Chereads / Obsession of Beast / Chapter 7 - chapter 7

Chapter 7 - chapter 7

I lay my head on the leather chair in my study.

Suddenly i had the headache from fighting with

that little minx. I was already outraged when

Greta told me she refused and skipped every

meals. Hovw can she insulted me, and looked at

me like i was some kind of dirt. It took me all the

powers not to lay my hand on her. I'd surprised

why i was holding back, i used to always rude and

cruel. But why with her i was holding back?

I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, deep in

thought. When there was a knock and the door

opened. I can hear the slow rhythm steps, and

smelled the strong jasmine perfume. I knew it

was Caroline without opening my eyes. She sat

down on my lap. She caressed my cheek with her

knuckle. But i kept my eyes closed, not interested.

"You're so tensed, Black. Let me relax you." She

whispered seductively in my ear trailed kisses

along my cheek, jaw, and neck.

It didn't give me anything. I felt nothing, nothing

close to arouse. I opened my eyes to see her eyes

full of longing lust. She put her hands on the

armchair. And started grinding herself on me. But

still i didn't felt anything, in fact i felt disgusted.

What happened to me ? There was nothing bulged

in my pants. Let alone bulged, it didn't even stirred

a little. She started to moan, but i was done with

this shit. I griped her thighs and threw her away.

She screamed in pain when her buttock kissed the

floor hard.

"Can't you see that i'm not in the mood, Slut ?"I

stood and hissed.She paled from my reaction. I walked out of my

study and headed upstairs to my bedroom. I took

a long cold shower to clear my head. Thinking

what had just happened today. Then my thoughts

lingered to that girl. She was so beautiful it hurts. I

couldn't stopped thinking about her face, her pink

lips, her tits so big but not too big, she was perfect.

Her eyes showed fear, hate and disgust. I

wondered how she mixed three feelings in one

stare. I never met anyone with a gentleness like

her, she was so gentle and elegant. Her voice

so soft, even when she was angry she never

raised her voice more than 'Mi"' level in the

do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si notes. She never swear, or

used the harsh words. She obviously been raised

with manner and gentleness, so far different from

the way i've been raised. She was mine, she had to

be mine.

Then an image of her bleeding head crossed my

mind, i hissed at the thought. I punched the wall so

hardi thought i broke my fist. I wasn't used to this

feeling, i never felt compassion or concerned to

anyone before. And what surprised me the most,

i felt regret. I got out of the shower and dried my

self. I put on a white v-neck tees and a grey jogging

pants. I was heading downstairs to my study, i

hoped that slut already left, when i heard Greta

talking with a guy who i ordered to take Cassandra

to the backyard.

"What happened to her ? Why was she bleeding ?"

Greta asked him with worry.

They argued for something. i didn't know what

happened. The door was closed.""Oh dear. That poor girl. Is she alright ? Has she

cured her head ?"

"I don't think so, Master ordered to keep her

outside tonight."

Oh my.." She clasped her mouth with her hand.

They didn't know my presence, so i just walked

into my study. Greta's words crept into my mind.

Was she alright ? Has she stopped the bleeding?

I started up my iMac and opened the application

that can show me all the cctv in my house. I

clicked the backyard terrace cctv. It showed her

sleeping with Sam and Dexter. Since when they

got along together ? Hear head stopped bleeding,

what a relieved. I zoomed in the video, her

breathing was slow and stable. She must be in

her deep sleep. I furrowed my eyebrows together

when i saw her body shivered. Of course the wind

must be freaking cold, and she was only wearing

pajamas. It's been 5 hours since i ditched her out.

I turned off the iMac and got up. I walked out of

the study, my strides faster toward the backyard.

I opened the french door, and held my breath

looking down at this beautiful woman. I was so

grateful Sam and Dexter tried to keep her warm.

They sat straight up when they saw me. I patted

their head.

"Good boys. I know you guys hada weak side

when it comes with a beautiful woman." I

chuckled.I lifted her and carried her in to my arms. Costner

held the door open for me. I gave him a curt

nod. I stole a glance down at her. She looked

pale and fragile, reminded me of a fallen angel. I

drop-deadly stopped my stride, when she snuggled

closer in the crook of my neck and inhaled me.

What surprised me more was what i felt she did

that, i felt.. I don't know... . Happy?

I continued my pace upstairs and i took the chance

to inhale her hair. She smelled define with flowery

scent. I managed to open her bedroom door with

her in my arms. I put her on the bed. I pulled

the duvet and covered her with it. I checked her

forehead, it wasn't a deep cut just a scratch. I sat

on the edge of the bed, just looking at her sleeping

soundly for minutes. Her breathing was soft and

stable, somehow my breath harmonizing with her

rhythm. How possibly she can make me calm just

by looking at her ?

I heard Costner coughed. I turned my face to him

and saw Greta was with him. I stood up and talked

to Greta.

"Change her clothes and cure her injury. Careful

not to wake her." I looked down at Cassandra once

more with compassion.

"Yes, Sir."

"And feed her when she wake up, even if you have

to shove the spoon in her mouth."

With that i walked out of her room and got in

mine. Costner followed me in.

"Have you done the background check on her ?"

He nodded. "Do you have the file with you ?"He fished out a manila envelope from his left

pocked with a title Cassandra Milady Pearce on

it and handed it to me. I opened it and read the


Tell me about her" I ordered.

"She is the only child of Charles Pearce and Caitlyn

Pearce. Her mother died when she was 15. The

rest of the basic information you have founded in

Charles's file."

I nodded, motioned him to go on.

"She is 23, going 24 this May. She was a student

in Trinity high school, a bright student in fact

She was an elite socialites in Manhattan. She got

accepted to Yale but she went to Columbia. She

never finished her degree. That was the moment

her father went bankrupt and moved to Bronx 3

years ago."

I was trying to process his information in my

brain, when i read the Acquaintances part. I

wrinkled my forehead and hold up a paper of

Ryan Sterling's profile. With a photo of a blonde

guy around twenties, a boy next door type.

"Who is he ?" I asked.

"I assumed he's her boyfriend, Sir." He answered


"Boyfriend ?" I clenched my teeth, I distasted the

idea of her having a boyfriend. She was mine, no

stupid blonde guy could have her.

"Yes, Sir. When my men took her, they beat him up

because he was trying to help her."I gave him my triumph smile. The stupid boy

tried to play the hero, but got beaten instead. How

can i not find that amusing ?

"Good." Then my mind flickered to something.

"What about that scar face ?"

"i already fired him and his men, Sir. Do you wish

for me to do something else ?"

I knew what he meant, to kill that scar face.

"No, Costner. It's not necessary.."I made a long

pause. ". yet." I added.

He nodded. "Anything else, Sir ?"

"No, you can go." With that, he walked out the


I relaxed my back on the chair and looked at the

clock. It's 12.30 am. And i didn't feel tired or sleepy

yet. I pressed number 2 on my speed dial. Andrea

answered on the third ring.

"Mr.Black 2"

"Andrea. Have you made the contract with the

details that i instructed you this afternoon ?"

I worked at home today. I made her heels hot

because the absence of me at work. She had to

cover and take care of everything

"Yes, Sir. I had Mrs.Benson have a check on it. And

she said it's good. Do you want me to email it to

you ?"Emily Benson was my vice president. She was my

second in command. She was the one who was in

charge when i'm not around.

"No. Fax it to my study now, with the finance

reports i have to Sign."

"Right away, Sir." I ended the call.

I walked downstairs to my study again. And

worked all night. Buried my self with papers.