Chapter 216 - Masters

Since 480BC there has been a race of an advanced civilization that has done things that humans have and haven't done and they've been marked as resource to those that are desperate for power which was why this civilization went underground, destroying their original home planet and they had setteled in a dimension that has named itself ****** and they have dominance over all but then came the war between their mighty foe, The Gladtarons who have been in war with them since the Greek Times despite the species to be advanced, they have considered fighting as they have been targets to many other planets and never once have they had a chance to fight and the Gladtarons were perfect foes to face but both had made truces as they had came to draw and even to this day, they haven't broke this strict truce, the species don't go by any name but they are considered the 'Tools of Destruction' but what they've longed for was peace and there they had it in their dimension but it also meant that the had to break their connection to the Gladtarons but there was one thing that hasn't been broken and it was obviously the truce.

The Ancient Race has been considered to be in different shapes and sizes but the one thing that stays the same is their advancements but they had been aware of what the consequences were if they had been too reliable ... so they had trained day and night and to ensure that nothing and no one is to ever step foot nor harm this species. Out of the 1000 children that have been born, only one would be chosen as the one that can restore balance but most notably this dimension is the Origin of the First Ever Master, Aiden Neill Masters as he was described as the one that refused to surrender his home to any likes to conquer it and he was aware of many things around the world and came to the conclusion that the universe was cruel and it would take almost all of his strength to stop it .... but that day never came as the Master had deserted from his home and stayed on the Planet Earth and there he had 14 sons and they had worked as mercenaries behind historical events and as the civilization had became more and more advanced, the more Masters had been breeded but not by man and woman but where created by the stars.

It then came to Maxwell Masters who had fell in love with a human and then had children but the problem was that Maxwell was sterile so it meant that he couldn't have hybrid children so he had asked the stars and they gave him his first born son named N Masters and then 3 years came Maya Masters who both would fall in love and have children of their own but the problem was that N and Hiromi's first born children Tara and Zed had no Human DNA ... as if it had been drained right out of them but then came Aiden who was perfectly safe with his DNA which made him the first true hybrid but then came End Masters and soon Later Aidens younger sisters Amy and Anna who were clones made with Aidens blood. Despite being the first ever, he doesn't know of his true origins ... in fact ... none of them do because ... I haven't allowed them to know and I had to keep this a secret because if they knew then ... danger will only lurk soon enough - Aiden.