The training was surprisingly dull for the next few days. Cornelius would teach little Ed, however, most of the time it was nothing more but "discovering dormant abilities" or as Cornelius liked to call it "awakening innate abilities, that you should've been capable of either way." The spectral figure explained everything as if it was a natural thing, almost as if it was more surprising that his protégée could not already perform magic. The couple of days did bear fruitful, however, as the young man was now capable of flowing magic through his eyes as easily as he could walk.
The gentleman-like styled man was not surprised nor was he ever during the few days, not by the progress of his pupil, not by the unending dark, and not by the passing of time.
"This is the feeling that people have when they look at me? I don't even know what this all means." The pupil asks his teacher, trying to get something of an explanation. Something which Cornelius was not fond of unless it was in his plans.
"The common term for it is "appraisal." It gives an estimation of a person's arcane abilities at the very least and other things depending on one's sight."
"That doesn't sound specific." The pupil responds struggling to believe that the spell would truly alter itself depending on the person. Math was universal, it followed laws, so why wouldn't magic?
"It wasn't meant to be…. Magic is after all an extension of yourself. There might be some commonalities for certain, but its true strength that's for its wielder to find out."
"Ah yes, and before you ask. "Appraisal" is handy, but it can also be avoided or even prove dangerous. No magic is perfect." Cornelius says twirling his fingers in the pitch-black dark. "Not yet at least."
'What would happen if I try to appraise him'? The pupil thinks to himself as his emerald eyes flicker with a short green light. immediately the reincarnate feels his head become heavier as he slows down as if he was in a daze.
"Quite the quick learner, aren't you? It does seem you're reincarnated after all." Cornelius comments as he feels the emerald eyes come up with an interesting little idea.
"Were you really doubting that?" The reincarnated boy responds with a slight gnarl. Slightly offended as the one he apparently "summoned" seems to hold quite a lot of doubt. Even when he told him everything truthful.
"I mean no offense, little Ed, but reincarnates are famous for having unique abilities and learning faster than their peers. I don't have a comparison for you." Cornelius says followed by a slight chuckle. If not for anything else, it was abundantly clear that the spirit liked teasing his pupil.
The being trained pupil frowns when he's called "little Ed." It wasn't necesarrily the mockery that caused harm. The accompanied memories however were, some clear and some vaguer than he remembers. Sometimes making him wonder if he made it up entirely. Neither of the times did it feel good.
"What should I try next?" He asks, the pupil asks. Eager to continue learning. Eager in general just be doing something, to keep him busy.
"Walking faster, I'm not trying to make this trip 3 years." Cornelius responds dryly as he notices little Ed starting to walk slower.
The 2 years would prove rather fruitful for the odd pupil teacher combination. It seems both sides had some complaints, especially the reincarnate with his teacher as some "days" Cornelius would simply not teach him and even keep quiet. The first time it happened, he was so confused and angry that the pupil had to hold himself back from hitting his guide and teacher. Luckily for the teacher, he had a lot of bargaining power. The idea of eternal darkness and no more magic not so thrilling for the reincarnate. What was even stranger of those days was that Cornelius would act as if nothing happened the day after, teaching him various helpful mana related matters and general life lessons. Even giving him general history lessons.
The realm is known as a "creation realm." "A rather depressing one" Cornelius added admittedly as he looked around. A realm called Appolyian, filled with demons, devils and other races. It lies close to another realm called Genesias, from Cornelius's description a pure fantasy like world: Elves, dwarves, humans capable of magic. It sounded marvelous for the pupil. Far better than this depressing place at least.
Besides that Cornelius continued to discuss Appolyian more exactly it's "customs." Or the rather lack there off. To understand Appolyian one should understand it's mythos.
At one point in Genesias there were two goddesses of light. Asariel and Luciel, sunrise and sunset. Both were revered on their continent, the twin goddesses living together with their believers. Angelic like figures leading other angels and their faithful. Then on one inconspicuous day, Luciel came to discover another realm. One not blessed by the gift of light. She also wished to give them their blessing, the demon, and devil filled realm. Asariel was having none of it. The fall-out between the two of them becoming even bigger as Luciel ignored her sister's words and gave Appolyian light. Their relationship would never return to what it once was as one day the two goddesses battled between them. Luciel beaten by her sister was banished from Genesias, to rule Appolyian on her own. Losing her angelic form and becoming a mixture of a devil and what she once was. To honor their divine she was referred to as "The first devil." Asariel became blinded by the battle and created the sun. To govern in her stead as she disappeared from Genesias.
Luciel, now malformed to something else grew weary and hateful. Allowing anything under her rule as long as one had the strength to do so. The city named "Lucille's Light," after her gift had become nothing more than a lawless battlefield where only the strong now resided.
It was evident why Cornelius told his pupil. To not show any weakness, to not show any mercy. These individual are bred and grown with those lacking values in mind. Not doing so would only be foolish and a death wish. One that neither wished on the reincarnate.