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Vampyre Juliet

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We have all heard of the famous tale of Romeo and Juliet, but in this much darker twisted fable. Our heroines are far from star crossed lovers. Juliet Capulet is a proud Vampire huntress who loathes Vampires… that is until one fated night Where she meets Romeo Montague. Drawn to each other both wanting to never be apart. Juliet and Romeo, tempts fate at any cost. Their forbidden love… now the talk of the city of Verona. It has been decree. Humans and Vampires must never mingled….and never fall in love with the other. For if they do. An unspeakable tragic shall befallen the City of Verona and all its people within. Juliet and Romeo, defying all odds to be together. Have broken the sacred vow. Casted as a traitor Juliet must now abandon the life she wants knew to live as the lover of her families sworn enemy. The lover of a Vampyre. But with strange occurrences happening all around the town. Missing people, and the sudden serge of newly born vampires. The senate and those in charge can’t help but wonder… if there’s a darker sinister plot approaching. Or could the tragedy be the unspeakable tragic from Juliet and Romeo’s unholy union. Just what’s happening in Verona. Are The Montagues really killing all the humans… draining them dry of blood. Do they have their sights set on higher game? Is Juliet just an innocent pawn to a much bigger scheme? Or is the love between Juliet and Romeo stronger than blood ties…. Stronger than any tragedy. Vampyre Juliet will have you wondering “Can love really killed you?”

Chapter 1 - Forbidden Act One : Blood lust Faith

© Copyrighted 2005 All Rights Reserved

"Gently, He whispered underneath the blood red moon. My dearest Juliet come join me into the night."

"You think you know the whole true story of Romeo and Juliet, well you've sadly been misinformed. You see things did end tragically but not the way you were taught." "Blood, Lies, Love and hatred formed a bond so deep. That even an angel and a devil, can find salvation within deep. My only love sprung from my only hate, oh how I loathe thee so much yet my bosom cleaves to a forbidden taste. A taste of your undying life. A filth so rich and dirty. I cannot seem to wash it off no matter what; Oh wrap me within your cold embrace and say you'll always haunt me. My dearest dark prince of the night."

I was coming home from my piano lessons. When a car nearly skidded into the road I was traveling on. Nearly scraping the tail end of my bike, a sense of rush and fear came over me, as the car continue on its path, to nowhere important I'm sure. My feet on the pedals, slowing up a bit I halted. I relaxed my nerves when my teal blue eyes stared up into the gloomy Verona sky. Thinking I wondered to myself. "Just why or why do these fools have licenses?" I wondered. It was the ending of my summer and soon the Bells for first semester back, would began to ring.

My family and other families in town had begun to send off their pride and possessions. To the Los Norte Dame Boarding school for talented gifted students. You'll think the name meant something really fancy and special but underneath the old historian brick, walls were a different story aboard. You see, the school serves as two hosts. The daylight class teaches students like myself about hunting, and how to kill our hunt. Not allowing ourselves to get swept up in on melodic bliss of feelings and emotions. While the midnight class teaches the student body how to prey on the weak, and yes they even teaches them how to kill us.

You're probably wondering what in the world is she blabbing about? Well for starters let's just say I'm the person you're going to beg, someday to save your arse. My name is Juliet Capulet and I am a Vampire Huntress of the Capulet family. This might come as a surprise seeing that vampires are a thing of myths of fairytales , nothing more than feeble childhood nightmare stories. To make the children obey their parents. Though they would believe that for in truth the senate and our Prince knows the existence of, these blood lust creatures and yet they choose to allow; the demons sanctuary.

"Why though? Why allow them the right to hunt us?" I asked myself. Pulling up to the heavy bronze and gold estate, my blue eyes looking at its glory. I watched the security guards open the sliver iron gates. Placing a hand over their chest they greeted me as if I was their Master and Lord. . In truth, I am just that. After all my family is one of the most powerful and richest families, in Verona Italy. Next to the crowning ruling Prince Escalus and the senates. Grinning, I felt a sense of power and pride, which comes with this amazing status. .

I headed into the manor, wiping the soles of my feet. I could hear my parents auguring again and what were they complaining, about now? Well their favorite subject of course me and why I haven't, set a date for my arranged marriage to Count Paris. "Oh give me a break! Lilian can you come here please." I shouted.

Running from her quarters was my nurse in waiting who in my eyes has been, a real parent then my own. Smiling she curtsey in front of me. Sweeping the misplaced strands of hair from put her face. I smiled back at her, as I gave her permission to hug me.

Hugging me tightly as she walked me towards my bed chambers. Lillian opened the doors to my bedroom. The red burgundy and coal black chamber was low lite of candles and a smoldering fire place, cooking in front of my bed. "Your late again Miss, The Lord and Lady have been awaiting your arrival. Tell me did you get lost in thoughts again?" She asked.

Shaking my head back and forth as I pulled off my attire with her help, Lillian remain silent until I was ready to speak again. There has been a lot on my mind lately but none as greater than the return back to my sole duty, as a Capulet hunter. There at Los Norte Dame Boarding school for the gifted and talented, there really wasn't much to learned or study about like most schools. How I often wondered what does an American girl at the age of fifteen my age, studies about in school. Does she have the same choices as everyone else or can she carve out her own path, Could she walk her own way towards, her destiny by choice? These were the thoughts that kept me always in trouble with the instructors as well as my parents.

The whole house of Capulet was a laughing stock now because of its youngest, and brightest member ever. Some of the servants like Peter, Sampson and Gregory often looked their noses down upon me. Casting me off like mere dirt, their high esteem and praises to the lovely Rosaline and handsome Tybalt, are constant nagging qualities of theirs. Especially seeing as their both are blood cousin in laws.

Still thinking, I remembered when Rosaline had first come to live with us. She was viewed by the whole country of Verona as breath taking, even the vampires wanted to have her. Including the blood thirsty beast of a demon Romeo. Why I would never know what they even see in her, she's completely horrible. Rude, and ever so belittling in every way. If you try to compete with her she simply just writes you off like a cast away on a stowaway ship. Rosaline Capulet was the niece of my father Lord Capulet the very jewel of his kingdom.

Everything Rosaline had every wanted or crave, could be hers by a single snap of his powerful majestic fingers. Sadly, the thing she craves the most was also forbidden to us all. Rosaline had fallen in love with an immortal and not just any immortal. She had found herself seduced by none other than pure blooded prince, Romeo Montague. Their courtship and love, was a tale most of the huntress in training at Los Norte Dame boarding school, admired secretly, as Friar Lawrence once said.

Those who do not understand what they cannot comprehend, will always be drawn into darkest light. Of course I agree, I mean who in their right mind would ever fall in love with a demon? That's not something you can just do. There's rules and circumstances that keeps their breed far away from ours. We're to never mixed with the linage of demons. Rosaline knew this and yet she continues to be a disgusting spot on our family's names crest, my parents aren't even fussing over it not one bit as they are over my refusal to marry Count Paris. I don't get it, I honestly don't, she can fall in love with our sworn immortal enemy dating back as far into our families' early history; and not get into much trouble.

But I turn down Count Paris and its all-out war for me? "Lilian do you ever wonder why my parents are this way towards me and not her?" Asking my nurse in waiting, Lilian carefully let the air from her old lips slipped as she tied my satin sheer gown in the back. She knew my anguish and frustration with this whole situation. Rosa can have just about anything she wants and usually she does gets it. But when it comes to my wishes, my hopes… my dreams. I am simply denied why you ask? "Because you are a Capulet, the daughter of Lord and Lady Capulet. Rosaline is just a blood relative you are their only child. Their heir to this kingdom of power, wealth and strength.

You cannot simply just do what you want my lady, you belong to the Capulets. To Prince Escalus and his cousin Count Paris to the senate and too Verona, Italy." She finished.

Sighing a deep solemn sigh, I knew this to be very true. Because I am their daughter, I could never be truly free from this burden. Free from the killing of vampires and the honor of being the best hunter in Verona. However, this was my life.

This was my destiny and I can never change it, how I often prayed that Rosaline and I could change places somehow. That she would become the noble princess of the Capulets and me, the spoiled blooded niece. Of course you wouldn't see me wasting my life, on falling in love. No you would find me traveling a far to places only seen in magazines and televisions.

Climbing into the huge bed. Lilian covered my body up as she leaned in to kiss my cheek. Smiling, she brushed my hair from out of my face. Like she did every night right before I went off to bed. A small loving gesture, she's always done, since coming into this hateful world. Smiling I told her "Goodnight" when she spoke. "Fret not my young lady, for destiny has a special destined for you. I just know it. Now rest up my child, for tomorrow you start your first day back at school." Closing my eyes, I finally fell off to sleep.

The next morning, my curtains and vines were pushed back. Exposing the bright sunlight directly on my body, I felt as if there was a hot comb stinging me upon my skin.

Jumping from within the bed, there standing awaiting my sight were my awful parents. Lord and Lady Capulet frowning, I could tell what this was. They were going to tell me today is my first day back and that I must not embarrassed, the family again; with foolish dreams and nonsense. How ironic seeing as my cousin is the foolish one. She's in love and is secretly dating our family's rival. "You want to talk about foolish, well there's your fool and ish." I muttered.

Getting up from the bed, my sheets stuck to my pinky burn skinned from the heat of the fireplace and now the sunlights glazed.. I cringed at the awkward way it made my skin sag a bit. Bowing like gentlemen before them or like a servant, I assured them there would be none of that misfit crazy talk this year. Upset with the way I show them respect, they left the room but not before calling for Lilian to have me dress and ready before eight. Lilian shaking her head at me, she was disappointed in the way I continue to show my disgrace towards my parents. Grabbing me she led me into the bathroom. Turning on the cold shower, Lilian threw my body into the steel sliver tub.

