The city skyline is in flames.
"THE CITY OF TOWNSVILLE IS ON FIRE!" The narrator said, panicked.
The girls are in flight, en route to the blaze, then pull back as they take a deep breath and prepare to blow it out. Before they can do so, though, a huge gust of air sweeps in from behind them, extinguishing the flames and sending them tumbling.
"The fire is out, and Townsville is saved - thanks to..." The narrator said, while the girls are now quite disheveled and confused at this turn of events. "Uh...uh, no." He looked around the city. "Thanks to..." The narrator looked up at an empty patch of sky. "No...wait!" The narrator looked around the city again. "Maybe over here!" He stopped on the park, empty. "No... where did..." The narrator looked around the city again. "...wait a second!"
There is more empty sky. A duck flaps into view.
"Who did save Townsville...?" The narrator asked, looking at the ground as a crowd looks up.
"Wait! Look up in the sky!" Man 1 yelled.
"Is it a man?" Man 2 asked.
"A gentleman?" Woman 1 asked.
"A fellow?" Man 3 asked.
"A lad, perhaps?" George Jetson asked, with an English accent.
"No, it's..." The talking dog said, looking at a muscular, white-clad leg, its foot in a blue boot, and turn up.
A red cape trails behind the figure, which also wears blue tights; at its waist is a belt with a large buckle labeled 'MM'. A huge blue M is emblazoned across the broad chest. The right arm, with a blue glove on the hand, is equally impressive in its musculature. As the crowd watches in awe, the figure's shadow falls across them and descends to the ground. He lands with his back to the crowd. This individual has boots, tights, belt, cape, big M across his chest, and his face. He has a prominent chin, a confident smile on his face, and blond hair swept forward in a pompadour. The crowd expresses its awe.
"The Mysterious Maestro!" Man 4 said, angrily.
"Naw, it's the mailman." Man 1 said.
"No, he's not. He's the Midnight Marauder!" Man 3 said, excitedly.
"Nah, it's obviously the Muscle Master." Man 4 said.
The onlookers begin to argue among themselves as to what 'MM' stands for. After a few seconds, the girls land in front of him.
"Excuse me, sir, but who exactly are you?" Blossom asked.
The blond fellow raises one eyebrow at this query. When he speaks, his voice booms out - a cross between the old Superman cartoons and the Douglas Fairbanks/Errol Flynn sort of action movie hero.
"I am the crusher of crime! The demolisher of disorder! And the eliminator of evil! I am..." The blonde hero said, raising his left hand, the first two fingers extended, and snaps a military salute. "...MAJOR MAN!"
Major Man releases the salute and grins, revealing a mouthful of brilliant white teeth. The girls seem rather less than awestruck by the entire display.
"Major Man? What kind of name is that?" Blossom asked.
"Wow! Now that's a superhero!" Woman 2 said, looking at Major Man.
"You said it!" Man 2 cheered.
Another man pops up, camera in hand. The crowd turns its entire collective attention to this new arrival, completely forgetting that the girls are even present.
"All right!" A voice yelled.
The sound of a gun being cocked is heard, and the girls quickly turn around. The source of the voice is a mugger, holding an old woman at gunpoint.
"Uh...everybody freeze or the old lady gets it!" The mugger said, angrily.
The crowd gasps in terror.
"Halt, vile villain, or taste the bitter flavor of justice that Major Man will serve you!" Major Man said, looking at the mugger.
"Corny!" Buttercup said, as the crowd shushes her.
"I'm sorry, Major Man. My doctor told me to cut down on justice." The mugger said, snickering. "But he did say I can have all the greens I want!"
On the end of this line, the mugger reaches into the old woman's purse, coming up with a fistful of cash on the word 'greens'. He runs off, snickering, as the crowd gasps again. Major Man pushes them aside.
"Stand back!" Major Man said, taking takes off, straight up.
The girls look after him.
"Where's he going?" Blossom asked.
Outer space...
There is the Earth - and Major Man flying straight out from it. He stops, then plunges back toward the atmosphere feet first.
The mugger keeps running down the street, cash in hand, but is stopped when the superhero lands just in front of him; the shock wave throws him to the ground. The crowd cheers wildly.
"Wow! Now that's a hero!" The narrator said, and the girls float away, slowly and sadly in defeat. "Sorry, girls. Looks like Townsville's got a new protector - Major Man!"
There is a train barreling along a bridge. The engineer's expression changed from contentment to shock and terror. The train careens down through a break in the tracks. Major Man lifts it back as a male chorus begins to sing.
