"Save the King of Denmark"
What? King of Denmark? there's something wrong!
I lay back on the chair with a sigh of relief. All armoured people knelt before me. What is happening?
The Avos man looked at me with an uncertain face. I wanted to run out of here as quickly as possible, but my legs were shaking.
He got up with a sigh and shifted in front of me and put himself in a military position making me gain even more attention from all the other men.
I couldn't help but look at the men, I was fearing for my life.
"My king" Avos called in a serious voice "I must introduce you to the situation of the kingdom"
Kingdom situation? Alright, I somehow just became a king by falling on top of another king. *sighs* alright, let's behave like the king to try to leave some chance to lessen my death
"I *Cough* Tell me what's the situation in the kingdom," I asked seeming to show interest and hiding my fear "Umu, I want to know everything"
My hands were shaking, but I kept them hidden in a tight grip by tracing the fingers.
"uh, The kingdom is under attack by the Huns and Rome" Avos with a strong tone stated nodding to the crushed body of the man who saved me from the fall "The previous king sold some of our information from our bases and military actions to the Romans and Huns, leading us to great defeat and loss of about 70% of our territories"
Holy shit, I expected a bad situation, for soldiers to enter the throne room in search of the king's head, but never anything of this level.
All right, we have to make a plan. First, we have to see what my survival option is.
Escape: Impossible/certain death/certainly a humiliation
Governing the country: Certain death/perhaps humiliation
Cool, my options are not favourable. I'm at the disadvantage of the situation, there's no happy ending for me in this story. do what, let's go up
"Okay, how many warriors do we have?" I asked thinking about the possible situations I have at hand
Avos rolled his eyes to the side avoiding my eyes, oh, that's bad!
"My king, the warriors we have, are the ones in this room and the castle, 2000 soldiers" Avos replied turning back and pointing to the kneeling soldiers "The rest of our army was destroyed by the Romans and Huns"
Damn, this is terrible, The situation is far worse than I expected it to be. Calm down Alan, you have to think of something. Remember your mother. she was a military police officer from Rio de Janeiro before she became a politician, right? Remember the memories she had of her other than the TSPT.
You must have some connection with memories of politics and war. Breathe and remember.
'Alan, when you're in a horrible situation of confrontation. whether political, ideological or violent, remember, take full advantage of your assets at the moment. whether it's your vocabulary, your allies, your enemies who are enemies of your enemies, your weapons, whatever you have at your disposal
That asset, I need assets. This is a war, all citizens must serve the country for my sake and theirs. It's recruiting time.
Come on Alan focus on the strongest figure you know, your mother before an operation when she was a Military Police
"Grandparents" I yelled getting up and jumping in front of all the soldiers puffing out my chest "How many citizens are there in what's left of the kingdom?"
"Yes!" Avos yelled back straightening up and showing surprise at my reaction, he soon calmed down and formed a proud smile "Sir, counting all the men and boys we have about 12 thousand"
"the women?" I asked firmly licking my lip "If I count the women? How many will there be"
"My king why women? they are not--"
"ANSWER MY QUESTION" I yelled in anger, who do you think is talking? I'm a dying man, I don't care about their damned moral systems of who can be a warrior and who can't" GRANDMAS, I DON'T CARE IF THEY CAN FIGHT OR NOT, I WANT ALL THE HEALTHY INHABITANTS TO Enrol IN ARMY FOR ME *COUGH*-- DEFEND THE PEOPLE"
"My King, but if the women go into battle and they all die, our people will be extinguished" Avos tried to calmly reason and received the nod from all the soldiers
Sorry Avos, but I'm not part of your people, I'm not even from the same continent as you, so I don't know about the extinction of your people and I don't care
"IF THEY DON'T GO TO BATTLE AND WE GET LOST, OUR PEOPLE WILL BE EXTINCT, ALL THAT WILL BE LEFT WILL BE THE BLACK-RED CHILDREN BORN FROM THE RAPE OF OUR WOMEN BY ROMAN AND HUMAN SOLDIERS. IF THEY ARE NOT RAPING OUR WOMEN NOW. OF THE TERRITORIES WE LOST!" my scream got the reaction I wanted, whispers and moans everywhere, avos seemed to have aged 10 years "now Avos, please call all healthy adult men and women to enlist"
"Yes my king" Avos bowed in front of me "I will recruit all men and women"
"Well, go and take some soldiers with you"
"Yes" Avos nodded and pointed to some soldiers "You, You and You are going with me"
"Yes sir" The soldiers will respond by standing up making a salute sign
Avos ran out of the house along with the soldiers and I turned my eyes to the second most influential man among the soldiers. Well I have to admit he has a presence
"You are Thors right?" I asked walking up to him "Come with me and take me to the planning room"
"Planning room?" he asked confused.
Holy shit, this is getting worse, where did I get myself?
"The room where the battle plans were created!"
"There is no such thing, the previous king ended the battle plans saying that we have to stop being barbarians and try to talk instead of killing our enemies"
Great, a pacifist king in a country in conflict with two other more powerful empires. *sigh* where did I get myself?
"Ok, I want you to set up a training base for the new and new soldiers and soldiers," I said clapping my hands to get everyone's attention "Now you other soldiers, go patrol around the castle"
"Ok" He replied still awkwardly but confused "I'll do it in a few hours you heard the king go patrol"
"Yes!" The soldiers rose and saluted Thors quickly out of the room.
"Alright, do"
{Starting Divine System}
What? Who said that? I looked all around and didn't see anyone
{Like the one chosen by the steel chair, a divine item created by the dead gods, to give divine power to the kings chosen by the chair, to rule the Germanic peoples, you are the new king of Denmark}
What a joke are you talking about, I looked at the soldiers who had their backs to me slowly leaving the castle
{Choose your divine name, the chosen name will make you assume the divinity of that god}
I thought about choosing Odin and Thor, but something inside me was mesmerized by the name Jörmungand. I had a good instinct and I trusted him, Choosing Jörmungand was the best choice
{You made your choice, now take the consequence my king, The King of Serpents}
My world contorted in pain and I lost consciousness