After talking for a while Sama thought about asking Kevin regarding Helen's issue.
"Kev…." Sama.
Kevin sensed something.
"Ah.. I think I have some work. Let's meet again. See you later. Bye bye." Kevin disappeared saying this.
Sama was disappointed and can't find the way to reach Helen.
Thinking this Sama fell asleep.
"It's a good nap" Aria said waking up.
"Sama, wake up." Aria said waking Sama up.
"Oh… you woke up" Sama said looking at Aria.
"Yeah, where is your friend?" Aria asked.
"He left, he has something to do" Sama replied.
"Ok, then, let's join the others." Aria said.
"Yeah, let's go." Sama said getting up.
They went to look for their friends but no one was their.
"What is this! Are we the only one who left" Sama said.
"No, we are here waiting for you guys." Betty said coming to them.
"Why can't I see anyone here?" Aria asked.
"Can't you see us. Are we invisible!" Shiza asked.
"Not you girls. I am asking about others." Aria replied.
"Look at the time now. Why would they be here at this hour." Betty replied.
Aria and Sama looked at their watches to check the time.
"Oh my, time was literally flying while I am sleeping." Aria said.
"Ok, let's go to the hotel." Shiza said.
"Yeah, let's go" Sama said.
They reached the hotel. Talking all the way.
At night, when everyone was asleep, Sama and Aria are sitting on a bench in the small garden that hotel had.
"Wahh….. I can't sleep now. It would be good if I didn't slept in the afternoon." Aria said with a disappointed face.
"Yeah, but it was a good nap" Sama said.
"Agreed" Aria said agreeing with Sama.
"I can't sleep anyways. So, are you to talk to me about the story." Aria said.
"Yeah, I planned to share it with you." Sama said.
" Ok, let's start." Aria said.
"Yeah, it's like this............…. ..................…..
And that's what happened." Sama explained everything that happened from day one to now.
Aria didn't utter a single word. She kept the blank expression throughout Aria's explanation.
"As expected, you don't believe me right." Sama said.
"Actually, yes. This is really unbelievable. But I know, you won't build up a story. Maybe I need some time to believe it." Aria said.
"I know, I too can't believe this sometimes, even though when I am the one who is witnessing everything." Sama said.
"So, what are you planning to do." Aria asked.
"I don't know. We will return in 3 days, right. Have to do something within these days." Sama said.
"Let me know if I can help you." Aria said comforting Sama.
Sama nodded her head.
"Let's go, it's late." Aria said standing up.
Sama followed Aria to the room.
They went to their beds.
Aria was thinking about Sama while lying on the bed.
"*What happened to Sama. Has she lost her brain cells. Or is she possessed by a ghost. Whatever let's pretend to believe her. She will be hurt if I say something like that.*"
Aria didn't believed Sama's words.
Meanwhile Sama was staring blankly at the picture on a wall.
It is a portrait of local God standing in the forest.
She stared at that portrait for some time and she turned her head to see the sky through the window.
She noticed a crow flying.
Sama thought of the day she met Ryan for the first time.
But somehow her heart is saying that it isn't the first time.
Sama suddenly had a feeling that if she go to the forest she can meet Ryan.
So she sneakily got up and left the room without making a sound.
She was on her way to the forest.
She had a feeling that someone is following her.
She turned back to see who it was, but she can't see anyone there.
She continued walking.
A flying shadow passed her with a great speed.
She was petrified and turned back to return to her room.
One second thought, she gathered her courage and she again walked towards forest.
She was looking at the ground. She was frightened to lift her head, because she doesn't know what would be in front of her.
She felt someone passed behind her.
Sama was shaking with fear. Her whole body was shivering.
She turned back slowly and no one was there.
When she turned again to continue her walk a large crow appeared suddenly in front of her making eye contact with her.
It made a loud sound.
Sama immediately stepped back and started running.
The crow followed her.
Sama stepped on a rock and fell on the ground.
The crow was flying upon Sama making loud sounds.
Sama's whole body was shivering.
Sama picked up a stone and tried to throw it at her.
The crow came down with a great speed keeping it's wings flat.
Sama covered herself with her hands.