Chereads / The Master, Winter and Hero Series II / Chapter 298 - A Piece of Memory

Chapter 298 - A Piece of Memory

Made By TheUnknownBoy

Written By TheUnknownBoy


In the year 2030, The human race had begun adapting to technology around the world but to their surprise, Technology took over and rebelled against their creators and as they were captured by the millions while Killing the Weak and Innocent.

They seek a worthy specimen that can stand by Technology as their Secret Weapon to which they have found 8 Specimens that could be worthy of their technology. On Earth, they had conquered all of Earth to which it was no longer Earth to them and considered it as their weapon.

They had ruled the world for almost 70 years since then, they began to explore around the universe to Control, Command and Conquer. And in the Year 2099 They left Earth, never looking back and to prove their carelessness for their Home, they planted bombs that almost destroyed all of Earth.

Leaving it as burrowed waste while many of the surviving people who had been enslaved were left to die. As they were gone, a meteorite came falling to Earth and as it did, came alive and infected the whole of Earth but not to kill it as it was to the humans that they were revived but no longer humans but were people that could change into both Humans and Animals.

They had abilities to change into animals and as humans but forgot about their knowledge but fortunately, they still retain their memories, they decided to accept their fates and rebuilt their home without Technology.

The Year 4000, When Technology was meant to become incredibly advanced and increasing to the human race but all that was on Earth were human-like animals who named both themselves Antroians and renamed the Earth to Antroia.

Species where almost lots of animal-related beings now reside. But little did both the people Antroia and the machines of Technology.

An outcast named Aiden has advanced Intelligence that even the machines weren't that smart enough to counter him and as he rise from his long slumber after being supposedly dead by the machines, he was sent to Earth where he was able to survive the blast.

He had been frozen in time and as he woke up, he didnt seems surprised by what has happened but one thing that he knew was that he knew that Technology had done this and now he wanders around the world of Antropia originally looking for his fate until he meets Alicia, a Siberian tiger who was very young but was also pretty and her childhood friend, Tun, an East Asian Crow who acted seriously but was always messing things up. And Finally Sera, A Dolphin whose family were born in separate countries in North Asia. She also has a crush on Aiden Masters but we may see that changing soon.

How the Journey Begin:

The Year 4000, the year that Antroia celebrates its 1000th anniversary, many of the Antropians gather around where it all started.

The Meteorite to which they call it The Green Flash. As they gathered around, they could only stare in amazement since they have gotten a chance to see something incredible once in a lifetime.

In Antroia, they've made their own rules and the very first was to 'never to intervene nor to interrupt the Green Flash since some believed it will leave a deadly curse.

"Man this stupid flash is nothing but dung, come on guys, let's beat it while we leave them with their 'precious Flash' and maybe we may have something interesting but of it".

The Stranger:

He was shocked by what he had heard and immediately ran to X to further examine. "Incredible, this may be the last human in all of mankind".

X was confused by that comment and asked what he meant by that. "Wait what do you mean about being the last ever human.

"Oh I Apologise, allow me to introduce myself, I am Grand Chief Huratio, my great, great, great, great, great, great, great ..... Well, you get but introductions out the way.

Please allow me to explain what has happened to Earth". X was shocked when he heard that this had something to do with Earth.

X Treme:

Almost 2000 years ago, our ancestors told us stories about the world of technology, they told us how much it was advanced and how it could help the world.

But then tragedy struck when this technology took over and enslaved the human race, for almost 70 years people couldn't find the freedom they deserved.

But then technology abandoned our ancestors and left them for dead. That was also when they were supposedly revived by this, the Green Flash that they call it.

We were thankful for what it has brought to us, it gave us life and the freedom that our ancestors knew that they along with all of us wanted.

And without it, our race may never have been born neither it exist.

They also talked about this planet that they had renamed from Earth to Antroia and they speak of their lives as a human before undergoing their transformation to being what we are today, Antroians".

How the Journey Begins:

As for Alicia, X didnt seem to mind having another friend on board, Alicia was happy but she then asked, "Wait, where will we be going? Wait, are we going on an adventure?"

"Originally I was thinking about finding a place where I may have the last fight before the day that I may soon die but hearing this.

I'm quite curious about going around the world, I mean I haven't seen a lot now that it has changed and I think it's worthwhile to explore and I consider it a hobby of mine".

