Chereads / Hemlock Hunters / Chapter 2 - Chapter 02

Chapter 2 - Chapter 02

Constant chatterings of students alike rushed back and forth, running laps around and inside Juliet's ear. Oxford was loud for all its pretentiousness, she'd admit that regrettably but the dream school amazed her regardless.

Every intricate detail spoke volumes, towering heights with patterns retelling stories both old and new. Memorials of important figures they could not forget because the role they played was too great engraved into their surroundings. Books that could never be counted both for their significance and amount, there were no flaws.

Well, except the insane amount of people which intimidated the poor girl. She knew what to expect yet got beat to the ground anyways. Blows to the stomach, kicks to the back, scalp scalding.

Assembling bits of courage and confidence to form a complete puzzle, Juliet finally managed to analyze what she had signed up for.

Beings that looked older and more experienced than her and the rest of the first years gathered in groups, already comfortable and familiar with zero indications of fear and isolation. That scared her. Easing what could be called new-born fear, other fellow first years. Yes, they looked and fit in perfectly with the rest of the crowd except for the expressions and posture mirroring her own. Finding the fine line between high-alert and completely slouched.

"You can't tell me that teacher still teaches here, there's no way."

"We're still subject to his reign this year as well, unfortunately." This specific conversation was randomly brought to her perhaps by the mercy of the gods. She'd be prepared for ruthless torture, whatever that may end up being.

Looking back down whilst simultaneously comprehending all the auditory and visual sights she had taken in, Juliet found her outfit interesting enough. The knee-length dress seemingly enjoyed swaying with each movement, as if an elegant gazelle. Flowers falling numerous places within the colour spectrum decorated the clothing piece, contrasting the bland background.

The schedule she had been given clearly indicated chemistry as the first class of the semester. However, it didn't help that the map was not any more helpful than a rock. Much to her dismay, the first interaction of the year awaited. "Hey, uh, do you know where the chemistry lecture takes place?" Nervous undertones wracked her body, facing a taller woman who was now labelled as senior in her mind.

"Yeah, of course. It's not too far from here, honestly. The class is just down the hall third door to your left." A warm smile lay on the stanger's face, understanding the feelings of the underling.

Not knowing what to respond with, Juliet sent a watery yet hesitant smile her way and walked away.

Entering the class, awareness of the familiarity clear in her mind, the girl was met with the teacher already talking. Could she have been late on her first day?

Her watch told her otherwise, it wasn't even time for the class to have begun yet. Were all the teachers like this? Her presence went unnoticed by the rest, enabling Juliet to find the closest seat available, a relieved sigh left her lips.

The person teaching was an older lady, tall and slender, wrinkles covering and adding onto a beautiful face. She wore glasses which slid down to her nose, an undercover librarian; ginger hair only making the disguise more prominent. The tag hung around her neck read "Ms. Dean".

The one she sat next to, paying attention with eyes fixated ahead. His hair, a brown shade of coffee on the darker side.

"...It's important to stay focused in all your classes, especially mine if you'd like to pass. I'm known for going harder than a lot of your other teachers so don't be surprised with both my speed and workloads. I do not care what you have to give up, finish and stay on top of all your work even if it means sacrificing your free time. A great way to do that is by getting rid of any and all entertainment sources, using planning schedules…"

The speech went on forever, causing most students including Juliet to zone out. Eyes looked straight ahead but were exempt from any sign of life.

Instead, she thought of home and comfort, everything this place did not have. What had compelled her to attend university again? The despairs of an abnormal life in society were not fun to experience, that alone managed to keep her going.

"This is the only warning you will hear from me in this class. Past this moment, any late assignments and incomplete ones will be rewarded with penalties and automatic zeroes. Stay responsible." A stern tone which was followed by a series of groans, it was clear what everyone felt, not an outlier in sight.

"Moving on, let's begin the actual lesson." On the board was written "Equilibrium". Why in the world would any sane teacher start off by teaching us about equilibrium? Sucking in air through open slots in her gritted teeth, Juliet released a sigh yet again; a measly and ineffective method of relief.

This, in turn, caught the attention of the male placed next to her, although still not facing towards the mystery. "It's okay, teachers are menaces at times. Equilibrium may suck as a first lesson but at least it's relatively simple compared to all else." Words that did in an unusual way bring comfort to the restless soul; a key finding its niche in the lock.

"Thanks, that helps. I bet we'd be better teachers." The girl softly whispered back. With silent mutual understanding left lingering in the atmosphere, the two focused their attention back onto the load placed in their small hands.

Opening up to an untouched, crisp page which lived in a black notebook, the lengthy writing began. Afterall, she didn't work hard and lose sleep to get optimal grades during high school for nothing.

The long-awaited ending of class had resulted in 6 entire pages of notes, zero space left to write on any of them. Wasn't this a divine start to the year? Slinging her heavy and packed bag onto her shoulder, she walked out of class in sync with the man from before.

"I'm Harry." His voice cut through the therapeutic silence, startling the other. Juliet was reminded of a knife that penetrated into porcelain skin, leaving not only a scar but rather an impact in its wake. People terrified her, why'd they feel the need to talk to speak? Deliberating between thoughts, she was finally reminded of how a conversation works.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I'm Juliet." Her best shot at redemption, a close-eyed smile that her cheekbones followed along with. Surprisingly, none of this was awkward for either of the two but rather simplicity and ease hung in the air.

"What's your schedule look like?" An offer of friendship hidden under a casual question.

Upon comparing, they discovered that they both were majoring in biological sciences, similar classes lay ahead for the pair. Despite the little words exchanged, comfort creeped in places of terror.

Following the unearthing of their identical areas of interest, Harry and Juliet spent the day going to most of their classes together, parting ways once for their distinctions of forensics and calculus.

Now, they sat on a bench on campus conversing.

The two learned a lot about each other throughout the day, Harry's knack for talking definitely helped contribute to that. Both of them loved Little Mix and reading, coincidentally. A great cause for envy was the man's meeting with the empowering group while they were on their LM5 album tour. She wished desperately to be in place of him, surrounded by and hugging the four girls that kept her going.

"My parents and I lived in Newcastle, England. A quaint city, I tell you. Anyways, they still live there but obviously I am here, suffering through torture at Oxford. What's your family like?" His family seemed sweet to Juliet, joyous and stereotypical. However, the odd choice of words threw her off. The girl was unbeknownst to anyone who asked such personal questions.

She tried to answer with as little information possible, unable to be completely honest with someone she had met today. "Uh I'm from Los Angelos with my mother and older sister who is two years older than me. I'd guess you know enough about LA without me having to describe it to you?"

A curt nod was sent in Juliet's way, confirmation clear.

"We should go home now." The girl was quick to dismiss any openings left in the conversation, refusing to continue on with it.

"Want a ride? I hate going home so I truly would not mind."

"Yeah, why not?"

And so, sitting on a bike together with Juliet latched onto the driver and a cool breeze rushing past them, they rode on.