The first day of the starting of my new campus. It is very excitement of my life with new friends,lecturers and principal. I was in my class B named Bravo. First day indroduction between each others. Then i saw that girl named vimarsha. I felt like my dream girl.
I am scared of talking to her wether she will not talk to me? But she talk with me few words like( Are you watching at me all the times). Suddenly my reaction went down like saying( no i am not). Then she start to talk with me( okay then we will be friends here after). Suddenly i told { Yah sure we will be good friends here after}.
After that we both enjoys our life by being a good friend like a childhood friends. Then only the problem started by an accident in a car with my friends. Then after she tries to look me but it cant because i went more far away from her. After that incident we both never meet upto now. But i am searching her for long term but the situation is not giving place to our true love.
Short story.
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