Chapter 218 - Secrets

Anna: What did you do Amy?

Amy: I don't know .. all I can remember was that I was screaming and I had my eyes closed but when I opened them, these gargoyles didn't even have a brain anymore.

Anna: I honestly don't even know how you do but good job though because you've exterminated them like a ... boss.

Amy: Oh please, I'm a princess and princesses are more superior to bosses and I couldn't have done it!

Maxwell: Enough! Let's just be glad that we're safe and that no one had gotten hurt .... anyway we should get moving now before more arrive.

Anna: Wait if that means you were able to do that then ... you're a superhero ... and that means ... I'm a superhero too and I've got unknown powers that are just waiting to be found!

Amy: I can honestly think that the only super power you would be having would be to remain dirty even after 100 showers.

Anna: Ah who asked you? I'm going to find out my powers on my own.

Maxwell: Anna! We can worry about that later but for now we need to get moving.

Anna, Amy, Maxwell and a few others then walked the broken streets hoping that there would be a sign that could help them but mostly for Amy and Anna since they are looking for the 6th piece but then they were attacked again but this time Anna tried to use her powers ... whatever they were but she had opened herself to an attack, thankfully Amy had saved her before anything bad could happen next.

Amy: You're welcome.

Anna: No thank you!

Maxwell: Good job Amy.

Others: Yeah, yeah you really showed those things whose boss.

Amy: For your information .. I'm a princess

Anna: Whatever ... think she so cool with that power ... I could do better than she could ever ... Aiden always did like me.

As they carried on walking, Maxwell had been attacked by a different type of beast and it looked ravenous, Amy tried to defeat it but it was wearing something that prevented sound from attacking it, it then charged to Amy but Anna stood in front of her to protect Amy but as it came close, it stopped in its tracks and the next thing it was doing was that it licked Anna countless times and she could see that she smelled like Acid but it didn't hurt her but it did the opposite and it was repairing the bruise that she had earlier when falling down. Maxwell was about to attack it, "HEY!!! Don't kill it ... he's just a friendly beast." Maxwell couldn't believe what he was hearing from her but then the others said to trust her and as Maxwell put the rifle down, the ravenous beast then acted like a puppy dog, "Aw you're such a cute little fellow aren't you? I want to keep it ... Wait if I'm keeping it then .. I need a name ... how about ... Marsh . no . Post ... no ... it's really hard to give a name really it is.

Wait .. I have the most awesome name to give him, I'll call you Edge ... yeah that has a good bell to it don't you agree guy?" they all looked at Anna with confusion on what to be saying but then Edge had became hostile as the same beasts from before had returned and they wanted Anna dead, Edge grabbed Anna and the others put them on top of him and made a run for it and Anna was enjoying how fast he was while the others didn't really enjoy it including Amy.