Chapter 273 - Sky

"I can't believe that you're dating your twin sisters servant... what type of Master did I give birth to? I just can not believe that you're the type of person that would have a girlfriend like this!!! So what do you have to say for yourself, Aiden Masters?... I don't want to hear it!!

For more than 1000 years you had been by yourself as the only human who has defeated the Machine Kind and now you're having fun with the Breach King and I ain't talking about the ones that little boys have to wear!! For all, I know you could be Martis!!!!"

After Elyssa was done shouting at Aiden, "I am not Martis.... but that doesn't sound like a bad idea." Elyssa came out of her calm state and wanted to know about his and Skys relationship and that was when "Madam Masters... I was given orders to find X Treme but I encountered your son and... I panicked."

Aiden wanted to know more about Sky but Elyssa stood in front of Sky and said, "you ain't gonna do nothing boy... you're grounded for a month... you know what? Make it 3 for having an affair with a Breach!!!" Sky then explained to her that she and Aiden weren't in a relationship.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you but you are not listening to me... I met Sky but she had run away before I could get what I wanted out of her and that was... about this girl named Alice whom you had just given me a confirmation that she does exist so spill it."

Elyssa remembered saying that and she then took Sky and ran out of Aidens house leaving Aiden with disappointment at what he had just witnessed, "you know what? Girls I'm going to bed... don't stay out late and don't do anything reckless and I ain't playing when you do something stupid."

Aiden went to sleep and when morning doodled in, Aiden could tell that something wasn't right and no it wasn't that his socks stink but it felt like something was at work, he looked around the house and saw that the house was untidy and when he went to Amy and Annas room, he found them sleeping in their beds and when he saw what was on them, he had that odd feeling that Elyssa had returned and no surprise to Aiden, he found his mother sleeping in a coffin and she wasn't alone as Sky was with her.

"I can't believe that you came back after what you tried to accuse me of... never mind... now that you're here.. you have some explaining to do... who is Alice Masters?" Elyssa had that look on her face meaning that 'she couldn't hide it anymore and she went on explaining who Alice was.

"Alice... is your long lost sister... and not just that... he's your twin sister... by 5 minutes... can you believe that?.... okay I'll carry on when I took you to Earth, I had your grandfather raise Alice into being someone that could protect our home but that meant that she was spoiled everywhere she had the chance.

It was hard enough since I was still pregnant with Amy and Anna... and I worried that your sister would make them spoilt so I sent them both and as the years passed, she had to protect our home and we were able to do our job.

She doesn't know of your existence not do anyone in Vimbo (Being the home of Vlad and Elyssa as well as many other Masters) but she ed as she was before and I worry that it will get worse." Aiden couldn't believe what he was hearing, he had a twin sister and he never knew about it.

"I can't believe this mom... you've kept my existence a secret to Alice and yet here you are... talking to me when you should be telling her the truth... I'm going outside." Aiden then stormed out with frustration in his mind on what he needed to process.

He walked around town until he saw Alice and Tim as they were just casually having friends, Aiden watched from a distance and it took him back to the good old days when they were like a family back in Antroia, I guess Aiden hadn't gotten over the fact that Antroia was still gone.

"I see that you're missing your old friends, I wish I had one." Sky appeared behind Aiden which scared him, "Oh it's you... yeah, when it comes to friends... you need to be sure what type of friends you have because they may have a big impact on your life." Sky looked at Aiden.

Aiden then went to a shop which Skys appearance scared everyone.