"Major Man, a hero to everyone." The male chorus said, while Major Man straightens the rails and welds them together with laser beams from his eyes. "Fights his battles to the end, never giving up." He flies along, then stops short in surprise. "Seeking justice, never far away..." A man in a wheelchair skids on a banana peel; he tumbles down a flight of steps. "Always there to help the weak, fending off the bad." Major Man catches him, gets a hug, and sets him back in his chair. "Loved by all, he'll never let us down..." The superhero salutes and takes off. The man also salutes, his eyes tearing up. "We'll never lose the faith for Major Man." Major Man is in action. "Seeking truth, defeating lies, flying high through clear blue skies. Finding ways to protect us all, he's our man, standing strong and tall." Major Man turns his head, catching sight of something. An old man is being threatened by a gang of thugs. "Major Man, a hero to everyone,"
Major Man appears; the thugs are quickly dispatched.
"Fights his battles to the end, never giving up." The male chorus said, as the old man hugs him and is set safely on the ground. "Loved by all, he'll never let us down..." Major Man's reflection appears in the man's dark glasses as he takes off. "We will never lose the faith..." Major Man is atop the Statue of Liberty. His figure is blue; the sky behind him is in red and white stripes like that of Old Glory, the Flag of the United States. "...for Major Man!"
Utonium Residence...
In the living room, the hotline is nearby. Bubbles sits next to it, looking dejectedly toward it; Buttercup is across the room on the couch, wearing a frustrated expression.
"Boy. The hotline hasn't rung in ages." Blossom said, floating in front of the hotline.
It immediately does so, and all three faces brighten in a flash. Blossom picks it up.
"Hello, Mayor? What can we do for you? Blow out a fire? Save a helpless child?" Blossom asked, eagerly.
Utonium Residence / Mayor's office...
The Mayor is in his office, the receiver in hand.
"" The mayor said, stammering. "You see..."
"Don't be scared, Mayor. We can handle it. Go ahead." Blossom said, happily.
"We've...just grown apart, you see, and..." The mayor said, stammering, very quickly. "...well, there's somebody else, I'm sorry, we can still be friends, goodbye."
Utonium Residence...
In the living room, Blossom looks in disbelief at the receiver. A click and dial tone is heard over the line.
"What? What is it? What happened?" Buttercup asked.
"Blossom?" Bubbles asked.
Mayor's office...
The mayor's head is bowed in sadness, and his hand still rests on the hotline.
"That hard to do!" The mayor said, crying.
Major Man's hand lands on the mayor's shoulder, and he raises his head. The superhero is looking down at the mayor in encouragement. He brightens.
"Anyway, time to move on and forget about the past." The mayor said, pushing the hotline off the desk. "Gotta make room for..." He reaches under the desk and comes up with a rotary phone that bears a statuette of Major Man as its receiver. "...the future!"
The mayor jumps up and hugs Major Man at hip level. On the hero's face, a sly grin at the corner of his mouth, indicating an ulterior motive behind Major Man becoming Townsville's new defender in place of the Powerpuff Girls.
Utonium Residence...
"Girls..." Jared said, looking at the now stunned girls. "Are you okay?"
Blossom still has her hand on the receiver, which is now hung up.
"I...I...I can't believe this is happening." Bubbles said, sadly.
"Girls! Jared! Hurry! Come quick!" The Professor said, hoarsely.
"Professor's in trouble!" Blossom said, worried.
The girls fly down the hall while Jared walks down the stairs and the four stop at the couch, with the girls ready for anything.
"Professor?" Bubbles asked.
"Professor!" Buttercup said, angrily.
The Professor pops up from behind the couch, wearing a Major Man mask.
"Hey!" The Professor said, while the girls gasp sharply; he lifts the mask. "Hurry, girls, Jared! Major Man is on TV!"
The Professor's news does not elicit much enthusiasm from them, but they poke their heads up over his shoulders as he watches the broadcast. He is transfixed. On TV, the Mayor addresses a crowd, with Major Man on the stage next to him.
"Thank you, Major Man. Thank you for saving Townsville." The mayor said, as Major Man salutes and grins. "Boy, what I wouldn't do to be able to fight the forces of evil like you!" He salutes Major Man. "Major Mayor, that's what I'd be called." The mayor loses steam. "Uh, but...I'd never be able to get to the crime scene as fast as you do."
"Of course not, Mayor. You'd have to know about it in advance like I do." Major Man said, chuckling.
"What?!" The mayor exclaimed.
Utonium Residence...
