I walk, keeping my distance from the two as I follow them. I study the area as we walking pausing little here or there to look at a plant or tree or the grass. each time I had to catch up with them as I got distracted and soon enough as I caught up with them we arrived at a plain field. Not a tree within miles. This field however had obstacles, targets, dummies, and a shed possibly to store the dummies. Katt looks at me and speaks. "This is were me and Vix are most of the time. John said that this was meant to train werewolves, mainly his kind, for wars or battles. Now we just use it to train or to well have fun."
"Mommy can I go play now."
"Yes dear, remember don't get yourself hurt and call me if you need help. Now shift into the big wolf form ok."
"Ok mommy." Vix shifts to her anthro form before running off to the obstacles. She walks down and I follow. She then continues to speak.
"Daniel, I have a question for you, well more like a favor."
"What is it?"
"Well can I trust you?"
"Well isn't it obvious. I haven't hurt you or your daughter so what do you think."
That wasn't the right answer, I could tell because she frowned and had a annoyed tone when she said "Forget I asked."
"Alright alright, I'm sorry. Yeah you can trust me."
"You sure."
In a sarcastic yet playful tone I say "No, now die with you blood horrid beast. Bang bang."
She shakes her head and facepalms. "This is serious human, now quit it."
"Well sorry, thought you said you don't trust me and now you do. What's that all about?"
"Yes I don't trust but not in this way."
"Your confusing."
Yelling she says "For fuck sakes just shut up and let me tell you." I stay silent. Luckily Vix didn't hear her mother yelling. After she calms down she looks at me and says "Ok look I just need some information. What blood line are you again."
"Umm if you mean my family name its Harris."
"Ok, then does the Harris family have connections with another family. Roslands?"
"No sorry, never heard of them actually. Why?"
"No reason, sorry forget I asked." She just sighs and looks at Vix. Without looking at me she speaks again. "So I saw you come out of John's room, guessing he wants your help with Matt."
I nod. "Yeah, but thing is-"
"No buts, knowing John he wants things done, especially with Matt. He thought Zane could help but according to her, her skills aren't that great. John inviting you here makes things a little tense. I may be not trusting with you but Zane, she's a whole other level of not trusting you. Take my advice and work with Zane. May need her help. How much time is John giving you?"
"As much time as it takes until told otherwise, least that's what I took from the conversation we had. He was getting cryptic as what Lucy puts it. By the way, thank you for that. Don't know how to take that but thanks."
"No problem, if you wanna be liked around here, which I presume you want too, get familiar with people. We wolves aren't human obviously so sometimes us portraying emotions doesn't come out as what your used too. You could take the easy route and asked to be turn but then again a bad idea."
"Question, why are you being so helpful."
"Doing what's best for us, and I mean for the pack. John is a forgetful man but were sorta ruled by someone. Someone that thinks they own us."
"An evil nasty woman and dude. They visit weekly making sure we, well are wolves and acting like so. Any human left unchecked, lets just say its not pretty. having you here is like a death sentence for us all, now do you see why I don't like this at all. Human, let alone you being a hunter, is gonna hurt us all."
"Oh, well if I need tog o I can tell John and do my work in town for Matt."
"No, either way that evil bitch, no pun intended, would smell you out."
"She controls the town as well?"
"Sorta, it's complicated."
"Well all this information gets dumped on me. Still oddly confusing why your helping but then again I'm not a parent. these people are they what you said earlier, Roslands?"
"What, no god no. Why would you think that."
"Hey sorry but you did bring it up first. If they think they own you even though they don't why not fight. Aren't wolves territorial?"
"Yes but we also know who's stronger than us. These two are. I don't why but it's probably because of their fur. All black and scary looking."
"All black you say? Hmm, they wouldn't happen to be what I think they are."
"Fenrir? Yeah, how did you know that?"
"Harris and Fenrir really don't like each other. Damn now I'm really wondering on what to do."
"Look sorry for all this but don't pressure yourself. They haven't been here since three months ago. Think they forgot about us. Oh damn it, Vix Sweetie stop that please. Sorry hold on I have to deal with a little girl right now."
Katt shifts to her anthro form and goes to deal with Vix. I sit down and try to think about what was told to me. I'm a threat, a threat to all. Passive or not I know for a fact a Fenrir would kill a hunter, and if they found out I was here. Oh god, I know the Dewolfe would spare lives but the Fenrir, and who's to say what will the Fenrir do to Vix or Katt. With the though alone of knowing why Katt is being the way she is and being straight forward I knew I had to do something, and fast. I stand up and stretch as Katt comes back, still in anthro, and looks at me.
"Sorry, she likes to dig holes and I do not want an earful from Julian."
"Wait he talks?"
"Sometimes, but only to me and John. Before Lucy, Zane, Matt, or that one other dude who's name I forgot it was just me, Julian, and John. Oh and mom."
"Yeah John's wife. She took me and when Vix was a baby in and sorta adopted me. This was 3 Years ago, poor woman may she rest in peace. Actually her death is some of the reasons why Julian doesn't talk. That and for the fact his vocal chords are fucked up. Shouldn't have fought a drunken Dave."
"Interesting, again the info dumping yet you don't trust me thing? Weird."
"Yeah yeah yeah." She shakes her head and smiles looking at me. Sone that smile wipes away with a little worry and fear as she looks up at the sky, which is soon changing drastically to storm clouds. She looks at me and with a loud howl being heard she panics and rushes to Vix. She grabs Vix and looks at me. "Hide, now. Just stay away from the cabin. Go now." With that she runs into the direction of the cabin. I hesitate and look at my options before pulling out a small pistol and silently head to the cabin.