Chereads / The Impossible Family / Chapter 131 - Happy Birthdayween

Chapter 131 - Happy Birthdayween

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: 'RWBY CHIBI'!


Yang Xiao Long carries an extremely large pumpkin into the kitchen, with Ruby Rose and Jared Shay following close behind.

"Ah, I love this time of year." Yang said, smiling.

"Me too. Everything feels so festive!" Ruby said, happily.

"Fall. The time for pumpkin everything. Including pumpkin spice lattes." Jared said, looking between Ruby and Yang.

"You and your pumpkin spice coffee."

"Yeah. I may hate the cold, but I love the apple cider too. Along with the horror movies, corn mazes, pumpkin picking, and other things."

Ruby, Yang, and Jared leave the kitchen for a moment, and the Geist flies in.

"Mmmm, what's that smell? Smells like evil plaaans. Ha!" Floyd said, entering the pumpkin from behind before jumping and spinning around to reveal its mask. "Aha, hahaha. I'll get..." The geist is interrupted by Crescent Rose cutting into the pumpkin. "Ah! Not the face!"

Ruby lifts the pumpkin up, with the tip of Crescent Rose still burried in it, before slamming it down into the table and cutting the fruit cleanly in half.

Jared took out his iPhone 12 Mini and put in his AirPods in his ears before calling Hibiki Tachibana on his phone.

"Hibiki. Hi." Jared said, walking into the other room.

"Hi. Is it Halloween for you?" Hibiki asked, on screen.

"Not yet. Ruby's birthday is also on that day."

"Want us to help you celebrate it?"

"Can you all make it that day?"

"I think that's possible. As long as no Noise shows up." Hibiki said, on screen.

"True. Serena and Kanade? How about them?"

"We're on it." Maria said, on screen.

"We can call them." Tsubasa said, on screen.

"Thanks. I'll call you guys later. We need to keep Ruby as distracted as possible that day."

"Shirabe and Kirika could easily do that." Maria said, on screen.

"Perfect! Really. Thanks. I appreciate it. Bye!" Jared said, ending the call with the three Symphogear wielders.

Jared placed his iPhone 12 Mini back inside his pocket and his AirPods back inside its AirPods case.

Next, Yang pulls a pumpkin pie out of the oven, Floyd's mask is in the middle with a large crack in it; allowing black smoke to seep out.

"Aaaah, the perfect pumpkin pie." Ruby said.

"I call first slice!" Yang said, lifting up her hand, holding a knife pointed downward at the pie.

The room around Yang is tinted red, and a menacing smile appears on her face. Floyd stares up in horror at the knife, screaming, as Yang stabs it into the pie.

"Oooh, ouchie!" Floyd said.

Team JNPR dorm room...

Nora Valkyrie stands over a cauldron, stirring it; the room around her is tinted green and the contents of the cauldron cast an unnatural pink glow onto her face. She laughs and cackles madly, wearing a demented grin. Pyrrha Nikos, Jaune Arc, Nanoha Takamachi, Fate Testarossa, and Hayate Yagami turn the light on, walking into the room. Nora's expression immediately reverts to her normal smile.

"Heyyyyy, Nora. Watcha doin'?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah, what is all this?" Jaune asked.

"Oh, just makin' a little love potion with someone special in mind." Nora said.

"Is this a Flower Power thing?" Hayate asked.

"I think." Fate said.

"Flower Power. Jared said it will happen someday." Nanoha said, smiling.

Pyrrha, Jaune, Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate laugh awkwardly.

"Nora, you're never going to trick Ren into drinking your..." Jaune said.

Pyrrha interrupts Jaune, grabbing his arm and speaking over him.

"We'll just leave you to it." Pyrrha said.

"Let's get going. We got, uh..." Nanoha said, sadly.

"Getting Halloween costumes?" Fate asked.

"Yeah." Hayate said, smiling.

"Okay! See you later!" Nora said, excitedly.

Pyrrha, Jaune, Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate leave, closing the door behind them. The cauldron begins to bubble rapidly and Nora grins at it. Lie Ren surfaces, pushing Magnhild out of the cauldron.

"Nora! I can't!" Ren said, gasping.

Nora smacks Ren on the head with her hammer, dazing him, and begins pushing him back into the cauldron. She begins to hum an increasingly demented tune and resumes stirring; the green hue returning to the room. She gives one last crazed grin.


"Thanks for helping me with this." Jared said, leaning against the wall.

Jared is looking at Hibiki, Tsubasa, Chris, Maria, Shirabe, Kirika, Miku, Kanade, and Serena.

"Don't mention it." Chris said, smirking.

"We can help you." Miku said.

"It will be a piece of cake!" Kanade said.

"We all know what we'll be doing, right?" Tsubasa asked.

"Hibiki, Serena, Kirika, Chris, and I will go trick or treating with Team JNPR and Ruby." Shirabe said.

"And we will do the decorating at the gymnasium." Miku said.

"I'll get Ruby her birthday dress." Jared said, looking down at the floor. "Her being trapped within the trash can will keep her occupied for a bit. All we have to do is distract her long enough."

"Easy peasy!" Hibiki said, happily.

"Death!" Kirika said.

"Let's do this!" Jared said, looking at the nine Symphogear wielders.

"Yeah!" The 9 Symphogear wielders said.

Team RWBY's dorm...

Ruby is laying in bed, asleep, and suddenly bolts awake, stars in her eyes.

"It's October 31st!" Ruby said, falling out of bed, landing next to Weiss Schnee, who looks afraid. "Do you know what today is?!"