Yelping, from the cold water, it felt like a thousand pin needles had priced my flesh. Scrubbing my skin harder than a porky pin pins.. The very sting from the cold water made my skin, bristle with prunes. Jumping up from the icy water, I ordered Lilian to hand me my towel as my feet stepped onto the red carpet. She was punishing me for my behavior today but I do not take kindly, towards threats nor punishments.

Something Lilian knows very well. Walking back into my bedroom I hurried and got dress into our school's uniform. The sliver dress top and navy blue skirt, fitting me nicely. The colors of the silver rose buttons on the blouse made for a regal look, for the girls at the boarding school.

The uniform bringing out my eye color, I grabbed my sack and black dress boots. Running down the staircase, into the dining hall of the Capulets. I reached for the door knob when I heard my parents yelling. Lady Miranda Capulet walking down the long spiral steps her jet black raven hair the same color as my own, splash around her waist as she made; her way towards me. Coming behind her long blue gown was Rosaline and Tybalt. Tybalt Capulet was the nephew of my mother's side and an even more childish cousin, than Rosaline.

Just these two together spelled trouble and mischief, wherever they went. Trying to hold in a deep breath, Lady Miranda walking closer towards me when she paused. Addressing my presence with her regal looks, she noticed a button unbutton when she began to speak. Just the sound of her voice along was more than enough to drive a sane person, into insanity. "Juliet my dear sweet Juliet, why must you get dress yourself? You have Lilian am I right? Did I not hire her to nurse you and feed you, grooming you to become the young noble lady your father and I had dreamt?" She asked.

Tybalt snickering behind his grand auntie, she ordered for him to get to school before he gets the worst licking he's ever had and quickly. Hoping up from the steps he called out for his friends who were his, do boys. Servants for the young master of Capulet. Rosaline simply standing beside her auntie in law, she raised her hand up. A gesture we're taught in school to obey when addressing those, more in authority than you.

Acknowledging her cousin in law, my mother spoke. "Yes Rosaline, what is it my dear?"

"Perhaps I can be of some assistance to the young lady of the manor? I can teach her how to be a proper princess of Capulet and future princess of Verona." She said. Rosaline giving an undertone look my way, she knew she didn't care about my noble birth status, know she wanted to just mess with me as always. My parents never understanding how awful she is. Always agreeing with her gestures, honestly no one could sense she wasn't a nice person but a horrible little rat.

My parents acted more like fools than parents even more foolish than this twit of a cousin, every time they agree to what she has to say. Smiling, my mother told her what a lovely ideal and that I should be grateful, to have her as a cousin in law. Dismissing us, Rosaline and me both left the manor when we stepped into the cold windy breeze of Italy. Placing my bag over my shoulders, Rosaline grabbed the ends of my long hair.

"If I had your status cousin. I wouldn't be acting so carefree. You really don't understand do you? You're a nobleman a princess of Capulet engaged to the cousin of our crowning prince. Yet, you seem to not care why Juliet? Why?" she asked me. Snatching my hair back from her. I turned to face my wicked cousin in law, my face angered by her words and previously staged act. I let her have it. Telling her to mind her own damn business for she's one to talk, seeing she's not telling no one in the house hold. That she's secretly dating the families and country's rivals.

It's of course not the senate's wishes to host the vampires, but seeing as Mercutio is kinsmen of Prince Escalus as well. It is put up with, since he is the best friend of the blood thirsty fiend she secretly date in shadows sins. The devil fiend himself, Romeo Montague.

"Do not tell me what I should do when you, yourself have not. Have a good first day back at school cousin." I told her. Pedaling from off the pavements, I left Rosaline shaking with anger. Though it serves her right for trying to lecture me, when she is in the wrong and may I add much worse than me. She's in love and not just in love with a nobleman but a nobleman of impurity and darkness. Romeo of Montague wasn't someone I would ever let into my heart. He was a sinner, a beast of the night. That drinks the blood from the living. Rosaline very well knew of the sins of this pleasure and what the good Bible preaches. However, she denies her senses. Zig zagging back and forth, as I roll passed, the cars anger at my bike riding skills.

I made my way to the old brick building. "Still Rosaline had one good point, I was blessed than most." I whispered.

Walking up the steps towards the school's building, I faintly heard my name being called out. Looking below it was none other than Meredith Welsh. My only saving grace in Verona and in my life. Smiling she ran up the stairs towards me. Her brown skin shinning against the shallow rays of the sunlight. Meredith had finally caught up to me when we hugged each other, Meredith or Middy as I called her. Middy was African American and Italian descendant. She was also part of the famous Welsh hunter's family being the only daughter, of the family's elven children.

Middy had it rough growing up more so than I ever did. "You ready to begin vampyre hunting lesson 101?" She snickered.

Laughing along with her, I told Middy indeed I am. In fact, being at school wasn't a bad thing but more of a haven for salvation. Those who are like Middy and myself, we tend to lean towards going back to school seeing as we being noblemen children, have it worse than someone like Tybalt and Rosaline. In class, the instructor Thomas Bane decided to teach us the vital areas to strike, a vampyre dead. Tybalt boasting his past killings of a hundredth vampyre's Mr. Bane, silence his bragging. "We do not brag over the dammed, we simply pity them as the good word states." He told us.

Tybalt hushing his crooning over his attributes, class continued on until finally ending on a good note. We were ordered to head to the dining hall of the school, sadly that's also straight passed the Midnight classes entrance. The last bit of the sunlight fading into the backdrop, the Daylight class got ready for the arrival of the Midnight class. Our daylight class uniforms the color of sliver and navy blue, glowing they warded us from their impurity. Slithering in underneath the fading sunlight, my eyes watched their disgusting selves emerged from the shadowy fog. Hearing the other Daylight students gasp, I stared off at the trail of hungry demons. started walking passed us.

"They're so beautiful… I just wish I …" Cutting herself off, Meredith horrified by her words she gasps as my eyes cut at her. Stunned to hear her own voice utter such filth, she watched as some of the students around her gave disapproving looks. Most of the students here didn't tolerate the whole "Let's be at awe of their frightening beauty, I want to join them inside of their world." No, they had the heart of a true believer of righteousness and wasn't easily swayed by temptation. I on the other hand could understand the appeal of their looks, but their world not so. For it never made sense why these creatures had to live off the blood, of the living.

Sure, they're beautiful but their beauty is a curse in itself. It's what keeps them untouched by us humans because most of us are too weak, to see them for who they really are. Demons wearing the skins of humans, although not so much like humans. For the myths from the past are true to this very day. Vampyre's hate sunlight, sliver, and cannot cross running water. They also cannot breathe and are cold to the touch. Paler than the white face moon. There were other things different from our own biology. Vampyre's can run faster than any living thing, stronger and in most cases are the better hunter.

It is how they lure their prey. Some believe them to be the better hunters than ourselves, we simply deny this thought as pure humor. Still as I watched my best friend Middy try to weasel her way through this betrayal. I simply had mind to tell them all again Rosaline's; dirty little secret. Middy might harbor some ungodly lust within herself over these creatures but she's no way in love with them. Like a certain someone who's related to a certain bloodline who despises the other. Knowing the truth of Rosaline's infidelity would surly turn my parents into raving stock killers. They couldn't ever look at her as the same. She would be forever known in the family and the city of Verona, as the lass who fell in love with an immortal.

A Montague Vampyre. Looking around as Mr. Bane assured the class Middy meant something else, we waited patiently as the class of demons, walked passed us each. Not seeing the leader of these creatures, I sighed a deep relief over my nonsense cousin. When I realized Rosaline was nowhere to be seen. She was standing here a while ago, where could she have gone? Panic searing over me, I quickly tried to rethink like a experienced huntress would do. Settling myself my mind clearing itself of all fears. I whispered to myself. "What would a huntress do?" When the answer hit me. She would go chasing after her missing victim.

Tracing the ground for any clues, I noticed Rosaline's heart shape necklace lying on the stone ground. Picking it up there along the side of it was a tiny red spot. Tracing my fingers within its surface, sniffing it. My eyes widen in horror. I noticed the scent was full of iron and honey. Her name escaping my lips, I muttered.


Chasing after her, my eyes knelt to the grounds. Following the pattern of red blood spots carefully until reaching the end, there was an entrance of the school's building. Not far it I saw her. There I lying on the ground, still and motionless as a doll. I ran to Rosaline. Running to her, I felt a sense of fear sweep over me again. My mind racing with so many questions. Shaking as my body fell to the ground unable to feel anything else, I laid my eyes on her. My mind wandered crazily. "Did Romeo do this? Why? I thought. Didn't he had loved her so dearly?"

Hearing ruffling sounds from in front of me, I noticed Rosaline was now breathing on her own again. Coming back into reality, Rosaline reached for my hand as she tried to pull herself up. Struggling she got up from off the ground tired and be rattle, she leaned up against the stone wall. Her face heavy with blush, she tried to conceal her neck when I noticed it. Enraged I yelled at her, it was another rare moment she had ever seen me; show some true emotions regarding a family member.

"You stupid little twit! You believe in love now? Well do ya? Because this is what your stupid love has gotten you, bitten by the man that claims to love you. Rosa food is what we are too them, always remember that for the next time you go looking for love. Did his fangs reach your muscle tissues? Did he exchange blood contact with you? Answer me!!" I yelled.

Completely gun shock, she yelled back. She told me this wasn't done by Romeo but one of the other Montague's, his cousin Benvolio. Romeo wasn't here, she thought he would've been coming to class today but was told by one of the vampyre's that he had an important family arrangement to attend to. So, she was on her way back to the fold when her fingernail accidentally scrape the skin of her neck. This lead Rosaline to start bleeding, knowing full well vampyre's cannot resist the sweet scent of human blood.

Rosaline explained, she had quickened her pace but was met by Benvolio Montague. Who took advantage of the ideal that his master and Lord's, lady was unaccompanied by him nor her own. Ripping the ends of my skirt, I place the shredded piece of navy blue cloth to her skin. Tying it around her neck like a bow, I pulled her off the walls. I warned her to tell someone about the attack. Refusing she walked quickly in a hurried. Quickening after her paces, I ordered for her to stop. Not listening, to me. My anger boiled as I yelled after her. Hearing thr order of a noblemen blood, Rosaline yielded her steps.

