Hazel was looking down at her hand that was placed on her lap and could feel her heartbeat getting faster after hearing his voice once again. She then closed her eyes and yelled at Ethan, knowing that he was toying with her.
"Sh- shut up you jackass! It's your fucking Vampiric charm or some shit! T- this reaction is normal once experiencing that damn ability, it means absolutely nothing!"
Ethan laughed at her for a good minute before his facial expressions lost all emotion in it, however, his voice had genuine concern in it this time and no signs of toying with her.
"For real this time, are you okay…. In my opinion, you're taking all of this too well…."
Hazel could feel her heart slowing down once knowing that he had a serious question and that he was done toying with her for the moment. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, but still looked at her hands.
"I don't know to be honest…. Yes, I'm scared of you despite how much confidence I had in my voice, however, seeing how you're teasing me like you do from time to time makes it go away. Yet there is still a voice in the back of my head telling me to get away from you.
Despite the confusion I feel…. I trust you and know that you'd never do anything to me."
She turned her gaze to him and could see that he was looking forwards and had no expression on his face. That was one of the things that scared her, with that kind of expression and look in his eyes she didn't feel like she was around her friend.
She could see his eyes shift to look at her from the corner of his eyes, and that's when chills were sent down Hazel's spine. However, once he noticed that he closed his eyes and then looked up.
"You know my mentality is changing, I can't help the coldness I give off no matter how much I don't want to give off that feeling. I know it's there and it'll likely scare anyone who sees it, but once I had a good laugh it was like my emotions drained away.
They're not gone per se, but dormant or dulled. Though there are a few emotions that I know have disappeared and won't come back."
"What are they?"
"They're related to violence and death. I can tell that feeling anything about the deaths around me isn't there, then violence is gone as well. In particular any violence or harm I commit. Even though I've never hurt anyone before, I know that I feel bad about it, but now it's just gone.
To be honest it's so far gone that I don't think I'd feel anything if I hurt you or if you died. However, if you were murdered I'd be pissed the fuck off for sure and prob-"
"Stop it. Please."
Ethan slightly opened his eyes and then turned his gaze towards Hazel. He could see that she was starting to cry and clearly didn't want to hear the last part of what he was saying. However, he didn't even feel guilty for hurting her feelings.
He sat up straight and looked over at her, then placed his hand on her head and gently rubbed it. Then with his best asking he apologized, though he has never been good at lying, it seemed the loss of guilt improved that ability a lot.
She shoved his arm off her head, wiped her eyes, and looked away. Then she crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks, not saying anything for several minutes. Ethan looked back up at the ceiling and waited for her to say something.
Finally, she sighed and spoke. "You're really becoming an insensitive jerk. You realize that, right?" She then looked towards Ethan and could see that he had no expression on his face, before seeing him like this she knew he was lying and didn't feel anything about making her cry.
"Yea, I know. Like I said before, I'm not oblivious to the changes happening to me or the effect it's having on others around me. Since you already noticed, I knew I hurt you just then, but the feeling of guilt wasn't connecting to anything.
I'm not becoming a dense idiot like a fucking light novel protagonist. I know the harm I've caused because of what I've said or done but I can't feel anything because of it."
Hazel parted her lips and looked, realizing that she asked him to explain what he meant at that moment and didn't connect what he was telling her to what he did. He said he wouldn't likely feel anything for hurting her, though she thought that only meant physical harm and not emotional.
'I was being the dense idiot.'
She sighed and scooted next to him and laid her head on his arm like when she sat next to him. Ethan slightly opened his eyes and looked at her, listening to her heartbeat and knowing that she was scared at this moment.
However, despite knowing that he moved his arm and put it on her shoulder, then pulled her next to him so her head was on his chest. Hazel was shocked when he did this and looked up at him, but she saw a confused look on his face as if he didn't even know why he did that.
'What was that feeling just now? It was as if I wanted her for myself…. Am I becoming possessive over her because of what she said to me…? Or is it something else that was making me feel that way…?'
Ethan lifted his arm off of her shoulder, however, he could feel that she didn't move away. Instead, she completely trusted him and laid her head on his chest, she didn't really care that he did that once she saw the confused look on his face because she knew at that moment he had no ulterior motives that he knew of himself.