Huratio then got up and gave him a map that was made by the eagle clan, "Eagle clan?" Huratio took the time to explain more about the world of Antroia.

Adaptive Friendship:

As he was about to, Sera heard something and pushed X to the ground but also tripped, leaving her on top of X, Tun helped Sera up and scolded them for what she was trying to do with X.

"What are you on about you moron? I just heard something coming this way and ...." X got up and thanked her because X had found something relating to what she was talking about.

They had found a dagger and X picked it up, "Does any of you guys know where this may be? Because it can't just be there, it doesn't make sense."

After saying that both an Eagle and a Jaguar appeared out of the shadows and went after Aiden. "You're messing with the wrong Eagle pal, Take this!!!"

???: Looks like this kid may need some backup..... buuuutt it's always better to see him do what he does so.... I'll leave him.

The Eagle and Jaguar:

Blur and Jin blamed themselves for what they should've done and to look at what they were doing when they bring their head up.

They saw that X along with Alicia, Sera and Tun were gone saw them running to the signal and decided to tag along and follow them.

They thought if they did something good then they may be forgiven by X. As they made it to the Area and saw them posting fraudulent information about X.

"Man these guys are idiots, to think this is what people believe, this is what he gets after beating us up and making fools of ourselves.

We are too goddamn smart, no way Is that...."

A New Crew:

If it ever dies then, the around the dead body collects the remains of the decease and leaves it buried, not only is this Green Flash so special but we believe it to be alive".

As he was building his armour, Tun had arrived and saw that he wasn't afraid, "I'm surprised by you, you know that? After seeing what I just did and yet you still come back".

"Although yes what you did was kind of scary but it doesn't matter because of how much you cared about what happened to Alicia".

Alicia along with the others was also there seemingly acting as nothing happened, Alicia went to X and hugged him saying, "Thank you for saving me, nobody ras that..... "

The Sad Story of Tun:

They slept the night when they woke up, they saw that X was preparing to leave, Alicia then got up and along with Tun went after him.

"Hey wait, where are you going? Shouldn't you have waited for us to wake up or something?" X then told them that Huratio needed to talk to him.

"Then if he's asking you then we're coming with you, whether you like it not". Sera then woke up and saw that Blur and Jin had already left and with a note.

"Sorry for the quick departure but we have to get back to the academy so all we can say is farewell for now it may be.

The Important Talk:

Alicia held his hand as the veins in his body were disappearing and his eyes were fixed. "Thank you, Alicia, for not giving up on me".

He then closed his eyes again as he was sleeping, Alicia took this moment to kiss him until her moment was interrupted by Sera.

"Hey Alicia, what do you think you're doing to X? Don't tell me that you're trying to plant a kiss on his lips are you?" Alicia tried to deny it but Sera could see through her lies.

Sera then interrogated Alicia to get more information from her while Tun went to X's aid. They decided to sleep by his side to make sure nothing bad happened.

The Story of X:

"And for that, I want you to know who I am, my name isn't X Treme but it's Aiden. When I was born, I alongside my sister Tara were being trained.

While that was happening, I was mostly chosen alongside this man named Brix, he was always someone that always cared about being more better than all of us.

He took a liking to my sister and wanted to spend time with her, she was 5 years older than me and she didnt seem to care about that guy but only me.

She could see that I always had that interest in hacking and making pranks with the others but the machines didnt seem to enjoy it and she ended up getting tortured.

She almost died so they gave her something special which I didnt know about but when it came to my 5th birthday.

A Message:

"Aiden are you saying that these machines are actually ..."

Aiden stopped her and nodded to confirm it, they're humans that transferred their souls into these machines. They couldn't believe this.

"That is just unforgivable!!!!!". Tun then shouted, "They used living humans for their army and left innocent people to die while they're trapped soulless".

Tun then clenched his fists and said, "I won't let them do this to any other living being, Master X, please, please allow me to fight alongside you against them".

Aiden then stood up and went to Tun with a sense of respect for the crow, "Finally, that's the Tun that I want to see, let's do it partner and let's get rid of them".

Free Time:

When in reality, he just wanted both Sera and Alicia to stop their fighting but this just made it more worse as they concocted a plan to get him off.

"Say Aiden, I hope you would like to know more about Tun and what embarrassing things he did as a kid". Tun snapped and got off Aiden.

"Sorry Master X, I think that's enough training, how about we carry on with travelling to the local village?" Aiden agreed and they carried on walking.

