All the way to the ground, I could feel the boy fidgeting and panicking. He was like a lamb who was dragged to the slaughter house. The facade he was wearing since morning was also breaking off. That was the real him, the one who was weary, scared and hated me.
"Get you position.'' The man looked at me as if I had spoken in some foreign language. He was looking around towards the knights who were practicing at the distance.
His face was filled with shock and his mouth touched the ground when a girl flipped in the air and put a sword on the neck of her opponent.
He was like a child who had seen the world of adults for the first time. He could not help but look at everything with his bright eyes as if he would miss a great chance to see the miracle if he would blink his eyes. It made me wonder, how did he even survive in this world alone for so long.