Back at the birth nest for adolescence rat kin. Bathsheba has no idea what has happened in other part of the rat dan with the Shaman or the Chieftain their plan or expectations.
Bathsheba was waiting for Eyal soul to finished resonating with their new name and the powerful effects of soul strength their jade eye could see the threads of the soul weaving and the very few bits of the laws into his body.
with Bathsheba current Soul Strength they could viewing the unseen forces of the name into Eyal very Core essence.
Bathsheba continue to watch their younger sibling and the unseen threads intertwining into them. but they make sure to keep it eye on the other of their kin that hold their head down making sure not to let that guard down for it they knew of the Colony nature and the hunger of their blood their kin.
[Cannibal- By consumption one of your/race others their blood and flesh will be ingrained into the host body stronger. The amount of strengthening depends on the consumes target.]
[notice- this skill will slightly increase the number of essences from consuming other creatures.]
[notice-this is skill carries a bit of the law of gluttony this skill constantly makes the host hunger for food of all kinds and the flesh of others creature.]
luckily for Bathsheba did not have to wait for long for Eyal to finish their resonating with the new name their eyes stop their other worldly glow and turn to back to their crimson red color.
Bathsheba look at their red eye brother and saw the light of the soul dim Eyal eyes as return to normal as Eyal eyes focus return to normal their eyes show confusion for a moment before returning to look at Bathsheba jade eyes.
their new master. the brand of the subordination place on them they did not resist for it only felt natural, thanks to the influence of the brand. all they need to know that their master was stronger than them and they need to follow them they felt the pressure of their master and waited against themselves existence way it against their own and they felt it was lacky.
Eyal lowered their head crouch down to ground in a sign of submission towards their master and await their orders.
this sight of submission is part of the instincts of their cowardly race rat kin they follow the stronger of their clan, and Eyal belong to them through the influence of the mark on their soul.
Bathsheba saw this and their jade eyes shine in delight at the sight of this with the arrival of the new this underlined and new submission their chances of survival in this new word environment definitely increased.
it's not like in their life they did not have any subordinates is just that they were human, and they had their own desires and could be influenced by others the Star Maker gave me many abilities but not one to control another will towards their own life they got what their new Patron.
Bathsheba also saw the new notification witness that servant count increase to 32.
[current the servant count is 32.]
Bathsheba noticed the numbers don't match, there are more rat kin in here the dan than the what the notification show.
see this Bathsheba jade eye scan the dan than they realize why, there are young rat kin in the back of the dan can only see that my little brother Eyal in front of the crowd not the fact they are bowing to me and not only that, I can see some of the bigger ones in the dan that can see me look confused seeing this big black fur ball bowing to me a smaller rat kin. they did not question it at all for they have simple minded and accepted the situation in front of them. But they do not see me as the pack leader of the dan.
irritation flash through Bathsheba jade eyes for a moment they took a deep breath calm themself down. And spoke to themselves.
"Ok... this is fine. with a little effort all in these little rats in this dan will under my control follow me willing."
Bathsheba notice a fluctuation from the Ark and connect to it. then the transparent screen opens up their jade eyes widen with surprise
[notice that the host has acquire more then 20 servants the skill [puppeteer] has fulfill the conditions for advancement. awaiting additional 2000 essences for metamorphosis of skill next stage.]
[would the host like to use 2000 essences to start the metamorphosis of [puppeteer]?]
seeing this Bathsheba could not help but be little shock by how fast this has happened they have had skill advancement before in their past life but never this quick, but they won't say no to stronger skill.
usually, a skill would need Advance absorbent an amount of essence for a skill to advance some skills have special conditions for a skill to advance and it's achieved before using a small amount of essence as a catalyst.
before they proceed to advancement the skill [puppeteer], they look over the old skill description.
[puppeteer-puppeteer the act of control over other the host can use your soul strength to manipulate others to act and perform in the play that you have set up for them and role and the must they play. currently can control up to 3 subject the level of subject must be 1 over your level target soul and intelligence must be lower than the host]
[skill awaiting advancement]
[please consume 2000 essences to initiate skill advancement.]
"Aright let see what the next stage of This skill."
Bathsheba saw this and thoughts to themself there would be no loss in improving the skill.
The skill advance can only improve the skills base level maybe add a special effect or two until it reached the master level then it can change the whole new skill, the skills will advance and branch off into two different or even six different directions can't wait to ess anything or a difference to skill will change once it branches off and what directions it will have.
