Hades reaches home, runs up the stairs, tossed his bag onto his chair and body slams onto his bed.
*sigh* "Finally back at home"
He glances at the clock and it 3 hours until midnight, "It's getting pretty late, still high, and I'm still clueless of what I need to do once I enter ZIMAS."
Hades grabbed his bag, unzips it, and dump everything onto his bed. He rummages through his books and skims every single page searching for answers that can benefit a manaless normie for the next 30 or so years of his life. But to no avail, everything requires some form of magic to make them work.
As Hades started to get very frustrated, he suddenly remembers the dusty leather book. "Aha! Almost forgot you, the one that gave me the nosebleed."
He sift his bed thoroughly and couldn't find it, and decided to reach inside his bag and there it was.
Despite feeling drained from reading countless of pages, he decided to take one last leap of faith onto this book.
He flipped opened the covered and see's peculiar words shown in the first page.
"What kind of language is this? Gibberishian!? Oh wait… I'm a bit high so let me go and wash my face" as he jumps out of bed to dunk his face onto a sink of full of water.
"Finally awake! That was refreshing."
He looked at the page again, starts to slowly process the words and it reads the following:
"This is a book for those who never had hope in this life and for those who are patient during hardship and need a purpose where no purpose was presented to him, if you do fulfil these criteria, then continue reading further..."
"Finally, a book that understands me. But, how sad must I be to fit in all these criteria…"
However, Hades was still skeptical about the books claim as he has always felt being let down due to his hopeless life throughout high school.
"Oh well, what other choice do I have…" Hades thought.
He flips onto the next page and see mysterious cursive letters filled throughout the page.
"How do you expect me to read this doctors handwriting!?" as Hades shouts at the book.
As Hades decided to carefully look closer, a sudden flash of light emitted out of the pages of the book, making Hades fall out of his bed - blinding him in the process
"Aaaaaahhh, It freaking burns!!!" as Hades rolls on the floor screaming.
Hades stood up and rushed throughout his towards his room door and smashes his face onto the closed door - getting knocked out cold with blood flowing throughout his nose once again.