Chereads / Buried Scars / Chapter 11 - CHAPTER TEN

Chapter 11 - CHAPTER TEN

They stepped into Ivy's house, accompanied by the deafening music. Elena clutched on to her purse, glad she needn't worry about her tripping, thanks to her flats. June was excited, way too excited, as she found her way into the crowd, her eyes scanning every corner.

"Heyy," Ivy screamed through the loud music blaring from the speakers, walking towards Elena and June. She looked gorgeous. She wore an aqua green gown reaching her mid thighs. She was beautiful, even June had to admit. "Did you just get here?"


"Oh okay," she replied. "My brother is, should be around."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah," Ivy smiled. "I didn't forget to tell you, did I? It's my brother's birthday party."


Ivy's brother. Harry Shane. He was in his final year and quite popular too. With his good looks, brains, and good sense of humor- at least so they said.

"So it's your brother's birthday," Elena said, not too surprised. "I didn't know."

"Well, that explains a lot," June chipped in.

"Yeahhhhh," Ivy drawled. "I'm sorry you didn't think I was throwing the party did you? You don't think I deceived you right? It's just that Harry really wanted Elena here."


"Eh?" Ivy said, almost like she just realized what she said. "Did I say anything? Um, I'll be right back."

With that, she hurriedly walked away.

"That girl is crazy," June said, shaking her head. "But it's cool anyways. We're here and Harry's quite the snack."

"Yeah right."

"And what's with the 'Harry really wanted Elena here'," she mimicked. "Could it be...HARRY LIKES YOU?!"

"Girl, keep the voice low," Elena said almost laughing as she watched people turn in their direction.

"Mhm Mhm," June laughed. "I'll get us some drinks. I'll be right back, don't miss me."

"You know I won't."

"Yeah whatever," June disappeared into the crowd.

Elena nodded her head, trying to dance along to the song playing. It wasn't a song she knew so trying to sing along would be a terrible idea. Her eyes drifted to a group of friends passing shots to themselves and then to a couple literally shoving their tongues down their throats.

Weirdly, she thought of Daniel.

She immediately took grabbed a cup, emptying the content down her throat.

"Hey girlll," Elena turned to see Jordan waving his red cup at her. "You're here?"

"Nah, I'm at Principal Higgins office," she had to reply.

"Touché," his hands clutched his chest dramatically. "Don't play sarcasm with me, my heart's very fragile."

"Okay, Jordan-nim."

He smirked. "Have you seen Daniel?"

"No, he said, I thought he was,..."

"Yeah, he's at Sweden," Jordan replied, the smirk not leaving his face. "I just wanted to know if you guys talked."



"Yeah, good luck," he winked. "Wanna dance?"

"I don't think so," Elena replied. "You'd be needing a new pair of feet."

"I ain't dancing salsa with you princess," he said, taking her hands. "Just some freestyle. Then I can show you my badass moves and then you can wave your hands in the air like you don't care."

"Where did you get that line from?"

"You bet I made it up."

"We both know you didn't."

Maybe the party wasn't going to be so bad after all.


Elena laughed so hard, she was clutching onto her sides. She had really waved her hands in the air like she didn't care. She and Jordan had taken over the dance floor, both displaying crazy moves. The crowd had gone crazy- some laughing at their performance, some vibing along with them. Jordan wasn't the best dancer though it seemed like his dancing was alcohol influenced.

"That was insane," Jordan laughed, his arms around Elena.

"I think I'm drunk," Elena said, her laughter dieing. "I wouldn't do that on a normal day."

"Drunk? If the stunt you pulled out there was cause you're drunk, babe you've got zero alcohol tolerance. When did you even drink?"

"Just a cup," Elena groaned, remembering. "I don't really drink."

She knew how bad alcohol affected her. The first time she drank alcohol, she was in Junior High. She only drank cause she was curious on what alcohol tasted like back then and ended up throwing a fit at Amigo.

"What about you?" Elena asked him. "Are you drunk?"

"Just a little," he said, signifying with his fingers. "But sober enough to know Daniel's going to be jealous after hearing how much fun I had with you."

"And Luke's going to be mad when he hears I drank a little."

"OMG Elena, you looked like you were possessed down there!" June said in a high pitched voice walking towards Elena. "Hey Jordan."

"What's up June," Jordan said, getting up. "I'll see you guys later."

"Tell me about it," Elena rubbed her temples." Where were you though? Took you long enough."

"I met Harry on my way."


"Yeah and he'll be here soon," June replied excitedly. "We were together when I saw you from afar so he'll be here soon."

"Okayy, but how exactly am i in the story?"

"He wants to talk to youuuuu," June squealed. "I know you like Daniel but he'll just be to help Daniel wake up."

Daniel hugged me yesterday, Elena wanted to say. "Damn, girl."

"Yeah yeah," June said bringing out her iPhone. "Take a quick picture of me, I heard this skirt looks good on me."

"It sure does," Elena replied, taking her phone. "One, Two..."


June's phone beeped notifying two unread messages. She looked at June who was still waiting for her picture to be taken.

"Change your posture," Elena said, opening her messaging app. She had two unread messages- one from 'unknown no' and another from 'unsaved no'.

Elena fidgeted, sneaking few glances at June. She bit her lip as she opened the message from unsaved no.

Hey babe, I'm at a mart few blocks from the house you said the party's taking place. Meet me there, please.❤️

"It's just a picture, Elena!"


"Yeah, right," Elena said, nervously closing the messaging app. "You got a text message."

"Oh, from who?" June replied, immediately coming over to have her phone.

"I don't know."

