe." I said, looking down at the floor.
"That actually happened?!"
Drax whips wildly out of the back of the ship. The cable spool on the wall is coming off.
Quill and I see a green forest approaching unbelievably fast. Quill turns toward Gamora, but she's gone.
"Shit." I said, seeing baby Groot sitting alone, happily munching on candies as if he's watching a movie. "Groot, put on your seat belt!"
The spool detaches and flies toward the back, which would leave Drax in the upper reaches of the planet's atmosphere…but Gamora has made it downstairs - she grabs onto the spool with one hand while clutching onto a secure part of the ship with her other hand. As it snaps tight, it nearly wrenches her apart. Gamora groans.
"Prepare for a really bad…" Quill said, and the Milano hits the trees, barreling over them.
They part and flatten and swat at the windshield.
Out back, Gamora holds tight despite searing pain, as Drax bounces violently off the trees.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Drax said, angrily.
And, eventually, the Milano comes to an abrupt stop at SUPER: BERHERT M20 22A4834126+306CA12. Drax pushes himself up in the dirt. He chuckles. He glances back at Gamora like the madman he is.
"That was awesome." Drax said, happily.
Gamora nods.
There was the smoking, battered Milano, and I looked down at my friends and a still-shackled Nebula.
"Either one of you could have gotten us through that field, if you had flown with what's between your ears instead of what's between your legs!" Gamora said, looking between Quill and Rocket.
"If what's between my legs had a hand on it, I guarantee I could have landed this ship." Quill said.
"It's not funny, Peter. We almost died. Because of your arrogance."
"More like because he stole Anulax batteries!" Quill said, looking at Rocket.
"They're called Harbulary batteries." Drax said.
"No, they're not, Drax." I said, clutching the strap of my sling bag.
"You know why I did it, Star-Munch?" Rocket asked, while Quill fumes. "Do you?"
"I'm not going to answer to `Star-Munch.'" Quill said.
"What are we even talking about this for? We just had a little man save us by blowing up fifty ships!" Rocket said, angrily.
"How little?" Drax asked.
Rocket shows Drax with his finger and thumb, "Like this."
"A little one-inch man saved us?" Gamora asked.
"Well, if he got closer, I'm sure he'd be much larger." Rocket said.
"That's how eyes work, you stupid raccoon." Quill said, rolling his eyes.
"Don't call me a raccoon!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I meant to say `trash panda.'"
Rocket pauses, unsure, looks at me, "Is that better?"
"Nope. It's not." I said, looking down at the floor. "It's worse. Peter just said that you rummage through trash cans, Rocket."
"YOU SON-OF-A-!" Rocket said, leaping, snapping at Quill.
Nebula looks up into the sky, "Someone followed you through the jump point."
A huge spaceship hovers overhead. The Guardians and I cock our weapons as we fall back-to-back in tight formation.
"Set me free. You'll need my help." Nebula said.
"I'm not a fool, Nebula." Gamora said.
"You're a fool if you deprive yourself a hand in combat."
"You'll attack me the moment I let you go."
"No, I won't." Nebula said, mumbling, unconvincing.
"You'd think an evil supervillain would learn how to properly lie." Quill said, sadly.
"I bet it's the one-inch man!" Drax cheered.
The ship lands, crushing all of the trees around it. A hatch opens, and an adventurous, outer space frontiersman steps forward. He has grown hardened and haggard over the years, but he is definitely the mysterious man that I know so well. Mantis, a creepy woman with antennae, emerges behind him. The Man smiles.
"After all these years, I've found you." The mysterious man said, looking at Peter.
"Who the hell are you?" Quill asked.
"I figured my rugged good looks would make that obvious. My name's Ego. And I'm your Dad, Peter." Ego said.
(Open POV)
It is quiet. A planet of mostly water and white icy patches of land, revolving around two overlapping suns.
SUPER: CONTRAXIA M15 5127512731+X1955KX
Snow falls gently over this sleepy, pastel-colored town of wood and stone buildings.
On the Iron Lotus, a robot brothel and saloon. Assorted Ravagers, including Kraglin, as well as some robotic courtesans, are drunk and giggling, trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues.
Yondu Udonta is staring out the window as he puts on his pants. He looks utterly disconnected and alone. Behind him are three robot courtesans. One pushes a button on her neck and she powers down.
"Yondu! Come on down!" Tullk yelled.
Yondu looks down at the street where an older Ravager, Tullk, drunkenly dances, waving for him to join.
