Few hours after Val left the office.
"Did you really kill everyone?" asked val.
"I know I was angry but did you really have to do that?"
Ark took on a form of white smoke. It has bright yellow eyes. This was a better way to communicate ark's feelings rather than being just a voice in the head.
"You have your questions boy. Before we move on with this journey. You must know what you are and what's happening." Said Ark.
He started to explain his origin.
"My father was called by many names. Uru, the destroyer is the name which was carved down in history. He came to earth on a rampage. He was from another place. For some reason their kind did not like other planets having life in them."
UUhhuhhh- Val interrupted. "can you control the smoke? My eyes can't take it."
Ark reduced himself to a human form. He was way taller than val and also he looked more handsome.
"Is this better?"
"Well. My father came here to kill life forms on earth. He did not succeed. Almost thousands lost their lives before he stopped. That was when he saw my mother. I don't know If it was beauty or bravery but he felt a twinkle in his heart."
"He then offered a peace agreement. He would stop killing if he gets my mother; the condition to which everyone agreed without a second thought. but there was one thing my father wanted. He wanted her to come of her own will. He wanted her to love him not just as a gift or sacrifice for her people. The people were not sure they could make that happen. I mean this is the dude that killed my grandparents."
The heads arranged a meeting with my dad, mom and all the VIPs of the land. They explained the conditions to my mother.
"She was quite shocked by the request but openly said that she had no interest loving the guy who killed her parents. She could sense the fear in everyone. Nobody know what would happen if my dad got angry. My mother then said something that changed my father's heart."
"I like a man for the wonders he do but if I ever love a man, I'll love him for what a wonder he is."
"I'm telling you man; I don't understand my father at all."
"He wanted to live with my mother here on earth and impress her. He started as small and eventually the destroyer stole my mom's heart. They got married. He made her immortal with his powers so they could live happily forever."
"Then comes the sad part. They had me me."
"How is that said?" asked val.
"No. The sad part is not my birth, it's what happened after."
"Fuck. I could cry right now you know that." Ark left in the middle of the conversation to the sky. He disappeared.