Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 80 - The Rowdyruff Boys

Chapter 80 - The Rowdyruff Boys


There is the city skyline, under a clear sky.

"The city of Townsville…" The narrator said, there is a weapon firing and a crash on the street. "…is under attack by Mojo Jojo!

A car parked at the curb is blasted by a beam from nearby and Mojo leaps into the sky, carrying an oversized laser cannon and laughing evilly as he tears Townsville asunder. He destroys a bus as people run screaming away from it, then takes down a building and a statue of the Mayor on horseback. Next, he targets a row of buildings and wipes them out one by one. When the dust clears, we see the girls in flight.

"Go, Girls, Go!" The narrator cheered.

On the ground, Mojo laughs evilly and prepares to fire again, but his aim is thrown off when the girls buzz by him to draw his attention away from causing further damage. He shoots after them. They dodge the blasts, but a near miss for Blossom angers her, and she returns fire with her eye lasers, reducing the cannon to molten sludge in his hands as he stares in disbelief at losing his weapon. Before he can recover from the shock of being disarmed so quickly, Buttercup nails him a good one.

"Curse you…" Mojo said, as Bubbles decks him. "…Powerpuff…" He flies toward the ground. "…Girls!"

Blossom delivers the finishing blow, and Mojo is knocked down.


Mojo is handcuffed and photographed for his mug shot. His fingerprints are taken, and he is thrown into his prison cell. Now he is dressed in convict stripes, including his brain helmet. Through all this, his face is frozen in a silent scream. He rushes back to the door just before it is slammed shut and stands there, holding the bars and gibbering angrily over his incarceration.


There is the skyline in the early evening.

"The city of Townsville is under attack!" The narrator yelled.

The upper section of Mojo's observatory, now airborne and firing a laser beam from an emitter mounted on its bottom. Smoke rises from the area he has already destroyed. Inside, he works the controls and laughs evilly at his latest attempt to raze Townsville to the ground. Fighter jets roar across the sky, ground-based missile launchers lock into firing position, and tanks roll through the streets. The flying observatory takes note of these threats—Mojo's eye is magnified in the lens of the telescope—and the heavy artillery is brought in: missiles from the jets and launchers, shells from the tanks. He easily blows these out of the sky and lets out an evil laugh within, celebrating his triumph over the military forces called in to shoot him down, believing himself to be unbeatable, but the familiar sound of something flying in and a flash across his display causes him to stop and look nervously at it.

Outside, the image of Mojo's eye darts about uneasily. Bubbles flies in and does a large semicircle around Mojo's craft, which rotates to keep the telescope on her, just for Buttercup to arrive on the scene and to hit the end of it, knocking it off balance, and Blossom grabs hold of the emitter. She swings the entire vessel around herself several times as if preparing for a hammer throw, then lets it fly into outer space. Inside, Mojo shakes his fists in defeat at having been bested again.

"Curse you, Powerpuff Girls!" Mojo said, angrily.

Despite what happened to his observatory just moments ago, Mojo is back in Townsville to get his usual treatment.


Mojo is once again cuffed, photographed, fingerprinted, and thrown into his prison cell. This time, once he's upright again, his teeth are clenched in anger as he glares out the bars, looking like he's ready to rip the girls a new one the next time he faces them.


There is the city skyline, with something very large visible behind it.

"The city of Townsville is under attack!" The narrator said, worried.

Mojo is at the controls of a large robot with a glass dome for a head. It has long, flexible arms and huge hands. He pushes and kicks several buildings to the ground, attacks a car and a ship, then punches another building into rubble. As before, he laughs evilly at the destruction he has caused, but the sight of the girls flying past him cuts him off and forces him to turn his attention to them again. Blossom dodges a swat and throws a punch at the dome, cracking it. On the ground, Bubbles and Buttercup rip up two telephone poles near the robot's feet to pull the lines taut. Now Blossom flies up behind the machine and pushes, causing it to stumble over the makeshift tripwire. It crashes to the ground, and the force of the impact propels Mojo through the weak spot in the dome from Blossom's earlier attack. He rolls to a stop on the pavement, and it just happens to be at the foot of the Girls themselves, and Mojo looks down at the girls.

