The mother took her son by the shoulders.
"You're so fragile. Your head looks like a fresh dandelion, white and clean."
[ Did I really wait for my son to wake up? Oh, Supreme, I'm starting to cry! ]
"Try not to move, Romulus."
Henry and Chu also put their hands on Romulus' shoulders.
"Start it!"
For a moment, Romulus ' heart stopped. The blood flowed in the opposite direction. The space around was covered with darkness.
The body was filled with irrepressible energy at once. And at once all the energy went deep into the intestines. [ El-ludas! }
The boy turned ashen. The veins on the eyeballs burst.
[ The second. Second place! Second place in the top of pain! This world is rich in unpleasant sensations, isn't it great?!! Even when I was cut in half by a Bloody Judge from a previous life, I did not feel the pain that caused the bite of my mother and this "awakening". How many more "pleasures" will I have to experience? Maybe the top will be able to expand ten times, a hundred times? ]
"It doesn't seem to me or something went wrong according to plan?" Romulus, exhausted, fell into his parents' arms.
"Baby, how are you?"
"R-Romulus, S-s-sorry! Please, I'm sorry!" Susannah began to cry.
"Susannah, what did you do?"
"I do not know, d-dear! I don't know! Maybe for so many y-years I have become completely worthless?"
"Oh, Supreme! Let me see it!"
Chu examined Romulus.
"No, the awakening went perfectly! Sir Henry, my Lady Susannah, the Supreme has awarded your son a venous flask."
Henry's face fell. Susannah froze with her mouth slightly open.
"Among the four types, it is the most stable."
"But also the most difficult to cultivate. Chu, what are you happy about?!"
The Doctor scratched his head.
"But this is the ideal type of flask for your son."
Romulus' mind penetrated the flask. Brittle and dry walls with numerous roots. The roots wrapped around the boy's bones and muscles like boa constrictors. At the bottom of the flask itself, a tiny puddle of red color condensed. "Venous flask".
Henry shook his head.
Once the awakening was successful, it is necessary to instill the pae of Invisibility. Baby, prepare the Ghost Snake!
The boy took a dead snake out of the basket and concentrated. The puddle at the bottom of the venous flask began to decrease.
The white snake warmed up; smoke poured out; the flesh and bone of the reptile-dried up!
[ Oh, a strange feeling! ]
When the puddle had completely evaporated, the Duum paused. The red nectar was slowly rolling off the walls of the flask.
An hour later, the boy continued to "absorb" the Ghost Snake. And so several times: with interruptions.
The snake's scales turned black and dried up. And without that, the pale Duum has acquired the whiteness of death itself.
[ Now, let's try! ] The boy tried to activate the pae, but nothing worked.
"Take your time, baby! The activation of pae requires a specific trigger. Usually, it is enough for Ghost Snakes to feel danger, or get injured, to bring the Invisibility pae into action."
The Duum nodded.
[ A sense of danger means? What is there in my Pain Top that takes the first place? ]
The boy shivered slightly: the skin was itching very much.
Millions of miniature snakes ran under the boy's skin, making the Duum invisible.
Henry, Chu, and Susannah looked at each other. Everyone could read surprise, fear, and joy on each other's face.
[ Is a child able to master pae on the first day of training?! ] Susannah felt worse than the others. [ No, it's almost impossible... so my fears are real? Romulus is the reincarnation of the master of pae?! ]
The woman clenched her fists until they bled. She was shaking.
[ Kill ].
Romulus removed his invisibility. He looked at his mother with a smile, but the joy immediately disappeared from his face.
"M-my lady?"
"Suzanne, what is wrong with you, shimare?!"
"Romulus" Susannah's voice was muffled, "tell me, please, tell the truth… You're not my son, are you?"
Tears began to fall from Romulus' eyes. [ Um? How strange, I don't feel sad. Is my body crying? Hehe, I feel like a madman. ]
"That was rude, lady Susannah."
"I brought my own son to tears, are you happy? So what if he's a different phantom?!! Wasn't it you who dreamed of a special child?Э
"Not. My." Susannah got up and left.
Henry gritted his teeth:
"Okay, so this is how adults solve questions: they take offense and leave, succumbing to hafan? Just a win-win tactic!"
Chu cringed, as if wanting to become small and inconspicuous.
The cave was filled with silence. [ El-ludas! I behaved recklessly. Probably because of the desire to gain strength as soon as possible and start looking for a way into your world.
How would I feel if I were Susanna if I found out that Glau is actually a different phantom?
If I were younger, like Suzanne, I would be angry. Henry was also a little angry.
Eh, anyway, any secret is not eternal. Well, or almost any one. ]
Romulus sighed.
"I need to calm my mother down."
Dr. Chu took a bottle of sedative from his briefcase. [ My hands are shaking. Oh, my God, they always shake! Mommies! If I am not in danger, I am worried; if I am not worried, then I look around for a forgery. I hate myself. I hate my Aborash life! I hate it!!! I'm a terrible doctor! I'm a terrible person... ]
"The performance lasted for quite a long time. I've known for a long time that you suspect. Father, we need to find Mother and bring her back: it's not safe outside the cave."
"I agree."