Chereads / Bats / Chapter 5 - Chapter Five - Bitten

Chapter 5 - Chapter Five - Bitten

"Yess!, I won again dad" Morty shouts as he dances around the game console

"This isn't fair, how could you have used brutality on me" Mr. Starks replied as he tosses the game pad

"By any chance let's go play the new Pac-man game and drop these mop sticks at home" Morty replied as he drags Mr. Starks away

"Who the heck is mort" Mrs. Starks said as she leaves the dancing game

"Yeah and star, I mean how could their high score be over a thousand

"I know right" Mrs. Starks replied

"Wait I know that name 'mort', oh yes that's morty's gaming name" Molly replied

"I thought he didn't like dancing" Mrs. Starks replied

"Mom look, it's those two gangsters again" Molly said as she licks her ice cream

"I'm going to talk to them, just look at the noise their causing" Mrs. Starks replied

"Well this is going to be fun" Molly replied

"Hey you, yeah you" Mrs. Starks said as she walks toward the supposed gangsters

"Oh shit, dad it's Mom and molly" Morty whispered as he took the mop sticks

"Run" Mr. Starks replied as he ran towards the exit

"Wait" Morty said as he took his cotton candy and ran after Mr. Starks

"Hey come back here" Mrs. Starks shouted as she runs after Mr. Starks and Morty

"Wait up mom" Molly replied as she runs after Mrs. Starks

"Taxi, taxi" Mr. Starks shouted as he tries to stop a taxi

"Quick lets go" Morty shouted as he entered a taxi that had happened to stop for him

"Oh, we should have gone home earlier" Mr. Starks replied as he enters the taxi

"I said stop you thugs" Mrs. Starks shouted as she stood at the roadside

"Mom it's okay let's go home" Molly said was she stayed by MRS. Starks side

"Yeah right" Mrs. Starks replied

"Go, go, quickly drop the mop sticks and change your clothes" Mr. Starks said as he sat on the couch pretending to watch a movie

"How did you do all of this so fast dad" Morty replied as he walked out of his room and sat on the couch

"Mission accomplished" Mr. Starks said as he gave morty a high-five

"Done and dusted" Morty replied as they laugh and continue to watch the movie

20 minutes later Mrs. Starks and molly had arrived

"Jeez I can't believe that" Mrs. Starks said as she walked inside the house

"Mom its normal for things like that to happen" Molly replied as she also walked into the house

"What happened" Mr. Ben replied

"Yeah, what happened mom" Morty asked

"We got trailed by some thugs" Mrs. Starks said with anger

"Or, some thugs got trailed by us" Molly muttered

"Wow, are you serious" Mr. Starks said

"Lol" Morty replied as he walks into his room

"Yeah it was soo annoying" Mrs. Starks replied

"Hey morty I have something for you" Molly said as she follows morty to his room

"What? Poison" Morty replied

"No, you idiot, it's about May" Molly replied

"What about her" Morty replied

"She's having a party tomorrow" Molly replied

"OMG! Are you serious" Morty replied with excitement

"I thought you hated parties" Molly replied

"Not this time" Morty replied

"Well we are invited, so I just wanted to tell you to try your luck" Molly replied

"Well that's going to be a bit hard" Morty replied

"Don't worry I'm going to help you" Molly replied

"I'm sure you got a lecture from dad" Molly muttered

"What did you say?" Morty said as he jumps around the room

"Nothing" Molly replied as she laughs

"So, any news about that competition" Mrs. Starks said as she picks a glass cup of wine from the table

"Yeah, I think it was going to end today and they also found something" Mr. Starks replied

"What?" Mrs. Starks replied

"I think new species of bats or something" Mr. Starks replied

"Well let's watch our movie" Mrs. Starks replied as she takes the remote

"I can do this" Morty muttered as he sneaks out the house

"If I can concentrate then I have no problem with aikido" Morty said to himself as he tries to meditate

"Wow I can feel the flow, I guess I really have no problem with that" Morty said to himself as he goes to the rooftop

"Just look at those stars" Morty said as he looks at the sky

"Ouch, what was that" Morty said as he felt a sharp pain around his neck

"Did I just get bitten by a bat? Or what's wrong with me, I guess these are symptoms of using KI at a first go, I better go and sleep" Morty muttered to himself as he goes to his room through the window