On Carter's ship
"Carter?! Carter?!
The tied crew was lying on the floor with their eyes fixed on their Captain. Their dismay peaked as Carter didn't respond to their calls.
"Carter?! Carter! Talk to us, Captain." They all shouted, hoping that he was still alive and would respond to them sooner or later.
«Can anyone see if he is still breathing? I can't see from here I am." said David.
"No, I can't," Logan answered.
Everyone replied that they could not see clearly. The light was not strong enough.
"We have to find a way to freedom and quick."
"How did the captain manage to free himself?"
"Be calm and think logically," Jimena spoke loud and clear. "Search for any kind of evidence. Who was next to him? Search there if there is anything thrown on the floor. Maybe he had found something sharp, or it may be something else I don't know. You must find that thing too." Jimena suggested.