Chereads / The Master, Winter and Hero Series II / Chapter 80 - Welcome to T4000

Chapter 80 - Welcome to T4000

Ramble then called both Sera and Aiden to Limbo to tell them that it was starting and to remember the rules of teleporting to a different dimension. "Thanks again Ramble I owe you big."

Ramble: Oh silly Aiden, juuuuust make sure that you're both back with Alicia in 14 days or you'll both be trapped in that dimension forever and I know you pretty well Aiden and you'll refuse to stay there but for Sera, she may enjoy it, oh I forgot to tell you, since this 'is' a parallel universe, your parallel future relatives will be there and make sure that neither of you interact with one another because it will lead to a chain reaction to the other Ramble, since he and I are both Demon Lords, we both signed a contract that 'if any other parallel universe has any sort of affair then this leads to the destruction of both universe. What I may suggest is not to do anything with anybody that may look familiar and you alternative characters will be there so make sure you don't do anything that involves anything ... stupid, do I make myself clear?

Aiden and Sera looked at each other and knew that this was for the sake of Alicia so they had to do it, even if it meant not encountering their alternative selves and went to use the machine but when it activated, they were both sucked in and the next day when they both wake up.

They were both sleeping in the same bed in the same room, but when Aiden woke up, he saw that Sera holding him tight and thought it would be better if he didn't wake up.

He then looked out of the mirror and saw the year 4000 and wasn't really to what he was seeing, futuristic cars, shiny buildings and everything was too advanced and was smart like Aiden.

"Welcome Master Aiden, is there anything that you or your girlfriend will require?" When he heard girlfriend, it must've meant Sera, as Aiden was already too stressed with what was going on.

He saw that a girl was being harassed by a guy in an alleyway, he went down as quickly as he could, he was able to make it but the robber saw him and ran off, leaving the girl behind.

"Hey are you okay? HEY!!! Get back here!!!" he was already gone, Aiden them went to check on the girl and it resembled her of Alicia but he knew that it was different to the Alicia he knew.

"Sorry are you okay? Did he take anything?" she then replied, "Yes ... thank you and goodbye." she then took her stuff and then ran away from Aiden, Aiden was already aware that there were things that will always stick with until you die or that's what he thought.

As he went back to where he was taking with Sera, he could her cry and as he got there, she looked at the bed and then at Aiden and she then began to cry and screamed, "You jerk!!! I can't believe you did this to me!!!! You have to take responsibility for this aren't you?!!! Aren't you?!!!"

Sera believed that both Aiden and her just made a baby, that was when Aiden asked, "Why would you think that?" she then told him the story that her father told him, "When a male Antropian and a female Antropian sleep together, a baby pops out of the females belly."

Aiden: You can not be serious, you actually believe that?

Sera: Then how do you make a baby?

Aiden couldn't say how to do it because it was too embarrassing to say it to a girl.

Aiden: I .. think ... we need ... focus on finding Alicia.

Sera: Are you trying to dodge the question?

Aiden: Yes because its something that you really shouldn't know at a young age.

Sera: How old do you think I am? 10? I can know how to make a baby!!!!

Aiden: (Sighs) Fine .... if you want to know .... then .... I'll tell you.

Aiden then whispered everything about making babies to Sera and when he finished, he could see tears coming out of her eyes.

Sera: I really shouldn't have asked.

Aiden: Well now you know.

Sera: I think we should focus on finding Alicia, don't you?

Aiden: You think?

Aiden and Sera put their arguement aside and just got changed while Sera was still scarred from what she had to know from Aiden.

As they left the apartment they were in, someone went up to them and said "Hey you two do realise that you're going to be late, right?"

Aiden and Sera were confused by what they were talking about so that's why they called Ramble and as they did, he appeared.