At night everyone went to bed.
Sama was sitting near the window. She decided to distract herself from the thought of recent incidents.
Even though she decided to face Ryan, but she want to forget everything for a while.
So she decided to read a book.
Sama held a book in her hands. She's trying very hard to concentrate on the book. But she can't.
She tried many things to distract herself.
She gave up on the idea and started star gazing through the window.
She sighed and said "The night sky was so beautiful, but my heart can't enjoy it's beauty" she pouted by saying this.
Meanwhile at Ryan's place
"Why the hell is this sky uselessly so beautiful today, it makes me sad for some reason" Ryan said this and sighed.
Sama fell asleep after some time.
Ryan went to bed.
A fresh day started again with a beautiful morning.
Sama and her friends are getting ready for the college.
They went to college. Their they learned about a voluntary work.
Students who are interested can visit a village and can help the villagers.
To educate the villagers about personal hygiene, sanitation.
And some students can educate them about modern agriculture.
So students can bring awareness about anything according to their majors.
Students have to schedule their own plans.
They have to stay in that village for a week.
Sama, Aria, Bette and Shiza decided to volunteer for the campaign along with their classmates and students with other majors.
They enrolled their names in the list.
All the volunteered students decided to visit the place on the weekend and stay there for a week and return on next weekend.
On the weekend they reached the place by Bus, provided by college.
They have to stay in a small hotel in that village.
By the time they reached the village, sun went down.
So they decided to take rest for the night.
Everyone took their room keys.
The hotel was pre-booked by the college administration.
So Sama and her friends got separate rooms.
They talked with their roommates and managed to change rooms.
They unpacked their luggage and took showers.
Sama and Aria went buy dinner.
When they were at the hotel's restaurant, they saw that food and beverages are in different places.
Aria went to buy food and Sama went to buy some drinks.
When Sama was on her way, she heard some strange sounds.
The sounds of some chanting and bell sounds.
"Sir, how much" said Sama placing her drinks on the table.
He gave the bill to Sama.
Sama taking out money from her wallet
"What are those sounds?" Sama asked.
" Villagers do prayers every year, the prayers lasts a week. This is the first day." He replied.
"What was that about?" Sama asked.
"They pray to village God to protect the village and people from any evil eye." He said.
"Ok" Sama nodded her head thinking.
"You can participate if you are interested." He said.
"Yeah, ok" Sama smiled and returned taking drinks cover from the table.