"You cannot tell me that you will keep this also as a lie, to my parents? To Prince Escalus? The school board and even Verona. The senate would have a fit and even Prince Escalus would have Benvolio, put to death no matter the relationships between the two families." Talking to her, Rosaline still refused to listen as she tried to escape from in front of me.

Pushing her back I continue to assert myself as her future Lady of the house of Capulet. Rosaline knew this was an act that was forbidden, even in the eyes of Prince Escalus this could not be forgiven. Rosaline tearing up she spoke. The look in her eyes was unbearable as well as the weeping in her voice. Sliding to the floor she cling to my torn skirt. Laying her head against my stomach, I couldn't help but feel for her. She was acting like a wounded child, when she continues to try and speak.

"Oh, little cousin in law of mines. You do not understand the whims of a maiden who's been touch by Eros. It isn't dry cut as you and everyone else who despises Romeo and his kin thinks. His kin aren't like us, they do not age nor get sick but we as humans we do. Falling in love with someone who is just like me isn't enough especially knowing that, in an instance they can be taken, away from me. By choosing to be with Romeo, I am choosing a life of longevity and love. I cannot betray the one who holds my heart. It is like cutting out a piece of yourself and never healing. If you knew what it was like to be in love, you would not judge me so harshly."

Her words stung like iron, a hot searing drip of iron. The feeling felt like red hot scaring pain. Which flamed the flesh of my bare skin. However hurtful her words were there was one thing she was right about, I didn't understand one bit. Walking back home, my bike trailing on the side of me. My mind wondering back to Rosaline's words as she defended Benvolio's actions. She clearly was in love with Romeo and it didn't matter what anyone thought of her. I'm pretty sure she hears the whispers and mumbles around the school yard. For many do not know of the details of her loverfest.

Yet, The Daylight students who knew of the tale. All have branded her the "Vampyre's lover". There were a few of us who knew their secret, I even sometimes suspect my parents even knew this but chooses, to ignore as they cannot be bothered with it. For she wasn't an heir, she wasn't the one to wear the crown of Verona I was. This made it much simple for Rosaline to do whatever she likes.

She had no choice but to bare this scorn each day she chooses to accept Romeo, the pureblood prince as her lover. This title along comes with such burdens even for someone as strong as my cousin in law. Looking towards the sky, my fingers clutching at my open blouse. I wondered what love is. Rosaline is experiencing something I never cared to in my life, yet though she also experiences pain and regret. She never not once gave up on love. Walking home from school, the gates to my manor opening up.

The guards greeted me as usual, when I noticed there were a lot of cars today in the drive way. Walking inside of the house. I watched as everyone set up for some big celebration, noticing my no good servants. I asked what meaning is this, when Peter the ring leader of the group spoke out. He told me today was preparations for Rosaline's birthday party tomorrow.

III fitted and disgusted, I couldn't believe my ears. They were celebrating a traitor's birth into this cold harsh world. While their own flesh and blood, their very own and only child was left out in the cold. Rosaline gracefully walking down the steps, I watched as the household kept quiet. Making her way too look at the decorations. Rosaline noticed me staring when she cut a teasing smile. Offended, I wanted to charge at her and rip her throat out, but that would be seen as not lady like. "How does she do it? How does she keeps on winning while I suffer as an outcast?" I wondered.

Everyone, I have ever met has treated Rosaline, like the Capulet's princess and not me. Simply because she was regaled and beautiful, while I'm more mannish and tomboyish. My ears have heard the tales of my appearance and presence. People who assumed I was the servant instead of Rosaline. Even the famous pure blooded Romeo has called me an ill fitted young lass. Though he's never seen me and I him, he has been seen and heard cursing me. Everyone in Verona, Italy either thinks I'm a young flat chested boy or a servant of the noble families. No one knew the truth but those in the high circles.

Heading to my bedroom, I slammed the door shut as my fingers tugged on the golden rope hanging from my ceiling. Not answering my call, I wondered outside of my chambers to find her. Looking into her quarters Nurse Lilian was nowhere to be seen. When I spotted her in the kitchen. Running down the steps, my bare feet entering the nicely done kitchen. I ordered her to tell me the meaning of her absence. When a voice spoke from behind. Turning to see my father standing in the doorway of the kitchen. His brown hair shaggily hanging just below his ears.

He told me he had ordered my nurse to handle the menu of Rosaline's birthday party. Reminding me of my place as a young lady in waiting, that I should be happy of my big cousin in law. She was ready to take the plunge and marry.

The same thing I should be thinking about and quickly, for Count Paris will not wait forever. Knowing Count Paris, has been waiting since the day we both came into this world. My parents and anyone who knew of our tale, would tell me. How Prince Escalus and the royal family of Verona, were close to the Capulets. They would speak of a time when my father Lord Angelo Capulet, and how he fought in the blood bathe against our rivaling enemies, and who might that have been? None other than the Montagues. It was told that Count Paris and I were in the womb together and join this world, together.

Of course he was a few inches earlier than me. Still we were joined by the hip since our conceiving in our mother's wombs. My parents and his wanted a union between the two families.

Even Prince Escalus ruled this to be a richly good ideal. No one cared how I felt, no they only cared about the titles they would be gaining as in laws to the Prince and Count of Verona. Shaking my head, I told my father he was right, Rosaline has taken the plunge and what a disappointing let down; she has become to the family's namesake.

Shocked by my words, the nurses and servants grew quiet as he ordered me to remain within my chambers until, the party tomorrow night. The guards grabbing my arms like some common criminal, they hauled my body , more like forcefully dragged my body to my bedroom chambers. I noticed the gawking and the stares of everyone including my mother, Tybalt and Rosaline herself. Who I'm pretty sure heard everything that was said, though she didn't care.

After all she had what she craved the most, a family that truly loves her and a man who will die for her. The word on Verona streets was that if Rosaline was ever in deep trouble, Prince Romeo would send a thousand vampyre's to avenge her soul. Wondered where they were on this night? I whispered mockingly.

Slamming the deep black marble wood doors. I leaned my head against them. Sighing I stared out the window. My head filled with mix emotions from everything around me, my eyes tearing up. I let my body crawl into the fetal position. Crying myself to sleep upon the cold floor. My mind drifting off into a deep sleep I faintly heard a voice speaking, in the darkness. Innocence and the feeling of warmth, spilled through my mind like a never ending chase. Who was talking, what did they want?

"LOVE…" The voice that once whispered throughout the emptiness of my mind. It spoke once more like a silent innocence, my sweet forgetful innocence. Somewhere deep, within me there was a part of me yearning to know love. Given my fifth teen years, I have never experienced true love. Even from Nurse Lilian. The very person who's raised me from birth. She and my best friends were my joy in this life, however they weren't enough. There was something else, I crave.

Remembering Friar Laurence last sermon where he spoke on cravings, of the heart. I closed up my thoughts bitterly. It was a sin to crave, a sin to lust. Mr. Bane had spoken on this not long ago as well, suggesting that the vampyre's are only drinking the blood of humans. Because they cannot love. They cannot feel any real emotions, the closest thing they have to feeling some type of humanity; is through the blood of an innocent human.

The sun arising through my curtains, I could hear faint banging against my doors. Nurse Lilian's voice yelling loud, she begged for me to hurry up and open the doors. Pulling myself off the floor. I opened the chambers doors to see her stern face. Gesturing at my appearance she told me, I had looked as if I've been running in filth. Pushing my weary body into the bathroom she turned on the shower, giving no warning as usual. Lilian threw me into the icy cold water.

Jumping up from the icy cold water, I frowned at her. Lilian telling me their getting ready for the guest to come, for Rosaline's party. She went on to tell me I was ordered by my parents to be ready and neatly dressed, preferable as a young woman in waiting. For Prince Escalus will be there and so will Count Paris. Feeling sorry for my nurse Lilian, the task she was given by my parents was too great of a burden but she did managed to stand through it all. Coming into my chambers were other maidens to help out with the transformation, from awkwardly flat chested tomboy. To a young royal in waiting who will someday be Queen of Verona. Feeling a sense of heaviness upon me, I asked could I go visit Friar Laurence when she told me no.

This was a first even for Lilian, who normally would do anything I asked her to do. Shocked by her dismissal of me wanting to leave I smiled a bit. Understandable this is very important day for my family, caving in. I helpless comply with their wishes, to glam me up.

Night fall had fallen upon the land and the party was lithe with the richest, of them all. Middy had been asking around for me since arriving at the party, with the rest of her clan. Including all eleven of her brothers who were excellent hunters in field travels. Hoping someday we too will get to become huntress in field travels, where we can leave Verona and never look back, solving and killing Vampyre's in other countries as hero's and not as women.

Perhaps even giving the slaying up completely. Coming back into my chamber one of the servant maidens was telling the others, she couldn't believe how beautiful Rosaline looked tonight. She had looked to be an angel who had fallen from heaven. Snickering as they tried to put lipstick upon my plain lips, I muttered. "More like hell's angel." Lilian catching the joke, kneed me in the back as I choke on the fumes of hairspray. They had chosen a red velvet scarlet dress that was sleeveless.

The dress had three gold latches in a row upon the chest area. While two heavy puffy sleeves hung on my arms, like bags from a store shop. Pinning my long black hair up into a French bun. Lilian placed my sliver iron ruby heart crown upon my head. Placing the black lace glittery diamond dove mask over my eyes. Standing in front of me as I opened my eyes, the gasps and shocks from the servants told me something wasn't quite right.

