"So your saying you recruited a bunch of ever evolving bug monsters to you pack, gained a healing familiar, stole a scroll to summon a powerful beast monster for Kyle, and crippled the hunter before leaving him to be killed by his own victims all in the span of a night? Good work Spooks, you did us proud big guy." Tyr says as she claps the alpha on the back with a smile while the rest of the group stare in astonishment at the rare heavy praise from Tyr.
"As Kyle's first boss he created, it is my duty to set an example of what's expected of us. If I couldn't use this opportunity to sharpen my fangs while also recruiting new allies I would be an embarrassment of an alpha. Now I believe we should have safe passage to the gates. After that we deal with the last noble and we can enter the castle and be done with this place." Spooky says before feeling a spiked tendril slap him gently as he turns and looks at Janae as she points at the orcs garden.