Yondu exits his suite. Two bodyguards, Brahl and Half-Nut, salute and follow him as he descends the stairwell. At the bottom of the stairs a group of Ravagers in blue uniforms laugh. A gruff, older warrior, Stakar, and a man seemingly made of diamonds, Martinex are among them. Yondu stops when he sees them. He's struck. Stakar laughs as he tells a story.
"And I was like, Aleta, I love you, but you're crazy now, you always been…" Stakar said.
Yondu approaches Stakar with trepidation.
"Stakar." Yondu said, while Stakar is surprised to see him. "Been some time. I'd…"
"Seems like this establishment is the wrong kind of disreputable." Stakar said.
The blue-coats turn and walk away.
"Stakar…" Yondu said, sadly.
Stakar glances at the proprietor as he passes her.
"There are a hundred Ravager factions, Sneeper. You just lost the business of ninety-nine by serving one." Stakar said.
"Please, sir! Sir!" The proprietor said, terrified.
Yondu stands there for a moment, hurt, as they head out the door. But, little by little, his hurt turns to rage and he follows.
Yondu trots quickly toward Stakar and the others.
"You all can go to hell! I don't care what you think of me!" Yondu said, angrily.
Stakar swirls toward him, furious.
"Then why you following us for?!" Stakar exclaimed.
"`Cause you'll listen to what I got to say!" Yondu yelled.
"I don't got to listen to nothing! You betrayed the code! Ravagers don't deal in kids!"
"I didn't know what was going on…"
"You didn't know `cause you didn't want to know, `cause it made you rich!"
"I demand a seat at the table! I wear the flames same as you!"
"You may dress like a Ravager but you won't hear no Horns of Freedom when you die, boy, and the Colors of Ogord will not flash over your grave!" Stakar said, looking at Yondu. "You think I take some pleasure in exiling you, you're wrong. You broke all our hearts."
Stakar and the others storm away. Martinex stays a moment, staring at Yondu, and then moves on too. Yondu is left alone, shaken as the white snow falls gently on his blue face. Nearby, a monstrous Ravager leans in toward Kraglin, Tullk, Gef the Ravager, Oblo, and Retch.
As the monstrous Ravager eyes Yondu, he whispers, "First Quill and Shay betrays us and Yondu just lets them go, scot-free. Now he's getting all riled over nothing. We followed him `cause he was the one wasn't afraid to do what needed to be done. Seems like he's going soft."
"If he's so soft, why you whispering for?" Kraglin asked.
"You know I'm right, Kraglin."
"You best watch what you say about the Cap'n, Tay…" Tullk said.
"Who the hell is that?!" Retch exclaimed.
Tullk stops when he sees High Priestess Ayesha approaching beside them. The Chambermaids roll out a long blue cloth so she doesn't touch unconsecrated ground. She stops at the carpet's end and does her best to force a smile.
"Yondu Udonta, I have a proposition for you." Ayesha said.
Yondu looks at her.
"When your mother passed away, I hired Yondu to pick you up." Ego said, as a voiceover.
(Jared's POV)
Quill sits around a campfire with Ego, Mantis, the others, and I eating.
Ego indulges heartily, "I would have done so myself, but I was in the midst of an outlandish adventure at the time, battling demonic forces to save this dimension or some such nonsense - I can't quite recall, it all bleeds together after awhile. But instead of returning you, Yondu kept you. I have no clue as to why."
"Because I was a skinny kid who could squeeze into places adults couldn't, making thieving easier." Quill said.
"I've been trying to track you down ever since."
"I thought Yondu was your father." Drax said, sadly.
"What?" Quill asked, as Drax stares at him. "We've been together all this time and you thought Yondu was my actual, blood relative?"
"You look exactly alike."
"One's blue." Rocket said.
"He wasn't my father. Yondu was the guy who abducted me. He'd beat the crap out of me so I'd learn how to fight and he kept me in terror threatening to eat me." Quill said.
"Eat you?!" Ego exclaimed.
"That son-of-a-bitch."
"How'd you locate us now?" Gamora asked.
"Even where I reside, out past the edge of what's known, we've heard tell of the man they call Star-Lord." Ego said, standing, handing his dish to Gamora. "Say we head out that way now? Your associates are welcome, even that triangle-faced monkey there."
Rocket, self-conscious, feels his nose.