"Oh," June replied, her eyes fixed on her phone.

Elena akwardly nodded, rubbing her palms together.

"Um, Elena," June began, immediately spotting Harry. "Oh, Harry's here! You guys talk, I'll be back soon. I mean I'll be around."

"Hey," Harry said, before Elena could say a word to June.

"Oh hi."

"How are you? How's the party?" Harry asked, trying to meet Elena's gaze.

"Fine. I'm fine."

"Um wanna dance? Or grab a drink? Or just hangout?"

"I'm so sorry Harry," she apologized, trying to not lose June's slowly disappearing figure in the crowd. "But I can't right now, I need to go. Later? I promise, I'm so sorry right now. I gotta go."

Without waiting for his reply, Elena dashed into the crowd, fast tailing June.

She left the house, June right in front of her. She quickened her steps, hoping not to lose her or get noticed.

Why was she hiding? Why couldn't she just appear beside June and offer to tag along?

June quickened her steps too, glancing at her phone every minute. A mart.

"Shit," she muttered on realizing she lost June. Just where did she go? What way?

A quick smile flashed on her lips as she saw a mart on the next street to her left. She resumed walking, immediately turning to her left.

"Holy crap!" She almost yelled on seeing June close to her. She was standing outside the mart, waving at someone.

Elena exhaled. She was close. Close enough to see everything, close enough to get caught.

The man walked towards June, immediately pulling her into a hug. She hugged him back, her hands clutching him.

"I missed you," he said, as they broke free.

"I know. I missed you too," June replied. "How are you? How's work?"

"I'm fine. Work's the usual," he replied, rubbing his temples. "And how are you? How's school?"

"Fine. Of course it's fine."

"I missed you so much," his fingers caressed her face. "Can't you just end it all. I'll..."

"It's been three years, Kevin," June replied, her hands finding its way to his face. "I can't leave now, it's too late."

Elena was confused. What was it about? Did June have a boyfriend? It'd been three years since they met and they were both celebrating their third year being single together- Elena with a crush, June without.

"But, try to talk to Conor. I mean..."

"You think I don't want to end it all?!" June said, almost yelling. "I'm tired too. I'm tired of lying. Conor just won't let me. It's been three years and still he doesn't trust me."


"I love you," June leaned forward to kiss him. Without hesitation, he returned the kiss.

June pulled away. "Someone could see us."


"From school."

"Okay. How 'bout you spend the night with me in my hotel," Kevin suggested. "I'll still be in the city till Tuesday."

"Not today," she replied. "I left Elena at the party. She must be looking for me. I should go back."

"Okay," he said, pulling her into another hug. "I love you."

"I love you too," she wiped the tears forming in her eyes.

He smiled at her, brushing her hair with his hands.

"Felicity," he called out. "You know I'm always here for you right? So if you ever want to quit, I'm always here. Just call my name."

"I know," she waved at him, allowing tears freely roll down her cheeks. She watched his figure slowly disappear, before she finally slumped to the floor, crying.

Elena stood there, frozen, not sure of what to think or do. She felt betrayed. She felt stupid. She felt anger rush through her. She needed an explanation. She wanted to confront June. What was going on? Felicity?

Still, watching June cry broke her heart. She stood there listening to her tiny sobs as they filled the silent night.

She wanted to crawl beside her and take her hands in hers. She wanted to hug her tight, telling her everything will be okay. She wanted to dry her tears and tell her the lamest jokes until she laughed.

Instead, she turned heading back to the party, knowing she might regret it later.

Elena stepped into the party house, the music seeming louder. She walked towards one of the tables with drinks, grabbing a cup, immediately emptying the contents down her throat.

Right now, she couldn't care less about what would happen if she got drunk.

She brought out her phone on hearing a beep sound. It was a text message from Luke.

Luke🖤: How's the party?

Elena: Apparently, June has a boyfriend.

She shoved her phone down her purse, grabbing another drink.

"Easy girll," June appeared out of nowhere, snatching the cup from Elena. "You can't drink."

Elena looked up at her. She was smiling, emptying the contents of the cup down her throat. She looked okay, completely.

Wasn't she crying few minutes ago?

How did she manage to hide it so well?

"How did your convo with Harry go?" She asked in a singsong voice.

"Okay. I mean we didn't really talk, I went to the bathroom."

"Oh," June eyed her suspiciously. "You sure you didn't chase him away?"

"Can we leave already?"

"Oh, already?" June asked, Elena nodding. " I'll find Ivy and-"

"Right now? I'm really tired."

"Oh, I'll call a taxi then."

Elena nodded, tailing June as she led the way.

The drive was silent. Neither June not Elena spoke a word. The driver probably took the cue and didn't even play music or turn on the radio.

"June do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, of course not," June shifted, trying to laugh.


"Okayy. Any guy you like?"

"No way," June finally succeeded in laughing.


"Well, get yourself one."

"After you do," June replied, Elena ignoring her.

As Elena got down from the taxi, not even bothering to wave goodbye at June, she spotted Luke standing outside Amigo.

She managed to smile, waving at him.

"The sisters are going to freak out if you're caught coming back from a party this late."

"I'm doing a good job at that myself," she replied, feeling Luke's arms around her shoulders.

"You need to start getting used to it."


"June's lies."


"Yeah," he replied. "I've got an idea!"

"You do?"

"Yup," he replied, popping the 'p'. "How 'bout you go to your room, tuck yourself in bed and have a long sleep. We'll talk tomorrow."


"And you're permitted to dream about Daniel tonight."

She smiled. "Good night. You'd better dream of bedbugs and cockroaches."