"Give it up, Mo-joke!" Buttercup said, angrily.

"You will never defeat us. So there!" Bubbles said, throwing Mojo a raspberry.

"The Powerpuff Girls never lose!" Blossom yelled.


Mojo is again cuffed, photographed, fingerprinted, and thrown into his prison cell. His expression is now one of sullen rage. When he lands in his cell, he does so headfirst. After a moment, once the cell door is slammed shut, he tumbles onto his side, before going right side up. His eyes go red with fury, and after a few seconds, he snaps. His entire face reddens, and he screeches at the top of his lungs like a wild chimpanzee 'Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaah!'. First, he pounds and stomps on the floor, then he starts to jump crazily back and forth. Grabbing a tire swing hanging from the ceiling, he batters it with his feet for a while. After Mojo jumps off, he runs to the bars and hangs on to them, still screaming, with his mouth wide open.

When the points of his teeth are there, there is a long silence, after which, Mojo hunches in a corner of his cell under the glare of a single light. When he speaks, his voice echoes softly in the silence of the prison, and it is truly clear he has calmed down from his earlier frenzy of blind rage and regained his more intelligent composure.

"Curse those accursed Powerpuff Girls. They always defeat my plans! Even with those hints that boy gives them." Mojo said, with his anger-reddened eyes, looking across his cell. "I must devise a plan so diabolical, so sinister, it will bring those tiny titans to their knees!" He looks around his cell, his face, partially in shadow. "I need to beat them at their own game." He gasps. "I need to fight fire with fire! I need…" He laughed evilly. "I need to make a phone call."

"Hey! Shut up in there!" An inmate yelled, from outside the cell.

Mojo laughs quieter.

Outside Utonium Residence…

It is the middle of the afternoon.

"The Powerpuff Girls' house!" The narrator said, singing.

Utonium Residence..

The hotline is buzzing. Bubbles answers it.

"Hello?" Bubbles asked.

Utonium Residence / Jail…

Bubbles is using the hotline and Mojo on the prison phone.

"Hello—uh, may I speak to Professor Utonium or to Jared Shay?" Mojo asked.

"Who shall I say is calling?" Bubbles asked.

"Oh, no one they'd know, just a curious stranger." Mojo said, pausing for a moment to think.


She puts the receiver on the table and walks away.

"I'm going to leave it to the Professor." Jared said, walking past the phone, with some mint chocolate chip ice cream in his hand. "He does this better than I can."

The Professor takes Bubbles' place a moment later. Through this, Mojo looks very uneasy—as if he fears his cover will be blown.

"Hello, Mr. Stranger. What can I do for you?" The Professor asked.

"Oh." Mojo said, clearing his throat, regaining composure. "Uh, hi, I'm calling from Townsville Community College, and I'm doing a report on the Powerpuff Girls, and I was wondering…" He spoke at a rapid fire rate. "…what exactly are those little girls made of?"

"Aha—oh, well, the Powerpuff Girls. Well, let's see now. Eight cups of sugar, a pinch of spice…" The Professor said, as Mojo pulls out a pad and pen and takes notes. "…one tablespoon of everything nice, and—now, this one's important. Accidentally add a drop of Chemical X. And voila!"

"That's it?!" Mojo exclaimed, dropping his pad and pen, before catching himself. "I mean—wow, thanks."

"I also have a great recipe for pound…" The Professor said, happily.

Mojo hangs up the phone, cutting the Professor off mid-sentence.


There is the clanking of weights and exercise equipment nearby.

"Sugar and spice and everything nice? That's too girlish. And that fanboy of theirs acts too much like a girl. I need something tougher. Harder. More manly. Hmmm…" Mojo said, looking away from the phone to look at the rest of the exercise room. Prisoners are lifting weights, doing sit-ups, arm-wrestling, and boxing. "What are little boys made of?"

Mojo looked at one inmate doing bench-presses. Mojo sneaks up to him and takes clippings of the hair in his armpits.

Cafeteria lunch counter…

A cook is ladling slop onto someone's lunch tray. Mojo is next in line.