"I promise you, it's like no place you've ever seen. And there I can explain your very special heritage, and finally be the father I've always wanted to be." Ego said, almost teary. "`Scuse me. I gotta take a whizz."
Ego leaves.
Quill looks at Gamora, "Not buying it."
"Peter, we need to take a walk." Gamora said, sadly.
"Good luck." I said, happily. "You'll need it."
Ego is whistling 'Brandy' and peeing into the bushes. Mantis looks at Drax. Shegrins, or at least her best attempt at grinning. It's kind of creepy.
"I am Mantis." Mantis said, smiling.
"What are you doing?" Drax asked.
"Smiling. I hear it is the thing to do to make people like you."
"Not if you do it like that."
"Oh. I was raised alone on Ego's planet. I do not understand the intricacies of social interaction." Mantis said, pointing at Rocket. "Can I pet your puppy? It is adorable."
"Yes…" Drax said, mischievous.
"This is going to be funny." I said, and Mantis goes to pet Rocket.
Startled, Rocket swirls and snaps at Mantis.
"AHH!" Mantis yelled, pulling back her hand.
Drax laughs with me, heartily.
"That's called a practical joke!" Drax yelled.
Mantis giggles, "I liked it very much!"
The three of us laugh together. Nebula shakes her head with disbelief.
Quill and Gamora enter this private spot; the campfire flickers through the trees beyond them. I placed my TARDIS key around my neck.
"Give me a break! After all this time, and he just expects to be my Dad all of the sudden!" Quill said, angrily.
"I hear you." Gamora siad, frowning.
"I mean, this could be a trap - the Kree purists, the Ravagers, now the Sovereign - they all want us dead."
"I know, but…"
"But what?"
"What was that story you told me about Zardu Hasselfrau?"
"The wonderful television-singer man. He had a magic boat."
"David Hasselhoff?"
"He had a talking car, not a magic…"
"Why did it talk again?" Gamora asked.
"Just to be a good friend, I guess."
"Knight Rider." I said, leaning against a tree. "Classic 80s show."
My TARDIS key is still keeping me hidden from Gamora and Quill.
"And as a child you carried his picture in your pocket, and you told the other children he was your father, but he was out of town…" Gamora said, looking at Quill.
"Shooting Knight Rider or touring with his band in Germany. Why are you bringing this up now? I was drunk when I told you that." Quill said, embarrassed.
"I love that story."
"I don't. It's just sad! I was so sad because I'd see the other kids off playing catch with their dads, and I wanted that, more than anything in the world."
Gamora takes Quill's hands in her own.
"My point is, maybe this man is your Hasselhoff. I know it's a long shot. But I lost my father as a child. I'd give anything…" Gamora said, and Quill nods, grudgingly. "If he ends up being evil, we'll just kill him." Quill chuckles. "What's funny?"
Inside the ship, 'The Chain' by Fleetwood Mac plays on the cassette player. Nebula is angry.
"You're leaving me with that fox and that fanboy?!" Nebula exclaimed.
Rocket is soldering the ship as I am playing on my Nintendo Switch.
"Rocket's not a fox and yes, Jared is a fanboy, but he tries his best to keep us alive." Gamora said, glancing at Rocket and I as she grabs her outer-space-adventurer version of luggage. "Shoot her if she does anything suspicious. Or if you feel like it."
Rocket grunts. I gave Gamora a thumbs up. Gamora looks at a sad Baby Groot.
"It will just be a couple days. We'll be back before Rocket's finished fixing the ship." Gamora said, stepping out.
Rocket and I see Groot, who is about to cry as he watches them go. Drax and Quill come from the back of the ship.
"What about your spool of songs?" Drax asked.
"I have clones." Quill said.
"What if the Sovereign come?"
"There's no way for them to know they're here."
"I am uncertain about parting ways."
"You're like an old woman."
"Because I am wise?"
Quill turns to Rocket and I as Drax and Gamora head toward the Ship.
Rocket starts to say something nice - perhaps something conciliatory but comes up with a remark instead, "Hope daddy isn't as big of a dick as you, orphan boy."
Quill just shakes his head and snickers, "So what's your goal here? To get everyone to hate you? `Cause it's working."
Quill turns back around with Gamora and Drax and walks away. Rocket and I looks at the others leaving as the song becomes score: I can still hear you saying you will never break the chain.
"It's okay, Rocket." I said, placing my hand on top of Rocket's. "Peter will forgive you by the end of this adventure."
Rocket and I watched them move away.