"Hallo..." Weiss said.

"It's my birthday!" Ruby said.

"What? Your birthday?" Weiss asked.

Blake Belladonna is startled by Ruby's shouting, leaning back away from her. On her bed on the other side of the room, Yang rolls her eyes. Jared is lying down in his sleeping bag on the floor, laughing quietly to himself. Excited for Ruby's birthday party later.

"Yyyup." Yang said, annoyed.


Miku, Chris, Maria, Tsubasa, and Kanade are at the gymnasium decorating it.

"You think they got this?" Miku asked.

"That dummy got this," Chris said, smirking. "Why wouldn't she have it under control?"

"This is Tachibana, we're talking about." Tsubasa said.

"She can figure something out." Kanade said.

"They're right. Hibiki would know what to say." Maria said.


Pyrrha wearing a fake moustache stands in line with Nora, in a nurse hat, Ren wearing groucho glasses, Jaune wearing a red mask and Ruby's cloak, Hibiki wearing her Gungnir, Shirabe wearing her Shul Shagana, Kirika wearing her Igalima, and Serena wearing her Airgetlam behind Team JNPR, in front of a building.

"Trick or treat!" Everyone said.

Shopkeep leans out of the building and mumbles approvingly before retreating inside, tossing each of the students a candy bar.

"Iiit's my birthday!" Ruby said, happily.

The others toss their candy into Ruby's bag; Nora, Jaune, Hibiki, Shirabe, and Kirika cry, staring longingly.

Clothing store...

Jared is in the clothes section and he took out his phone and immediately called Ianto Jones for a quick FaceTime.

"Hey, Ianto." Jared said, his iPhone 12 Mini pointed directly at his phone. "Can you help me?"

"Dress for Ruby Rose? Need help for the right fit?" Ianto asked, on screen.

"Yeah. What's her size?"

Jared moved his phone around and began walking around the room in the process.

"Stop. Red and black. I assume." Ianto said, on screen.

"Yup." Jared said, smiling.

"Then I think I found her dress."

Jared pulled out the dress from the hanger and looked at it. It had a nice little rose clip to boot for Ruby to wear on her head.

"Thanks!" Jared said, phone in his hand. "Ruby is gonna love it."

"You're welcome." Ianto said, on screen.


HAPPY HALLOWEEN is written on a chalkboard along with depictions of a ghost, three spiders, three bats, four RIP tombstones, and a large web. At the top of the chalkboard is a drawing of Ruby wearing a witch hat and riding Crescent Rose like a broom. On the desk below is a bowl full of candy. Attached to the bowl is a note reading 'ONE CANDY PER TRICK OR TREATER. - DR. OOBLECK'

Ruby reaches across the desk and grabs the whole bowl, sliding it across the desk empty; and replacing the sign with a note sayin 'It's my BIRthday - R. Rose'.


All 9 Symphogear wielders are in the room and they finished decorating the gym. There are a lot of rose petals on the floor, chocolate chip cookies and strawberry shortcakes at the table, inflatable Zwei balloons, a reading nook, and a comedy night stage.

"And we're done." Hibiki said, happily.

"That took a while." Shirabe said, smiling.

"What now?" Kirika asked.

"We wait for the birthday girl." Maria said.

"We should get changed too." Serena said.

"Yeah." Kanade said, her hand on her hip.


Team RWBY and Jared Shay are in the kitchen, lined up. Ruby is stuffing candy in her mouth.

"Alright, everyone buy their costumes for tonight's party?" Yang asked.

"I mean, I was kiiinda hoping you guys would buy mine for meee 'cause you know uh, it's my birthday." Ruby said, looking at Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Jared.

Weiss sighs, annoyed while Yang rubs her hands together.

"Hmmm..." Yang said.

"Weiss, Blake, Yang, you know what to do." Jared said, crossing his arms. "The outfit."

"Right." Weiss said, tilting her hand.

"Don't worry. We got this." Blake said, crossing her arms.


Ruby is sitting, annoyed, in a room with brick walls. A stage with a stand up comedy night sign is in the back. Ruby is in a metal can, with a lid on her head, and a sign that simply says "trash".

Nora walks past, "Nice costume, Ruby."

"I didn't pick this!" Ruby said, jumping in the air, flailing her arms, and then falls over, rolling on the floor. "No! Aah! Guh!" She begins to cry, reaching out with a pleading expression. "Please help? It's my birthday."

"Happy birthday!" Nora said.

Nora throws her empty cup at Ruby's head, causing Ruby's eyes to go white as she slumps to the floor defeated.

"And now for the guest of honor. It's October 31st. And give it up for the birthday girl who's currently in the wrong outfit! Ruby Rose!" Jared said, microphone in his hand. "Weiss! Blake! Yang! Please get your leader out of that trash can outfit!"

"You remembered!" Ruby said, as Weiss and Blake got her out of the trash can outfit. "I, um, didn't take a proper look around the room. How? When did you have the time to do all this?"

"I didn't." Jared said, shrugging his shoulders. "I needed help."

"From who?"

"Us!" Hibiki said, coming into view.

A spotlight is over Hibiki, Miku, Tsubasa, Chris, Kanade, Maria, Serena, Shirabe, and Kirika.

"Thank you." Ruby said, running up to Jared for a hug. "Is this all for me?"

"Yup." Jared said, with Weiss handing him the dress he got for Ruby. "Put this on."

"Put what on?"

"What I'm hugging you with. It's for you."

"Okay. Give me a couple minutes. Thanks."