"I'll have the escargots, please." Mojo said, and the cook smiles and hands him a plate of snails. "Thank you."

The Talking Dog is wearing a guard's hat and with a silver star on his collar—he is patrolling the cell block. He stops for a moment to scratch, then looks behind himself as if expecting to catch a pursuer there. Seeing nothing, he continues his rounds and walks away. Mojo's hand shoots out from between the bars and reaches after him. A ripping sound is heard, and the hand pulls back into the cell with the tail in its grip. The dog is now with a ragged patch where his tail was.

"Ouch." The talking dog said, annoyed.


Mojo's cupped hands have the hair clippings, the snails from his meal, and the Talking Dog's tail.

"Let's see now. Snips and snails and a puppy dog tail." Mojo said, smirking. "All that leaves is…" He is looking across the cell. As he speaks, he looked at the bed and straight ahead. "Chemical X! There's gotta be something around here with that potency. Hmm—let's see…" He stopped at the cell's toilet, glowing and emitting fumes. "Aha!"

Mojo runs up to the toilet and embraces the bowl, then breathes in the vapors.

"Yes." Mojo said, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "Definitely, chemical…" He is coughing. "…X! Mmmm…"

Mojo has expelled a small black cloud with an X made of two crossed bones in its center. This evaporates after a second, and he crosses his arms in front of himself to make another X as he smiles malevolently. Mojo looks out the cell window at the crescent moon.

"Ahh—the moon is in proper alignment." Mojo said, looking at the toilet, with candles set up around it and a skull visible in the cloud of vapor, almost like a shrine as he prepares to perform a ritual. "The cauldron awaits." He is fixated on the toilet. "And the ingredients are ripe." He holds up his handful. " Let the seeds of evil bear fruit!"

Mojo opens his hands, letting the items fall into the bowl, and flushes them away. Now he looks down after them with a worried, expectant expression. The gurgling of water in the pipes dies away, and an eerie hush falls over the scene as he watches the toilet, waiting to see if anything happens. After a long silence, along with three alternating shots between the toilet and Mojo, it begins to shake and rattle, throwing off small spurts of water. Mojo smiles evilly as things begin to come together.

"Yes—Yes—Yes!" Mojo said, with growing excitement.

The toilet continues its jitters. Finally, it erupts like a geyser and sends a jet of brownish-gray water up to the ceiling. Mojo tries to protect himself but to no avail. The geyser turns into a flood that sweeps him toward the front of his cell. The torrent gushes into the exercise room, and for a moment, the room is entirely submerged. The outline of Mojo's outstretched form becomes visible, and as the water drains away, he is plastered against the bars. He collapses to the floor, gasping for breath, but has only a moment to collect himself. Three shadows loom over him, and he looks up in surprise.

Mojo looked at the source of the shadows and is fixated on them: three small boys in black pants and sneakers. Each also wears a sweatshirt with a black stripe. The rest of the shirt is a single different color. The boy in the center has short red-orange hair with a center part and another one to each side, much like Blossom's hairline, and a red shirt and eyes. He also wears a red baseball cap turned backward. The boy to his right, our left, has short blond hair parted in the middle, after Bubbles' style, and a dark blue shirt and eyes. The boy on the far right has short black hair parted similar to Buttercup's, with a cowlick standing up in the back, and a dark green shirt and eyes. Like the Powerpuff Girls, they have very large heads and eyes, and no visible ears, noses, or fingers. They appear to be ready for a fight or other trouble or mischief they have on their minds.

Mojo, on the other hand, is ecstatic. He scoops the boys up in an embrace as he sees his plan for ultimate revenge on the Powerpuff Girls has succeeded. Mojo looks at the pale red eyeshadow the boys wear.

"Ah, my children!" Mojo said, excitedly.

The red-clad boy socks him and hauls Mojo up to the ceiling. Like their faces, their voices carry no hint of any geniality other than toughness and rowdiness, the proper attitude of a tough boy.

"Hands off! Who do you think you are anyway, Pops?!" Brick exclaimed.