"What if he doesn't?" Rocket asked.
In slow-motion, Quill, Drax, and Gamora approach the oval ship.
"He will. I promise." I said, squeezing Rocket's hand. "You'll have to do something amazing first."
The slit opens. Ego, with Mantis, is waiting inside. Ego smiles and clasps his hand on Quill as he enters.
(Open POV)
Quill sits back against the wall, alone, nervous. He looks across the way at a sleep chamber, where Mantis helps Ego lie down on a slab. She places her hand on his forehead with her hand: her antennae alight. And he drifts off to sleep. Quill takes a small, folded piece of paper out of his pocket. It's the photo of David Hasselhoff. He looks at it, then looks at Ego. Quill's eyes fill with cautious hope. And the song ends.
Ego's ship rises, blocking out the sun.
The Orb moves through a rainbowish funnel of space and time; technology beyond what even the Guardians know.
Quill and Drax are drinking tea and laughing with Mantis.
"Can I ask you a personal question?" Quill asked.
"Oh, no one has ever asked me a personal question!" Mantis cheered.
"The antennae, what are they for?"
"Their purpose?"
Gamora enters, pouring herself some tea.
"Yes, Quill and I have a bet." Drax said, smiling.
"You're not supposed to say that." Quill said, sadly.
"I say that if you are about to go through a doorway that is too low, your antennae will feel this, and stop you from being decapitated."
"Just making clear…if it's anything else…any other answer…I win?"
Gamora smiles, warmed by the good-natured, by-now-familiar bickering between Quill and Drax.
"They are not for feeling doorways." Mantis said.
"Damn. I just lost my entire life's savings." Drax said, bummed.
"Three pairs of pants." Quill said, happily.
"I think they have something to do with my empathic abilities." Mantis said.
"What are…?" Gamora asked.
"If I touch someone I can feel their FEELINGS…"
"You read minds?" Quill asked, looking at Mantis.
"No. Telepaths know thoughts. Empaths feel feelings. Emotions." Mantis said, looking at Quill. "May I?"
Quill doesn't stop Mantis. Mantis, cautiously, touches him. Her hand quivers as his emotions shoot through her and her antennae alight. She is moved.
"You feel love." Mantis said.
"Yeah, I guess, yeah, I have sort of a general, unselfish love for everyone." Quill said, smirking.
"No, romantic, sexual love."
"No. No, I don't."
Mantis nods at Gamora, "For her."
"No." Quill said, sadly.
"Gamora is embarrassed."
Drax starts laughing uproariously, "She just told everyone your deepest, darkest secret, Quill! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"What the hell, dude? That's a total overreaction." Quill said, frowning.
Drax slaps his chest, "DO ME! DO ME!"
Mantis touches Drax. She grins brightly.
"I have never felt such humor!" Mantis cheered.
Mantis starts giggling and before long both she and Drax are laughing hysterically.
"You got to be kidding me." Quill said, at a loss for words.
Drax and Mantis both point at Quill, clutching onto each other and falling over with laughter.
Quill's humiliated, "That's so incredibly uncool. Now I can see why Jared stayed behind with the raccoon."
Mantis wipes the tears from her eyes, composing herself. She goes to touch Gamora, who grabs her wrist through her clothes.
"Touch me. And the only thing you're going to feel is a broken jaw." Gamora said, looking at Mantis.
Mantis smiles, nods, backs away.
"I can also alter emotions, to some extent." Mantis said.
"Like what?" Quill asked.
"If I touch someone who is sad I can ease them into contentment, for a short while. I can make a stubborn person compliant. But I mostly use it to help my Master sleep. He lies awake at night, thinking about his progeny."
Quill looks at Mantis, struck by this.
"Do one of those on me!" Drax said, excitedly.
Mantis touches Drax. Drax grins expectantly.
"Sleep." Mantis said, quietly.
Drax collapses, instantly asleep. Mantis smiles at the others, hoping she has pleased. Quill and Gamora look at Drax, snoring. They're surprised.
"Is that real?" Gamora asked.
"It's kind of like someone put a baby's head on a big, muscular body, isn't it?" Quill asked.
(Jared's POV)
Alien insects chirp. Four moons shine over the forest. The campfire crackles beside the Milano, and 'Southern Nights' by Glenn Campbell emerges from the cassette player within.