So, they use there will to trigger the Ark to utilize the store essences to start the skill advancement.
[Skill advancement of puppeteer had been initiated.]
[Puppeteer intermediary- Puppeteer intermediary the act of control over other the host can use their soul strength to manipulate others to act and perform in the play that you have set up for them and role that they play and follow the story. currently can control up to 6 subject the level of subject must be 1 level over them, and target Soul Strength and intelligence must be lower than the host]
[notice-the subject receive a partail enhancement your choice to their stats and youre able to utilize lesser variations of the skills that the host have assigned to all them to utilize in combat or management, the servant can also be able to portray your aura to intimidate others!]
from the depths of the soul of the runes that represents the skill ignited with power, Bathsheba eyes glow with an pink and violet light for an moment as the skill advancement of [puppeteer intermediary] new insight in the use of soul strength they can now feel ethereal tendrils of their soul reach out and connect with the soul of Eyal the other rat kin that have submit to them reaching the core of the soul give them control over them imprinting an faint seal on all their souls and on the soul Eyal the seal was must more solid then the other giving Bathsheba great control over them and with the [Ark] they can use essence to advancement their body and soul. most importantly their skills.
Bathsheba looked into the eyes of their brother and gave them the first order to have the other rat kin in dan in the field to bring them out to collect them some food/meat to eat for they have been suffering on nothing but mushroom for the last few days and need some actual meat in their stomach is much need.
Eyal heard the command through the link of skill connection of their minds and immediately went into action.
they turn to face other rat kin and releasee their aura after gaining their new name they acquiring a new aura and suppresses the others of their kind for that you're stronger than the rest, both physically and spiritually the aura will be useless when facing stronger more powerful and all the rat kin and obvious less effective on stronger races then tell the other subordinates together food from what all over the nest and of for any leftover meat in the nest.
after hearing the command all the young rat kin in the nest shuttered in fear in remembrance of the bloodlust, they felt associating it with Eyal they immediately began to scatter and search of food for this terrifying figure.
it did not take long for them gather a decent number of scraps a meat left around the nest drop by adult's rat kin Eyal bro to Bathsheba deliver the food before and place them down in front of them in show an sign of submission and waiting for them to eat.
shockingly the stack of meat and bones as three times the size of Eyal Bathsheba jade eyes here as big as saucers at the site of it they could feel the blood potential of [Cannibal] being stimulated by the stack of meat in front of them stomach growl loudly if it wasn't for that strong soul strength that you would have immediately duck their head into the meat and eat and eat until they died from overeating.
goodness looks at all this i thought there as a lack of food in this in den, but it seems i was wrong it was just spread all over with everyone else fighting for the meat. I can see a few dead younger rat kin are in there too.
Bathsheba reached into the pile of meat and bones grabbing a full corpse of a young rat kin looking into and see that the abdomen has been opened and the heart was still there.
they reached int the chest and grab the heart and consume it they closed their eyes as they could feel the essence and the effect of their bloodline potential [Cannibal] nursing the deficiencies within their body.
I find it kind of funny in my last life as human in my past life has to force down hearts of the monster could not cook them for i would lose some essences at that time could not waste any essences at that time as I learn new Skills and acquired the sub class of cook i can start matching them up with great herbs that increase the essence and most importantly improve the taste.
surprisingly enough my new body has new taste bug, and I can actually taste perry good just the heart the adolescent rat kin now there is taste flavor and warm that fulling my body.
this must be the effect of my blood potential [cannibal] in action i can see why the rat kin our know for killing and eating each other.
whine Bathsheba were eating there was a fluctuation from the ark telling them they have acquired a new evolutionary path. they continue to eat as they looked into the Ark and saw their new evolutionary choice.
[Notice-the host had acquired evolutionary choice [kin Eater Rat kin] is now available.]
[Kin Eater Rat kin-the kin eater Carre the true gluttonous nature of their master in the act of consuming the other of their own boron and their descendants they can strengthen themself temporarily and fight the enemy of The Plague Baron. +25 Stamina, +2 Strength, +2] [Endurance, New skill Tackle, New skill pray on, New Endowment Strength Stomach.]
[Notice-the host can gain more essences from eating rat kin/ descendant to strengthen themself and their path all future evolutionary choice will move toward the path of a gluttonous creature if chosen.]
"Yeah...No thank you."