Chapter 27 - Tun's Plan

Master Aiden had many incredible plans that I had to follow but I wanted to do one to show that I can plan things by myself and see that I can be resourceful.

When we said our goodbyes to Sera, I began unfolding my own plan, I allowed Master Aiden to get us into one of the ships and when we did.

This Brix would've been coming for Aiden but when he did come and Aiden pushed both me and Alicia, that was when my plan was ready to unfold.

I took Aidens device and seeing how he had used it, I was able to steer 4 ships down and ensuring that all of Antroia was going to be safe in orbit.

We had everyone thankfully but the bad part about it was that there wasn't much space and we could be able to hold all of them so everyone turned into their Human forms.

Which I found no different because they were still squished together but putting that aside, Almost all of us watched as the destruction of our home took place.

I was panicking about what to do, this wasn't part of the plan but then I found something about a special form of parasites.

"if we are able to contact them, then we can negotiate them to help us with fixing Antroia because look here, 'Unique abilities; time manipulation'.

So that means they're the key to fixing Antroia but ... it's coming with a price, their bodies will resolve in dust particles if they do something incredibly big".

I didn't know what to do, risk a parasites lives just to save Antroia or allow Antroia to become nothing and Aidens head is given to the emperor.

"We have to do it. Blur, Jin I need you two to take care of the machines inside that large armada ship, here take my sword, it's the only thing that can stop it".

Blur and Jin took the task and went to the ship while Tun communicated with the parasites and found out that they're both in Aiden and Brix.

I tried sending a signal wave to them or whatever this may be called but all that I could was that they understood it and help us.

I, Alicia and Sera went along with Blur and Jin to take care of the Armada, after countless amount of machines destroyed, I told Blur and Jin to return.

While me, Alicia and Sera went to rescue Aiden. When we got there, we could see that Brix was bleeding from his stomach while Master Aiden looked dead.

We then watched as the whole planet of Antroia be revived and it was thanks to them and we saw the very last time as they turned into Dust.

We went to help Aiden who was glad to see us and so were we. We weren't ready to lose Aiden, he has given a lot of things and it was time to pay it forward.

I then explained the whole plan and was glad that we were able to stop in time and that was when I saw two mercenaries who seemed to have been smiling.

They dashed off when I saw them, I thought I was imagining things but I didn't allow that to distract me. Brix then wanted Master Aiden to kill him.

Aiden then picked up his chain sword whip and was going to stab it right where his heart was and Brix didn't seem to care about it, in fact he was smiling.

We couldn't allow this to happen, even after what had happened, we were about Aiden until Aiden put his sword and just open his chest.

"You guys may want to either leave the room or close your eyes because this may get ugly". I wasn't allowing myself to see more blood so we all left.

When we came back in the room, we saw Aiden wasn't killing him, he was fixing him as well, "Listen Brix, I may not be a fighter but I have Tun and he along with Sera and Alicia all I can ask.

As for you, you don't deserve death, not by my hands but what you do deserve is freedom and that's what I'm offering to you, get rid of communications.

Get rid of any of these cells and whose idea was it to just put it in without even opening it? Most genius would know that you can heal pain with these things".

I watche as Brix then told him, "It was my father X Treme, he said this would kill me indefinitely if I open them". Aiden then laughed and said.

"Well that father needs to get his facts right he should know it affects human that have machines wedged into their body".