The Monstrous Ravager and Kraglin lead a group of Ravagers up over a ravine. Dozens of M-Ships quietly lower behind them. Kraglin nods toward the sounds of Glenn Campbell in the distance. They raise their weapons. Dozens and dozens of Ravagers come from different directions, surrounding the Milano. One Ravager cluster, lead by Half-Nut, creeps close enough to the Milano that they see the lights within the vehicle and can hear Rocket and I inside humming along to the song. Half-Nut licks his lips in anticipation, closing in for the kill, when he steps on a small pedal.
"And there goes Half-Nut." I said, when the small pedal clicks.
A hundred darts fly at the group from traps set in trees. They stick into the Ravagers' bodies, knocking them instantly unconscious. As one Ravager falls, a gunshot is discharged.
Nebula is awakened by the shot. She sees a frightened Groot, peering through a hole at the bodies falling. Besides Groot, there is a futuristic walkie-talkie with Rocket's hums and my hum's emerging.
Rocket and I are crouched on a limb in shadows above the Milano, smiling and humming to Southern Nights' into our comm.
"So, what are the others up to?" Rocket asked, spotting a larger group of Ravagers approaching the Milano from the other side, led by Retch.
"Oh. They're at a loss for words by the bug girl putting Drax to sleep." I said, tossing a chocolate chip cookie into my mouth.
"Alright. You can kick back and relax. Hold onto the remotes for me. Activate them when ready." Rocket said, leaping towards the Ravagers, from one tree limb to another like a squirrel.
The group enters a clearing close to the ship. A tall Ravager looks up and spots Rocket leaping over their heads.
"There!" The tall Ravager yelled.
The Ravagers blast at Rocket, following him. He hops from tree to tree as bullets whizz past him, leading them right where we want them.
I looked over at my phone to see Rocket stopping in a tree at the end of the run.
"And, uh, one." I said, holding a device with two buttons. I press one of the buttons.
A percussive bomb at the feet of the Ravagers bursts, sending half of them flying up into the air.
"And, uh, two." I said, as the confused group on the ground watches, I press the second button and a second bomb bursts.
They fly up into the air as well.
"You needed this." Rocket said, snickering.
"Yeah. And, uh, three." I said, continuing pushing the buttons and the two groups of Ravagers fly up and down until the bombs are depleted of energy. "Now I can see why Nardole loved this."
Retch looks up from the ground, to see the little animal hopping away in the tree limbs overhead.
An even larger group of Ravagers walk beneath the branches, moonlight flickering on their faces. Rocket's silhouette is on a gnarled limb. He's clutching an armful of small discs. He breathes shallowly, waits. As soon as the last Ravager is passing beneath him, he leaps onto his back. Rocket jumps forward from one manto to the next, slapping a sticky-disc to each of their heads - slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! And then he leaps from the Ravager at the front of the line back up into the trees. The men are confused. They bring their fingers to the sticky discs on their bodies.
"Jared, activate the next trap!" Rocket said, smiling.
"On it!" I said, flicking a trigger, on a nearby device.
The sticky-discs send electricity coursing through all of the men's bodies. They convulse for a moment, then collapse.
Rocket leaps to the ground in a crouch. He sees Brahl approaching in front of him, and then another Ravager approaching from behind. They train their weapons on him.
"Ain't so tough now without all your toys, are you?" Brahl asked.
Rocket leaps up onto Brahl's face. He punches him in the thorax so hard he can't breathe. The other Ravager shoots at him, but Rocket backflips over the shot so Brahl is struck instead. Rocket lands on the back of the shooter's neck and rapid-fire punches him in the head, until the man crumples to the ground, unconscious. As Rocket lands, he hears whistling and he looks up to see…Yondu's arrow flying through the trees, directly toward him.
"Crap." Rocket said, looking over to where I'm hiding. "Jared, you can come down now."
"Fine…" I said, jumping down from the tree branch and ran towards where Rocket and the Ravagers were. Another high-pitched whistle and the arrow stops abruptly, floating with the tip almost grazing Rocket's forehead and my forehead. "Hey Yondu."
Yondu waltzes out of the trees with Tullk, Kraglin, the Monstrous Ravager, and many more. Rocket and I reluctantly raise our hands in surrender.
"Hey there, rat, ape." Yondu said, looking between Rocket and I.
"How's it going, you blue idiot?" Rocket asked, grabbing my hand.
"Eh, not so bad. We got a pretty good gig. A golden gal with quite a high opinion of herself offered us a large sum to deliver the both of you and your pals to her, so she can kill y'all." Yondu said, smirking.
