Every person think that they should be a successful person their life .So,if you want to be successful person in your life their is one thing to do, that is to be self motivated and self confidence you should never and ever give up . There are millions of people on the earth they give up on one yard line many of them still cannot fight more, for there success this is why many of the people are not achieving what they want . Here everything makes you to tell that is if you want anything in your life you have to work hard for it. Present generation says you that work smart but remember in your life after hard work only smart work comes . There is nothing easy in your life if you make it easy then only it becomes easy in your life . We ourselves think that "Great persons have more success we think but before there success they have enough failures also". Here for suppose we take success happily while coming to the failures we are not going to take them , but remember my friend when you take enough failures also then some day you will also be a great person in your life and in your city and in your state and in your country and then the whole world bow to you my friend . Here always keep your mind that when you are failing also you should be self confidence that in next attempt it gonna be best and I am going to give my best for what I hoped to become then you are the only person that nobody can stop you and what you hoped for it , you will achieve it I guarantee you my friend to good and achieve good in your life.And you needed to be dedicated and working hard for your passion , you it's not about money it is about your passion your passion should help not only you but also for others in the way of kindness , helping nature , gratitude(thankfulness). I mean to say that after achieving your goals , passions.....etc help others who don't have food like you, money like you, clothes like you and they don't have houses like you . So, help those people and GOD also sees you one day when you are in trouble GOD makes who ever people you have helped in past they will help you when are in trouble.