Chapter 229 - Unnamed

Anna had prepared herself for what may be her final fight but she knew that if she wanted them to fight by their side then she would have to prove to them that she meant business but unfortunately she had to fight alone since she had challenged them and not Edge or Gem so all the others could do was watch and hope that she can succeed. The Leobonian said something in its own language in which Anna translated it saying, "They're saying that I'm not worthy and to let of this challenge while I still have the chance .... you muttonhead ... now it's on." The others could see the burning flames that were errupting in Anna's eyes and in her tummy when it turns out that she was hungry but she was ignoring it and carried on with the challenge, as they came closer to her, Anna attempted to use her powers to fight but it didn't work so she had to fight the old fashion way and .... uh .... let's just say that she won and .... FINE!!!! The three Khengghians were pummeling Anna and kept on repeating 'youre not worthy' and this only made Anna mad.

The others couldn't bear to watch Anna get pummeled but Edge surprisingly watched her with serious eyes .... what reason would Edge be doing nothing? His friend is getting in trouble and he is just sitting there as if she has this by herself. Anna felt like she was going to give up and they repeatedly said the same thing and this made Anna snap, "Okay!! So what? At first I was here for a stupid piece but now knowing that this awesome place is being enslaved by the likes of him!!! If I'm unworthy ... then ... I don't need to care about what you guys say because do you want know why? ... I'm going to stop this jerk with or without you!!! I QUIT!!!!" Anna then found it hard to breathe and Amy went to go and check her but she was attacked by the Sagsapians bow, Anna went to check up on her and saw that she was safe but was unfortunately dirty. "Come on Amy ... we don't need the likes of those jerks to be helping us ... if this is the way they do this then there's no point in even having them on our side ... because I have you Amy and Aiden and everything here ... you guys are my family ... a family that is worth my heart."

The Leobonian, The Sagsapian and the Taurleon then stepped forth to Anna and then said in English, "Well done Mistress Master ... you have passed the test .... this whole challenge was a test to see that you can't rely on everyone but you must choose always to stand alone or stand together and allow me to fix this my princess." The Leobonian then cleaned her dress and made it look all brand new and Lin then said, "What are even waiting for? We have someone to be dealing with and his name starts with A - R - K - C - O - N." Anna agreed and with that they went but not after seeing Kawzy being somewhat digitalised but Anna ignored it and wanted to focus on Fighting Arkcon and when they got where he was, they saw how his face had become twisted and tormented and it made them wonder what had he done to himself, "Like my new makeup ... I had enough of that pretty boy face so if you're going to be evil then you have to have a twisted face so here we are."

And now we've come to here being where Amy and Anna must face against Arkcon well mostly Anna but Amy helped with you know what so hope you all enjoy and let's be enjoy this battle at the next chapter.

Audience: Boooooooo.

Hey!!! I know where you live!!! .... uh civilized human.

Audience: Get on with it.

Whatever, for now ipe we'll be seeing you soon for the battle that is Anna and Arkcon.

Are we done? ... okay good because I am honestly tired of having to write these things and I honestly have a wife that needs me right now ... Toodles.