Cualco Island Has 7 City or Kingdoms, They were all governed by one city or so called kingdom, Founded by 7 Great warriors, 7 of them which was named after the city, Great sage's name was Unknown,Great sage's city's name was Unknown too it is keeped that way and It was Great sages request to never name the city, The Great sages magic and abilities
was never shared outside the kingdom and even the ruler of the 7kingdoms, 7 of those people have an agreement that each and every skills are kept individually and it is changed if each of the 7 kingdoms needed it to be. The monarchy system in Cualco kingdom is complicated That's why the founders of each leader of the Qualco Island established the 7th order it is the highest organization in the kingdom. The one that leads the other 6 leaders of the city is from the Rex hermanus but the "lead" means he/she advisor of the 6 leaders, each of the members of the 7 has different roles , leader from the circa fidem is the islands Head army general of the island "Absoluta Generali" is the one responsible for security of the island every citizen in the island was
qualified for each positions in the army but has limitations and need to undergo training, the hierarchy is complicated too, the leader of the Circa fidem is the one responsible for political and military matters in the kingdom, he/she has an advisor that only works for him, every member of the the 7th order has an advisor which works individually for them, the advisor is chosen by the leader itself, below the rank of general is the commanding general, he/she take direct order from the Absoluta general itself his/her duty is to command the 6 commanding officer(in each city) in battlefield or in other political, military matters, below that is the commanding officer is the one appointed by each leader in the 7th order to command their warriors or squadrons in each city if anyone will attack and the 7th order aggreed that the one leading them is the commanding officer itself and the Absolata generali,below that Is the squadron leader(im each city) which follows the Absoulata general and the leader or member of the 7the order below that are the usual. While the leader from hermanus is the one leading the commercial and the money in the Cherubim and the Vallack trains the acher and the swordsman if they decided to join the army they will undergo training.