Nebula looks out the window to see even more Ravagers surrounding Rocket and I. She looks at baby Groot.
"Your friends. There's too many of them. They're going to kill them." Nebula said, while Groot looks as if he's about to cry. "They need my help. If you care about them, you need to get me out of these bonds."
Groot is unsure.
The Ravagers have entirely encircled Rocket and I. There's no chance of escape. Though upset, Rocket mostly holds it in and squeezes my hand.
"Pretty easy to find you two, since we put a tracer on your ship back during the War over Xandar." Yondu said.
"Yondu, give us your word that you won't hurt Groot." I said, happily.
"Jared's right." Rocket said, looking at Yondu. "If you do, I'll tell you where the batteries are."
"Lucky for you two, my word don't mean squat. Otherwise I'd actually hand you both over." Yondu said, looking between Rocket and I.
"Otherwise you'd what?!" The monstrous Ravager exclaimed.
Yondu scowls at the Monstrous Ravager, We'll take the batteries. They're worth a quarter mil on the open market…"
"That priestess offered us a million! A quarter is only one third of that!" The monstrous ravager yelled.
"A quarter ain't one-th…" Yondu said, sadly.
"A quarter is four times a million! We're in the money!" Oblo said, angrily.
"No, idiot. A quarter is twenty- five." Gef the Ravager said, annoyed.
"NO…" Yondu said.
"We can't even buy a pair of boots with twenty-five units!"
"The point is, we aren't stupid enough to help kill the Guardians of the Galaxy. We'd have the whole Nova Corps on us."
"That ain't right. I just gotta say it this one time, Cap'n." Kraglin said, realizing.
Everyone looks at Kraglin.
"No matter how many times Quill and Shay betrays you, you protect them, like none of the rest of us much matter. I'm the one what sticks up for you, me and Tullk." Kraglin said.
"Damn straight, lad. You're right: he's going soft. S'pose it's time for a change in leadership!" The monstrous ravager said, excitedly.
"Uh…" Kraglin said, looking at me. "Did you know this would happen?"
"Yeah…" I said, looking down at the ground. "You started a revolution, Kraglin. Can't help you here."
The Monstrous Ravager points his weapon at Yondu. Others follow his lead. A handful of others, including Tullk and the Innocent Ravager, raise their weapons in their Captain's defense, so that the whole circle are aiming at one another.
"I didn't know this would happen." Kraglin said, confused.
"Put you damn guns down!" Tullk yelled.
Rocket and I are in the center of the potential crossfire.
"Hold on! There's got to be some sort of peaceful resolution here! Or even a violent resolution, where we're standing over there." Rocket said, grabbing my hand.
Yondu glares at the Monstrous Ravager. His fin lights up and he starts to whistle when…a gunshot rings out; the fin is blown off the top of Yondu's head. The arrow clatters to the ground. Rocket and I watch as Yondu, confused, totters there for a moment, and then collapses…revealing Nebula behind him, clutching a smoking pistol. Rocket looks at Nebula, dead-eyed, and I laughed a lot.
"That was awesome." I said, squeezing Rocket's hand. "And pretty badass."
Nebula shoots Rocket and I with a blast of electricity, knocking us unconscious. The Ravagers gape at Nebula.
"Well, hello, boys." Nebula said, taking a bite from a piece of yaro root she stole from the Milano. As she chews, she becomes disgusted. She spits it out. "It's not ripe."
(Open POV)
Ego's ship arrives at a bold red planet, twisting in front of an enormous yellow sun, so close it seems like the sun is about to devour it. 'My Sweet Lord' by George Harrison plays.
Mantis sets her hand on Ego's forehead, waking him.
Ego's ship lands in a spaceport. It organically joins the spot where it lands - strands of material actually linking up with the landing pad itself. From the front of the craft, a floating tram emerges, with Ego, Mantis, Quill, Gamora, and Drax. As the tram glides toward its destination, the Guardians are overwhelmed by transcendentally splendid surroundings. The plant life is colorful and alien. Tall, twisting obelisks seem to have no function other than beauty itself.
"Welcome, friends, to my world." Ego said, happily.
"Wow. You have your own planet?" Quill asked, in awe.
"But a trifle, no larger than your Earth's moon."
"Humility. I like it. I, too, am extraordinarily humble." Drax said.
Even Gamora smiles at the wonder of it all. Multicolored mercurial clumps float by. Drax pokes one, and it bursts into a dozen vibrant hues.