Exploring the Village:

Aiden then sat and started listening, forgetting about Alicia and Tun while Sera was sitting next to Aiden and to that both Tun and Alicia sat next to Aiden as well.

"The form that you may see in my daughter Sera is currently her human form and this form may only come when they are around the age of 16.

And for this young chap, he's a lion Antroian and he's almost at the age to transform into his animal form which is around the age of 10.

Then you see Antroians who have passed the age of allowing themselves to transform into animals. Fascinating isn't it my dear fellow? Uhm Mr Human?"

Aiden stood there like a frozen statue, when he came back to life, he stood up and started to mumble something after exploding excessively.

"So that means that the circle of Antroia is like the Circle of Life, THATS TRULY INCREDIBLE!!!! I don't understand why you two tell me about, man I'm so Jealous".

Coming Out:

Sera's father held both Sera and Aidens hands as told them to do something. "Aiden, please allow my daughter to be your lawfully wedded wife and ...."

Alicia butted in to get answers on what was going on, "Sera said that she had found the right man to be her husband and it's Aiden here.

And I seem to have taken a liking in Aiden so I'm giving you my blessing to marry my daughter, what will say to this?" Aiden could see that Sera was blushing red.

As Aiden was about to give his answer, Alicia butted in again and objected to this and requested to challenge Sera for marrying Aiden.

And if it had become Bad Luck Friday, a huge earthquake shocked the ground as they all could hear someone screaming incredibly loud.

Aiden could see something in the distance "NOOOOOOOTTT MYYYYY BAAAAAAABBBBBY" it was another Siberian Tiger who seem to be the same size as Sera's father.

"Wait could you be Alicia's ...." he then placed his claws on Aidens lips as a sign to be quiet. He could have anger in his eyes as well as in Alicia's eyes.


"Big bro, didn't I tell you not to always snoop on me, geez, you're like a chipmunk that doesn't want their parents to leave them".

They then heard someone protesting what Alicia just said, "Hey I resent that comment young missy!!" When they turned around.

They saw a Chipmunk Antroian who was in the same spot as the substance, they all let a "What? An Actual Chipmunk?" he then slapped Aiden and Tun for no reason.

"You show this Chip ... mu... agh!!!!! .... I'm a ... I'm a ... I'm a .... Chipmunk.... you ...what's going on here?" Aiden then explained the whole situation.

When he was done explaining, the chipmunk started to remember what had happened back.

What Happened Back Then:

"Howard come out of there you silly, I was just joking, I'm not your grandmother so get out of there, GET OUT OF THERE BEFORE I DO SOMETHING REAL NASTY".

He heeded her command and ran to her and said, "Wait? Is it you? I can't believe this, I mean you look great ... for a Chipmunk... I ... I ... I mean you look ...

Enticing". She gave him cold looks and just walked off and he followed but not before saying goodbye to Aiden and thanking him for saving him.

He then said his goodbyes while leaving him with a headache on what has been happening in his entire life and thought about going to sleep.

Alicia woke him up and said, "Can you please be more active because of how much you can be such a pain in the bum?" Aiden got up and just feel sleepy.

The Dimension of the Unknown:

Tun had always liked strawberries while Alicia had a liking for vanilla cream so he had bought them a strawberry cake and an extra creamy vanilla cake.

He couldn't help but enjoy seeing them enjoying their cakes, when they were finished, Tun then commented about the mission that they were meant to be in.

"You're right Tun, Alicia and ... oh boy, I think 'I should've brought Sera, she's way more active and always wants to help us, ain't that right Tun?' Yeah, I think we ...."

Alicia then got up and started to pay attention to what they had to do on the mission, "Alright Tun, you will have to patrol the skies for any activity.

While Aiden and I go on foot to get a better close up sighting, go that?" Aiden and Tun were impressed by what she gave and replied, "Roger Ma'am".

Tun then transformed into his Antroian Crow while many saw him transform and they started videoing him, while Aiden and Alicia searched the bottom ground.

Deep Trouble:

Aiden took the time to teleport the machine to where he was and when it came to him, he could see that the machines data was corrupted.

As if someone had taken control of this and had found the advanced data in it, thanks to the device that Aiden had, he was able to track the source.

Be found somewhere near a completely damaged area, Aiden went by themselves while Tun and Alicia had to wait for him at a significant location.

When Aiden got to the location, he saw that many gang leaders were around the location but luckily for Aiden, he was able to track the person down.

