Chereads / Graveyard Calls / Chapter 3 - This Feeling

Chapter 3 - This Feeling

'What is this feeling?' as Kevin tries to comprehend what just happened. He breathes heavily but at a slow pace as his heart rate tries to slow down while his eyes were looking in all directions. Kevin is unsure of what just happened. 'Did I really just do that?' As Kevin thinks to himself as police sirens echo the empty streets. As Kevin walks slowly as his body swayed from side to side as he tries to realize what just happened. 'What is this rush am I feeling? Did I really do all of this?' As Kevin walks around the street he hears the Phonebooth ring and quickly went to it and answered. "Hello?"

2 Hours Earlier...

"Hey, Kevin you've been uneasy since yesterday is everything okay there buddy?" Said Jack. "No, no I'm fine it's just that I forgot about something and got off-scheduled." Said Kevin in response. "Oh, I see, I mean there's still tons of days left for you to get that lost time." Said Jack. "I know I know right now we have work to do so yeah until then I have to reschedule the deliveries." Said Kevin. "Ok, then bud don't overwork yourself your family still needs you." Said Jack as he returns to his desk.

'Come on what am I being worried about it's the weekend and I have to answer the question. Good thing I already told my wife that I'll be late today.' Kevin as he finishes his work at the office he went separate ways with his buddy and co-worker Jack for the day.

Kevin went to the meet-up point that pointed him because of a phone call he took this morning. While Kevin waits at the meet-up point he sees a black SUV arriving with Kevin a bit worried about who will he meet. And immediately the SUV rolled down its front passenger window and asked. "Are you Kevin Hudson?" Said the person in the car. Kevin replied "Yes?" as he gets pulled into the SUV and knocked out of conscience.

"Mr. Hudson, you there?" the voice gets closer and closer as Kevin slowly wake up. "Seems like you were knocked out a bit too hard. Next time can you two be a bit gentle on the knocking out. We need his mental state at its best form." Kevin sways side to side as his conscience is finally going back. "Ah yes, Mr. Hudson sorry for the person who knocked you out my name's Overseer the man who sent you that card." Said Overseer. "Wh-what?" As Kevin shakes his head as it's still affected by the fuzziness of his conscience just returning. "Can I ask you, Mr. Hudson... Do you like hurting other people?" As Overseer said that while Kevin is in a state of wakening from the concussion he had. "Why? Why you'd ask?" Said Kevin. "Oh, just answer it Mr. Hudson you'll soon understand once you drink this pill. It should take care of your headaches." Said Overseer as he gave Kevin a glass of water and a pill. Kevin drinks the pill and soon the headaches were gone disappeared like it's nothing. And so Overseer asked Keving once again. "Do you like hurting other people, Mr. Hudson?" Said Overseer. Confused Kevin replied with no hesitation said. "Yes, I do why you ask?" As Kevin stands up from the chair he's in. "I see well then Mr. Hudson will you work with me and fix up some... Problematic bunch of people." Said Overseer. "For what though?" Said Kevin. "Oh, nothing really but they are a bunch of nitwits who runs and ruins the city." Said Overseer as he pours Whiskey on his glass. "Sure I'll help out what's the catch." Said Kevin. "Ah, a person who read the contracts well. Yes, there is a catch. Since you know about us you'll become a problem too if you're not cooperative but the only catch is you'll continuously work for us until all of the problematic people are gone. And with that you shall bare the name Wrath, Mr. Hudson. Befitting for your character and physique." Said Overseer as he sips his whiskey while explaining this to Kevin.

"So I just do your dirty work then?" Said Kevin. "Yes, exactly in exchange you'll be given privileges, protection guaranteed. Especially your family right Mr. Hudson? You should be glad since you're a talented man yourself, that or you're afraid of the past you've covered with years of Halloween events. But for now, I'm not here to mess with the past right now you have a job and he will be at this address. Do it in any form you want as long as you don't get caught or get killed out there. Oh and here's a reminder, when you're out there always pick up the phone." Said Overseer. As Kevin is escorted out of the room into an armory where he's told to pick his tools for the job and decided to pick 2 combat axes and a pistol with them, a man came up to him and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Pager your assistant when the phone rings Wrath always answer the phone. Here's the mask Sir Overseer wants you to use out there. Pick the vehicle you want to take to the field don't worry they don't have tracking devices and they're untrackable. Have a pleasant evening Mr. Wrath."

As Kevin unconscientiously agrees with Overseer to do his bidding with Kevin truthfully knows what he's on about and proceeds to do it. While riding the motorcycle with the mask hanging off the side of it he entered a trance state where he can only do what he must do now and as a family man, he knows his family will be protected if he does what he needs to do.

A few minutes later...

"Are you Mr. Wilbur? If so sorry for busting in without notice."

Chapter 3 concluded.