Running to my vanity mirror. Startle by the new reflection in front of the mirror. I couldn't help but noticed the young regal beauty, who was staring back at me wasn't Rosaline. It wasn't my mother or any other regal woman but me. The young beautiful girl in the mirror was me. Taking it all in I noticed my newly large chest. Observing them in wonder, I poked at the new huge pink pale breast as the maiden's giggle with amusement.

Portraying my mother's regale authority, I spoke harshly. "Tell me do you find me funny? Do I amuse you? Please do tell?" Hushing their mockery, Lilian came beside me as she placed my black fan into my palm. Smiling I watched her old gray eyes, tear up like I've never seen before. She was smiling and tugging at my fitted long dress, when she spoke.

"Now you are looking like a young woman, Juliet my dear tonight the heavens smile upon you. You will be the belle of the ball, I know this isn't what you wanted or had in mind today but try to remember, you create your own destined. So tonight you are a butterfly emerging from the cocoon; it once was prison into. Please try to enjoy yourself, let love and freedom find you this night."

Stunned by her words, I lean in and kiss Lilian. Thanking her for all that she had done over the last fifth teen years of my life, she smiled as I thanked the others. Pushing me on outside of the chamber doors, they told me to have confidence. That tonight instead of Rosaline, this was my night to shine. Hearing the celebration as I walked down the dark lithe hallway. I could see why they gave me the dove mask, Rosaline had always enjoyed Italy Masquerade balls. So her party was a come as you are Masquerade ball.

Tonight just about anybody was here, everyone who was friend or foe. Had now gathered to see the young Rosaline accept her womanhood. My feet aching from the high heels they gave me. I leaned against the balcony, there on the floor. I watched everyone dance and drink, with each other. Count Paris acting a plumb fool as he told a tale of bravery and stealth, I laughed as his words slurred from the liquor. His mask the fable looks of a Greek God in war. Sliding my feet back into my heels, I finally join the celebration.

Rosaline had chosen a pure white glittery angel outfit. Everyone knew who she was and yet, that didn't matter. Because as I approach the stairway to the ballroom, someone called out to look over towards my way. Everyone's eyes falling on me. The sounds of their air escaping their lips, I knew what they were staring at. "Good grief they're all staring at me." I whispered nervously.

My parents stunned by my appearance began smiling, they couldn't help but have a page boy announce who I was to the crowd. Standing there still stunned by the sudden looks everyone gave me, Rosaline who was angry with jealousy. The Page boy announced me at once. "Here comes Lady Juliet of Capulet, her lady in waiting!!!" Walking on down the staircase male suitor's from everywhere, took the chance to grab my hand and walk me down the stairs.

Unsure on how to deal with this new fame, I found Middy beneath the crowed room. Running to embrace her, we embraced the other one tightly. "Wow, Juliet you look lovely. You're like a beautiful dove." She gushed.

Blushing a bit, I couldn't help but smile as Middy's eleven brothers made their way towards us. Bowing in front of me they asked, if they could have a dance. Upset by their sudden gestures, the other male suitor's came upon us as well. Each demanding the same thing, Count Paris had to assure them that I was already taken by him. Taking my hand, we both danced the night away as onlookers looked on with jealousy. His kin Prince Escalus smiling with happiness, watched the two of us dance to the music. My body tiring from the tall skinny heels, I begged to be left alone for a while as my feet retain from their soreness.

Finding a stone wall to lean against, I laid my head up against its silent walls. Peering out unto the dance floor, everyone back to enjoying the party. I didn't see Rosaline anywhere; she was no longer on the floor. Wondering was she upset, I closed my eyes shut. Remembering my dream from last night followed by Lilian's words, my hands ushered for a servant to come over. Handing me a glass of wine. I swallow the strong fumes. My head feeling fuzzy and clouded with noise, smoke and music. I continue to lay against the wall. When someone had bumped into me, the skin to skin contact was like a chilly Verona, winter.

The slight touch had frozen time around us both. Turning to face his masked face, he and I stared at each other. Neither one of us moving from the other's presence. I found the mysterious man unimaginable beautiful, underneath the mask. There was a screeching sound beating away faintly in the dark, its alarms howling with pain and regal. My ears listening carefully, I found the sound to be coming from within me, clutching my chest my hand can feel the thumping of my very own heartbeat.

Thinking, to myself I whispered. "Is this my heartbeat? Why is it pounding so rapidly loud and in front of him? I don't understand." The mysterious man smiling he placed his hand upon my own. A sensation of cold ice ran throughout my veins when he spoke. "You are a Goddess, tell me your name my lady? For I wish to know you, I beg of you please do not keep me in suspense."

Stunned to hear his voice, my heart reacting quicker than before. I was scared of this new found pain and excitement, this man had brought upon me. Smiling, his lips looked to have been chisel by roman Gods, chin so masculine and strong. Hair darker than night. I watched his deep ember eyes glare through his red devil horn mask. He had appeared to be looking right into my soul, when he begged for my name again. Enamor with him, I refused to give my name up so easily.

Stating it is a masquerade party and that he shall have to guess. Hoping he wasn't here to hear them announce me, I waited for him to say he knows who I am. When he frowned, "Pity my Queen, you deny me such grand pleasure. I had just arrived me and my kin, wanting to enjoy the night life and the great ball of the Capulets. Yet, I did not know there was ever such more beauty in this world. You my Queen, are royal." He told me. Smiling, I spoke.

"You my sir are like night and silk, like fine aged old wine never too old and never too spoiled. Never have I ever felt such satisfaction until now." Bowing before me he held out his pale hand, the palm of his hand was pure as ice like lament stone. Smiling, my head fuzzy from the wine. I took it as he led me onto the dance floor. Everyone parting ways, allow us the floor while we waltz together in slow motion. Each one of our hands behind our backs, we used our remaining hand to dance like lovers did, in the olden days.

Twirling around together, in sync with the other. Our gazes fixate only on one another. We heard the cheering from the crowd as we continue to glide. Count Paris coming from the corners of his slum, he noticed the two of us dancing together. Upset by this, he charged for the dance floor but was held back, by the guards. My parents happy to see me acting like a young woman, I smiled at the mysterious man as he smiled back.

"You dance pretty well my lady. I shall have to take you dancing privately one night." He spoke. Smiling, I told him. "Indeed you will my good sir, but don't think I'll just say yes so easily." Chuckling underneath his mask. The young man found amusement in my words. Tybalt catching us in eyesight he frowned, when he ordered his do boys to come and break us apart. Jumping from the balcony they ran towards us, the mysterious man catching him in eye view.

Dipped us from off the ballroom floor. Leaning me against the walls he smiled, but not before kissing my hand. The sudden sweet gesture sent shivers of pleasures down throughout my spine. This was all new to me. For I was never this type of girl; no I wasn't the kind that would ever do such things and yet tonight I have become such a girl. Whistling for his friends, they raced through the house of my home. Tybalt calling after them, he ordered his auntie to cease the party.

Enrage at her nephew outbursts and crazy antics she reprims him in front of the guest, angered by the move. He walked off into the shadows, seething with rage. One of his do boys telling him they have caught up with us. Tybalt took off after us. He didn't care what his auntie thinks anymore he was on a mission, a mission to protect his cousin from ruining her chances with Count Paris. Chasing after the mysterious guy and me.

I grabbed my heels, running bare feet across the floors of the hall ways. Lilian leaving her quarters she asked if anything was wrong. Telling her no, she quickly followed behind me. Finally catching up to them all. I watched in horror as Tybalt and his three friends stand off against the masked man and his three.

Upset, they circle each other. The other sizing the other one up, I couldn't bear to watch such meaningless quarrel. Reaching in his pocket I notice Tybalt pulling something out. Shinning against the moonlight was a pocket knife, shouting I warned him to watch out. Never turning around the mysterious masked man shoved Tybalt back. When they got ready to charge, the mask man smirking with his friends they leap over Tybalt's charging posy. Their bodies floating in midair, I watched as he stared straightly at me. Standing upon the top of a building. His ember golden eyes brood into my flesh as I stared helpless on. Anger by his sudden skills, Tybalt demanded who the stranger was and why did he crash the Capulets party.

Speaking he spoke, "Why else, to see an angel but instead found a Goddess." Not understanding, we watched him lift up his hand. Reaching for his mask my heart ever so racing, waited as he rips off the red devil horn mask. Revealing his identity, I was startle and taken back. My body shaking with fear and mixed emotions I shook my head. This cannot be? This cannot be happening, the stranger I danced with. The man whose very presence spoke to me was none other than a vampyre. One of his friend's grabbing his arm back he spoke, "Romeo we shouldn't stay any further. They may alert the hunters." Shocked, and disgusted, I couldn't believe it. This wasn't just any normal disgusting vampyre, No this was Pure blooded prince of the Montagues Vampyre's and my cousin in law's lover.

Feeling my body shake as his eyes stared straight through me. My lips quivering, I whispered. "You're Romeo; this cannot be happening to me?" Asking myself in disbelief I faintly could hear Lilian shouting for me. She had finally found me standing upon the roof top of the manor. My feet barefooted as I continue to lock gazes with the fiend Romeo, who I've danced with this very dark night. Yelling she called out. "Lady Juliet, what is going on? Is that the fiend Romeo of Montague?" She asked.

Romeo taken back himself, he looked at me as Lilian walked closer to my side. No use in hiding who I was any longer, I removed my black dove mask. Revealing my identity to him. Standing underneath, the moonlight's light. Romeo's face darkened with fear and hurt as the realization of my identity hit him more. Yes, I was Juliet Capulet the sole heir and daughter to the Capulets. A richly powerful clan of Vampyre hunters and the cousin in law to Rosaline Capulet, his lover.

Benvolio looking at the both of us, he watched as Romeo's pale face pine with angst and unspeakable passion. This was a different look, a much different look than the one he gives to Rosaline. Romeo was expressing a different feeling, something himself has never felt and yet, Benvolio can sense it within his cousin's being. Romeo whispering, he spoke to Mercutio. "I dreamt a dream tonight."