"Alistair Bartholomew Wizinskie"

Rough Watch:

As Aiden had overheard, he attempted to hack into the machine but it was no use, there was a firewall that would've taken Aiden hours to unlock.

Aiden was out of options until ..... Tun flew like a madman and took the machine with his own two claws, Aiden couldn't but congratulate him.

As the gang members went after him, Allistair was there by himself, Aiden saw no interest in taking him down so he crept behind him.

He placed his phone on Allistair and the moment it lead out a gigantic flash, Allistair had forgotten everything about the device and everything that happened to him.

Aiden walked away, looking for Tun when he came across to Alicia who seemed to have calmed down by the expression on her face.

"Alicia I'm sorry that you had to go through a lot and ..." Alicia then slapped him hard then left a kiss on the cheek, "I love you Aiden but you need to grow up".

Alicia could see that look on Aidens face which could've meant that she was right. Tun then flew down to Aiden and hid behind him.

As they came, Aiden teleported him, Alicia and Tun to somewhere else which left eh gang members in sudden bewilderment on where they may be exactly.


Alicia did the same thing but to Aidens response to that was that he didn't seem to mind what had happened, he enjoyed it for a while.

Alicia was confused by what Aiden meant by 'for a while. "These times with you guys were worth it and will be in my memory forever but now...

We have to part ways because of how much you want to be free and I honestly want to figure something out by myself and finally answer this question.

A question that has been bugging me since hibernation and tas, Am I Willing to Allow an incredible species have to die by the likes of them?

And that is, no but what I do know is that I've enjoyed our times together and this is where we part ways, Goodbye Alicia the Tiger and Goodbye Tun the Crow".


He could see that Alicia and Tun were there and that Alicia was crying, Aiden had to hide from them and could only feel guilty for what he had done.

After Aiden was done going back on memory lane, he went to serious mode and modified the suit that he was currently wearing.

He also used the metal from the machines that he had captured and made them into one to create a chain sword whip and was impressed with the results.

He understood what was coming and it wasn't coming with a nice surprise. Brix then called him but Aiden didn't want to talk to him.

"Yo, don't bother turning it off, hey listen I'm not here to fight you, I just got something to tell you and that I have been assigned to find you and get rid of you.

But the thing is that I need your help in taking down the armada, wait for hold on, allow me to explain everything when I get there so I hope you're ready".

Brix then hung up while Aiden was left deciding his fate of rejoining the Armada or stopping it, he didn't think twice when it came to stop them.

"Alicia, Tun and Sera, I'm sorry for what my fate led you all too but because of that, I'm not willing to give up on what your species have done.

And now it's my turn to make a difference, not only was Green Flash was my fault but it was because I wanted it to be like this and now I'm ready to leave it".

Aiden then wore his new Gothic Theme Trench Coat with Leather Jacket while wearing travellers goggles and started to prepare for what Brix was preparing.

The Truth for Alicia:

Sera began to cry and hug Alicia while Aiden was explaining Why he had left both Alicia and Tun, he understood it and was shocked when he was given something by Aiden.

"This is something that you'll be training with while you and I take care of those Armada creeps and we hopefully be able to free any humans inside and give them a new life".

Aiden then gave him his Chain sword whip that he had made and it turned out that he had made two of them and were both matchings.

Tun was excited with what he had received from Aiden and wanted to be the best he could be and to that Aiden said, "Tun let's train together okay?"

Tun look he was going to faint but Aiden dragged him to the forest to test his sword whip. As Tun learned incredible things from Aiden.

Tun was super excited.

Brix's Story:

For the past years, I was his dog while he allowed his old friends to die and to allow himself to look after his children, that was when I had it.

I snuck my son Aiden out to where had destroyed Earth and that invention that he made was worth the wait, Earth was fixed and it was my son Aiden who revived it.

I could only wish he isn't too upset with me because he hasn't seen me in 1000 years, I wonder if he'll hate me or not but what I do know is that he's my son.

And he'll be ready to take your father down, just know that Brix Treme ". After learning a chunk load from him, I could only hope Aiden listens.

I never had to find a sense of freedom and maybe, I will when I murder that Emperor that I call my father because all I want now is freedom.

The Money dead, the Missions Dead but this one, this one is where I earn my freedom once and for all and I'll bathe in glory as of doing it.

"Destination to Unknown in T Minus, 1 Hour". This trip is what's becoming Enjoyable.