"Why, yes, I am your FATHER!" Mojo yelled, while his shout at the end of his sentence sends the boy to the ground next to the other two. "CHILDREN!"

"Hey! We ain't no babies!" Boomer said, angrily.

"We're the Rowdyruff Boys!" The boys yelled.

"Boomer!" Boomer said.

"Brick!" Brick said.

"Butch!" Butch said.

"We're here to kick some butt! And since yours is the only one around, we're gonna start with you!" Brick said, as Mojo looked away from the boys and back at them again.

"Oh, no, no, boys. You don't want to kick my butt. My butt is as rotten as yours. What you want are butts settled on the throne of justice." Mojo said.

"Yeah!" The boys said, excitedly.

"Butts planted in the soil of nobility!" Mojo said, looking at the boys.


"Butts nestled between the pillars of peace and love! The butts you want to kick are the butts of—the Powerpuff Girls!"

"Let's get 'em!"

"I'd be glad to take you to them if we only had a way out of heeeeeeee…" Mojo said, and he says this last, Brick picks him up, and Boomer and Butch punch a hole in the ceiling, essentially busting Mojo out of jail easily.

They fly out of prison.

"Boy, oh, boy! Those boys are b-b-bad to the bone!" The narrator said, terrified.


There is the city skyline at sunset.

"The city of Townsville…" The narrator said, and a huge, one-eyed octopus rears up and roars. "…is under attack!"

Buttercup charges in and punches the beast; her sisters fly in low behind her and dodge the tentacles it slams down to try to crush them. Blossom grabs one and stretches it out, and Bubbles chops it off. The octopus looks at the stump in surprise before taking a double hit from Bubbles and Buttercup. Now Blossom moves in, carrying the severed tentacle. She swings and connects hard enough to knock the enemy into a spin, its tentacles tangling up underneath. It has had enough and starts to keel over, unwinding as it does so. Blossom and Buttercup float in midair.

"Bubbles, look out!" Blossom and Buttercup said, at the same time.

On the ground, Bubbles is hunched over a flower bed and trying to shoo away a group of ladybugs.

"Go away, ladybugs! Go away! Huh?" Bubbles asked, looking up and sees the octopus falling toward her, before yelling frantically. "Go away, ladybugs! Fly! Fly away!"

With the monster's shadow now falling over her, Bubbles sucks in a lungful of air and blows the ladybugs to safety. She looks up again and realizes it's too late for her to flee as well.

"Uh-oh." Bubbles said, softly.

The octopus lands on her, face up. Blossom and Buttercup gasp in fear and dash in to save her. They land next to the eye, which starts to bulge out. It bursts after a moment, releasing a gush of green fluid. Bubbles follows this out and lands next to the others, slime all over her.

"Bubbles, are you okay?" Blossom asked.

"I think so, I…" Bubbles said, sadly.

"Why don't you guys pick on someone your own size?" Brick asked, nearby.

The girls look to their right, gasping in shock. The boys are a distance down the street from them.The girls look at each boy in turn.

"We're the Rowdyruff Boys, and we wanna fight!" Brick said, angrily.

The boys promptly lay into the girls, knocking them flying into a building. Bubbles and Buttercup are dazed on the sidewalk next to a large hole in the wall. Blossom climbs out of this after a moment.

"What's up with those guys?!" Blossom exclaimed.

"I think they're asking for a hiney-whooping!" Buttercup said, sitting up and she zips away.

Down the street, the boys are laughing over their victory. Brick is whisked off his feet, leaving the others wondering what happened in total puzzlement. Buttercup slams him up against a dumpster and starts pounding on him, but Boomer and Butch dive in to save their brother and knock her off her feet. Now they start punching and kicking her where she lies. Her sisters flash in and end the beating. Boomer and Butch wind up sliding across the pavement to Brick's spot by the dumpster.

"Hey! What's wrong with you girls?! You're supposed to start crying when we hit you!" Brick said, looking at the Powerpuff Girls.

"Yeah!" Boomer yelled.

Bubbles helps Buttercup to her feet while Blossom looks on.

"What are you guys, new?" Blossom asked.

