Chapter 5 - Other Magick Secrets

To prevent a woman from conceiving

To prevent a woman, with whom you are having relations, from having children, take a sponge the size of a nutmeg, and soak it with pure milk mixed with a little fine oil. Put it in her left hand and walk away from her and every time you do this you will be sure to gave good results.

To find out whether a Woman can have Children

Take the fat of a dear, melt it in hot water; the woman should drink it on an empty stomach and afterwards take a hot bath. If this gives her pain in her stomach, then she will have children, otherwise not.

To make Three young Ladies, or rather three Spirits come into your room after Dinner


Eat neither meat nor fatty foods for three days; on the fourth day clean your room as soon as you have arisen from bed, fast for the entire day and ensure that no one enters the room all day and that there is nothing hung on the walls, neither clothes, nor hats, nor bird cages, nor curtains on the windows or on the bed and above all, put freshly washed white linens on the bed.


After dinner, go secretly to the room that you have prepared, light a good fire, put a clean white cloth on the table and three chairs around the table and three loaves of bread and three glasses of clear, fresh water at each place. Then put a recliner or chair beside your bed and get into bed. Upon entering the room the three persons will seat themselves beside the fire and taking refreshment and thank he or she who has received them, since, if he is a man who makes the ceremony three ladies will come, and if it is a woman, three men will come. The three spirits will choose by lots among themselves to determine who will remain seated in the chair beside your bed to converse with you until midnight.

At midnight she will leave with her companions without you having to ask her to leave, as for the other two, they will remain by the fire while the other converses with you beside your bed and you will to ask her about any art or science that you desire and she will immediately answer your questions, you can ask her the location of the nearest hidden treasure and she will reveal to you the most opportune time and place to recover it. She will also be there accompanied by her two companions to protect you from any infernal spirit who could be in possession of the treasure. When she leaves, she will give you a ring which will make you lucky in any game when you wear it and if you place it on a young maid's finger you can make her your wife.

Note: Leave the window open so that they may enter and you can repeat this operation and make them come as many times as you wish. You should repeat the following prayer after each conjuration:

O summa et eterna virtus altissimi! que te disponente his judicio vocatis

vaycheon stimulamaton esphares tetagrammaton ilioram rion esytio existioneriona onera brasym moyn messias sodxer, EMMANUEL, SABAOTH, ADONAY, te adoro, te invoco, totius mentis viribus meis, imploro, quaenus per te praesentes orationes et consecrationes consequentur videlicet, et ubicumque maligni spiritus in virtute tuorum dominum sunt vocati, et voluntatem mei exorcisatores diligenter adimpleant fiat, fiat, fiat. Amen.

To be Lucky in every Enterprise

Take a green frog, cut off its head and his four feet. Then on a Friday with a full Moon put them in an elder tree and keep them there for twenty-one days, removing them on the twenty-first dat precisely at midnight.

Then expose the parts of the frog to the light of the Moon for three nights. Afterwards, dry the frog parts in a new earthernware pot that has never been used. Take the dried frog parts, and grind to a powder. Mix the powder in equal measure with earth taken from a cemetery, if possible from the grave of someone in your family.

Carry the powder mixture with you, it will help you succeed in any undertaking. To make a Woman disclose her secrets

Take the heart of a pigeon and the head of a frog. Dry them as above, and reduce them to fine powder. Put the powder into a little purse, and add moss for frangrance.

Put the purse under the woman's ear while she is sleeping, fifteen minutes later, she will unveil all of her secrets. Make certain to remove the purse a few minutes after she has stopped speaking otherwise she could fall into delirium.

To see and do the Supernatural Put a gold studded plate under your tongue, it should be half the size of

your thumb. Under your feet put the border of a mortuary sheet or linen and hold a quince tree branch in your hand. Abstain from having sexual relations for thirty-five days, for thirty-five is the number that puts you under the protection of favorable constellations and sorcery and with this secret one can do prodigious deeds, as did Mousu with this secret did supernatural things.

To make everything in an apartment appear Black.

Soak the wick of the lamp used to light the apartment in well beaten sea foam, adding to the lamp oil some sulfur and Litharge in equal parts, and all those who enter the room will appear drunk and delirious.

Glue to attach Crystals

Take some wine spirits and whitest and clearest Gum Arabic. Liquefy the Gum Arabic with the spirits. Heat up the two broken pieces in the fire, then with a little brush apply the glue to the two pieces. Attach the two pieces, and hold together until they have cooled.

Glue to Repair Porcelain Vases

Take two fresh egg whites, mix them together, add a little quicklime. Put a little of this mixture on the broken pieces, hold them together for two or three minutes. Then boil them with milk and the cracks will become invisible.

The Secrets of Love Of reciprocal love between a Man and a Woman

There is nothing more natural to man than loving and being loved. Without invoking Venus or Cupid, who are the dominant divinities regarding this noble passion of man, every day produces material substances that are favorable to success in love.

One often finds on the forehead of a newborn foal, a little piece of flesh that has marvelous virtue in love. Dry it in a new pot, and wear it, especially on Fridays, since this is the day dedicated to Venus, Goddess of Love.

Another Love Secret Take a gold ring that is studded with a small diamond that has not been

worn by anyone. Wrap it in a piece of green fabric and for nine days and nine nights wear it against your skin over your heart. On the ninth day, before the Sun rises, engrave the following word inside the ring: Scheva, with a new scribe or engraver.

Find a way to have three hairs of the person who you want to love you, unite them with three of your own hairs, while saying: "Body, that you could love me, that your desires could be as passionate as mine, by Scheva's most potent virtue." Tie the hairs in a love snare knot around the ring. Wrap the ring in a piece of silk, and wear it against your skin over your heart for another six days. On the seventh day, Fast. On an empty stomach, unwrap the ring and give it to the person you desire to love you.

If your ring is accepted then you can be certain to be loved by that person. If the ring is refused, rest assured that the heart of that person belongs to another and in that case, you should seek your fortune elsewhere.

Other Secrets that Achieve the Same Effect

Here is the secret that the wise Cabbalists have called "Apple of Love" which is prepared as follows:

Go pick an apple from a tree on a Friday morning before sunrise. Write your name with your blood on a piece of paper and also write the name of the person whom you wish to love you. On another sheet of paper, write the name Scheva, also in your own blood.

Find a means of procuring three strands of that person's hair, which you will unite with three of yours. Cut the apple in half, and remove the seeds. In the place of the seeds, place the pieces of paper. Take the apple and tie it back together, with the united hairs, using a green myrtle twig to twist together the two halves of the apple like a tourniquet.

Dry well in the oven, and wrap them in bay and myrtle leaves. Have a well trusted person put the apple under the young woman's pillow without her noticing. In a few days you will notice the appearance of her love. (☆Hail Satan) ((( this book is only for Education purpose of you do any ritual so this book and writer i not have any garrenty so read it on own risk and do rituals in own risks)))))) [☆DEVIL 33☆]