An Offer:

Tun then left to the village while Aiden was left with dealing Brix. "The Armada has a bounty with your name on collecting your head.

and you know what that means, you dead, this whole planet destroyed and almost all of society around the universe under the control of technology".

"Not if I have anything to say about it, this was what I created and I'm proud of how much it has come to the image that I wanted to see it in.

And I'm not letting some machine human reject take it away from me, I couldn't give a damn who I have to face as along as it means that our home is safe".

Brix then came with an offer, "You and me Aiden, together with these people, we can use them to grind my father".


They have no redemption, heck they didn't care when they had destroyed Earth 1000 years ago and what I want to do is to get rid of technology once and for all".

Brix could see the burning passion in Aidens eyes, he could understand unlike any of the mercenaries, because he just wants to express life tech free.

Brix was willing to help but he had a cost, "Let's see if you can beat them". Brix then snapped his fingers and the team of mechanical soldiers arrived in ships.

"For now, I'm allowing you one day to defeat me or I'll show no mercy and to capture and allow you to watch everything that you have worked on.

Brix vs Aiden:

A giant laser preparing as it came to almost complete, Brix could still see that sense of desperation from Aiden and as it was complete.

Brix gave the order and the laser was sent to Antroia Aiden could see that everything in Antroia was turning lava red and then exploded.

Aiden was dead inside when he watched it be destroyed, he then yelled and tried to get out of the chains while Brix laughed at Aidens sudden cry.

Brix then began to feel pain and this time, it hurted him incredibly rapid and couldn't control, at first he thought it was the cells that was transferred in him.

Until his stomach opened itself and th parasite bursted out, leaving Brix in huge pain. "Why?!!! WHY????!!!!, THIS HURTS SO MUCH, I CANT .... STOP ITTTTTTT!!!!!!"

Tuns Plan:

When we came back in the room, we saw Aiden wasn't killing him, he was fixing him as well, "Listen Brix, I may not be a fighter but I have Tun and he along with Sera and Alicia all I can ask.

As for you, you don't deserve death, not by my hands but what you do deserve is freedom and that's what I'm offering to you, get rid of communications.

Get rid of any of these cells and whose idea was it to just put it in without even opening it? Most genius would know that you can heal pain with these things".

I watche as Brix then told him, "It was my father X Treme, he said this would kill me indefinitely if I open them". Aiden then laughed and said.

"Well that father needs to get his facts right he should know it affects human that have machines wedged into their body".


I went to Master Aiden while Ignoring Brix's fractured body. "They may be considered useful but thats the problem with them together.

When these types of powers are combined together, they lead a serious chemical reaction when it comes to the lives but not to a machine but to a living human.

And in this situation, the only proper way to fuse them without harming a life of a human then you have to divide the amount needed by how many you are using".

That look on Brix's faces made my spine shiver, "I can't believe this, he used me, he used me just to get rid of me, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!"

Aiden then fixed his chest and he didn't seem to feel the same that he had felt when the parasite in his body had exploded from.

What you do in life:

"..... Uhm Yes Sir". X gave him a scary look and said, "You don't know do you?" Eagor honestly said no. X was enraged and called in AD.

"AD, I have an assignment for you along with Kawzy, find Brix Treme and ensure that he is killed and do it properly!!! Understood?"

AD understood and called Kawzy, "The Emperor has sent a big bounty on the traitor Brix and he wants his head and this must be done immediately".

Kawzy seemed to have been excited about killing Brix due to his hatred against Brix with how much he was always harrased his family.

As AD and Kawzy left to get Brix's head but the problem was that Kawzy didn't realise that he was also killing his young cousin Aiden.

Kawzy, Tara and Aiden could feel a sudden shiver on their spines, they didn't understand what it was but Kawzy and Tara had ignored it.

But for Aiden, he could feel that this was something wasn't right and knew that he had to be prepared for what may happen. Brix then wanted to explore Antroia.


And there's no passion in you when you and me have our long rendezvous and you're currently sleeping as we speak with your .... enticing girlfriends.

But I wonde and it really makes me wonder if you really are dangerous as you say.

But then there's him, not the mercenaries, not the Emperor but the new vessel that requires all of them, he is still young and has not aged since forever and his mother?

Let's just say that she is in Antroia and she has yet to die so young Aiden Masters, find her and help her rescue her child and restore her happiness.

"You got it".

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