19th October 1897,
Yesterday was my fourth day of living in the Blaze nation, and the first time I had seen and entered the school, but there was one minor problem I had absolutely no idea where anything was, so I thought to ask a person that seemed like they knew what they were doing and so I did, I asked a man a few inches taller than me and had a different coloured uniform on meaning he was a year or two older than me because I was a first-year and he clearly was not, anyway he asked me if I was new, to which I replied "Yes." And he told me the directions to get an ID card, a Schedule and a planner, so I followed his advice, but when I was there they asked what zodiac sign I was to which I replied "Aries, but I can't use any sign powers." So I was told I couldn't participate in a lot of classes and I was told I could leave today, as they were sorting out my classes and getting any other issues sorted out.
After I left the school gates I saw some delinquents in my peripheral vision following me, with this I walked into an alley waiting for them and when they came in I asked why they followed me and one of them explained how they hated the rich d*cks from Mars academy and went in for a punch to which I dodged and swept his legs, then another came so I kicked him in the head knocking him out. After that, I felt bad so I just teleported to the apartment I had asked to live in and had a shower, changed my clothes and made something to eat, after that, I went to my room and started cultivating.
My Current level: 97,000
Sean's current level: 160,000
My Current level + Water dragon: 234,000 (lasts one minute)
My Current level + Full night of cultivation: 97,110
The reason it increases by so much is, because of the cultivation technique created by the water clan elder, but if I use the one minute with the water dragon I can cultivate 50 levels in a minute which is unheard of unless you have your zodiac animal, which I had recently attained.
End of chapter.
preview of next chapter:
- Eden goes to his first class and receives some trouble.
- Eden has a duel with a prodigy does he win or does he lose to hide his identity plus more.