Chapter 176 - The Truth

"Yes, yes you were the fugitive that went loose and when we got you in our secret base, we had to wake up your brain and find more about you since we truly didn't know who you really was. End let go of Alex .. this man hasn't done anything wrong." End then looked at Melissa but Ramble then said, "I believe him." Melissa and Alex were shocked with what Ramble was saying, "My daughter Luan didn't deserve any of the pain she had, I knew she was doing her job because I was watching her to make sure that she was safe but when it came to reality when I saw that she was being abused and sent down to the lowest rank of ... a janitor ..... you caused all of this? Didn't you Alex? You lead my daughter to be driven insane and now she doesn't have anyonr to be there and I CAN EVEN BE THERE FOR HER!!!" End then interrupted what Ramble was saying and said himself, "She has me now and I'm going to make sure that I keep her safe ... no matter who tries to hurt her ... she's my friend and I'm not allowing anything to happen to her."

End then let go of Alex and left the store with Ramble and Melissa to having to deal with Alex and he could hear Alex screaming and opening the door begging for End to help him, he then went back to Luan's apartment where he saw a man who seems to have been the landlord tell her that she was being evicted and he could hear her begging him for an extension, "Sorry love but I have no choice but to do this and ...." End recognized that British accent and went inside to be reunited with Chant, "End thank goodness you're still safe .. man we didn't know what would've happened if you didn't give us time ... what happened? End let me see, I'm telling you to show me what you're .... what did they do to you? You're all bruised up." End then explained the whole thing and how Luan saved him from dying, "Wow I'm shocked to realise that pretty face was the one behind all the attacks and ... I guess your debt is half paid and you get another month, just .. get me the rent on time."

She then smiled and hugged End for saving her, "I don't really know how to thank you." End then said, "It's okay Luan ... maybe if you join us ... yeah why not? And you're the best medic that I can't even say no to your offer ... if you were offering in joining us." Luan hesitated and remembered everything that has been happening to her and starting wasn't all that bad so she accepted and they all hugged it out. "What were you doing outside End? You sounded serious when you left the Apartment." Luan knew what he was doing and questioned why he did it, "I did it because I hated seeing you cry and when I first met you ... you were so pretty and don't get me wrong when I say that your sister is pretty but ... you was someone who was willing to help me ... although you wouldn't if you were in the ..." Luan then hugged him and said, "I know that you big lump, I just don't want you to get hurt because of something ridiculous that was connected to my cause." End then held her hand and said, "When I'm with you ... there's no reason why I don't want to and I want you to know...."