Chereads / Dan's Talking Crypto Kitty / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 Dreaming of the Crypto Cat

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 Dreaming of the Crypto Cat

Chapter 4 Dreaming of the Crypto Cat

That night when I came home from the paranormal experience with the cat, I had a dream. Till this point I had unconscious changes to the knowledge I had acquired from the Crypto Kitty. Start my own business and get the hell out of my parents place. I thought it was just a sudden spark in my being. Just tired of being down and lame all of the time. What was the worst thing that could happen if I gave it all towards something? I could fail like the other aspects of my life, or I just needed one to go my way and succeed. I told myself let's go for that one. The book writing thing is a long story going back to funny names I published when I was a student worker. For example, Mohamed Behairy, no offense but middle eastern people are kind of hairy. So, am I, but you get the point? It wasn't much of a book, but it was funny. I made some money out of it when it was first published. My mind pointed towards more quality books. Longer books that peak the mind of intelligence and success. So, we started writing books on current events and technology stuff. The popular things people were looking forward to learning. But it turns out that all of this motivation was not really coming from me, it was the cat pushing me. Cats are devious and tricky animals. Always looking out for themselves and not really giving a damn about anyone but their stinky butt's. I get it, I don't hate, but everyone needs a friend. Was I going to trust some low life cat who is tired of his owner? I wasn't sure I could do that to my uncle. He has weird hate/love towards his cats. As you presume to be right, he has had a long line of cats as compared to unemployment checks he's collected along his journey. As I said before, whatever he does in his own bedroom alone on the computer is his own business. I try not to judge, but when I hear these sorts of things, well you know what comes next…. Maybe the cat was too smart for him or the cat new his poor caregiving skills. After all this is his 7th cat, man!!! I mean come on, if you need a 7th cat might as well get something bigger. Why me though? Why is the cat on my imaginary tail, this is not the first time I had seen it? Did it acquire some sort of magical powers? Was it struck by lightning? Maybe I should ask my uncle, shit bad thought. Damn, there is a good chance I may mess this up. I don't want my uncle thinking I'm into the cat. I have never shown any interest in his other cats.

Cat- "Steal me Dan, take me to my pleasure zone, make me feel good. I need to get away from this boring as middle-aged freak. He feeds me the same shit; I want some juicy fish and chicken."

Dan- Who is talking to me in a sexy Italian voice?

Cat- "Yoooo fool It's me. "

Dan- "Aww!!!!!, what the hellll!!! This must be a dream or something."

Cat – "Forget about it. But don't forget about it. Listen to me very carefully. I hate living with this moron, he's going to lose all of his money in the bank and stock market. It's coming sooner than anyone thinks. What will happen to me? I need someone bright enough and computer savvy to make some money and give me a pleasurable life I deserve."

Dan- "Listen cat I am dead broke and live with dumb people, called my parents. You want for me to somehow take you away and give you all of the pleasures you desire?"

Cat– "I know you are not the brightest person in the area or the world, but everyone is dead asleep. I tried talking to your uncle and to his wife, and some other idiots who come over. Heck I tried running along the street, but people run away, when I speak to them. My owners think they are crazy, so they pop them pills. For reason people on any medical pills can't be reached. It's as if they are zombified. Thank God you are the only one close enough to understand me."

Dan- "This is too much for me now. I am unemployed no prospects, no job or money. I just started a small book publishing company that is finally making enough for me to move out with my business partner. And a cat is trying to convince me to do what again?"

Cat– "Listen to meeee, you dummy!!!! I have a plan for all your evil around you to go away. You've been cursed and you don't even see it. Haaaaaahaaaaaaa!!!!! It's not really you who is messing up, it's them messing with you. You have the hidden hand write in front of you. What I mean by that is your mind. I can read your mind by accessing your higher self-records. For example, when you told your grandmother you were going to become a millionaire. What did she say or do? She shrugged it off and called you a loser, and said it would never happen. She also said when she becomes a ballroom dancer, then maybe you will become a millionaire. That's a small curse on top of your head. But there are bigger hidden ones as well. I know how to lift them and turn them into your favor. "

Dan- "You just blew my mind kitty. It all makes sense now, I am destined for greatness, and it's just a matter of figuring it out. And if you are for real this can turn my life around."

Cat– "Listen up Guru, you have not a clue as of yet what the hell is going on. You need to wake the hell up, and let me guide you. First you must quickly expand your business, think hard. As long as can you afford your own place and have some investment money on the side we are in business. This should only take you 2 months. Second you will need at least one other person or more to help you. You can't handle this task alone."

Mean as bitch cat, but he might be right.

Cat– "Third, rent an apartment. Fourth and most important thing is getting me the hell out of here man. I need to setup for myself a nice and secured place. This fool is going to be broke in a couple of years or so. "

Dan- "Shouldn't I warn my uncle of his impeding monetary demise?"

Cat– "Nooooooooooo, if he didn't listen to me why the hell would he listen to a broke as idiot?"

Dan- "Good point kitty, you are pretty smart."

The cat really was not in the mood, moving it face with unimpressed expressions left and right, up and down. I could not wake up from this dream. I tried everything but it kept on going.

Cat– "I'm leaving the plan on the kidnapping all to you. But you better not fuck it up man. Just call for me and I will come the stairs, or I'll be outside. I know this will go over your head and you may have seconds doubts. But what I am going to tell you now will blow your mind. Buy bitcoin now it will become the new future currency of the world. Today it is at $214. Watch it hit $1,000 real soon and all of the hype with it. Invest a few thousand into it and by the time 2 years elapses we should be doing really good."