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Mom! Your Gem

"A scientist on run way, insert a sample in her body when she was a child and he had lost one sample.Then, Hayat become a red- magnet.She can read others brain and memories by just holding their hands.She can travel from one planet to other.Many others hidden abilities were also present in her till she didn't have discovered them completely.But, fate wanted something else.She can turn the whole table of the world."

Chapter 1 - Doom

On the bright and resplendent day, near the running crystal water in a rocky stream, under the shady trees, sitting on the green velvety carpet of grass, cool and efflorescence wind touching her red cheeks and waving her long and beautiful hair. She speaks with her mom in a lovely and wonderful tone.....How can such an amazing and pure natural beautiful seen exist in this world! So beautiful!

Her mom replies with a smile, you exist in this world my loving daughter!

She asks her father who was sitting beside her,

"Dad tell me am I more beautiful or this scenery of this beautiful place?"

Kamal laughs and uttered,

"My dear Hayat, you are the best one and most beautiful daughter of your father and everything becomes more and more beautiful when I am with me." He kissed her forehead.

Her mom passed a pleasant smile. A world-famous reporter secretly came there after pursuing him to know the story of his life. Mr.Kamal was a notable person.

Her wife was a cancer patient. She has only a few days left to live more in this world. Romi was living with her family in a beautiful and tranquil valley in the chest of the mountains.

Her husband was a successful businessman but her wife was fighting for life to breathe one day more.

Kamal had shut down his business in the city and had come to the peaceful valley with her wife and a beautiful and blissful daughter Hayat. She was just ten years old.

Kamal was a famous business and his company "Rise Up" was one of the top fifty international companies. Kamal runs a mechanic industry. Kamal's company has produced some new advanced reliable and fantastic models of cars and motorbikes. That hit a jackpot! Kamal was printing money day and night. Kamal was a famous and successful businessman but he became a common man just because of his wife.

Because fate wanted something else. Kamal loved her wife very much. Romi was so an elegant and beautiful model. In the business campaign, they meet and fell in love with each other. After one year they got married. Romi was a scintillating model.

Romi was pure beauty and, bliss for him. But recently she became ill with cancer but when she discovered her illness it had been too late. The cancer had spread in her whole body and they detect the third stage of cancer in her body. Now, she has no chance to live more. Doctors said, her beloved wife Romi has left just some days of life.

Thus, they shifted to a peaceful place maybe that's why she was living in a beautiful Valley to spend her last days with peace in a calm place. Eight months had passed since they were here. But she was still breathing. Now, Kamal was giving his complete attention to his dying wife Romi and lively-hearted daughter Hayat. Everywhere on social media, their life story was a hot topic to discuss and hit the line.

Kamal thought it is all the result of his sins. Now, Kamal was regretting his past doings. In the war of business, he had cut off many heads of inoffensive people that were hindering his way to success but someone's denouncement had ruined his happy life.

Today, he has everything but he couldn't do anything to save her beloved wife. Kamal prayed to God for forgiveness. Romi advised him to distribute his whole wealth to the needy and poor may God forgive him after this. Kamal did as she said. Kamal only left a house and some property for her daughter.

Except for it, Kama distributed his everything to the needy and donated it to different welfare foundations. It was big bullet news for all other businesses man. Kamal has allowed them to enter in the war of business. He was a great competitor business man. But he quit everything suddenly just for the sake of her wife happiness because he had known the reality of life. But now he was fine temporary.

After having a fun of a long day, Romi was feeling a bit tired. She was lying down on the mate and staring at the blue sky. Hayat was playing football with her father. Romi was looking at them with soft smile. Football went far away a distance from them. Hayat run after the ball.Her father says her to be careful and do not go far away. Hayat was running after the scrolling ball. Kamal sat beside Romi. At last, she picked up that ball but there she saw some beautiful butterflies. Hayat became very happy to see such a beautiful butterflies. Hayat started following them. These butterflies were waving in the air.Hayat followed them without knowing she had come too far in the forest. After afternoon, an hour had passed. At last, Hayat had reached near the lake where beautiful butterflies were large in number in different colors. The crystal blue water of the lake was shining with sunshine. The low intensive sunlight was falling on the crystal water through the tuft of the tall trees.

When her parents observed she did not come back after a while.They started calling her.

Kamal calls her name loudly....Hayat!!!!.....

but she didn't response as Hayat had gone to far from them.As Hayat was a active and a sharp girl.Her parents was much worried about her, she has not returned as two hour had passed.Romi was so tensed and worry about her daughter.She didn't want to lose her loving daughter in this beautiful valley that was becoming so-so scaring as sun was going to set.They were searching her in the dark forest and they had called the police.

Kamal says to her wife to stay at home as her condition was not so good.It had become more worst after missing Hayat.But Romi refused and she was stubborn to walk trembling with them to search for her beloved daughter with them.Romi says to her husband,

"Kamal, If We can't find our daughter today, you will also take my dead-body from here."