"Yeah! We're the Powerpuff Girls!" Bubbles cheered.

"And it takes a lot more than a couple of cheap shots to make us cry." Buttercup said, scoffing.

"Well, then. I guess we'll just have to serve it up!" Brick said, excitedly.

The boys smile at each other and explode into action. Brick socks Blossom, but she catches him with a high kick. Boomer has hold of Bubbles and slams her into the ground, but she throws him off and over her shoulders to smash into a building. Blossom and Brick start trading blows again. Now Butch lays into Buttercup. She then grabs his arm and spins him around to throw him against a wall. Again Blossom and Brick square off, but she wins this round by landing a punch that sends him crashing against the masonry.

When the dust clears, Brick looks as if he is about to blow every gasket in his head. After a long moment of seething, he snaps. Time for some revenge.

"Ballistic barrage!" Brick said, looking at the boys.

The boys jump down to ground level and rush toward the girls with their feet pounding like jackhammers as they advance. They leap from building to building, zigzagging down the street, and fly high before dive-bombing their targets. All three girls are subjected to a merciless battering, which does not end until they have been drilled into the pavement. The boys jump out of the way. When the dust clears, three very angry girls are ready to return the favor. Now it is their turn for some payback.

"Acrobattack!" Blossom said, jumping up.

Closing their eyes, the girls begin doing high-speed cartwheels down the street, looking like three pastel-colored pinballs on speed as they do so. When each one reaches her counterpart, she does a handstand to kick him into the air. Boomer is the first to be hit, then Brick and Butch. The girls open their eyes again and go up after them and catch them by the feet. Each one is spun through 360 degrees and kicked toward the ground— the same sequence as before. Now it is the boys' turn to carve the pavement when they hit.

The trios charge at each other, screaming in rage. Now it is a full-scale brawl, with punches, kicks, choke holds, and eye lasers coming fast and furious up and down the block. Blossom breaks loose and goes after Brick, but he dodges her attack, catches her by the hair, and swings her around by it. He throws her down the street and into a building, causing it to shake.

Boomer catches Bubbles with a kick to the gut. She is propelled through the front window of Cooper's Market.

Cooper's Market…

Bubbles lands on the checkout counter and hits her head against the cash register as the old shopkeeper watches.

"Bubbles! Are you all right?!" The shopkeeper exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry about your window, Mr. Looper." Bubbles said, while she returns to the fight.

"It's Cooper! Cooper!" The shopkeeper said, calling after Bubbles.


Buttercup, meanwhile, is after Butch, but he lands a punch that knocks her clean through two buildings. She comes to rest on a couch in the third building she hits— in a family's living room. Butch jumps in through the hole in the wall. She picks up the couch and knocks him back out, creating a new hole in the process.

In the street, a man and a woman stand by a sports car. Blossom falls on the front end, and Brick jumps onto the rear a moment later to launch her as if from a seesaw and then goes up after her. Bubbles dashes past a hot dog cart, which is promptly destroyed by a laser blast from nearby. Buttercup and Butch go soaring across the street in front of a car with two people in it. Now Blossom and Brick carry their fight past a street corner where a woman is standing. Blossom flies low and passes her. Brick flies between her legs, causing her dress to billow up and show a flash of her garter belt.

Brick hits Blossom.

Mayor's office…

The mayor is at the window.

"And furthermore, every Wednesday will be Pretzel Day." The mayor said, happily.

The girls slam into the window face first and slide down out of sight. The next line is delivered in rhythm accordingly.

"Hello, Blossom!…Uh, goodbye, Blossom…Hello, Bubbles!…Uh, goodbye, Bubbles…Hello, Buttercup!…Uh, goodbye, Buttercup." The mayor said, and he looked away from the window. "What kind of pretzels do you think the girls like, the Bavarian or the tiny twists?"

During this last, Ms. Bellum steps into the room with Jared.

"They like the Bavarian. But now isn't the time for that." Jared said, tossing a chocolate chip cookie into his mouth. "The girls are in danger."

"Jared's right." Ms. Bellum said, while she speaks, the boys fly past, one by one. "Sir, I think the girls may be in trouble."

