Amusu Evil spirit
Onye Ozi A messenger
Anyanwu goddess of the sun, wealth and good fortune.
Ala goddess of morality, fertility and creativity.
Ikenga god of strength.
Onwa god of the moon and guide to the afterlife.
Agwu Nsi god of health and divination.
Amadioha god of lightning and thunder.
Sango god of lightning and thunder.
Osoosi god of hunting and scouting, avenger of the accused and those seeking justice.
Orunmila god of wisdom, divination and foresight.
Babaluaye/Oluaye god of illness and infectious disease. Also the healing curer of all ailments.
Ogun god of iron, labour, politics, sacrifice and technology.
Yemoja goddess of mankind, divinity of the sea, daughter of Obatala and wife of Aganju.
Aganju god of volcanoes and deserts. Brother of Sango.
Osumare god of direct movement, rainbow serpent, guardian of children, changer of sexes, lord of elongated things and controller of the umblical cord.
Oko god of agriculture and harvest.
Ibeji twin deities of youth and vitality also known as the sacred twins.