Ahead of them looms an astounding palace atop a mountain.
"It's beautiful." Quill said, when the tram stops.
They step off it and toward the palace, Ego stops beside a large fountain.
"Peter, consider this a token of a father's pride." Ego said, motioning at the waters of the fountain fall away, revealing a giant statue of Star-Lord: Quill stands heroically, with foolish-looking Guardians kneeling around him worshipfully. "A memorial to the War Over Xandar, when you single-handedly saved the galaxy."
"Single-handedly?" Gamora asked.
"Whoa. It's perfect." Quill said, at a loss for words.
"You've got to be kidding." Gamora said, annoyed.
"Why am I dead? Why did you all kill me?!" Drax exclaimed.
"That's Ronan. That's you." Gamora said, pointing at the statue where Drax is sitting on Quill's shoulder, with a raccoon tail.
"When was I that tiny?"
Gamora shakes her head in disbelief. They step past the statue and onto the steps approaching the palace.
"You own a planet and can destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit. What are you, exactly?" Gamora asked..
"I'm what they call a Celestial, sweetheart." Ego said.
The Guardians stop behind him, astounded.
"A Celestial. Like a... god?" Quill asked.
"Small `g', son. At least on the days, I'm feeling humble as Drax." Ego said, laughing and walks up the stairs.
Ego saunters with Quill, Gamora, Drax, and Mantis, through the enormous open doors, toward huge dioramas lining either side of the palace, like cosmic Stations of the Cross.
"This form you see before you is only an extension of who I truly am. I don't know where I came from, exactly." Ego said, as the dioramas around them begin to animate: In the first, a flickering brain composed of polychromatic light floats in space. "The first thing I remember is flickering, adrift in the cosmos…utterly and entirely alone." The flickering brain pulls cosmic dust and rocks into itself, ingesting them, growing. "I fed on the matter around me like plankton. I grew smarter and stronger." A hard metal shell forms around the brain, with channels running through for his energy to flow like rivers. "I formed a sheathe to protect myself from the elements." Ego continues developing outward from the shell, growing the planet, then its beautiful landscapes and structures. "And continued building from there, layer by layer, the very planet you walk on now. I built the spires reaching up to the sky and the tunnels burrowing into its depths."
"Wow." Quill said, in awe.
"But I was no ant to be fulfilled solely by labor. I wanted more. I desired... meaning." Ego said, and in the core shell - the Self Chamber - the flickering brain floats, alone, perhaps sad. "There must be some life out there in the universe besides just me, I thought, and I set myself to task with finding it."
The brain grows a skeletal framework of light up from the self chamber and to the surface of the planet.
Ego pulls molecules around this shape to create his 'human' self, "I created what I imagined biological life might be like, down to the most minute detail."
"Did you make a penis?" Drax asked, looking at Ego.
"Dude." Quill said, annoyed.
"If he's a planet, how did he make a baby with your mother? He would smush her."
"I don't need to hear about how my parents, you know…"
"Why? My father would tell me the story of impregnating my mother every winter solstice."
"That's disgusting."
"It was beautiful. You earthers have hang-ups."
"Yes, Drax, I've got a penis." Ego said, happily.
"Oh my God." Quill said.
"It's not half bad. I've also got pain receptors, a digestive system, and all the accompanying junk. I wanted to experience what it truly meant to be human as I set out amongst the stars." Ego said, while in another diorama, he explores various uninhabited and barren planets. "I visited thousands of planets over thousands of years, one barren husk after the next until I found what I sought…" He stares down at a cute alien child. "…life. I was not alone in this universe after all."
Ego reminisces different emotions that are hard to tell.
"When did you meet my mother?" Quill asked.
"Not long after." Ego said, turning toward the last set of dioramas. They show Meredith and Ego kissing and Ego with his hand on Meredith's pregnant belly. "It was with Meredith that I experienced love for the first time. I called her my river lily. And from that love, Peter, you."
In the final diorama, and in the belly and see, inside the womb, very young Peter Quill, a fetus, himself encased in light. Quill looks up in amazement - this story is the story of himself. And Ego gazes at Quill with adoration.
"I searched for you for so long. When I heard one of two men from Earth held an Infinity Stone in his hand without dying, I knew you must be the son of the woman I loved." Ego said, putting his hand on Quill.
Quill wants to believe, but he can't quite let it go, "If you loved her why did you leave her?"