"Whatever makes you say that?" The mayor asked.

"What about them plummeting down to Earth after getting their butts whooped?" Jared asked, as a crash shakes the building.

Outside Townsville Hall….

The girls are lying in a very new and very deep hole in the front steps of Townsville Hall. They appear very disoriented.

"Wh…wh…where'd they go now?" Buttercup asked.

"I don't know. But if we keep smashing up Townsville like this, I…" Blossom said, coming around.

The Talking Dog is on the sidewalk nearby.

The talking dog cries out in terror, "Powerpuff Girls, look out!"

Boomer flies in, carrying a school bus full of shrieking children, and throws it. Brick is next. He has a plane with its wing torn off and a full load of passengers, and he lets this fly. Finally Butch comes up with a loaded ocean liner, which he hurls. The boys have an overhead view of the girls, looking up.

"Uh-oh." The girls said, softly.

The three vehicles descend toward the girls, who take off when the shadows fall over them. Each goes after the one thrown by her counterpart. Bubbles skids to a stop with the bus, Blossom brings the plane to a halt just above the ground, and the momentum of the ship causes Buttercup to cut a furrow in the street while trying to stop it. She finally does so and sets it down inches from the Talking Dog.

"Hooray for the Powerpuff Girls! We're saved! Hooray! Hooray!" The passengers said, looking at the girls and the Talking Dog.

"No problem, good citizens. We were happy to…" Blossom said, smiling.

The girls are plowed away by the boys. The Talking Dog reacts in disgust at the cheap shot while the Girls are soaking up the praise and gratitude.

"Oh!" The talking dog said, worried.

The boys start up a raucous victory celebration of their own. The girls are off to one side and with a cloud of dust clearing away from in front of them—the boys have pushed them hard enough to knock a hole in yet another wall. Their bragging fades into the background.

"These guys aren't playing fair!" Blossom said, angrily.

"They're really out to get us!" Buttercup said, terrified.

"And they don't care who gets in their way!" Bubbles said, worried.

"We better take this fight out of Townsville before some innocent people get hurt!" Blossom said, looking at the girls.

The girls take off. The boys watch them go.

"Catch us if you can!" Buttercup said, her voice echoing nearby.

"Look at those sissies!" Butch yelled.

"Yeah! Running like little chickens!" Boomer said, excitedly.

"Let's get 'em!" Brick said, taking off.

Boomer and Butch do likewise.

The girls fly across Townsville.

Outside Townsville…

The girls fly out of the city proper, with the boys in hot pursuit and matching their every move.

"Here they come!" Blossom said, looking over her shoulder.

The girls execute a hairpin turn. The boys miss this and overshoot, but quickly hit the brakes and get back on course. Now they start to gain ground.

"Kick in the afterburners!" Brick yelled.

Their light trails give way to billowing clouds of smoke, and they speed up considerably.

"Uh-oh! They're gaining fast!" Blossom said, looking over her shoulder.

The boys flash past them, leaving them floundering in the exhaust. All three begin to cough and choke with their eyes watering.

"I…can't…see!" Buttercup said, angrily.

"I…can't…breathe!" Bubbles said, worried.

Still coughing, the girls tumble out of the sky.

"Good thing we had those burritos for lunch." Butch said, laughing.

"Yeah, dude!" Boomer said, laughing.

"Word!" Brick said, laughing, fiercely. "NOW LET'S FINISH THOSE SISSIES!"

The boys summon their energy and glow as if channeling lightning, making the girls only see the boys' silhouettes.

"YEAH!" The boys cheered.

They go into a screaming dive, and each catches his opposite number. The girls yell in pain from the contact and descend headfirst, alone, toward Townsville.


On the ground, a group of four people started looking up in fear and point.

"Look! Up in the sky!" Man 1 yelled.

"It's a missile!" Woman 1 said.

"It's a bomb!" Woman 2 said, terrified.

"It's a death ray!" Man 2 said, angrily..

The Mayor, Ms. Bellum, and Jared are on the street.

"It's the girls!" Ms. Bellum said, worried.