Mercutio turning to face, his friend against the on looking faces of Tybalt, his do boys, my nanny and myself. Mercutio feared for the lives of his immortal friends as they stood, there perched on a building. Staring blandly into the night at one that is Juliet Capulet. Fear of knowing what his kinsmen would do if they found out that Romeo has been sicken with true love. He hurriedly and answer his friend back. "And so did I."

Romeo never leaving my gaze, asked his friend "Well what was yours?" Mercutio could hear the alarm going off as the guards of the Capulets and other noblemen families, including his own gathered their forces. They had been warned of the crashing of Prince Romeo and his kin. Trying to drag Romeo away from the scene and into the night. He answered him back once more. "That dreamers often lie."

Romeo speaking, he spoke. "In bed asleep while they do dream things true. Tonight never in my wildest dreams did I ever think, I would come to know what true love is. Oh, the sweet joys of love and yet the painfulness of its truth. O! She doth teach the torches to burn bright. It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night, like a rich jewel in Ethiopia's ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear." Taking a bow, Romeo leap from off the building. My heart racing as I gasped in horror.

Afraid he might've fell to his doom from such heights, I quickly was reassured when he merged unharmed. Standing on the other side of the gates of the Capulet manor, Romeo stared at me as reality set in. Of course he would've been okay after all he is a Vampyre. A creature of darkness, a beast born in the night who preys on the blood of the living. The living like myself and yet, I found myself incapable of hating his existence any longer. It as if a spell had come upon me the moment we met. The realization of this all had finally taken its toll on me, my tears sliding down my cold blister cheeks.

I watched the sadness in his eyes as he stared on. Lilian trying her best to comfort me she spoke, "My Juliet, dear what is the matter? You did not get hurt did you? Tybalt was very strong and brave to protect you from harm. What is the matter my dear?" She begged.

Not saying a word, I continue to watch his eyes as they never left mines. My lips parting, I gasped for air, the sound of my lungs trying desperately to breathe. I shudder from the night wind's pain; Romeo was a Montague. Sworn enemy of my family and the senate to all who hunt them, and yet he was the mysterious man who made me feel alive and free. My tears falling harder, I heard my voice spoke.

"My only LOVE sprung from my only hate." Understanding, Romeo quietly disappeared into the night. That night my parents had been warned by Tybalt and his friends about Romeo and I, enraged by the sudden news my parents ordered that I never to see Romeo that immortal fiend again. Upset and hurt, by it all I ran to my chambers. Throwing my body into my heavy dark red sheets, I continue to cry. The realization that I had finally fallen in love was a beautiful sight and a brutally insufferable feeling. It had cause so much chaos and pain in less than two hours ago. The news of my betrayal of my family's namesake had begun to spread throughout the manor. Forbidding it to go any further than here.

My parents charged the guards to behead anyone in the household who dare speaks of Romeo and Juliet. Our love, had became a prison for me. Something I never would've expect to have happen to me, but as I remembered the way our two palms touched. The painfully loud thumping came back and harder than before. Touching my tighten chest I clutched at it. Whispering as I looked at the ceiling, I spoke. "This is going to get some use too."

I had finally fallen to sleep when my ears faintly overheard a conversation, inside of one of my bedchambers vents. The maid servants were discussing Rosaline and how she refuses to eat anything anymore. Peter, Sampson and Gregory were all worried that she would grow thin and frail, if she did not eat something. Hearing my name come from Peter's lips, I heard him accused me of this sudden change. Lilian speaking, she told them, this wasn't my fault but faith has chosen its destined players. Romeo and Juliet were destiny's destined. They are each other's saving grace and the other's damnation. Rosaline could never understand this, so she simply chooses to hate her cousin in law even more so.

It made sense why Rosaline would do this. After all it was just the other day when she had explained to me about her and Romeo's love, an how he had loved her so dearly. More than anything in this world including his own life. Placing a pillow over my face, I breathe into it. Obviously not as in love as you would have believed, them to be. Though, it does make one wonder if he can just drop Rosaline in favor of me. Who's to say he won't do it again with me? Wondering I whispered.

"He said. Romeo will never break my heart, this I know. If there was anything I was certain about now after tonight, it was that Romeo and I had to be together. No matter what, though the odds were not in our favors. Me a vampyre huntress in training and him a pure blooded vampyre prince. Our families' blood bath has sustained for centuries, each of our bloodlines carrying on the tradition. To hate thee other without fail, that is until we broke it. With a simple spell called LOVE.

There wasn't much I could say to anyone after this matter. For I had betrayed everything that I once held dear to me, for a forbidden whim. Romeo and I, are in love? That's impossible my mind yelled. Surely as it kept reassuring me all that was be skill in me over the course, of my life. I still found it hard to listen any longer. It was no longer possible for me to sit back and deny, what has happened. Romeo and I, are now entwined with each other what that means? That I do not know. But, whatever happens this is going to be a new challenge for me. Something I believe to be not ready for, after all. I wasn't the type to fall in love but here I am in love never the less and with my cousin in laws, love. That's a lot to take in at once sadly, it was thrown on me full force.

My eyes squeezing themselves tighter, I wished on a thousand stars that this night didn't happen. Though as the servants kept complaining about my actions and how Rosaline, isn't feeling well. I knew there was no turning back. We would have to face this ordeal together, thinking to myself. I wondered how Romeo was taking it. Sliding from off my huge bed. I headed to the mossy balcony outside of my bedroom. Opening the door, my bare feet stepping unto the windy pavement. I listened to the howling wind, my teal eyes glaring at the dark moon. I felt a pinged of sadness when my lips whispered softly into the night's breeze. "Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"

Blushing, I couldn't believe what I just said. Chuckling at myself at the way I just uttered Romeo's name. I couldn't help but feel foolish after all he was miles away and I was here. There couldn't be a way, he would just all of a sudden hear me and drop everything just for me. Or was there? After all, vampyre's are known to have excellent hearing abilities far more so, then us human beings. Is it possible that he can actually hear me calling his name? Daring to hope for it could all be just a silly thing, I closed my eyes. Holding my breath tightly within me. I patiently waited as the breath from my lips, slipped through again. Swaying back and forth like a doll on a music box, I whispered his name again. "Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou Romeo?"

It wasn't minutes nor hours long, before his shadow was perched upon my balcony. Kneeling in front of me, Romeo's blood red eyes glowed in the dark as he looked at me bashfully. If ever there was a moment where I couldn't no longer feel any control over myself, it would be right now. Staring into his eyes, my body grew stiff and paralyzed. Romeo had that effect on me, the same effect I'm guessing he had on Rosaline. Barely breathing my mind tried to fight this painful anguish as we both stared at the other. Romeo taking a leap he landed in front of me. When his lips, lips like a roman statue smiled at me. Speaking Romeo spoke.

"But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." You Juliet are everything a creature like myself longs to have, you are like sunlight to my darkness. Rain to my dessert and I shall forever more treasure, the gift of your blessings." He told me.

Clinching at my chest, the heaviness. I felt from all of these new emotions. I wondered was this the feeling every young maiden feels, when she first falls in love? Or am I experiencing something quite different? After all Rosaline, didn't act this way so much. So why am I? Could it be that Romeo is what my heart has been looking for? Shall a beast and a human fall in love? Is this even possible, what would God say? Unable to hold my thoughts any longer, my body swaying I stumble forward when I felt my body being propped up against something solid yet icily cold. Listening I heard a heartbeat, beating rather slowly than my own thumping heart. Running my eyes along the seams of Romeo's fine dark blue velvet attire, he met my eyes when I gasped with agony.

Hearing his breathe shallow and slower than mine, it hisses from between those prefect lips. Romeo squeezed me tighter to his chest. Our eyes locked on the other, the wind swirled around us as we continue to hold the other, inside a tight gaze. Smiling, I wondered. What was he thinking? Am I pretty enough like Rosaline or am I beautiful? More than my cousin and law. Romeo, staring at me as if he could read my thoughts. He smiled at me again before speaking.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Blushing hot red, my fingers grabbing at the golden bottoms upon his blue vest. I smiled with delight as he continued professing his undying love for me. Romeo Montague, my families and I sworn enemy. Is now standing in front of me. Upon my balcony professing his love for none other but me. No he wasn't talking about Rosaline but me, Juliet Genève Capulet. Proud princess of the huntress clan of Capulets. Rubbing our fingers together, we stared as time continue to pass us by. Speaking I spoke to him back. "Good Pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrim's hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss."

Romeo, smiling he embraced me from behind. His lips gently brushing the sides of my neck. I could feel myself getting hotter from his gestures. Nuzzling at the surfaces of my soft blushing red hot skin. Romeo held me like that for about what would feel like a whole moment, a moment swept up in a faraway time space. We were once again synched by the undying passion that lies between us and the forces, which bound us to the other. Reaching behind me I grasp at a handful of his richly dark brown hair. Squeezing his scalp, Romeo continue nuzzling at my neck. The sensation I felt, as his lips glided across my neck was incredible. I couldn't believe myself or the feelings. I was experiencing was more than I could handle. Raising his head from my neck. Romeo turned my body to face him. Smiling he grabbed my hands when he spoke.

"Have not saints' lips, and holy palmers too?" Smiling my face still blushing underneath the moonlight's beam. I responded back to his words. The feeling of emerging from a long deep slumber came over as we continue to lace, our fingers within each other. "Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." I told him. Romeo chuckling, he couldn't resist the urge to tease me. He found it incredible amusing as I twitched around in his cold grip. Smiling, I told him "You are such a tease my good sir. Why jest with me so roughly?" When he told me. "O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; they pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."

Grabbing my hands, he held them out as he placed his own hands, against the back of my palms. The feeling a mixture of both a surge fire and ice. Clasping our fingers together we continue to sway back and forth. Laughing, together in unison I continue our recent discussion. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers sake." I said.

