Chereads / My Forever with you / Chapter 1 - Elena Carter and Lucas Thomson

My Forever with you

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Chapter 1 - Elena Carter and Lucas Thomson

"Mom...did you see my watch?" came a loud voice. Elena has been searching for her watch for the last five minutes. "Ahh...where did you keep it El?" she said to herself.

"Finally...there you are.." getting it from the dressing table, she wore it and ran downstairs.

There she was greeted by her father Henry Carter" Hey sweetheart "giving a kiss on her forehead, he pulled a chair for her.

"All set princess," he said smiling at her.

" Yes, dad all set. your daughter will give her best, so DO NOT WORRY " she winked at him and sat on the chair.

Elena was the only child of Henry Carter and Julian Carter. She was pampered to an extent that sometimes she use to get frustrated.

Elena graduated from her University this year with a Master's in the account. Being a bright student she always had top scores in her academics. And today....was her interview day, she was shortlisted by PM Enterprise's company after clearing her entrance. She was too excited about her interview and was looking forward to working under such a big company.

"Do you want me to drop you? "Henry asked while sipping his coffee.

" No, dad... I'm a grown-up girl now, so chill" she said and paused before continuing.

"And...did you forget I have my baby with me," she said raising her brows in excitement.

By the way, her baby means her cute little scooter which her father gave her on her 21st birthday. She had always dropped Elena on time even if she was just on the deadline of getting late.

"Oh yes. .yes..! But still, if you have any problem just one call okay?" he said.

  "Yes dad.... " giving a salute she ate her breakfast.

She didn't want to get late for her interview, so she finished her breakfast as fast as possible. Kissing her parent's cheeks she bid goodbye and left her baby for her interview.





Lucas was having his beauty sleep after having fun the previous night with the blonde girl.

His sleep was disturbed when he heard his phone ringing non-stop " Who the hell is this? Can't they let me have my beauty sleep" he said and slowly opened his one eye.

He took the phone from the side table, and peaked to see who was calling "Dad what on earth has happened to you to call me early morning.. "he said in his sleepy voice.

" I want you in my office by 10... " he screamed and cut the call.

"Huh! What was that? "he looked at the phone. Saying this he was about to sleep again when something stuck in his mind.

Jumping down from the bed as if he saw a ghost in front of his eyes, he ran into the bathroom "How can you forget it Lucas..... " he said brushing his teeth.

After bathing, he got ready to leave. From the day he took the CEO position, Lucas had given all his time to increasing their market in every city and state. Not to forget his daytime was for his profession and his night was for his pleasure.

Walking down to the living room he saw his secretary waiting for him with his full day schedule. Ron had been on Lucas's side for the past four years, he was very well aware of his boss's personality.

"Hey Ron, what's up?" he said winking at him. Lucas always had this chirpy personality in him.

"Morning boss" bowing down he greeted him. Ron was not a man of more words, he spoke very few, but he spoke in his mind too much without uttering a word from his mouth.

"What you have today for me to do?" he said.

" Sir we have a meeting with the board members.... "before he could complete, Lucas cut him" Yah... I know... I know," he said looking at his phone.

"Next?" he said reading the mail.

"Sir we also have an interview for the post of Accountant," Ron said.

Listening to the word accountant, Lucas looked up at Ron in surprise.

"So do we have a female interviewee... "Lucas smirked.

" Yes sir there are five which were selected by the college campus and we need your presence after the final selections and to which department they would be assigned, "Ron said in his robotics voice.

"Let's go.. let's go Ron we shouldn't be late for the golden opportunity " smiling like a fool Lucas started walking towards his car leaving Ron behind.

"God knows what his brain is thinking" signing Ron followed his boss without voicing his thoughts.





"Finally reached" getting down from her scooter Elena patted her seat as if congratulating her baby for big accomplishments.

"You never disappoint me, baby girl, Mumma is proud of you" she gave her scooter a flying kiss and started walking towards the entrance.





A Black Mercedes stopped at the entrance of the building. Getting down from the car Lucas started walking inside not noticing a girl also in rush to enter the same building and...


Elena was so busy rushing inside that she did not notice the person in front of her and they collided.

Before she could fall, Lucas got to hold on to her preventing her from falling. Elena had closed her eyes waiting for her to reach the ground, but it didn't come.

"Did I fall?" she thought.

"No" came a voice which made her open her eyes, looking at the person with the questionable eye "Did I speak so loud for him to hear? " she mumbled.

"No...but it was loud enough for me to hear" Lucas smirked looking at the girl in his arm.

Pulling her up he got her to straighten, Lucas was observing the girl's expression all the time without blinking.

She had round amber eyes which were open wide looking at him in shock and her pouty lips which made him keep staring at her without blinking. Her pink lips looked like cherry which made him want to taste them.

"Delicious... " he thought.

Ron who was witnessing everything saw his boss gazing at the girl in amusement.

They both were staring at each in astonishment not bothering about their surrounding until someone cleared his throat.

"Cough.." this sound brought them out of their starring competition.

Lucas was holding her so close, that he forget that their bodies were touching each other. Her soft breast was touching his hard chest.

When he saw her struggling with his arm he loosen his hold and left her.

Adjusting herself she bowed down and said "Sorry".

Entering the building without turning back, she walked as fast as she could not even waiting for his reply.

Looking at the retreating figure Lucas smiled.

" Ron gets me her details," he said looking at Ron and walking inside the building.

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