Chapter 129 - The End

Ramble then put his finger on Melissa's lips and tried to convince End to not be dating his step daughter, "Dad if you can't accept my decision .... then what's the point in having to be your daughter .." End then interrupted them both and told her that it couldn't work, "Melissa, You're very pretty and you're always easy going but .... I haven't been with my family for years and the last thing that I want to see from you is ..... having to fight your dad, It made me feel lonely inside and to only find a way on freeing my mother and being with my siblings and don't get me wrong ... you're the best person that I could ever meet ... although we have known each other for an incredibly short while but it doesn't mean that I want to be with you, I have to allow you and dad to decide if I'm perfect to be your love interest and if he says yes to me ... then I'll be willing to protect you as much as I can." he then saw Ramble crying at the corner and went to check on him while Melissa was frozen in time, "Just stay back you monster, you win, you have won my daughter's heart and you've won mine .... please MARRY ME!!!!"

"The boss Is having his meltdowns again and as for Melissa, she hasn't been like this before which is very interesting and I honestly want to see what happens next, oh allow me to introduce myself ... I'm Luan and I'm kind of Melissa's younger twin sister ... I know we don't look different .. it's because of how she dyed her hair blonde while I kept mine brown, I look forward to working with you End Masters." She then offered her hand of friendship and End was about to shake it until Melissa grabbed his hand and she clenched it with all of her force. Meanwhile in Melissa's mind, she was thinking on what End had said which she honestly had started to remember from her past, "I'll promise that I'll protect you." and the next she snapped and she pressed herself on Ends shoulder and he could see her eyes actually turning into red hearts and actually saw them change as Ramble tried to break them up, her eyes changed black skulls and this made Ramble and Luan scared.

"Sorry sir but I hate to be ruining this introduction but we have urgent issues to be dealing with ... come quickly." As they all followed the red haired Agent, they saw the storm taking shape and it looked mad about something and it was looking straight as End, it tried to attack the facility when it spoke, "We wAnT ThE BOy tO SuRRenDER tO Us aS He iS tHE Key and we demand him immediately and we won't stop until he has surrendered." As it took shape, it resembled someone that Aiden would know best but Ramble and Melissa along with the whole Agency didn't know what to do as they were having to choose either surrender End or all die from it, End then walked to where he had found the exit and he had surrendered himself to the storm and while he approached closer to it, he felt more empowered than he usually was and the storm was growing smaller and smaller and the fact was that it didn't seem to mind but instead told him that he needed to stay with Melissa and the others as they needed his help, "I know about your family after all your brother did spectate my fight but here I am and he doesn't know and do me a favour and don't tell him about this encounter and if you're lucky... as you stay here, you'll be able to find the one that brought you here so all I can say is good luck Masters and make sure that you are careful here as this dimension is challenging."

As he disappeared, the facility was back to where it was in Earth while End was on the ground, confused on where he was, "You did it End!!! I knew you could do it sweetie, that's my lover for you my friends." End then walked off as he was exhausted on what he had to go through and he needed his energy for what he had to do next and that was to stay in this dimension while working Ramble and Melissa, "All I ask is that I don't have to be doing anything that means I'm not bait." Ramble watched as End walked off in the distance with Melissa, "Uhm dad ... what are you doing?" Luan asked as she was confused on what Ramble was doing, "I'm trying to look like a badass Sweetie and now done."