Despite his ever-cold domineering appearance, Gu Qibao's heart trembled. What did he mean by that? Did he mean he would learn to respect her, listen to her grievances? Even those that accused him?
For some reason, her heart felt a bit warm. Actually, Di Mingjue wasn't that hateful after all.
Just as she was slightly touched, pondering if he would listen to her if she voiced out her thoughts, she heard Di Mingjue's icy and domineering voice, "To save me the trouble of guessing."
Gu Qibao almost spat blood.
So, he wanted her to speak to save himself the trouble of guessing? Indeed, she should not have any expectations towards this man.
Gu Qibao rolled her eyes, equally haughty, "I don't want to speak, I'm not willing."
"If you don't wish to talk, fine. You will lose your chance later." Lord Di was always more arrogant than her.