Chereads / The Master, Winter and Hero Series II / Chapter 279 - The Ritual

Chapter 279 - The Ritual

Please Note: The Paragraphs are two different parts of the story and you must figure out what you are actually and meant to be reading.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no it can be her... she... she has been gone for more than 800 years, how can she still be alive right? Ok Ramble calm down, you got this... you need to focus on how to save Aiden and Melissa... get away from me Elyssa im trying to figure a way to save them and it has become harder than a man I'm trying to sell you a biscuit which has the blood of a dog!!.... what you saw that before? What kind of world do I live in?!

Melissa woke up and found both her and Aiden again unconscious but this time in a room that was flashing red, "What happen... and what happened to you Aiden?... Aiden? Wake up Aiden... What the hell happened to you? ... Pulse... acting strangely to how a human works." Maybe it's because Aiden isn't a human, he's an On..... what?... fine he's a Dreadcross and a miracle happened as Aidens arm began to regenerate but his arm didnt grow normal as it metal armour around it as if he was some kind of knight.

"Wait pause and rewind there.... uncle... who is that woman exactly?" Amy that there is... your grandmother... a grandmother who is meant to be dead for more than 800 years... I just don't understand what's going on but all I can say is that you two aren't safe so it's best if you went to Khengguia with Edge and the others... this situation is too dangerous for you two to handle, "Oh please Uncle... I have powers... Amy has powers.. you have powers and also she has powers, we will be able to...." but you don't get it to do you? My Mother is a force to be reckoned with and she can annihilate the rest of the universe and she is way powerful than even I am capable of... I doubt technology will be able to stop her.

"(Groans) What happened? Melissa? What happened to my arm? Why do I look like a cursed knight?" Melissa then slapped him and replied, "Calm down boy! Until we can find a way out of here... there is no need to panic." But after saying that the walls around them began to come close to each other. "You were saying?" Melissa and Aiden had tried to stop the walls from coming into contact but there was no use as they were close to being squeezed, "GOD DAMN IT... STOP!!!" Aiden then punched the wall and it stopped and as they knew it, it began to crumble. "What just happened?" Melissa didnt care but all she did care about was escaping so she grabbed Aiden and... tried to look for an escape but all they could find was a trap door that was too small for them to escape, "Move aside squirt... let an expert do her job." She then called for a storm using her hands and it began to aggressively throw lightning bolts in hoping that some reaction occurred and Melissa heard some kind of reaction and heard the noise becoming louder and louder, lava began to come out. "Great job SQUIRTLE!!!" Melissa and Aiden then started to argue with each other when a door opened and they ran to the exit and shut the door, they saw an empty hallway and they made their way to the next door.

What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? why am I continuously saying 'What am I going to do?' when im supposed to find a way to rescue my nephew and niece?! "Hello! Mr bores a lot if youre did whining like a baby, we have a portal there and it has our name so you can... okay there he goes!" IM COMING AIDEN AND MELISSA, UNCLE RAMBLES GOING TO SHOW YOU WHO IS THE BEST GUARDIAN FOR YOU!!!! "Oh please... im their mother..." Oh please, Vampire!! "JUST GET TO RESCUING OUR BIG BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!" Right! "Right!"

As both Aiden and Melissa opened the door, they found themselves in an ocean which was filled with sea creatures and Melissa took off her clothes and was about to jump until... "Won't you take a second to observe where we are now?!" Melissa looked at Aiden and saw that he was covering his eyes and grabbed Melissa before she went into the ocean, "Look at that... they're not normal sea creatures... they're carnivorous sea creatures." Melissa tried to tell Aiden, "Nonsense."