Romeo, didn't quite care that I was speaking of prayers and saints after all "Do vampyre's even know what a prayer is?" They who have it all immorality, strength, power, wealth, even health. The only thing that puts their remarkable essence to sin. Is the desirable cravings they have of human blood and not just any human blood, it has to be the rarest and freshest of them all; Sure they will drink any living things blood. Including animals on land and the creatures under the sea, but what gets these demons entranced. They crave the blood of a virgin, a virgin that is highly gifted as a hunter or huntress.

You see, being born into a vampyre's hunter clan. Isn't just a simple notion or title it comes with more than that, we are able to do more than just track these foul demons. We have incredible six senses. Sure we have no real magical powers or nocturnal ones but we do have, a spiritually sense in tuned to the supernatural and its children. Catching me slipping into the far corners of my mind again. Romeo titling my body back he gazed into my eyes. "Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged." He said.

Leaning closer towards my lips, I could feel the chilly breath. Escaping from between those two perfect lips of his. Romeo Montague, you've changed me completely something I couldn't bear to let go of. Clutching at his back attire my fingers digging into the leather of his vest. I stared completely helpless within his blood color red eyes. Opening my mouth, I let myself catch wind before speaking. "Then have my lips the sin that they have took."

Romeo and I, staring into the other eyes. He leaned deeper into my face brushing his lips across mines. Until finally at last we finally kissed. The taste of his tongue and lips was an explosive feeling of pure ecstasy and enchantment of danger and euphoria. Clinging tighter than ever to him, my body begging to merge with his very existence. I couldn't contain myself when our lips finally parted. Half dazed and out of breath, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. When I spoke full of giggly venom.

"You kiss by the book! My good sir who has taught you a creature of the night how to kiss like lovers?" I asked. Romeo smiling, he explained just because he is a vampyre doesn't mean he doesn't know how to kiss a woman. I should know this already just asked Rosaline. Rosaline, the mere mentioned of her name made things cold and dainty. When he apologized. Stepping back towards the edge of the balcony again. Romeo hopped back upon its perch. Gazing into my eyes, he bid me farewell until tomorrow's sorrow. Bidding him goodnight, Romeo took off against the cold midnight's air as I sadly watched him. Going back inside my room, shutting the window behind me I crawled into my bed as my ears, listened to my heart thumping inside my eardrums.

Romeo and I, just kissed. We can no longer pretend things are the same any longer, especially since we have made a vow of lovers. What will I do about these new events in my life? Asking myself I begged for sleep when my eyes grew tired. In the back of my mind, I could hear my thoughts again racing to be heard at the front of my being. Silencing them up, they stopped their whispering. Finally, at ease I doze off.

The next morning everything was still the same. My parents and the household were utterly disappointment in me, as were Tybalt and Rosaline. Especially Rosaline, who in her mind found me to be a traitor to the family. But wasn't she wrong? I mean after all it wasn't that long ago that she was, in this same situation. The lover of a vampyre prince never the less also our sworn enemy. No one dared question her after school studies, that's because there were none. She was secretly meeting up with Romeo on dates. "Dates" hearing the word escape my lips. I wondered what kind of dates and what will, he do for our first one.

Surely Romeo wouldn't just keep me in the shadows, without taking me somewhere. I mean I am his… pausing for a sec, I commanded my tongue to utter the word. That I am officially Romeo of Montague's mate. This title along spelt trouble for me but also grantees me safety, and most importantly love from the one person who truly loves me deeply. Romeo himself.

Leaving the manor, I heard my parents called out for me right before I shut the door behind. Their tired faces from all of last night's events, both my mother and father grilled me on what I was too do, once school is out. They told me I was too come straight home after school, reminding them. I have piano lessons and fencing classes. They bended their stupid little rule, just a bit. Making sure I attend all of my extra activities that will ensure myself as the perfect future princess of Capulet and Verona.

Lord Angelo and Lady Miranda Capulet agreed that I would be locked away, when not doing anything that revolves around huntress lessons, sighing I left. Though, not before dreaming of faraway dreams, where rivers of light and blood red suns sinks. I am a huntress, Princess and, daughter who found her salvation as a beast's lover.

Forbidden Actwo:

and Rosalina huddle together, whispering as their feet made their way down the streets. Sighing, I could imagine what they were discussing as everyone else. They were discussing how I could betray the family's namesake with my affairs, with that disgusting and horrible ROMEO! Startled by his sudden appearance. Romeo Montague smile as he pulled my hand towards a shiny sleek black limo. Pulling up to the side of us, Romeo quickly toss me in the inside of it. Finding my bearings as my body adjusted to the cold black leather seats. The driver eyeing me like a deliciously mid-morning breakfast snack, Romeo got in when he noticed. The red color of his iris in his glowing bright blood red in his eyes. The driver a bit scared turned back around in front of him. Breathing a sigh of relief, Romeo chuckled. It always amazes me how he can find the humor in any situation. Smiling back at him, he leaned in to kiss me.

Our lips touching, once more that same feeling came upon me. I was beginning to get all woozy headed when he spoke. "I figured its best to give my new girlfriend a ride to her first day back to school." He said. Smiling I thought of him to be cute, naïve but still cute. After all I was warned to not be seen or hang anywhere, near Romeo Montague. Easier said than done, I mean my family never understood what it's like to hide Rosaline's deceit for so many years, as she continues her love affair with Romeo for eighteen years.

Pausing in mid thought, like always I wondered to myself how can Romeo be so in love with me after being deeply so in love with Rosaline; for eighteen years. That's something you don't shake off. Rosaline is eighteen years older than me and as long as I can remember, she has always been in love with Romeo the pure blood prince. Even as some wee childings., I still remembered her feelings for him. How can all of a sudden he be so in love with me? Romeo, staring at me as if he could read my thoughts once more, he reassured me that his love was true. That all of the feelings he's feeling right now are no more real, than he and I. Poetic like usual, I smiled when we pulled up in front of the school's building. Sneaking me outside of the limo Romeo placed a cold arm around, my shoulder when I warned him of my parent's wrath. Pretending to not hear me. I told him that if he didn't let go of me my parent's would make sure, I do not ever attend this school or anything else.

Understanding this isn't for play or show. Romeo looked at me for a long time as the sun burned at his lightly pale white skin. I could tell it bothered him but here he was standing in front of me, trying to walk me into the school. Like normal couples do. He removed his arm. Standing there facing me with sad golden eyes, stilled by the glaring of the sun. They had finally returned back to their dominant color again. He spoke.

"You're serious aren't you?"

Nodding, I apologized for my family's hatred of his kin. Romeo throwing up a hand he shook his head, telling me this isn't going to work, he proceeded to walked off. Watching him head back into his limo, I couldn't believe Romeo. He had just walked off like nothing matter, as if we

air was thick as always, my fingers buried themselves within the wool of my coat. I watched Tybalt weren't in a discussion over our new found relationship. Upset by his sudden gesture, I called out to him. "What you're just going to give up?! I mean you're honestly not going to fight?"

Stopping, his hand on the open door, he turned back. Half of his faced bright red and peeling, I noticed the ugly sight of his skin shredding off. Being in direct sunlight is harmful to his kin, especially without taking the proper procedures when walking in sun. Romeo told me our families will always hate each other and that we shouldn't even try. After all he never had this problem with Rosaline. Hearing, her foul name once more made my stomach turned harshly. This was the worst thing a person could ever say to anyone who's ever been or fell in love. I could feel a horrible hurt tearing with pain inside of me. Angered by his words my lips twisting in an ugly frown I yelled. "Fine! Go be with Rosaline the big cry baby. I don't give a care; you want out well congratulations you've got it!"

Storming off and into the huge building of the school. I heard the limo door slam as it skidded off into the other direction, feeling racked with so many emotions. My eyes began to water when I headed into my class room. Middy wait for my arrival she watched me take my seat next to hers, when she noticed the sadness brewing within. Taking a piece of her paper she scribbles some words down, shoving it across the corner of my desk top. I reliantly picked it up and read it. Inside of the piece of note it read. "Julie? Everything okay? It's not about what happened between you and Romeo Montague?"

Watching the way, she wrote his name, I cringed as my fingers scribble, upon the note. Sliding it back over towards her, she opened it up. Scanning the piece of paper Middy looked up. Staring at me her eyes filled with tears, she mumbled "I'm Sorry." Nodding as to say "Me too." I kept my focused on today's assignment. Inside of Ms. Hollandale classroom. She taught us about potions and curses against the dammed such as vampyre's. Gibbet Hamilton a second year hunter in training, stood up in front of the class reciting the many potions and curses, to trap, maim or kill a vampyre.

It was really something watching Gibbet, name each potion off the top of his head. He never missed one nor got their abilities wrong. Gibbet catching my eyes fixated on him he stared at me, unsure as to what to do. I feigned away. Taking his seat again Gibbet, continue to look straight forward. His masculine chin sticking boastfully in the air, the green color of his eyes basking within the rays of the fading sunlight. I couldn't help but notice Gibbet was rather nice looking. Meredith and I, leaving the classroom door. We gently glided passed those who are lurking to listen to today's new gossip. My recent love of betrayal towards my family's legacy, over my actions with Romeo have spread.

Just who do you think have leaked today's juiciest news? None other than that bewitching baby back bitch of a cousin, of mines. Rosaline Capulet. Oh, how I wished I could call Romeo to come and handle her. Then it dawned on me, I can. After all we had just called our short lived love affair off. Sticking my shoulders out, I walked up to my cousin in law. Grabbing her by the throat, I slammed her into the lockers as other students gathered to watch. "Little lying deceitful cousin in law, how dare you touch me. You who've lain with devils." Rosaline spoke lemony.

Cocking and evil dark teal eye, at her. My hands tighten harder around her neck. Laughing harshly, I open my mouth. Revealing all of her dirty little secrets. Even exposing the still healing vampyre's mark. She received from Romeo's cousin Benvolio. Rosaline got quite as the other students began to glare at her now. Now, she was beginning to feel exactly how I have felt all of those years ago. Trapped and burden with a secret that could very well destroy not only her life but mines. Speaking through strained lips, I told her.