"Oh…" The mayor said, sadly.

"Oh girls…" Jared said, letting out a sigh. "I forgot your asses being kicked were this bad."

Jared looked at a rooftop of several blocks as the girls drop between the buildings. A blast of blinding white light radiates up from the street and washes over the girls. There is almost no sound—perhaps what might be heard if a very large baseball bat were being swung. People in the street recoil and shield their eyes. The last ones seen doing so are the Mayor, Ms. Bellum, and Jared.

Mojo's lair…

Mojo is back in his volcano observatory and in his regular costume. His evil laughter breaks the silence as the light starts to fade.


The boys, floating overhead, laugh to themselves with smug, satisfied looks on their faces while the last of the glare subsides. It looks as if they killed the girls.

"Well, that takes care of them." Brick said, smirking.

"Let's go back to Mojo's pad and celebrate!" Butch said, excitedly.

The boys take off.

At ground level, everyone is shocked into silence by what has just happened. There is a crowd gathered around a deep hole in the street. A policeman has his arms outstretched to hold them back. Some more people approach.

"No…no…say it isn't so…say it isn't true…say anything, girls…but please don't say goodbye…" The narrator said, saddened, knowing that it's bye bye for The Powerpuff Girls, breaking down.

"Goodbye, Powerless Girls. Your end has finally come." Mojo said, as a voiceover.

Mojo's lair…

Mojo is glaring at one of the windows.

"Your reign of goodness has come to an end, and my reign of evil has just begun!" Mojo said, while the boys fly up behind him. Boomer and Butch are carrying a cooler of Gatorade. Brick gives them a hand signal, and they dump the contents over Mojo's head. He is briefly shocked due to being caught off-guard by it, but then sees the humor in it. Inside, he enjoys the prank with them prompting him to laugh. "Oh, you guys."


Jared looked at the people at the crash site.

"Oh girls." Jared said, looking at the crowd, all crying, thinking their heroines are no more. "Townsville needs you. I need you. The mayor needs you. And the Professor too." He looked at Ms. Bellum, to a boy, the policeman, and the Mayor, as the fanboy started crying too. "Girls. I love you."


As the crowds' tears descend, rolling off the now-exposed sewer pipes. One tear on its way down is heading towards the girls. The girls lie unconscious at the bottom of the hole. A tear splashes on Blossom's forehead and she moans, waking up when she feels it. The same happens with Buttercup and Bubbles in turn.


The four people who were at the edge of the hole turn to leave. There's nothing more that they can do.

"We're…oh, we're too late…" The mayor said, sadly.

The girls float slowly out of the hole, alive, holding one another's hands and looking about as sad as any animated kindergarten-age child has ever looked in the history of film and television.

The Mayor instantly brightens upon seeing them, "Powerpuff Girls! You're alive!"

The girls land in front of the crowd.

"Yes…but…we lost." Blossom said, and Jared looked at the girls. "We failed you, Townsville."

"I guess you won't want us protecting you anymore." Buttercup said, letting out a sigh.

"We're sure you'll find new, even better superheroes." Bubbles said, frowning. "Jared, we hope you spend more time with Team RWBY than with us."

The girls turn to leave through the stunned crowd, which has cleared a path for them.

"Girls…" Jared said, looking at the girls' silhouettes and three long shadows trailing at their heels. "Stay…"

"Goodbye, Townsville." The girls said, at the same time. "Goodbye, Jared."

Ms. Bellum runs up to them.

"Girls! Girls, wait!" Ms. Bellum said, kneeling. "We don't want new superheroes. We love you."

"We really do love you, girls. But the Professor and I love you the most." Jared said, happily. "The reason why I haven't gone back to Team RWBY is because you girls helped cheer me up."

"What?" The girls asked, puzzled.

"Also, you girls haven't lost. Not really. You've been attacking the Rowdyruff Boys from the wrong angle. Here's a hint. What do little boys that haven't been around girls all their life are afraid of the most?"

"Bugs!" Bubbles said, terrified.

The other girls shoot Bubbles a look.

"No, Bubbles. That's what you're afraid of." Buttercup said, annoyed.