"It isn't like my foreknowledge girls." Jared said, snacking on some chocolate chip cookies.
The girls' eyes pop wide open; the Professor's expression does not change.
"What do you mean?" Blossom asked, looking like Jared.
"Um...I mean...that's right, Mayor, you wouldn't have a chance. Now, how about that theme song, huh?" Major Man asked.
"Oh, yes!" The mayor cheered.
It starts up.
Utonium Residence...
The Professor stands up, obviously lost in his own superhero fantasy, having neglected even his own daughters.
"I'm strong like Major Man! Major Professor to the rescue!" The Professor said, starting to run back and forth, making whooshing noises as if flying.
Blossom and Buttercup turn to each other; Bubbles and Jared watch the Professor.
"Did you hear that?" Blossom asked.
"Yeah!" Buttercup said, angrily.
"You know, there's something major fishy about that Major Man."
"Hey! Did you guys know the Professor could fly?" Bubbles asked, turning around.
Silence. Buttercup shoots Bubbles a disgusted look.
"I'll make sure the Professor doesn't hurt himself. You girls chat with Major Man." Jared said, happily.
"Thanks." Blossom said, and all three girls flew away. "Come on, let's go!"
The Professor keeps 'flying' around with Jared busy snacking.
Major Man is in flight. The girls pull up behind him, keeping their distance. He stops, noticing a dog next to a fire hydrant at a street corner.
"Hmmm." Major Man said.
Blossom and Buttercup duck into a nearby cloud. Bubbles stays put but is yanked inside a moment later. Major Man looks around, then flies down as the first two girls poke their heads out of the cloud to watch what happens. He ducks behind a building, well away from the dog, and pokes his head around to watch it. Nothing. Now he zips across the street and just around the corner from the hydrant. Still nothing. He steps up just next to the dog, waits for a long, silent moment, and then boots it into the street.
The animal suddenly finds several cars bearing down on it with horns blaring. It covers its eyes with its paws and hunches down, waiting to get flattened. A huge crash is heard, and the screen fills with smoke. Blossom and Buttercup are still watching from their cloud; they gasp in shock and fear. The crash site is smoke-filled. When the view clears, Major Man is holding two of the vehicles apart, the dog cowering between his spread legs.
The dog opens its eyes and looks around in bewilderment, then turns up to Major Man's face. There is a jubilant crowd around him.
"Hey, look! Major Man saved a puppy!" The crowd cheered.
The crowd talks excitedly as he holds the dog up; it looks back at him with a very puzzled expression. At the girls' cloud, Blossom and Buttercup look quite disgusted with the situation.
"Did you see that?! What a creep! Major Man's been setting up his own disasters the whole time!" Buttercup said, angrily.
"That's how he always knew to be there before the crime happened!" Blossom yelled.
"Let's beat the stuffing out of him!"
"No. We have to expose him for the phony that he is. But how?" Blossom asked, while she began thinking; after a moment, something pops up between the two girls and roars.
The color of its eyes gives it away as Bubbles', the rest of her is covered with bits of cloud. Her pigtails look like horns now. Blossom's face lights up, getting a brilliant idea from Bubbles' appearance to expose Major Man for the phony hero he really is.
"That's it! Come on!" Blossom said, as she and Buttercup fly away.
Bubbles looks after them for a moment and follows, the layer of cloud still adhering to her. There is a section of the skyline, with nothing of great importance going on. A large reptilian beast rears up, roars, and begins stomping buildings flat.
"Oh, no. The city of Townsville is under attack." The narrator said, bored.
The monster spits a beam of energy down toward the street, blowing a hole in the pavement. A woman pushes a baby carriage into view near this. She is not particularly concerned.
"Nothing to worry about. Major Man will save us." Woman 3 said, walking away.
A building collapses and cracks open; a man pokes his head out of the wreckage. He too seems rather chipper.
"That's right, leave it to Major Man." Man 5 said, happily.
The creature is wreaking havoc.
Mayor's office...
The mayor is at his desk, looking quite bored, with the Major Man hotline at his elbow. He picks up the receiver and talks into it.
"Oh, hello, Major Man. Say, did you know that there's a giant monster destroying Townsville?" The Mayor asked.
Major Man's home...
Major Man is at his home, phone in hand.
"Impossible! I didn't set up for any..." Major Man said, trailing off into a yell of surprise as the monster's hand smashes through the window and seizes him.
The monster holds Major Man up in front of its face and roars.
"Help! Help!" Major Man said, sobbing, and the crowd looked up from below. "Help me!"