"How dare you of all people. Try to accuse me of something. I didn't go out of my way to fall in love with a demon. Nor, did I try to steal your devil away. It's not my fault that what he thought he had felt for you, was a fluke and mirage of the mind. But, you need not worry any longer my sister… my cousin in law. Because he and I are just what we've always been, in the beginning. EMENIES!"

Rosaline's eyes widen with hope and desperation. She looked out from the corner of her eyes, to see her best friends and mentors eyeing her cruelly. Rosaline didn't seem to care anymore about their hateful stares, after all. She's gotten what she wanted, me confessing that Romeo and I are no more. That what we had felt last night wasn't real just a dream. Perhaps those words I just utter to her were more meant for me. Closing my eyes, I felt a strong pulse grabbing at my arm. Turning to view who it was dared to intervene into a noblemen's business. I noticed it was Gibbet Hamilton.

His green eyes filled with shame, he begged for me to let her go. Gently loosing up my tight grip, I finally let the traitor go as she gasped violently for air. Gibbet grabbing me he led me to an outside cordial of the school's building. Sitting me down on one of the stone benches outside, Gibbet sat right beside me without uttering a word. I could feel a sense of reassurance from him. He didn't seem to have been one of those judging faces, no Gibbet was like Middy. Understanding, caring and willing to help. Sighing a bit, I spoke. "You know I could've handle it." Smiling a bit, he laughed as he ran his hand down his arm. The red hairs prickling back and forth as he did it. Gibbet continue to smile before speaking. "Yeah, I know Ms. Princess can do anything by herself. She needs no help."

The way he said it was so funny, it felt like he was being serious and yet it felt like a joke was made. This guy right here was something, just minutes into talking to him I have already forgotten what I was angry about. He had made me forget all of my troubles and woes… though one thing he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried to cheer me up, he could never make me forget Romeo. Heading home from all of my royal duties I found myself still walking and talking with Gibbet. Never getting bored by my constant nagging about my family's troubles he listened on as the sky grew cloudy and the night began to rise. Halting in mid tracks my teal blue eyes staring up at the cloudy sky wondering. I wondered, "Will he be arriving on the town's streets?"

Sensing my troubles, Gibbet stared upwards as well. I could tell he was examining the whole area around us as if he felt we would be suddenly, attacked in open ground. True enough he was right. Because out of nowhere came flying fists and screeching wails as we instantly dodged the heavy blows. Cocking our heads towards a tall building we saw it, the nasty hissing creature. Crooning its demonic head our way, it smiled cruelly as we dashed for it. We knew this was it. Our training had to be put to use for once and today; by gosh we will succeed in proving those around us wrong. Thrusting backwards Gibbet fell as his ankle twisted a bit. The vampyre laughing its fangs hissing with venom. I watched, closely examining my opponent. Opening my fingers, I reached into my hair. Grabbing a hairpin from my long black hair my hair fell down; draping along beside my feet my hair swept the grounds. Making my way towards the creature, I flung my fists out slashing at the wind. I continue to slash until I had finally made contact. Screeching, I could hear the vampyre's pain. The sound unbearable Gibbet and I held our hands closely towards our ears, charging rapidly towards me. The vampyre slammed my body into the brick building wall. Gibbet shocked he screamed. "Juliet!!!!!!!"

Growing nimble, blood flowing from my eardrums as the vampyre made its way towards us both. Regaining conscious, I could faintly hear Gibbet engaging with the demon beast. Seething Gibbet, stood up. His ankle steady giving way, he braced himself for whatever attack was coming next. "You vile creature shall not lay another hand on thee." He shouted. His eyes darkening Gibbet bolstering his body up for another attack. The vampyre teased him cruelly as it spoke. "You sir, are thee lumpiest piggy meat I've ever laid eyes upon. You will make for such a delightful meal tonight as well as the proud princess of the Capulets." Gibbet not caring about the threats. He warned the creature to stay back before he laid waste to its very existence. Laughing, the vampyre explained to him who was the one in the position to be making threats.

Sighing, Gibbet could feel his ankle giving him more grief when he turned to face me. My eyes barely opened, I wondered what would Romeo had of done if he'd known I was out here; moments away from being killed by one of his many blood sucking kin. Would he had saved me? Or allowed this demon who drinks the blood of the innocent to kill thee to death? Chuckling faintly, I heard myself think "Perhaps he would even join him. It would give him the chance to taste the proud daughter of the beloved Capulets. His sworn enemy." Faintly smiling as I carried on my chuckling, Gibbet asked was I alright when I stopped. Trying, to stand up straight my vision distorted from the heavy blow. I watched carefully as Gibbet braced himself closer towards me.

There was one thing tonight that truly stood out to me in particular, Gibbet defiantly was meant to be a vampyre hunter and me not so much. Leaning on his shoulder, bracing myself still I spoke. "You've think you got us beaten huh filthy demon? Well jokes on you because we're hunters. We never die without a fight." Rushing towards it, Gibbet and I held our hands out as the vampyre cried from our casting spells. Remembering how to defend ourselves, I found a spell card within my back pocket. Chanting the talisman spell, the spell card active sending the vampyre flying backwards. Bursting into sparkling dust, holding our breath as we looked at each other.

Gibbet and I, could not believe we had just won against a vampyre. A real life vampyre, without even having any sense of directions or help. Smiling faintly Gibbet hugged me tightly as he whispered. "You did awesome Juliet; How I am proud of thee." Blushing, I couldn't believe the feeling within me. Gibbet and I had just killed our very first hunt. It felt amazing as we watched the rest of the demon's flesh burst into flames. We clasp hands, at that very moment I was glad my very first hunt, was with none other than Gibbet. Faintly hearing my heartbeat thump as I said his name, I wondered what it meant, when our ears heard more shrieking and wailing. More had come, more had found us. Our celebration victory had now turned into a battle field. Vampyre's on every side of us, stalking our bodies. We inched closely together. Gibbet whispering, he asked. "Do you still have any more of those talismans?"

Shaking my head, he sighed before speaking. "I figured this much. We'll fight until we cannot fight no longer. What say ye?" he asked me. Nodding, I spoke. "Aye we shall continue to fight until our last breath is drawn." Bracing ourselves they paced for us when all of a sudden they halted. Frozen, immobilized by total complete fear. The vampyre's began to bow and curtsey, when a shadowy group of figurine's walked closer. Unsure what is going on Gibbet and I, tried to escape when I heard his voice. "Dear Juliet, my Juliet where dost thou thinkst thou go?" Turning around to face his beautiful pale face.

Romeo Montague, stood there standing beside his kin. Benvolio, Mercutio and the rest of his family. Of course Mercutio was his best friend and kin to the Prince of Verona. Something, I still wondered about. How can you be friends with a demon and be kin to our public head? Fear dripping over us Gibbet, placed his arm around my waist when Romeo hissed venially. "Partake sir, I do ask that ye remove thou hands from off my lover's flesh." He spoke. The coldness within his voice and eyes, creeping over Gibbet. Gibbet slightly moved his arm off around my waist. Sniffing, Romeo eyes widen when he rushed towards me. It felt like a blink of a second had gone passed when his shadow was now standing beside me.

Wrapping his arms around me, Romeo sniffed for hours. He was looking for something on me, something only he could detect. When he had finally found it. His eyes widening even more, Gibbet fearing for my life shouted. "Hands off her foul wretched Demon!" Hissing, the vampyre's inched closer to Gibbet as I called out for him. Romeo ordering them to not attacked, he held his palms on my left waist side. There, I could feel a sharp pain. When my eyes noticed blood pouring from out my side. I had been hit during battle but had not noticed it due to the rush. Pressing down on it, the other vampyre's losing their minds. Romeo ordered them to retreat and go home. To never dare lay a hand on his Juliet for the consequences would be dire.

Fleeing into the shadows Gibbet hobble over towards us. Romeo hissing, I begged for him to leave Gibbet be as my eyes grew darker and blanked. Gibbet reaching for me Romeo hissed as both men looked at each other. "You are becoming a problem little human bug." Romeo said. Gibbet not caring he told him "And you are nothing but unholy scum, that should not be allow to exist." Looking faintly into his eyes, Romeo stared down at me. His eyes full of sadness, I managed to speak before passing out. "Why did thou comest? What was thou purpose here? Did thou comest to see thee murdered?" Blanking out I could barely hear him as his lips whispered. "I cometh because I love thee."

Back at home, within my chambers Gibbet had saw me home with Romeo as my household fret over my injuries. My parents worrying, I would not make it, they called Father Friar Lawrence. Praying over my soul, he lifted up my head. His fingers dabbing oil on my forehead he prayed and chanted. Asking God, to heal me from the touch of darkness and from the touch of death. When my mother screamed "Ugh! Her face? What is wrong with her face?" She shouted. Father Friar Lawrence kneeling down, he noticed my face had darkened the color of death. Shouting louder he spoke, "Demon be gone! You cannot have this child for she belongs to the Lord God!" Singing the holy psalms, he prayed and praised over my body for hours. When my skin turned back to its normal color. My parents relieve they gave Father Friar a huge payment towards the church.

"She needs rest. Lots of rest and no stress, she's not out of the woods yet. There are dark forces abound trying to claim this holy child's soul. She was brushed with death's kiss, and it will not leave her so. Careful for who she comes into contact with. They might also be caring the kiss of death." He told them. My parents explaining it is Romeo Montague's fault, they ordered for his arrest by way of Prince Escalus. The order reaching the Prince of fair Verona. Count Paris hearing of this foul act ordered for his cousin, to make do on the order. The Prince holding a conference he spoke to the people of Verona. "My fellow people, good mellow people. Tonight, a crime was committed. A pure blood demon and a pure blood angel had fought to death. Only to have death's kiss brushed her lips. Fair Juliet of Capulet, is wounded deeply within her soul. The fiend accused of this act is none other than Romeo Montague the bat."

