Chereads / The Master, Winter and Hero Series II / Chapter 76 - ANTROPIAN Form

Chapter 76 - ANTROPIAN Form

Well hello there boys and girls, I hope you all a fan of Ramble ... no .... nobody? Oh alright I'll just get on with the show, it's not like I'm paid enough.

Okay let's see .... Huh... what's ... what's going on to the .... why is my show showing static .... who... is .... it

Katherine Killer: Katherine Killer here to give you your daily news, first of I decided to get catched up myself and at least know the whole plot line.

... oh how pathetic ..... my EX husband .... is ... trying to ..... get ...

Ramble: Ah that's better and as I was saying, I we wanted to go through the whole plot to those who aren't aware of what may happened and ...

What? that's not what I was supposed to be doing but instead watch Aiden and Sera are going to do next? Ugh fine, but I expect some donuts in my dressing room.

End the clip and just go to Aiden and Sera because there is something juicy that you may need to know fellow Viewers, now Toodles.

"Dad do you really have to be like that, it's embarrassing, especially with them watching."

Ramble: What's wrong with that, it's the best that I can do for the fellow Viewers watching.

The End

Aiden along with young AD then lied down on the ground and looked at the pretty stars that started to arrive, Sera joined him and asked.

"Aiden what was the like the best moment of your life? Because lots of things had happened and what you had done, it was incredible."

Aiden then thought about what was the best moment and then he thought, "I guess it would've been meeting Alicia for the first time.

Although she was stubborn at times and seemed to have been interested in what I was doing in Antroia but she may have realise that she was chosen.

Along with you and Tun but for me the freedom of this place and even without my help, it had turned into something so beautiful and I couldn't imagine it as anything else.

Hey Sera, can I touch that?" He then pointed at Sera's fin and she allowed him to do it, as he touched it, he could feel something wonderful.

Sera did shiver as the sensation was too much for her so Aiden had stopped and asked, "What's the best moment for you Sera?"

Sera answered quickly, "I guess it would be that I met you Aiden and how much my father wanted you to marry me, oh by the way.

We still need to talk about the wedding arrangements as you are marrying me aren't you?" The wedding, Aiden had forgotten about it and as he stood up.

He felt a bit weary until falling into the ocean, Sera was about to go and save.her until she saw a Shark Antroian and it said, "Don't worry Sera I'm fine."

Sera then fainted as she realised who it was, Aiden recognised it too late as he went to check on Sera, when she checked her pulse.

He saw that his body looked different and then he lead out a giant scream in which the others were able to find him but when they did.

They saw that an Aiden in his Shark Antroian form but didn't even realise it was him so they wanted to know where he was and what happened.

"Guys it's me Aiden, I'm the Shark Antroian. Isn't that kind of cool?" they all said 'whaaatttttt?' in unison and when Ulf, Phin and Owen saw him.

They explained what they had done, "Well what happen is that when we thought you had died but in reality you were too damaged.

We offered our life force to you but the dangers of this was that it can lead to death and for us, we were willing to die to save you.

But then those nanoparticles saved both you and us and were able to be reborn once again, it seems when we gave you our life force.

We also gave you the ability to transform into Antropians but theres still fact to remain, can you transform into your animal form?"

Aiden then tried to transform into a wolf in which he did and Ulf found that as entertaining and exciting as he thought that meant another friend.

"Now my boy, this doesn't mean you're really Antroian, it just means that you're someone who was given the powers of the Antropians.

But what I must say is that you don't over use them because powers like them are only meant for those that were born from the DNA.

It kills those that aren't and if you do use it then .... you're doomed." AD started crying so Alicia decided to take of him while Aiden sorted out Sera.