The onlookers scream and run in all directions, panicked. Major Man is now in the creature's jaws and trying desperately to keep them from closing on him. The Narrator cries out in fear, his initial boredom heard earlier now gone with Major Man in danger and unable to help anyone.
"Won't somebody please help this hero in distress?!" The narrator exclaimed.
"Look up in the sky!" Man 1 said.
"It's some bugs!" Woman 2 said.
"No! Flying lollipops!" Man 2 said.
"No! It's the Supersockem Girls!" The talking dog yelled.
"No, that's not right." The narrator said.
The crowd looks at each girl's body in turn as they fly in, then they look at the entire group. Bubbles no longer has the layer of cloud on her.
"It's the Powderpuff..." The narrator said, while the girls glare angrily toward the camera. "...I mean the Powerpuff Girls!"
"Who?" The crowd asked.
"You know..." The narrator said, as the girls fly over their heads and approach the monster. "...the Powerpuff Girls!"
"Oh, yeah! Hooray!"
Major Man is still not faring too well.
"Help! Please, help me!" Major Man said, sobbing.
"Why?" Blossom asked, and the girls were watching Major Man. "You've been doing fine on your own."
"Why don't you destroy the monster yourself?" Buttercup asked.
"Hmmm?" The girls asked.
"I-I can't. Well, you see..." Major Man said, softly, before trailing off.
"We can't hear you!" Bubbles said, moving closer, cupping her hand to her ear.
"I set up all of those other disasters so I could go in, save everyone, and get all the fame and glory. Now please help!" Major Man said, angrily.
The crowd gasps in shock at this revelation.
"You mean the giant fire?" Blossom asked.
"I started it." Major Man said.
The crowd gasps.
"The robber and the old lady?" Buttercup asked.
"My cousin and grandmother." Major Man said.
The crowd gasps.
"The train wreck?" Bubbles asked.
"Bent the tracks." Major Man said.
The crowd gasps.
"And the kids who beat up the old man?" Blossom asked.
"Paid them." Major Man said, as the crowd boos. "Please, help me!"
"Do you promise to leave the heroics up to the real heroes?" Blossom asked.
"Yes, yes!" Major Man said, worried.
The monster's jaws snap shut.
"Well..." The girls said, as Major Man forces the mouth open again.
"Oh, please! Oh, please!" Major Man said, terrified.
"Okay." The girls said, moving in on the creature and pound it from all sides as it tries to swat them away without success.
Blossom hits it in the nose, Buttercup knocks the wind out of it with a flying kick, and Bubbles decks it with an uppercut. Next Buttercup grabs it by the tail, swings it over her head, and lets it fly; she pulls ahead of it, her sisters joining her, and all three do a U-turn to deliver a triple flying jab. The monster wobbles woozily for a bit before it collapses senseless to the pavement, the girls landing by its head. The mouth opens up, creaking like the hood of a rusty old car and revealing a very chastened Major Man.
"Now get!" Buttercup said, pointing in a certain direction.
Major Man floats in the direction Buttercup has indicated. The girls are looking after him with unbridled contempt.
"Powerpuff Girls..." The mayor said, and he and the crowd are next to them. Blossom and Bubbles' expressions have softened as they turn to look at them, but Buttercup remains locked in anger, possibly still upset over Townsville abandoning them for Major Man. "...we want to apologize. We didn't realize how special you are to us. We didn't know how good we had it. We're all very sorry. Will you give us another chance?"
Now Buttercup's expression softens as she and her sisters ponder their decision over.
"Well...okay." The girls said, happily.
"Come on, everybody!" The mayor said, walking away. "Let's go reinstall the hotline!"
"Yeah!" The crowd said, following the mayor.
When they cleared out, they were standing in front of the monster.
"Coast is clear, Fred." Blossom said, while Fred opened its eyes. "Sorry, we had to rough you up so much."
"That's okay. I was good, wasn't I? Wasn't I?" Fred asked, rather neurotic sounding.
"You were perfect. No one suspected we set the whole thing up. Thanks."
"Aw...anytime, girls. Oh, but next time, girls...not so rough?" Fred asked, as he and the girls laughed at this for a few moments.
"Oh, Fred." Bubbles said, thumping Fred in the nose.
"Ow!" Fred said, worried.
The girls laugh again and continue under the next line.
"Oh, Powerpuff Girls. I knew he was a big fake all the time. Major Man! Why I betcha he wasn't even a real major. Hmm!" The narrator said, clearing his throat.
The standard end shot comes up.
"So once again the day is saved - thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!" The narrator said, excitedly.