Pausing as the people took notice of his speech, the prince continues. "By way of order from thy namesake Romeo Montague, is hear by banished from contact with Juliet Capulet. Let this be a lesson to all kin races, the blood spill shall end with blood seals." Finishing his speech, the people of Verona called for Romeo's death as the news took flight all over. The vampyre's hearing the news they fled to tell an unbeknownst Romeo Montague. Romeo sitting in the grand hall of his manor, his parents walking by they wondered what could be troubling their only heir. "Dear Romeo, my sweet dark baby. Why doest thou hurt so?" Asking her son, Lady Davina Montague looked at him. Her dark brown hair the same color as his shine with the dimmest of light. Romeo shaking his head, he spoke. "Aye, Mother there be no hurt. For I am just lonely the most." His father walking up towards him, he patted his son on the back when he spoke. "Dear only son of mine, my blood bond child. Take heed to not fret for things you do not crave. If it's love you seek than take one of thee. Kin of our kin, blood of our blood, and have yourself a love that cannot be undone." Lord Sebastian Montague said.

Rushing through the dim lithe manor, screams of wailing broke the night wind within as they be lead the news to Romeo. Romeo fearful, his eyes widen with fear he wondered who could have lied and done this such things. Begging to leave, his parents forbidding they told him to hide before night give winds. Taking off to his chambers Romeo closed the doors as his cousin in law Benvolio followed so. "Dear blood cousin in law of mine, pray tell the manner of such things? Did thou honestly attacked thou lover's soul?" He asked. Romeo slamming his cousin through the wall his eyes full of menaced and blood hound scorn. He told him to never ever speak of such ill. For he would rather stake himself, then lay a hand on Juliet.

Benvolio apologizing, Romeo let go of him as they wondered who could've attacked her. Romeo speaking, he told him, "It had to been when we rescued her and that bug human of hers. Thinking Romeo, spoke softly "I have to see thee and see if she's alright." Nodding Benvolio gave his blessings and told his cousin he would cover for him tonight. Romeo leaping from the window he soared through the night air. His heart racing and pounding slowly for a girl with dark raven hair. Reaching the Capulets household, he saw a dim light, within Juliet's room. Her window slight opened he leaped for it.

Juliet, still within her chambers as her body laid softly not moving an inch. Romeo crept closely towards her bed. His eyes flaring with so much emotion and intensity as he sat upon her bed. Skin like milk, Romeo couldn't help but to stare at her. She was everything to him and he was nothing. Quietly leaning down towards her face, Romeo's ember eyes full of emotions as he watched her. Silently he kissed her lips softly as the taste of her flesh mingle within his lips. Slightly opening her eyes up to see him, Juliet stood there silently when he pulled back. Her eyes shimmering like two beautiful blue jewels. Romeo couldn't tell if she was happy to see him or still pissed at how things ended with them, just when they begin. Letting go of her hand, Romeo headed back for the window. When he felt a tugged on his hand. Looking down he saw Juliet's pale white hand holding his own as the coldness from his flesh brought on shivers.

Shivers of delight and not of cold. "Don't…. Go." She whispered softly. Juliet's eyes beaming with such light, she tried to raise up when he sat back down. Grabbing her body, he held her tightly as she ordered for him to join her in bed. Moving aside Juliet, demanded that she laid upon his chest for her fever was too great of a burden. Romeo sensing this held her within his arms upon his ice cold chest. Gently taking the pain away, Romeo whispered. "Is this better?" Faintly smiling she nodded. "Mm" Laying together for hours Juliet spoke "Why did you comest? Thou has told thee you and I are not alike. What givest thou a change of thou heart?" Romeo looking down at her he spoke. "I comest because of thou is mine alone and mine to have. Ye belong to me a devil and you are my angel. I cannot allow thee to leave me."

Juliet clutching tightly to his chest. She felt herself tearing up as warm tears wet the chest of her beloved. Romeo catching each one he allowed them to merge within his skin. Seeing images of her and how she's been dealing ever since she came into this world. Romeo felt his heart tighten harder. Juliet was alone. She had no one but one friend to depend on. She had lived a life of Princess for the Capulets and yet she could not live a life, as a young maiden. A young woman to be. Her life and duty everything that she is, belongs to her family and the country of Verona. Romeo opening his eyes he saw that she had been watching him. Staring she asked him, "Is thou troubled" Slowly shaking his head he leaned down and kissed her. The kiss sending shivers of pleasure down her spine and into her blood stream. Romeo could feel the heat of her skin burning hotter as they continue to sink within their unholy passion.

Romeo laying on top of Juliet. His lips licking the sides of her temples he couldn't stop himself from kissing her as she allowed such advances. This was the beginning of something new for the both of them. Juliet had never been in love ever in her life and Romeo were just now discovering what it truly means, to be in love. Both of them were learning at the same time. As Romeo continue to kiss all over Juliet's flesh. His fangs accidentally nicked the soft part of her breast as she spoke. "Ouch!" Looking down the top of her newly developed breast had begun to bleed when Romeo apologized. Backing away from her chest, he turned away. Juliet could tell what he was thinking and what he wanted. He wanted to taste her, to taste the pure Capulet blood that flows within her. Sure, Romeo has drunk from a Capulet many some centuries even including Rosaline. Though he has never had the pleasure of drinking the blood of the fairest Capulet and the purest of them all.

Juliet crawling closer to him. She turned his face towards her own as she pushed her hair out of the way. Her fingers pulling the strings on the blouse of her gown loose. She spoke, "Here my beloved… drink from thee and be filled with my love for thee. Ye, shall know what it is like to drink from the daughter of light." Romeo clinching his jaws tightly told Juliet "Thou keepest thy beauty away. For my hunger is consuming and I shall do more than drink. I cannot hurt thee no more than what I have done already." Juliet not listening grab his face as she forced him to turn and look at her. Smiling, she spoke. "You cannot hurt thee unless I willed it. Drink my beloved. I beseeched thee."

Romeo staring as the brightest red blood he's ever seen slide down the two puffiest of breast. Leaning down his lips gently licked the blood spill as his fangs dug into its flesh. Juliet feeling a sense of ecstasy. Held tightly to her lovers' hair as Romeo fangs continue to dig deeper within her flesh. She could feel him drinking and even hear as he moaned with delight. Romeo drowning within her blood. His excitement couldn't be tamed Romeo laid Juliet back down upon the bed. Fangs still imbedded deep within he couldn't stop drinking the blood of his beloved, when she started to whimper. Pulling back, he stared at her. His eyes bright red he looked as he saw she was bleeding more rapidly. Upset he held her flesh where the hole was. Biting his wrist, he told her to drink and she shall be heal. Drinking Romeo's blood, Juliet watched as her wound closed up. Shocked, Juliet pulled back from his arms as Romeo couldn't help but stare at his beloved. She who is everything to him and he nothing at all. Romeo didn't care what anyone else thought of them he knew, if anyone tried to take him away from Juliet. It would be hell on earth because no one would survive the wrath of the pure blooded prince. He would shroud the world in a thick blanket of dark blood ice. His venom would be hellish and his anger unquenchable, all who gazed upon him would fall into total darkness.

Juliet, still staring her eyes widened at her beloved. Ran her finger down her bosom as it reflected a sensational pulse. She could tell even though her fleshed had been healed that she was still reeling, from the effects of Romeo's bite and his blood. Her heart could no longer keep up the pace with her breathing as he rushed to her side. Falling backwards, Juliet landed within his arms. Her eyes still widened as she took in the new vision her eyes could view. Smiling, panicking, and frightening Juliet wield herself to embrace this enjoyment. Whispering within her soft pale white ear, Romeo spoke to his beloved "Take in this new enjoyment… this pleasure… it can all be yours one day." Juliet watching in the corners she could see a tiny ant taking a piece of crumb, onto it's back. Giggling slightly, she watched as the birds outside soared openly with their wings.

"Romeo, oh Romeo where thou tellest lies that this was such a burden?" She asked him. Juliet still gazing through new eyes couldn't believe Romeo ever thought this was a horrible way to live. Smiling he leaned and kissed her ears "It isn't no longer." Juliet gazing into his ember golden eyes she smiled before their lips met. Kissing Romeo, felt like the sweetest taste of sin to her and she couldn't be no happier about it. When she felt a sharpe pain in her chest. Wrenching backwards again her eyes gasping open heavily Romeo knew what was happening she was losing the vampyre blood from her system. It had faded away throughout her blood stream. Opening her eyes back up, gently gazing around she saw him hovered over her sweaty body. "Wha. what happened to me?" She asked.

Noticing her eyesight was back to normal again. Juliet looked a tad disappointed when he spoke. "My blood left your system. You're heal completely my beloved." Sensing there was more to it she begged for the whole truth when he lowered his head. His eyes dim he spoke distantly. "Your body rejected my blood. For a while it seemed to have been working just fine but as it passed on, it grazed some of your enteral organs. My blood is poisonous too you Juliet and you can never intake it again. Otherwise it's going to… KILL YOU!

Pitiful and upset Juliet, tired her hardest to not show it. She wouldn't let the fiend Romeo Montage know she was hurting truly. For this meant they could never enjoy and experience the passion they've felt tonight. Not without dire consequences. Hearing footsteps leading up to her room, Romeo quickly dashed out of the window onto the balcony but not before getting a finale glimpse at his beloved. His life force, his soul mate no matter what the odds were like. Romeo had made up his mind. That he was going to cherished Juliet Capulet even till death itself. Fleeing, the doors to Juliet's chambers opening fiercely her parents coming in speaking. They turned on the lights as they saw Juliet sound asleep in bed. Looking at each other her mother spoke. "I thought we could've sworn to heard voices nay?"