"Oh, yeah." Bubbles said, her eyes widening.

"Girls, I spent a lot of time with Team RWBY, Symphogear, the Hero Club, the Time-Space Administrative Bureau, and the Puella Magi Holy Quintet to learn one thing." Jared said, looking at the Powerpuff Girls. "You don't need to fight your enemies at all. Just be nice to them. If talking doesn't work."

"Huh?" The girls asked, at the same time.

"You know, being nice. Or make the hearts of the Rowdyruff Boys beat fast. Basically, make yourselves super attractive towards them. Such as kissing them and wearing make up."

Bubbles giggles.

"I get it!" Blossom said, excitedly.

"Ewww, gross." Buttercup said, disgusted.

"What are you people talking about?!" The mayor exclaimed, scratching his head.

"Come on, girls. Let's go…get 'em." Blossom said, winking to the others.

The girls take off.

"Good luck, girls." Ms. Bellum said, looking up at the sky. "Jared, how did you know what to say?"

"You were gonna do it first. But my way is more fun."

Mojo's lair…

Mojo and the boys are laughing. They are toasting each other and gathered around a map of the world, planning to expand their conquest from just Townsville to the rest of the world now that the Powerpuff Girls are, to their knowledge, gone for good. The girls fly into view, framed in a window behind the boys, and are gone a moment later. The boys gasp in shock and Mojo does a spit take with his drink, all four in disbelief that the girls are still alive, even after the Rowdyruff Boys thought they had killed them.

"WHAT THE—?!" The boys exclaimed.

"GET THEM!" Mojo said, furiously.

The boys immediately crash out through the window and go after the girls, but stop short, confused to see what is going on.


"What the—?" The boys asked, gasping.

The girls are in front of the boys, wearing long eyelashes and eyeshadows of purple and looking as pretty as can be, with dreamy expressions. Sentimental music plays revealing a sparkling view of the girls. They have their heads slightly bowed. Bubbles and Blossom have their hands clasped behind them, the picture of demureness. Buttercup looks a little odd with her arms folded across her chest, her expression is sassier as a tomboy can get. All three have their eyes closed at first, but slowly open them part way and raise their faces to the boys. The boys looked at Bubbles and across from her to Blossom and Buttercup.

Blossom floats slowly to Brick, eyes closed again and hands folded in front, and kisses him on the cheek. Fear and disgust write themselves all over his face when she does so, little hearts appear during the kiss. Bubbles follows suit with Boomer. Buttercup, not smiling at first, floats to Butch with her arms still crossed but unbends enough to kiss him as well. That does the trick as the boys can't stand the thought of being infected with cooties. The boys glow brightly, screaming in agony and explode in a cloud of black smoke. When it clears, the components that went into their making fall to the ground. The Rowdyruff Boys are no more. Mojo's ultimate plan to take down the Girls has been defeated thanks to playing off the Boys' worst fears.

Paddy wagon…

Mojo is standing in what appears to be a very small room and ranting in high gear at having his ultimate plan ruined by the girls once more, especially when he was so close to victory this time.

"Curse you again, Powerpuff Girls! I'll be back, but next time I will not be defeated!" Mojo said, while the doors of a paddy wagon are swung shut on him and he grabs the bars as he continues his rant. "It is you who will be defeated, and when you're defeated, it is you who will have lost!"

The wagon drives off where it will be back to jail for Mojo.


"Oh, Mojo, shut up!" The narrator said, angrily.

Blossom and Bubbles are at the side of the road; their makeup and long eyelashes gone.

"I kinda liked kissing." Blossom said.

"Yeah!" Bubbles said, giggling.

Blossom and Bubbles are both giggling.

"How about you, Buttercup?" Blossom asked, looking at Buttercup who had taken off her makeup too.

"Bleah!" Buttercup said, spitting several times.

Blossom and Bubbles both giggle and she throws them an angry look.

"Oh, girls, you're growing up so fast." The narrator said, chuckling, then catching himself. "Whoa!"

The standard end shot comes up.

"So once again the day is saved—thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!" The narrator cheered.

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