everyone is waited patiently in their place and waited for further orders from gupta, as he said that he will test their affinity and distribute the cultivation techniques.

in front of everyone gupta takeout a shining and round bead of the size of a new born baby and showed to everyone and said that" it is a affinity stone, it shows the affinity of the element which is of higher to the other one's and it works as you inject the energy which you had accumulated in the past months into this stone now, come one by one and test your affinity"

chanakya is the first one to check his affinity, as he is in front of the stone, he injected some of his qi which he had accumulated in the past months, as his qi is injected into the stone, the stone which is transparent, gave of a pale sky blue colour and a picture of a small canal is shown in it. after some seconds he retracted his hand as his qi is of low due to short time of his accumulation as picture is about change into something else he cut off his qi and no one noticed it.

"looks like your affinity is of water element and that to the picture shows the your future achievements will be of as low as a canal, sadly you don't have high chance in the road of cultivation" said gupta.

as partha is about to go and test his affinity gupta stopped him and said" after every use, it has to be make sure the previous energy is removed from it to get the perfect result"

gupta used his qi to remove the qi of chanakya from the stone.

after that partha placed his hand on the stone and injected his qi into it and as the his qi entered the stone, it gives of the white light and sparkles are flicking in the stone and there was a picture of lightning fall from the sky, as he is about to cut off the qi "don't cut of you qi from the stone and continue to input into it" said gupta with surprised look.

as he continue to input his energy into it the white light started to change into red as the flickering of increases and after that it starts to change into orange, yellow, green, blue, and finally violet, as the color is increasing the the intensity of sparkles are also increasing exponentially.

" you had the highest affinity towards the lightning element and it is highest one, that I had seen up until now and with suitable technique you will soar to the heaven" said gupta.

"yes, sir I will work hard, to prove myself" said partha with exciting voice, as he had learnt about the thing that is how hard it to cultivate if you don't have talent in your affinity.

"okay next, vishwakarma come and check your affinity" said gupta.

vishwakarma came forward and put his on the stone and injected his energy into it, as the energy entered the stone the transparent stone started to give of the brown color and the image of the mountains, planes, valleys appeared in it.

"your affinity is the earth element and that is of the highest affinity, so work hard to strive the greater things in the future" said gupta.

"next, yudhisthira come and check yours" said gupta.

yudhisthira came to the stone and as he just injected one standers of his energy into the stone and the stone started to release the black powder like substance from the stone and the started to become even more transparent and as his energy passed more it become one with the atmosphere and one can only feel it by touch.

"INBORN HEAVENS PURIFYING BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted gupta and sumithra at the same time with unbelievable, astonished, surprised look on their faces.

by their sudden shout everyone got startled and looked at viki parents with confused expression.

gupta took the affinity stone from yudhisthira and checked carefully and gave to sumithra to check ones more and both of them nod to one another repeatedly and looked at yudhisthira with look of seeing a rare treasure.

" what happened , why both of you looked at me with that look, did I have any problem" asked yudhisthira, as he is unable contain his anxiety as they didn't reacted that way, when others completed their test.

"what? problem, what are you talking nonsense" said gupta without decrease in his excitement.

"you stop it dear, yudhisthira you don't have any problem and about your element you don't have any specific one and lastly more importantly you have the heaven purifier body, which can purify anything and everything in this world and if your cultivation rised to apex of the world, you can purify even heavens also. In the whole human history and which includes the primordial era only two time this type of body appeared and due to this, many dynasties and civilizations were fought to get their hand on the body and got destroyed" said sumithra with serious look.

"so, you have to careful in the future when you are with others and don't use it in front of anyone and you kids don't ever leak a single word of to any one and whatever I will put lock in your memories regarding it, when your cultivation rises somewhat" said sumithra with a stern look.

" mentor is it problem if other know it? " asked bheem.

" problem? did you even listened when mentor said that it caused down fall of dynasties and even entire civilization. not to mention it's rarity of only until now as two time in entire history from primordial era, if that type of information is passed out we have to forget about some of the civilizations" said chanakya with serious tone.

and from the looks of everyone present, it seems he is the only one who is aware of the gravity of the news and as everyone is unable to comprehend it.

" yes, exactly like what chanakya said it is of grave importance and don't forgot my warning" said sumithra with utmost seriousness.

"then, how can I choose my technique?" asked yudhisthira.

"you can choose one which is of normal one, as we didn't told you until now, the techniques which we are going to teach you guys are the one's of top level one, and in the world outside of these mountain there you will only see ordinary one's which does not focus on any elements and only martial techniques are of elemental so, don't ever tell you techniques and even its names. It may not cause any downfall of civilizations but one thing is for sure that, your life will be in the absolute mortal danger. To cover them you have to practice normal ones in front of other it and your regular one when no one is there to watch you. so, remember my warning" said sumithra with serious tone.

" mentor, if one doesn't have any elemental affinity, what will they do" asked chanakya.

" that type of people are very rare and their cultivation will be of slow and as the martial skills are of elemental so they are unable to use them, only some of the normal skills can only perform" said sumithra.

"okay next, Vasusena come and test your affinity" said gupta