Chereads / Broken [A Dramione story] / Chapter 52 - Chapter 51

Chapter 52 - Chapter 51

The next day Harry came to the hospital. He was sitting on a chair in Draco's ward, looking tired beyond recognition.

"You look like shit, Potter." Draco drawled, leaning back on his pillows.

"Yeah, well you don't fare better yourself, Malfoy."

"What have you found out?" Hermione prompted quickly, anxious to find out anything Harry knew.

"Unfortunately, nothing we hadn't already suspected." Harry said, letting out a tired sigh. "Since we lost McKinley we couldn't find out the real extent of their operation."

"But what about all those Death Eaters you caught?" Hermione exclaimed. "They surely must know something."

"They were very low-ranking Death Eaters, Hermione." Harry huffed frustratedly. "They only knew what McKinley told them, which wasn't much. All they knew was that they had to capture you to get to me and the Aurors, but that much we already figured out after the first attack."

Harry stopped for a moment, brushing a hand through his ruffled black hair, a frustrated expression on his face. Hermione noticed the black circles under his eyes. It pained her to see him like this again.

"What about McKinley? Any idea where he might be hiding?" Draco asked, arousing both Harry and Hermione from their thoughts.

"Not really, but based on the statements of a few Death Eaters we do have several starting points."

"I don't like this McKinley guy." Draco said, frowning. "He somehow managed to call the rest of the Death Eaters using the Dark Mark and he acted like he was Voldemort's right hand. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of him."

"That's interesting." Harry said, frowning in concentration. "Malfoy, can you tell me how the Death Eaters' ranks were organized during Voldemort's time? How did they receive their orders and who did they answer to?

Hermione's breath caught in her throat, as she gave Harry an admonishing look.

"Harry." she hissed under her breath, glancing worriedly at Draco.

She evidently didn't think it was a good idea to make Draco remember his time as a Death Eater.

Draco purposely ignored her and instead focused on Harry, thinking hard before speaking. His voice was steady and calm, but Hermione noticed a subtle strain in his tone.

"The Death Eaters were organized by ranks, from the highest to the lowest. The lower ranks never knew the entire plans. They were informed on a 'need to know' basis and always answered to those right above them. At the Malfoy Manor resided only those select few who were informed by Voldemort himself. They were the only ones who knew of the plans, but I suspect he kept certain aspects even from them. Voldemort never really trusted anyone, knowing full well of the traitorous nature of men."

"That fits what these people told us as soon as we started asking them questions." Harry said with a nod. "Do you know how they were promoted?"

"Once a Death Eater died or disappeared, someone from a lower rank was put in his place. I'm guessing McKinley himself used to be a low rank Death Eater, but as soon as Voldemort died and the other high ranks either got killed in the Battle of Hogwarts or were imprisoned after the war, he thought he could promote himself."

"But why him?" Hermione intervened, forgetting about her worry for a moment. "If that was the order of things, wasn't he supposed to show deference to your father, as he used to be a trusted Death Eater to Voldemort himself?"

"After the war the Malfoys have been branded as traitors by both the Death Eaters who escaped, as well as the ones who were in Azkaban." Draco said with a strange expression on his face. "We escaped punishment due to my father's connections."

"And let's not forget how many names Lucius has given to the Ministry after the Battle of Hogwarts. I can understand why they weren't so fond of him." Harry said darkly.

"Indeed. So, they decided to humiliate him, probably threaten him. Seeing how he acted…" Draco's words trailed off.

They all remained quiet for a few moments, each deep in thought. Harry was the first to speak.

"I heard you're going to be discharged today." He told Draco, standing up. "You two should go to the flat and stay inside for…"

"NO!" Draco shouted, making Hermione flinch.

Harry stopped in his tracks.

"Malfoy, what…" Harry started, confusion all over his face.

"She's not coming to the flat." Draco replied simply, gesturing towards Hermione, without looking at her.

"What?! What do you mean I am not coming to the flat?" Hermione snapped.

"I'm sure you understand English, Granger. Don't make me repeat myself." Draco drawled, finally looking up, pinning her with his cold eyes.

She searched his face for any trace of a joke or something that could prove he wasn't serious, but she could see nothing. Draco was staring at her, colder than she ever saw him before.

"I think Malfoy may have a point." Harry said pensively. "We've already seen you're not safe there, as they attacked you once before."

"I don't care!" Hermione yelled, downright angry at this point. "I am not leaving that place just because of those low-lives."

"Granger, those low-lives, as you so call them, are dangerous people who wouldn't bat an eye at murdering you in your sleep, if they had the chance." Draco snarled, just as angry as Hermione.

"I don't care." Hermione snapped.

"Granger…" Draco growled warningly.

They both glared at each other, completely ignoring Harry. He cleared his throat loudly, making them both shoot furious glances at him in return.

"Why don't you come and stay with Ginny and me? Grimmauld Place is big enough for all of us. At least until McKinley is caught." Harry said, giving Hermione a small smile. "Malfoy you should come as well." Harry said, turning to Draco, who shook his head in response.

"I'm not going. Thanks for the offer, though, Potter." He said, smirking at Harry.

"Where will you go, then?" Harry asked.

"Home." Draco said simply.