Kamal replies, "Ehh...Why are you lowering your heart?Our Hayat is brave, nothing will happen with her.We will must find her soon assurely.Don't worry.I am here!"

Now, Hayat was finding way to return back to her parents.The sun was setting and darkness was falling on the forest as dark smoke blurred everything and forest animals were also making vicious sounds.

Hayat was afraid, very afraid but still running in the forest without knowing any direction. Her little heart was racing so fast.Hayat didn't want to be a food of atrocious animals in this forest.

Romi fell down as she has left no more energy to move on.Her condition was so miserable as a fish is writhing outside of the sea without water.Romi speaks up crying.....Ehh my precious piece of heart!...Ahhhh!God punish me...Please save my daughter! I can not live without her.

Kamal console her! Romi!!! Please compose yourself.You have a believe on God!...Hmm? He won't hurt her because Hayat didn't hurt anyone! Our brave daughter will find us before we will find her! You know she is our brave and strong daughter."

Romi replies weepingly,

"I know my Hayat is brave but Kamal.... animals won't show mercy on her.You are seeing this forest so scary! She is too little to fight with them."

A frighten man was also running in that dark forest a gang of evils were following him.He was wearing a glasses, his hair was upset and his clothes were disunited as he was passing through many spine and shaggy trees.His feets were also bleeding and his breathing was swallowing.

Innocent Hayat was also running faster as much she can but her foot strike with a stone, Hayat fell down and started rolling on the steep path.Hayat had injured her legs.Hayat tried to get up but she fell down again.

A trembling running man passed through that path near the Hayat.Hayat asked him for help but he didn't listen her and run away. Hayat cried with sad voice,

"Uncle...please!!....My dying mom is waiting for me...Please!!! help me.I don't want to die here.I am afraid."

Hayat said it in a sorrowful tone that man stopped his steps and turned back to look at her.He glanced at her and said,

"I am really sorry child! I am also in a huge trouble, I can't help you right now...but!"

He was thinking something deeply.He exhales nervously and after a while he spoke up,

"I will give you a gift it's your luck that, if it will make you a gem or a stone!"

He hesitated a little and looked at the sky.

Hayat couldn't reply anything, as her body was panic.But he made up his mind and he insert an injection in Hayat's neck by his shaking hands with full strength.After injecting that red liquid injection, She felt like a fire started burning inside of her body.Now, Hayat was more in grievous pain, everything becomes blur in front of her sight.

Hayat was feeling like last moments of her life had come.She is going to die soon.That man had left her there without prescribe anything to her.Hayat was writhing with pain alone there.

He left her dying alone in that forest under the dusky blue sky Hayat was feeling like, she is also disappearing like sunshine as sun was setting.Darkness was covering her quietly.

Diya was so upset as till her husband has not returned from his work but it was his usual habit to come late at night, dinner was ready.Diya called Sultan and Usman to come down and eat dinner.They were playing video game in a room.Diya was living with her two beloved sons and a hardworking husband in the large house.

Her sons were so naughty with extra talent. They always made a new blender that surprised everyone all time.They were the eye-apple of their family.Their laughters and chuckling noise were echoing in the big house when Diya entered in their room, and she switched-off the button to stop the game system the displaying screen turn off.And Diya shouted at them,

"You don't know your mom is screaming like a crazy for a while...come down and eat.Food is getting cold."

They replied together,

"Mom, we know you are angry on daddy. That's why you are shouting.It's not a big deal if we don't eat.We will eat with daddy!"

Diya replied with angry mood,

"One day, you and your dad will make me crazy.Has he come back at home at time any one day?He is always late and today he is also not coming at time as usual no more excuse, come down in one minute and eat otherwise you have to sleep hungry."

They stood up and spoke,

"Mom, okay.Alright but please cool down.You are also looking so cute in angry mood.Mom!!Please do not ruin your mood. Dad will be here soon."

Diya spoke, Oh God! What type of children you are? Stop it and finish your dinner.

I think Danish's all Lab experiments results are showing in them.What they do I can't even imagine?Their grades are always great but their manners are zero as their father.I married him because he was so genius but I did not know he would be so dumb.He ruined my life. I don't know where he is?What he is doing?

Diya called Sultan blue-eyes.He has 160 IQ level that's why his actions were so extraordinary than others. And he was a little different from other children.Usman was also intelligent but Sultan was extra genius from him.Sultan's first experiment in his father cause a big explosion in his father's Lab but luckily his father test experiments tubes become remained safe.

They were best best friends before brothers.They finished their meal and went to bed.Today, Danish had not come back at home yet 2:00am O'clock was striking, Diya wake up as she had slept for a while on the sofa after waiting so long.

But still he had not returned at home.Often, he comes late but today he had not returned till after midnight.Diya had become more anxious and tense because today she was feeling strange.Diya called one of his friends.He told her,

"Today, Danish had left the lab early than usual sis! He looked in hurry.So I couldn't ask him where he is going?"

Diya was looking a frame of family photo with blank eyes.She was feeling cold.