"Welcome to your first test"
Those words resonated throughout the whole field as if we were in an empty tunnel. The person floating above us slowly took off their hood to reveal a very beautiful woman with long black hair.
"As I said this is the first test. All you have to do for this test is survive for six hours."
The field began to shift and turn into a maze. A giant timer appeared on top of us.
"In this test killing people is not allowed. I will know if you do kill someone. The only thing you are allowed to kill is the monsters inside the maze. You can form teams if you want but you don't have to. With that, the test will now begin."
The lady put her hand up and you could hear countless growls from the monsters. The maze closed itself and the timer started. I started moving around the maze and walked into the corner. To kill time I practiced using the sword. I swung at the wall countless times.
I could hear someone screaming. It was getting closer and closer with every second. A boy with silver hair ran towards me looking scared.
I shook my head and pointed towards the wall.
"You are at a dead end."
The boy started screaming a little more and it was starting to get on my nerves. I could hear the growls of the monster getting closer.
"You brought this monster to me so get up and help me kill it."
The boy started screaming and stood up. He pulled out his bow and armed it with an arrow.
"On my command shoot it."
The boy nodded and aimed his bow. A dark red beast with a horn and two tails slowly started creeping up.
The boy shot the arrow and hit the beats right in the eye. The beats howled in pain and rushed towards us. I ran towards the beats with a sword in hand and slashed. The beast howled in pain again as it disappeared.
I walked back to the wall and sat down.
"What's your name."
I looked up at the boy.
"It's River and yours."
"It's San"
The boy sat down beside me and let out a sigh.